Thursday, Feb. 22, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Seven i Washington, D. C, Feb. 21. Unless the senate restores funds eliminated lay the house in department of ag riculture appropriation bill a num her of activities in the Pacific north west will be curtailed. For example take the weather: Most severe storms come from out of the Pacific north west, sweeping in from the ocean. Vessel weather reporting service is "out.' In addition to its aid to agri culture this service is a safety aid for aviation from Seattle to San Francisco; from Portland to Salt Lake City and all airways carry ing mail and passengers. There will be elimination of river and flood forecasts on the Columbia. No funds are available for checking epidemic diseases of Douglas fir and larch; all cooperation with states for control of insects affecting men and animals diseases and very limited -will be the scocting to detect infest ations of forest insects. No funds are available to develop small ponds and reservoirs. No more money for loans to tenant farmers. In Oregon loans have been made in Linn, Lane, Jackson, Clack amas, Lincoln, Malheur, Wallowa counties, total $283,000. In Washing ton a greater sum has been loaned. Nothing in the bill for parity pay ments (estimated 1940 obligations, Washington $2,000,000; Oregon $1, 300,000). Without ballyhoo a conference was held in Chicago a few days ago at which the issue involved was whether a new heavy industry would be justified in being launched in the Columbia valley area. The conference continued for two days, was attended by specialists and technical advisers, and when and if the decision is favorable all the money necessary will be furnished by one of the major financial houses of the country. There has been no indication as to when the jury will come in with the verdict. It will mean a big payroll if all goes well. Commercial interests of the Pa cific northwest may be credited with having defeated any move in con gress to place an embargo on ex ports to Japan. The bill proposed by Senator Schwellenbach of Wash ington would have embargoed ev prvfhinE? except agricultural items; Senator Pittman's bill would stop all shipments to Japan. Willingness of their colleagues to save lace ot the two senators prevented the for eign relations committee from sum marily rejecting both proposals, and nothing will now be done until the state denartment gives the word. It is felt that relations between the United States and Japan are suffi ciently delicate without inviting fur ther irritation by an embargo, and action on the bills has been indefin itely postponed. Senator Holman of Oregon is still waiting for the senate to act on his resolution authorizing an investiga tion of the immigration service. Al though the. resolution is on ice, it has received publicity and letters have come from many parts of the country making suggestions. Sever al from California are proposing that t.ViP inauirv delve into the reasons why Secretary of Labor Perkins has for years refused to approve ot starting deportation proceedings ag ainst Harry Bridges, CIO west coast leader. The adininistration does not look with favor on Holman's intend ed probe. If anyone thinks there is gas or nil in Oregon. Washington or Idaho, on the public domain, the general land office will make a lease (filing fees from $10 to $32) permitting prospecting, and if deposits are dis- covered the finders will be permit ted to develop the property. Casual prospects have been made in the past without making a commercial strike, and the government is now willing to encourage the curious. The market agreement program is more popular on the Pacific coast than anywhere. Leading group con sists of 14,000 walnut growers in California. Oregon and Washington with a farm value crop (1939) of $11,240,000; western Washington veg etables 1300 growers, crop $1,150,000; Oregon cauliflower 300 growers, crop $90,000; Oregon and Washing ton fresh prunes 600 growers, crop $380,000; Oregon, Washington and California hops growers, crop $5, 550,000; same states fall and winter pear growers 3,000, crop value $1,- 600,000. In the national capital there is a firm conviction among 90 persons that Roosevelt will be nominated for a third term with the best chance of any Democrat to be elected. There is more doubt about electing Roose velt than there is about his nomina tion. Vice President Garner is deter mined to prevent Mr. Roosevelt's nomination (he made Roosevelt s nomination possible in 1932), and if he cannot win himself he will throw his delegates to someone like Farley or Montana's Wheeler, but not to Cordell Hull. Inside groups of the White House circle are looking to the Common wealth Federation in Washington and Oregon to look after Mr. Roose velt's interests in the Pacific north west. MEETING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of the Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc., will be held at Lexington, Ore., at 10 a. m., Satur day, March 2, 1940, for the purpose of amending the clause governing capital stock to permit the expan sion program now pending, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. - A special invitation is extended to all producers including stock men and farmers to attend. Free lunch at noon. R. B. RICE, 50-51 Secretary-Treasurer. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS February is the last month that you can get dog licenses at $1.00 for male and spaved female, and $2.00 for female. After March 1st the price is $2.00 for males and $4.00 for females. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. 48-51 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY By virtue of an ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated January 27, 1940, 1 am authorized and direct ed to advertise and sell at public auction, at not less than the mini mum price herein set forth: The Southwest Quarter of Section 28, West Half and Southwest Quarter of Section 33, in Township 4 North of Range 23, East of the Wilamette Meridian for the minimum price of $640.00. Terms, $200.00 cash, balance in five annual payments at 6 percent interest on deferred payments. THEREFORE. I will on the 2nd day of March, 1940, at the hour of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Oregon. sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. Want Ads HURRY! HURRY! Anniversary Sale ends February 29th. Save 10 per cent by having needed repairs done now. Hurry! Hurry! ROSEW ALL-GENTRY MOTOR CO Your Ford Dealer For Sale One 3-bottom 16-in. In ternational tractor plow; 4-section springtooth. M. E. Duran, Heppner Fifteen tons of hay for sale. E. W Mover. Heppner. 50-51p No. 15 of a Series THE BEST USED CAR BUYS IN TOWN 1938 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1937 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 1935 Dodge Sedan 1937 Ford Pick-up 1936 Chevrolet dual lV2-ton truck 1935 Ford 4-door Sedan 1934 Ford 2-door Sedan FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY For Sale One Delco automatic 32 volt light plant with Heavy Duty batteries and table model radio. One Westinghouse 32 volt light plant with 2 vr. old H.D. batteries One Kohler Automatis 110 volt liffht plant. o J. One Servel Flamo 7 ft. refnger ator. One Servel Kerosene 5 ft. refrig erator. One Wedgewood combination Fla mo range. Can be handled for Cash or Terms, Write Farmers Supply Co., Hermis ton. Ore. 49-51 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route. Real oportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORL-84-0, Oak land, Calif. For Sale Cletrac 40 Diesel, 1935 model. $800 cash. A. E. McCulley Hermiston, Ore. 50-51p 'i m WE WANT YOU TO FEEL AT HOME wherever good beer is sold The Brewing Industry realizes that de cent, respectable people prefer to patron ize decent, inviting places. And we agree with them. That is why we are taking action in cooperation with law enforcement authorities to "clean-up or close-up" beer retail establishments that disobey the law or permit anti-social conditions. To do this we have instituted a new self-regulation plan now in operation in a few states and being extended as rap idly as possible. We think you will be interested in knowing something about this program. May we tell you about it in an interest ing free booklet? Write to the United Brewers Indus trial Foundation, 19 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y. For Sale Harley-Davidson 81 motorcycle. 1937 model. Dee Cox Jr.. Lexington. 49tf. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY Bv virtue of an ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated the 4th day of January. 1940, at Heppner, Oregon, I am authorized and direct ed to advertise and sell at public auction, at not less than the mini mum price, herein set forth after each parcel: The West Half of Section 29, Township 2 North, Range 27 East of tht Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $1.00 per acre, cash or contract. THEREFORE. I will on the 10th day of February, 1940 at the hour of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herebv given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State ol Oregon for Morrow County admin istrator of the estate of Kattie Buck- num, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vou chers to the undersigned at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 4tk day of January, 1940. E. L. BUCKNUM, Administrator. Save 10 on all shop work dur ing our anniversary sale by having needed repairs done now. Rosewall Gentry Motor Co. Setting Eggs Hansen W. L. strain, picked eggs from all old hens, 35c doz. Call 3F3, Heppner. Chris Brown. 49-51. Practical nurse capable of man aging small hospital. Inquire this office. Good home, small wage for wo man to help with general work. In quire this office. ' Piano in storage to be closed out at sacrifice rather than reship. For particulars write Factory Auditor, P. O. Box 376, Seattle, Wash. 49-52. Baled alfalfa for sale, first, second and third cuttings. Price reasonable. At old Morgan ranch 4 miles below Cecil. Hubert Mackey. 47-48p. Six-room house and bath, full plumbing, good location, $1500. See Clara Beamer. 24th BEER. ..a beverage of moderation oil lkWI Wood for sale $7.50 cord, fir, tamarack, pine; tamarack or red fir posts 8c. Wood sawing anywhere, cash or trade. Homer Tucker, city. 45-50p. CHARGER HOME ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM Batteries Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Ord inal Capacity at End of 5- or 10-Year Period. . 8-ft. special built refrigerator for battery operation. Enjoy havine Sweeper. Iron, Toaster, Waffle Iron and many other electric fixtures. 3-YEAR PAYMENT PLAN Free Estimates Without Obligation Phone or Write JOHN M. DEMOSS, Dealer Moro, Ore. Res. DcMoss Spr. CORRECT GLASSES For Eye Comfort Better Vision Come to Pendleton for Your Optical Needs! "Eyes Examined by Mod ern Methods. Glasses Ground to Fit When Needed. Reasonable Prices. DR. DALE ROTIIWELL Optometrist - Pendleton Over Woolworths Phone 535-J SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS, Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent "PREVENT FOREST FIRESIT PAYS"