fleppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, April 4, 1940 iiiiminiiiiimiiimmiiiiMimiiiiimfii and laughter predominate the entire action. The cast and entire production staff have everyone of the high school upper classmen at work and for the first time in several years a play will be presented in a newly missed Tuesday evening for the rest of the week to enable teachers to attend the Inland Empire Educa tional association conference in Spo kane. Memebrs of the Heppner fac ulty attnding were joined by Ladd Sherman of Lexington and Erret Hummel of lone. The Morrow coun ty delegation expected to return Friday evening. Get results with G. T. want ads. At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST . 9:45 Bible School. 11:00 Communion and preaching. 6:30 Christian Endeavor. 7:30 Evening Church services. 7:30 P. M., Wednesday, Choir Practice. 7:30 P. M., Thursday, Prayer Meeting. made set which, in itself, the staff maintains is quite an attraction. The Lexington players are showing fine work in, their practices and the play promises to be as good as it is funny. SCHOOLS DISMISSED Schools of the county were dis Page Eight METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. C. YOUNG, Minister 9:45 Bible School 11:00 Worship Service 6:30 Epworth League 7:30 Evening Worship 9 to 11 Monday School 7:00 P. M., Wednesday, Practice. 7:00 P. M., Thursday Prayer Meeting. Choir ASSEMBLY OF GOD CLIFFORD W. NOBLE. Pastor Sunday services: School, 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Widweek services: Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome. Holy Communion will be celebrat ed at All Saints Episcopal church in Heppner at 11 o'clock, a. m., Sun day. Evening prayer will be observ ed at Cecil in the afternoon. pOY SEAFOOD 'Don't Darken My Door' Slated for 5th The junior-senior classes of Lex ington high school are presenting their version of a hilarious time in the three-act comedy by Anne Coul ter Martens, "Don't Darken My Door." The curtain will open for this play Friday, April 5, at 8 o'clock in the school's auditorium. The story is placed in a country gentleman's home and the plot weaves an exceedingly humorous design around the life of a "ro mance" crazed set of young and old maids versus a confirmed bachelor and his support of bewildered males From first curtain until the last fun Oysters, Clams Shell Fish of all kinds Fresh from the Sea FEATURED DAILY FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH COUNTER SERVICE Modern Booths Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETY and Official Receipt Given MEALS AT ALL HOURS Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. LOOK AT THEPAWMH fivv H J LOOK AT THE - LJV EQUIPMENT " i 'ifv '' 'V' JOHN DEEKE TRACTORS AND WORKING EQUIPMENT BEFORE you buy a tractor, make sure that you can get a complete line of working equipment to go with it . . . equipment that is 100 per cent efficient, strong, easily handled, easy to adjust. In John Deere General Purpose Tractors and John Deere working equipment you get top quali ty all the way through; better performance at lower cost for a longer time. Simple, rugged John Deere Two-Cylinder Trac tors are specially designed to burn low-cost fuel successfully and efficiently have fewer, sturdier parts are easier to service cost less to main tain. . , Come in and find out how little it costs to equip your farm with a complete power farming outfit. Braden-Bell Tr. & Equip. Co. HIGHWAY CORN Golden Cream Style 10c 6 day sale-Friday thru Thurs., April 5-1 1 Walla Walla PEAS 3 sieve No. 2 Tin 10c Campbell's SOUPS Except Chicken & Mushroom 3 Tins 25C S MATCHES FAVORITE 6 Ctn,15C HUSKIES Ready to eat Breakfast food Close-out Price PKG. 10c ai EDWARDS COFFEE Lb. Tin 21c 2 lb. tin 41c BRAN FLAKES pkg. POST HOSTESS CAKES 15c Assorted Flavors and 25c CRACKERS . . . . . . 2 lbs. 15c Salty Crisp GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 tin 9c HIGHWAY MACARONI 5 lbs. 25c or Spaghetti SPINACH ... No. 21 tin 11c Emerald Bay SU-PURB Igt. pkg. 19c Granulated Soap 50 oz. 35c P & G SOAP 4 bars 15c Laundry Soap CASCADE ...... qt. can 22c Salad Dressing AIRWAY lb. 12c; 3 lbs. 35c COFFEE ' HONEY 5 lb. 35c; 10 lb. 69c SUNGOLD KARO SYRUP 51b. tin37c Light or Dark 3 lb. tin 23c SHREDDED WHEAT . 3-25C N.B.C, KELLOGG'S TOMATOES . No. 2i tin 10c Standard Pack WHITE MAGIC . ...qt. 10c Bleacher y gal. 19c TOILET SOAP 4 bars 19C WHITE KING FRESH PRODUCE RHUBARB 4 lbs. for 19c LETTUCE Solid heads 10c ea. GREEN ONIONS 2 bu. for 5c APPLES Newtons 85c a box SPINACH 3 lbs. for 10c BANANAS 3 lbs. for 25c LARD Armour's Star SS 72c BACON Squares 14C LB.