Thursday, April 25, 1940 Pa ere Six Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon NEWS By A. L. LINDBECK O Worst Polluters o Political Front o 3 Million Business Salem. Carl E. Green state san itary engineer told the Board of Control that state institutions are among the worst offenders in the matter of stream pollution. Until the state does something about this problem, Green said, the sanitary authority can not very well insist upon municipalities install ing sewage disposal plants. Green pointed out that state in stitutions south and east of Salem were polluting Pringle creek by dumping waste into' that stream while the eastern Oregon state hos pital at Pendleton is guilty of pol luting the waters of the Umatilla river. Green said that a preliminary in vestigation has indicated that it would be cheaper for the state to pipe the sewage from the institu tions in the vicinity of the capital city into Salem than it would be to install sewage disposal plants at the institutions. The cost of this program Green estimated at $50,000. The Board asked the sanitary engineer to proceed with detailed studies of the sewage problem at the several institutions with a view to presenting a definite recommen dation for its solution to the next legislature. Award of a door prize at a cook ing school or similar event consti tutes a lottery in violation of the state law, according to Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle. Attend ance at the school, the attorney gen eral holds, is the price paid for a chance at the prize. In the same opinion the state's legal adviser held that injection of a quiz contest into a "bank night" does not remove such a procedure from the realm of chance and it still remains a lottery. One-third of the $11,G05,802 in benefits distributed by the Unem ployment Compensation commission since January 1, 1938, has been spent for food, a survey conducted by the UCC has revealed. Sixteen percent of the benefit payments went for rent, another 16 percent was spent for "home operations" and 10 per cent went for clothing. The re mainder of the money paid out to jobless workers was spent for trans portation, doctor and dentist bills, recreation, education, church and charity and miscellaneous items. The state highway department has received word from Washington to the effect that the bureau of public roads has approved the ex penditure of funds on 61 miles of federal aid roads in this state dur ing the next fiscal year beginning July 1. O. D. Adams, state director for vocational education, has received word of his selection as advisor on the National Broadcasting company's public service program. The basis for this recognition is understood to have been Mr. Adams' leadership in the field of vocational education. Adams is a national vice-president of the American Vocational asso ciation. The State Board of Control has been advised that the Works Pro gress administration has approved a grant of $49,404 for use at the Fairview Home. This fund will go toward the employment of labor in improving the grounds at the insti tution and in constructing a new poultry plant and other buildings. All has been comparatively quiet on Oregon's political front since the. candidates took the state hoiise by storm on April 1 in their eleventh hour rush to get into the race. Ex cept for quiet reconnaisance tours into the field on the part of individ ual candidates there has been no activity to indicate that a major battle of the ballots is in the offing some three weeks hence. STATE CAPITAL However, the political pot can be expected to at least reach the sim mering stage within the week with the Young Democrats meeting at Corvallis Friday and Saturday of this week to resolute and possibly to endorse and the Commonwealth Federation scheduled to gather in the new capitol here at Salem on Sunday to do some resoluting and endorsing of their own. The major development of the past week was the announcement by Willis Mahoney, late of Klam ath Falls but more recently of Port land and Washington, D. C, that he has decided not to run for the Dem ocratic ' nomination for Congress in the third Oregon district. Mahoney's decision is said to have followed scouting expeditions through his dis trict which revealed him as a poor third in the three-sided primary race. His withdrawal leaves the field to Nan Wood Honeyman, vet eran state senator from Multnomah county who would like to try her hand at lawmaking in the larger field back at the national capital. Business is booming in Oregon's industries if reports to the State Industrial Accident commission can be accepted as any indication of bus iness conditions. Industrial payrolls in the state for the first three months of 1940 hit a new high mark at $39, 131,885, reports to the commission show. This was $3,300,000 ahead of the first three months of 1939 and $6,000,000 more than was paid out to industrial workers in the first quarter of 1938. That employment in this state is still on the upgrade is indicated by reports for March which show industrial payrolls to have been approximately $1,000,000 ahead of February, with 127,174 men employed for an increase of 11,000 over March, 1939. The World War Veterans State Aid commission is in the real estate business to the tune of more than $3,000,000, according to a report by Jerrold Owen, executive secretary to the commission. Properties taken over by the commission to protect the state's investment through bonus loans and now being offered for sale include 452 farms and 827 city properties. Owens' report indicates that, in the experience of this com mission, city properties for which the state paid $3,811,623 have been sold at a profit of $80,579. On the other hand the commission has tak en a loss of $33,164 on farm proper ties in which it had $1,503,752 in vested. . ' A total of 121 applicants for ad mission to the Oregon bar will take the examinations in July, according to Arthur S. Benson, clerk of the state supreme court. This will be the largest class since 1929 when 124 applicants took the test with 78 of the ' number passing. Six of the 121 applicants in the class this year are women. The largest class on record in this state, Benson pointed out, was that of 1913 when 160 applicants took the test with 131 being admitted to the bar. In 1919 and again in 1920 only 30 ap plicants took the bar examinations. Youth Held for "Snitching" Car Gordon Forester, 15, of Dayton, Wash., is being held in the county jail charged with larceny of an au tomobile. The youth worked a cou ple of days last week at the R. B. Rice farm and was sent over to Edward (Puff) Rice's place to help out for a little while. He cancluded to go to Spokane and appropriated "Puff's" car for the trip. The chief of police at Pullman recognized the car and arrested the driver. Forester's parents have been no tified of the youth's escapade and requested to appear in his behalf. ALICE LATOURELL DIES News of the death of Alice Lat ourell, former Heppner girl, was received in Heppner last Thursday evening. Death was due to a gun shot wound, according to report in the daily- press. Alice was the fos ter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Latourell, formerly of Heppner and residents of Cutler City for several years. Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis pose of surplus stock. BOARDMAN NEWS Junior-Senior Frolic Set at Board man By MRS. CLAUD COATS Mrs. N. A. Macomber and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Petteys and children visited Mrs. Macomber's mother, Mrs. McReynolds, who is ill in St. Anthony's hospital at Pendleton, on Monday. Miss Esther McGrew was in Port land last week end visiting friends and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Klitz and small son of La Grande were here visiting his mother, Mrs. M. Klitz. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and children visited Mr. Pettey's mother in Pendleton a few days last week. Friday, April 26, is the date of the annual senior frolic which is given in the school gymnasium. The Troubadors are furnishing the mu sic. This dance is always the main dance of the year and is well known for its attendance and decorations. The hall this year is being decor ated in green and pink, the senior class colors. It is sponsored by the junior class for the seniors. Mrs. Claud Coats, Miss Echo Coats, Miss Esther Jones and Mrs. Dan Ransier were shopping in Walla Walla Tuesday. Senior . class night exercises will be held in the school auditorium on May 10. Everyone is invited to at tend. Baccaulaureate services will be held in the community church on May 5, with Rev. Walpole in charge. Commencement exercises will be Thursday, May 16, in the school auditorium. The public is invited to all these events. ' ATTEND SOCIAL WORK MEET Miss Lucille Vale, county health nurse, and Mrs. Clara Beamer re turned Sunday from Portland where on Thursday, Friday and Saturday they attended a social workers con ference at the Multnomah hotel. An outstanding feature of the con ference was an address by Miss Katherine Lenroot of the children's bureau of the department of labor, Washington, D. C, who spoke on the results of the White House confer ence on child health. The Portland conference had a direct bearing on the work being done by the health association in Morrow county. Dallas Wins Pilot's License at Oregon University of Oregon, Eugene, April 24. Nick Dallas, Heppner has passed the final flight under a civ ilian authority examiner at the University of Oregon to receive his private pilot's license. All ground school training at the university came to an end for the present Civil Aeronautics Authority course with the final examinations last week, Carlton E. Spencer, air school head announced. Actual flight tests by official government examin ers constitutes the last hurdle be fore the remaining trainees are eli gible for private licenses. Private flight permits allow passenger fly ing on a non-commercial basis, Mr, Spencer pointed out. Further train ing is necessary before the pilots can qualify for commercial air activity. Dallas, one of four to pass the tests, is a graduate of Long Beach Polytechnic school and is a fresh man in arts and letters. He is the son of Mrs. E. M. Dallas and is af filiated with Beta Theta Pi. ESTRAYED Three head Hereford cows, one 2-year-old, brand invisi ble; two 4-year-olds branded CHC. Anyone knowing of these animals please notify W. C. McClintock, lone, Ore You may smile at safety, but you :an't laugh off an accident. can POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SHERFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Morrow County subject to the will of the Republican voters at the May 17, 1940, primary election. i r T (Pd. Adv.) ELBERT L. COX. J. U. I Umef FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT ATTORNEY AT LAW I hereby announce that I shall be Phone 173 a candidate to succeed myself as Hotel Heppner Building Superintendent of Schools of Mor- HEPPNER, ORE. row County, Oregon, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election on May 17, 1940. (Pd. Adv.) lucy e. rodgers. Dr. Raymond Rice FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I hereby anounce myself a candi date to succeed myself to the office Office of District Attorney of Morrow First National Bank Building County, subject to the will of the Office Phone 623 House Phone 823 Republican voters at the Primary Election on May 17, 1940. i (Pd. Adv.) FRANK C. ALFRED. Heppner FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Abstract Co. I hereby announce that I shall be a candidate for the office of County J- L0GIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. Superintendent of Schools, in the BATES SEASONABLE Primary Election, May 17, 1940. Roberts Building Heppner, 0fc (Pd. Adv.) MARIE CLARY. 1 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER . I hereby announce myself a can- p tft AahoneY didate for the office of county com missioner subject to the will of the ATTORNEY AT LAW Republican voters of Morrow county general INSURANCE at the Primary Election, May 17, x , ,. lq4n J Heppner Hotel Building iiwu- , ' Willow St. Entrance L. D. NEILL, (Paid Ad.) Incumbent. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER: I I fi P I hereby announce myself a can- CTerSOn didate for the office of county com- Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods missione subject to the will of the Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Republican voters at the Primary Expert Watch and Jewelry Election, May 17, 1940. Repairing Paid Ad. G. A. BLEAKMAN. Heppner, Oregon FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the V OWter Parker office of Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, subject to the will of the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Republican voters at the Primary f Nominating Election, May 17, 1940. (Pd. Ad.) C. J. D. BAUMAN. First NatJonal Bank Bulldlng j FOR COUNTY CLERK ' I hereby announce that I will be i a candidate for the office of County , Qr Diehard C. Lawrence Clerk, subject to the will of the Re- DENTIST publican voters at the Primary Nominating Election to be held May X-Ray and Extraction by Gas 17,1940- , , First National Bank Bldg. If nominated and elected, I will phone 562 Heppner, Oregon continue to conduct the office in an honest, efficient and economical manner. I chas. w. barlow, Dr. L. D. Tibbies (Paid Adv.) Present Incumbent. OSTEOPATHIC "' Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Ft r ' I Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 r rOrCSSlOriGi heppner, Oregon Directory . - j Jos. J. Nys Phelps Funeral Home attorney at law Ambulance Service Peters Building, Willow Street Trained Lady Assistant Heppner, Oregon Phone 133 Heppner, Ore. ' NEW AUTO POLICY ' I V' R" fl"""!"", Bodily Injury & Property Damage AUCTIONEER Class A $13.60 Class B $17.00 Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty e it..- . 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. See us before financing your Phone 452 next automobile. make bates at my expense F. W. TURNER & CO. 1 i - Heppner City Council j I f'2U'eL . i ; . ATTORNEY AT LAW Meets First Monday Each Month Telephone 442 Citizens having matters for dis- Rooms 3-4 cussion, please bring before First National Bank Building the Council. HEPPNER, OREGON G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor. . GLENN Y. WELLS 1 1 PeterS0" & PeterS0" ATTORNEY AT LAW ATTORNEYS AT LAW ATwater 4S84 U S- Natlonal Bank Building 535 MEAD BUILDING PENDLETON, OREGON 5th at Washington Practice In State and Federal Courts PORTLAND, OREGON A. D. McMlirdO, M. D. RGera Lflnsurance and PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Bond Trained Nurse Assistant W. M. EUBANKS Office In Masonic Building Notary Pnollo Heppner, Oregon pnone 62 Ione, Ore. Morrow County M-L- CASE G-E- nikander Abstract & Title Co. Directors of ABSTRACTS OF TITLE FlinerolS TITLE INSURANCE Office in New Peters Building 8f2 Phones 2C2 )