Page Four Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, Mar. 28, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CBAWFOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 5.00 One Year Three Years Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies .... .05 Official Paper for Morrow County THE Hehisch Published by the Students of Heppner High School a grey tweed suit, blue plaid tweed jacket with a contrasting dusty rose skirt with the now popular military pockets. Lois Jones looked very stately in a navy blue tailored suit. With it she wore a white sheer frilly blouse. Girls, did you see Lowell Ash baugh Sunday? He wore a green tweed sport coat and green trousers to match. He looked like the breath of spring himself. mm FFA Shows Well at Meet One of the most effective days of the school year for the FFA finally came and has passed. Four cars of boys were taken to Arlington to compete with eight other chapters in many phases of Smith-Hughes and FFA work. John Lane and Bill Padberg plac ed first and second, respectively in milk testing. George Davidson and Ralph Taylor took first and second, respectively, in electrical work. Their job was to make an ordinary electric light drop cord. George Davidson placed fourth in the har monica contest. Claud Drake placed third in grain judging. Bernard Do herty and Jimmy Barratt took sec ond place in their demonstration. Bob Swick took second in forging not names, either. In the annual public speaking contest Lura Ste phens placed second. That about winds up the contest except that I might say that Mr. Bennett had charge of the milk testing depart ment. Modes of the Day The Easter bunny really did ap pear on the 24th in spite of the threatening weather. Tweeds seem to be popular with both the boys and the girls. Shirley Wilson was decked out in Clara Adams went in for sport clothes in a big way by wearing a Mystery Play to be Given at Board man "Mystery at Midnight," a three act mystery play is to be given by the senior class of Boardman high school on April 12. This promises to be an exciting evening, full of chills, thrills and pleasure. The cast includes Rathburne Wentworth, ow ner of the house on the hill, Bob McCutchen Mrs. . Wentworth, his aunt, Doris Hood; Barbara Cory, an unexpected visitor, Echo Coats; Al ma Cory, her aunt, Mardell Gor ham; Cloyd Parker, his fiancee, Jack Olson; Dick Lawrence, a young law yer, Ralph Skoubo; Energine Wash ington, the housekeeper of the house on the hill, Ruth Kunze; Rasmus Washington, her "smaller half," Bob Miles; Letty Flanders, a small-town flirt, Clara Mae Dillon; Oscar Jan sen, the strongest man, Dale Rus sell. Mrs. Lucy E. Rogers county school superinfcenent visited on the project last Wednesday. Word was received of the mar riage of James P. Howell to Miss Lois Beckley on March 14. Miss Beckley is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Beckley of Roseburg and Mr. Howell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howell of Boardman. The new ly married couple stopped here at the latter's home for a few minutes on Sunday March 24 on their way to Portland. Glenn Kobow and Merle Barnce were here over the week end vis iting the formerfs mother, Mrs. Maude Kobow. Lyle Tannehill, who is attending the Eugene Vocational school at Eugene was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicklander and his daughter, Miss Alice Wick lander, were visitors on the project Friday. Mardell Gorham, Clara Mae Dil lon, Echo Coats and Ralph Skoubo were shoppers in Pendleton Friday and also attend the show, "Gone With the Wind." Delbert Ship, an electrician from Hermiston, is staying at the home of Mrs. Eva Warner while he is re wiring some of the homes for the new REA light system. Have That Next Suit Made by International The Sp'ing Samples are here . . . You'll like the textures, the new weaves and colors and best of all, you'll like the way we build the STYLE right into your suit with fine SHAPE HOLDING WORKMANSHIP. INTERNATIONAL CUSTOM CLOTHES Style and Quality Leaders. Cleaning and Pressing John Skuzeski A home-owned and operated business There was a large all-day FFA meet in Arlington Friday and Boardman took several first prizes. Vernon was first in, grain grading; Bob Miles first in forging and harmonica; Melvin Nickerson, first in hog calling and Jack Olson plac ed fourth in public speaking. The different towns represented were Helix, Pendleton, Boardman, Hepp ner, Condon, The Dalles, Dufur, Redmond and Arlington. Leonard Kraft, manager of Bri dal Veil Box and Lumber company was a business visitor in the city yesterday evening, H. M. Hodges, representing the state treasurer's office, was in the county Tuesday looking into inher itance tax cases. FUND DRIVE NEARLY OVER A total of $111.50 has been col lected for the Blue Mountain coun cil of Boy Scouts, according to the local scout council. Heading the list of 'subscribers in Heppner is Heppner lodge No. 358, B. P. O. Elks, with a contribution of $25. Business firms and individuals have made up the balance. The goal is $125 and it is expected this amount will be raised within the next few days through contributions from the parents of the scouts. Each contri butor is given a membership in the Boy Scout club. Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis pose of surplus stock. Do you su f fer from ASTHMA? Exclusive State Distributor of a nationally known RELIEF Box 522 Central Station PORTLAND, OREGON Representatives wanted to demonstrate Where Values Are Counted- Value is not always (taunted in the price you pay for an article. True value is found in the quality of the article purchased . . . That's why we sell RED tr WHITE products . . . Be cause after careful investigation we were convinced they offer the biggest value for the money. Buy RED & WHITE and Teach Your Dollars to Do Extra Duty M.D.CLARK Buying your new or used AUTOMOBILE borrowing on or refinancing your present car WITH THIS BANK BUILDS YOUR BANK CREDIT IN YOUR OWN HOME TOWN! and: saves time and inconvenience in sending payments out of this community M B. C PINCKNEY, Manager ran bbb OF PORTLAND- The First National Bank West of the Rockies' i t M B E B f E D E I t D E r 0 S I T I1SUBAMCE COifQBA T I tt R