Page Four Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, April 4, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30. 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1913 Published every Thursday morning by CXAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD. Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Three Years 5.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow County SS I i Cw 1 ! : I lrirf...;imrl'ili-rinlli A Memorial LIE whose educated eye selected these very types; whose exper ienced judgment dictated arrange ment of their appearance, and whose caressing touch for so many years went deftly, surely over this self same Linotype keyboard to bring so many messages to Gazette Times readers . . . this craftsman in future will ply his trade in the old shop .only in spirit. The old line gauge whose figures now are faint . . . the smoothly -worn composing and make-up rules that were his . . . these tools that his manipulation made into creators of art, are now inanimate objects. With snuffing of the life that made them live, they have become expression less, voiceless, things only of cold brass and steel. Time only can give perspective, and thus only will be told how well Spencer Crawford served the Gaz ette Time's family in his trade. No, even now his spirit lives in these same types, in their arrangement and in the tools he selected to bring them into being. So, not yet is his service ended, though respite from physical exertion has been granted. Through his works, here as in other circles of his endeavor, he has con tributed much that will long endure. How much, time the perspective giver will tell. As time mellows the sorrow of those who loved him, so will time clear the vision. Thus through the ages are those whose special gifts, unsung at time of giving, made to stand out in clear relief in the years that follow. 'It is to the craftsman now, he who labored tirelessly to give each piece of work the highest standard of perfection that time and conditions permitted, it is to him, now, that we say farewell and may your rest be peaceful in the knowledge that no job was shirked even in troublous times. Creek Grangers to Entertain Pomona Rhea Creek grange will be host to the Morrow county Pomona on Saturday, April 6. A business meet ing will be called in the forenoon, followed by registration for attend ance contest which closes at 11 o' clock. Lunch will be served at noon and the lecturer program will begin at 1:30 p. m. Several interesting and amusing numbers will be" presented by subordinate granges of the coun ty and a talk on rural electrification will be given by Dr. Carl Thompson of the Bonneville administration. A business meeting will be held in the evening and the Pomona offi cers will confer the fifth degree on candidates. Wettest Quarter Since '16 Recorded March came in gentle as a lamb, reversing the usual form, and went out in something of a fury, leaving record of 1.57 inches of rainfall for the month and helping to estab lish a record for the second heaviest quarterly precipitation in 25 years. Precipitation as recorded by Len L. Gilliam in Heppner reached 5.63 inches during the first three months of 1940. The only quarter exceeding Do you suffer from ASTHMA? Exclusive State Distributor of a nationally known RELIEF Box 522 Central Station PORTLAND, OREGON Representatives wanted to demonstrate 23 Th ere Is G enume Satisfaction In A Made-to-Measure Suit if it is made by INTERNATIONAL The Spring Samples Are Here Make your selection now . . . have your measure taken and be ready for Spring with a new Spring Suit. Cleaning and Pressing JOHN SKUZESKI A homeowned and operated business that figure in the past 25 years was in 1916 when precipitation reached 6.04 inches. The total up to date, including .51 inch which fell Monday is now 6.14 since January 1 or 9.04 since September 1, 1939. Read G. T. Want Ads. Ya wa find a bargain in something needed. LOSE PET DOG Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee are grieving over the loss of their dog, Fritz. The little fellow was struck by a car last Thursday and was so badly injured that the police finish ed the job. Fritz was a neighbor hood favorite and residents on the schoolhouse hill have expressed sincere regret at his untimely demise. TO GIVE FREE DANCE Braden-Bell Tractor and Equip ment company, through its Heppner office, announces a free dance to be given Saturday evening, April 13, at the Willows grange hall in lone. Music will be provided by the Troubadors. The men are ad vised to wear overalls and to "come CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks and apprecia tion are extended to everyone who assisted us at the time of our be reavement, for the lovely flowers and expressions of sympathy that were so generously given. Lera Crawford, John, Hugh and Calvin. Cora D. Crawford and family. Attend the Free Matinee- We deem it a privilege to help make this free mat inee entertainment available to our customers and friends . . . We have tickets for you ask for them if we forget to give them out. We likewise deem it a privilege to serve you with the best foodstuffs the markets afford. Let us prove to you our contention that the RED & WHITE products are the best we can buy. M. D. CLARK mm $ 659 You drive the leader when you drive a Chevrolet for '40 the leader in pep, power and pick-up and the leader in style, stamina and sales! It holds first place in acceleration first place in hill-climbing first place in all-round performance with all-round economy among all cars in its price range. That's why Chevrolet for '40 is first in sales . . . why more people buy Chevrolets than buy any other make of car . . . and why your Chevrolet dealer strongly recom mends that you eye it try it buy it today! LEADER IN SALES 8 OUT OF THE LAST 9 YEARS MASTER 85 BUSINESS COUPE , Othar md.l. ,0htIy Mghw M models priced at Flint; ' Transportation based -""WT to change with. out notice. te It "Built 8iult! CHEVROLET'S First: Again!" FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Heppner Oregon