Thursday, April 4, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three , LEXINGTON NEWS Lex Pastime, Market To be Sold at Auction By MARGARET SCOTT The long established Lane pas time and market at Lexington, only businesses of their kind in the town, will go on the auction block next Wednesday hi settlement of the es tate of the late Howard Lane, who established them and gave them his name. Pastime, grocery store and meat market, with all fixtures, two trucks. ICC and PUC permits, black smith tools, complete set of truck equipments, gasoline . storage tank and pumps are included m the sale list as riven in the advertisement in another column. R. F. Phillips is administrator of the estate, V. K. Runnion will call the sale and E. H. Miller will be clerk. Guests at the home of Laura Scott Monday were Ed Warner, Daphne Merkling and daughter of Pine Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Brown and children of Free water. Mr. Warner remained here to spend a few days with his son Vernon Scott and family. Mrs. Celatha Jordan is visiting at the Louis Marquardt home. A meeting of the cradle roll mo thers was held in the aid room Tuesday afternoon when various topics in the quarterly were dis cussed. Mrs. Larel Ruhl is indisposed at her home. Mrs. Tempa Johnston has return ed to Lexington from Astoria and ia ctavint at the Laura Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, cnar lotte Chambers and Ivan Amend spent the week end in Portland. Anne Johnson assisted Lou Broad ley in Hunts Grocery store on Sat urday. Mrs. Eslie Walker and son were in town Tuesday. Mrs. Vernon Scott and sons spent Friday in Heppner at the Lee Sprin ts! Virkme. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Williamson and daughter, Suzanne Gail, have mmmri into the small Barnett nouse Mr. Williamson is with the state highway department. Kormpth Warner visited his par ents this week upon his return from Florida, then went on to Carlton Coy Thornburg has returned to farlton to work after visiting nere Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg and children were dinner guests at the Rohprt. Burnside home Tuesday. Bobby Burnside, Claire and Dean Wiint were among students absent from school Tuesday on account of illness. Mrs. Robert Burnside spent Mon in Hrvrvner.. Mrs. Arthur Hunt was in Heppner Friday receiving meaicai aiu. Lavonne McMillan was ul at ber home several days this week. Mrs. Howard Eubanks was here from lone Friday. Mrs. Eldee Vinson was honored with a shower Thursday in the aid Toom. Refreshments were served to about forty guests. r.aAA Sherman is spending the week attending teachers' institute in Rrwlran" Ralph Scott, Aileen and Billy spent the week end in The Dalles ,.riv. Mrs. Scott and Erma. Mrs. Maude Pointer, Don and tio nttpndpd the funeral of Mrs. v. a Vninie in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck were Portland visitors Friday and batur- Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison and family of Bonneville were week end visitors at the home of her parents, ntr, QTirl Mrs. L. A. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Vinson of Red- n.r,A wro visitors here Thursday tv, TTnmo Ec club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Nelson on the afternoon of April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell were business visitors in Hermiston Mon- daivir,. QT1d Mrs. Clay Phillips of J.VAJL . - - Kinzua spent Sunday visiting rela tives here. A. M. Edwards was a visitor in Spokane and vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison and family visited Sunday at the home of Elmer Palmer at Hardman. The regular meeting of the PTA will be held next Wednesday eve ning. As this is the time for the election of officers for next year, everyone is urged to be present and cast your ballot. The Study club will meet next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lavelle Sherman. At present we are studying the neutrality laws of the United States. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SHERFF I hereby announce myself a can rlirlaP far the office of Sheriff of Morrow County subject to the will of the Republican voters at the May 17, 1940, primary election. (Pd. Adv.) ELBERT L. COX. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT T Wfhv announce that I shall be a candidate to succeed myself as Superintendent of Schools ot Mor row County, Oregon, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election on May 17, 1940. (Pd. Adv.) LUCY E. RODGERS. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY T Webv anounce myself a candi date to succeed myself to the office of District Attorney' of Morrow Countv. subiect to the will ot the Republican voters at the Primary Election on May 17, law. (Pd. Adv.) FRANK C. ALFRED. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I hereby announce that I shall be a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools, in the Primary Election, May ii, law. (Pd Adv.) MARIE CJ-iAKi FOR COUNTY COMRDSSIONER I herebv announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missioner subject to the will of the Republican voters of Morrow county at the Primary Election, May 17, 1940. L. D. NEILL, (Paid Ad.) Incumbent. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missione subject to the will of the Republican' voters at the Primary Election, May 17, 1940. Paid Ad. G. A. BLEAKMAN. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the office of Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating Election, May 17, 1940. (Pd. Ad.) C. J. D. BAUMAN. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of County Clerk, subject to the will of the Re publican voters at the Primary Nominating Election to be held May 17 1940. If nominated and elected, I will continue to conduct the office in an honest, efficient and economical manner. CHAS. W. BARLOW, (Paid Adv.) Present Incumbent. at 7:30. Mr. Gillett is a very inter- esting articles used by the natives. esting speaker, and has had many Part of the service will be moving years of experience as a missionary, pictures. We extend an invitation He will have with him many inter- to the public. Big S cubic foot family size General Electric REFRIGERATOR The greatest bargain we've ever offered. A genuine Gen eral Electric ... famous for quality ... brand new 1940 model, delivered and installed. ALL STEEL CABINET 80 BIG ICE CUBES THRIFT MECHANISM VACUUM SEALED INTERIOR LIGHT COLD STORAGE TRAY . Model LB6-B Convenient Terms Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service MISSIONARY COMING Rev. Ira Gillett of Inhambane, East Africa, will have charge of a Special nussiunai y puB'"'" " aaBgHiiHBHHBMHB (Pd Adv.) MARIE CKA.KY. Metnodist cnurcn, rnuay, -nx !TIZZ r n n nrnzi Buoy poo ir in TOTgtS t V' Prices are lower. ..operating costs are down, too! O All leading manufacturers have priced their 1940 elec tric refrigerators lower than ever. The same size and quality refrigerator, plus new design and many improve ments, sells for as much as 20 less than the 1939 model .'..more than 50 under prices 10 years ago. You save every day you use a 1940 electric refrigerator, too. They have more efficient mechanisms and better insulation . . . and, as a result, use less electricity. OTEtoffiC5H33nii3 it or mm 1 i Ihrll ' 1 ! I 0non9in0lc -s... SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS OR Pacific Power & Light Comp. Always at Your Service ANY