Page Four Hcppncr Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY '15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CBAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager StJBSCRIPTION RATES: ne Tear $2.00 Three Tears 5.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow Connty Mess Hall Will Be Missed NE feature of Camp Heppner that will be missed by Morrow county citizens is the mess hall. More than once since the camp was establishe here the mess hall has witnessed large assemblages which it woul have been difficult to ac commodate elsewhere in Heppner. Such a meeting was that of sports men last Sunday evening. To feed from 150 to 200 people is no small job any time, yet Lieut. Marius Hanford an, his boys handled the job in a capable manner. The peo ple of this vicinity know full well that the boys at the camp are prop erly fed for not only on special oc casions, such as Sunday evening, do the cooks show their qualifica tions but on every day iare the var iety and preparation of foods of a type to promote development of healthy bodies. The camp will be sorely missed in other ways, 'too. It has been a comforting thought to know that if assistance is needed, such as in January when snow was cleared from the walks, or the cutting of Christmas trees and numerous oth er services rendered by the CCC, and when the camp is closed, as ap pears quite certain at this writing, these personal attentions will be sorely missed. . Heppner may well be proud of its school band. To have a large group of young people molded into an ef fective musical organization is a good thing for any community. The showing made by the band last Saturday was creditable and altho the results of their parade proved disappointing to the young people they should not be discouraged. It is difficult to keep the public inter est at a high pitch even if the band's eficiency is well sustained. Perhaps a little more ballyhoo was needed to impress the crowd on the street with the nature of the parade. There was nothing of an advertising nature in connection with the band's appearance. A good announcer and SJtonlng ti 5a puDZ wun a new Sit down and iron com fortably and quickly with a Thor Electric Ironer. Control the machine with finger, knee, foot which ever is convenient. Huge ironing roll is open at end for easy ironing. Even a child can turn out beauti fully finished work with a Thor. A real buy at this low price. 95 Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Servitt Heppner a few banners carried by pretty high school girls would have direc ted the attention of the people to the thing the band was trying to put over the dance Saurday eve ning. Church Should be Recreation Center The modern church should take the lead in providing recreation fa cilities for the young people, in the opinion of Rev. Mofatt Dennis, Lexington-lone minister. Rev. Mr. Den nis was speaking before the Lions club Monday noon on the subject of church union. His statement rel ative to recreation facilities follow e an outline of the work he is com mitted to in his two-town pastorate, namely, consolidating the several congregations in each place into one church. Reasons for this consolidation, or federation, are numerous and con vincing, the speaker pointed out. In the first place, any one of the churches operating alone is unable to pay the salary of a minister, keep the church property in good con dition and provide proper facilities for attracting and holding the at tention of the young people. By uniting the several congregations under one management, as it were, it is possible for the minister to draw a living wage and for the church to offer better facilities to those whom it wishes to serve. Rev. Dennis has committed himself to the task of building one strong congregation in each community. In Lexington he advocates using one of the church buildings for church services and converting the other into a recreation hall. He ad mits his program is a little bit in advance of the prevalent idea in the community, but is hopeful he can get the people to see it his way. Several Lions and others present at the luncheon expressed opinions coinciding with those of the speak er. The Lions will not meet next Monday but will assemble at the hotel at noon of March 25. THEY ALL ADVERTISE! The hen is not supposed to have much common sense or tact, Yet every time she lays an egg she cackles for the fact; The mule, the most despised of all, has a most persistent way Of letting folks know he's around by his insistent bray. The busy little bees, they buzz, bulls bellow and cows moo; The watchdogs bark, the ganders quack, the doves and pigeons coo, The peacock spreads his tail and squawks, pigs squeal and robins sing And even serpents know enough to hiss before they sting. But man, the greatest masterpiece that nature could devise Will often stop and hesitate before he'll advertise. simple and BROS! BR B Buy on Convenient Terms Gazette Times, Heppner, The 'Cap' Himself Captain Harry L. Beard Captain Harry L. Beard, better known as "Cap," is the well-known director of the Oregon State College Cadet band, which will appear here Monday, Marsh 18. Captain Beard has led the band for 35 years. . CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Heppner fire department and others for re sponding to the fire in Lexington Tuesday night. Although the de partment's services were not need ed, we appreciate the generous spir it in offering to come to our assist ance. Lexington Town Council. FLAGQUESfiONS (Presented by Americanism Com mittee of American Legion Auxil iary especially for use of school pu pils participating in its annual Am ericanism contest.) 31. When displayed in a church what is the position of the flag of the United States: (a) If in the chancel? (b) If outside the chancel? 32. On a float in a parade how should the flag always be display ed? 33. When used to cover a casket (a) What is the position of the blue field of the flag? (b) How should the casket be carried? (c) Is the flag lowered into the grave r k Ml CSj Jackson I mplementCo. INTERNATIONAL Trucks Tractors Farm Equipment NASH CAR Oregon 34. How is the Flag placed to indicate mourning? (a) When flown from a station ary staff? (b) How should it be hoisted? (c) What should be done before lowering the flag for the day? 35. What is the rule for display ing the Flag on Memorial Day? 36. What are the only cases in which the Flag of the United States should ever be half-masted? 37. What are the rules regarding the following: (a) Placing any other flag or pen nant above or to the right of the Flag of the United States? (b) The Flag touching the ground or trailing in the water? (c) Placing any object or any emblem of any kind on or above the Flag? (d) Using the Flag as a portion of an athletic uniform? 38. (a) Should torn or badly soil ed Flags ever be displayed? (b)What should be done when a Flag is in such condition that it is not fit to be displayed? 39. What is the correct way for the Flag to be saluted: (a) By men in uniform? (b) By men not in uniform? (c) By women? (d) When is the salute in a mov ing column rendered? 40. (a) What is the correct way of rendering the pledge to the Flag? (b) State the Pledge? 41. What should be done and how should we go about it when we see violations of the Flag Code? .42. What is the correct way to carry the Flag: (a) At the side of the body? (b) In front of the body? (c) Into a lodge room, and plac ing it in its stand? 43. Is it considered good form to display the Flag of the United States on an automobile while driving through a foreign country? 44. When and how was June 14 as Flag Day established, or nation alized? 45. What does it mean when the Flag is displayed with the Union down? 46. Relate how the American Flag came to be named "Old Glory." 47. Is it permissible to wash or dry clean a United States Flag? If so, how should it be hung to dry? 48. Is it proper for organizations like the Odd Fellows, Masons, and Knights of Columbus to decorate with Flags the graves of their dead Bob R unnion REPRESENTING LEXINGTON, OREGON Thursday, Mar. 14, 1940 on Memorial Day? 49. Is it proper to place the Bible on the Flag? 50. (a) What is the proper at titude for all Americans when the Flag is being raised on lowered or when it is passing in a parade? (b) What has been your obser vations with respect to this? LOW RAIL FARES East DELICIOUS LOW COST MEALS Breakfast ... 25 cents Luncheon ... 30 cents Dinner ..... 35 cents TOTAL PER DAY 90 cents served to those traveling by Coach and Pullman-Tourist cars on . . . The Portland Rose Daily from Portland - 9:35 p. m. 2 Other famous trains from Portland Pacific Limited daily 8 a. m. Stream liner-5 sailings monthly on 1, 7, 13, 19, 23. Porter Service and Free Pillows in Coaches on all Trains r ENJOY WINTER SPORTS I Visit Sun Valley, Idaho, where I winter sports, brilliant sun- I shine and splendid accom- I Lmodations await you. -J For all travel information inquirm of C. DAKEEE, Local Agent Fnone 132 Heppner, Ore I Round-Trip to 1 I CHICAGO I I IN COACH I V $40.41 S