Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 15, 1940, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
fleppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, Feb. 15, 1940
Snow Water Much
Below Normal on
Most Watersheds
Unless snowfall in the mountains
is unusually heavy between now and
spring, most drainage basins in Or
egon will experience below-normal
stream flow during the 1940 irriga
tion season, according to the first
summary of snow conditions just is
sued by R. A. Work of Medford.
Work heads the fcnow surveys and
irrigation water forecasts in Oregon,
under the division of irrigation of
the Soil Conservation service in co
operation with the Oregon experi
ment station.
Snow reports gathered around
February 1 showed that at that
time the water content of snow on
94 per cent of all the snow courses
is less than at this time in 1939.
All but 20 of 117 locations where
comparisons are possible show sub
stantially less snow water than in
the corresponding time in either
1938 or 1937. A state-wide rain
and snow storm has occurred since
February 1, which has doubtless
changed conditions somewhat since
the measurements were made, al
though it will require unusually
heavy late snowfall to bring pros
pective water supplies up to nor
mal, Work believes.
At elevations of 5000 feet or above,
snow water content throughout the
state averaged 56 per cent of that
on February 1 a year ago. At elev
ations from 3000 to 5000 feet, only
36 per cent as much water as a year
ago is present.
Watershed soil moisture conditions
are as favorable this year as for
the last several years, the "report
shows. This is particularly true on
southern Oregon watersheds, where
heavy rains have fallen between
November 8, 1939, and February 9,
1940. Actual soil moisture determin
ations on the various watersheds
have revealed higher moisture con
tent than ha been estimated.
Reservoir storage throughout the
state on February 1 was somewhat
spotted, although, in general, the
amount stored was materially be
low that of a year ago, with the ex
ception of the Gerber reservoir in
the Klamath watershed, Crane Prai
rie in the Deschutes, and Agency
Valley in Malheur.
Tax Auditor Due
in Heppner Soon
Information received from the of
fice of the state tax commission is
to the effect that an auditor from
that office will be in Heppner on
March 8, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 5
o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of as
sisting income taxpayers in prepar
ing their 1939 state income tax re
turns. The auditor will be at Pen
dleton on March 6 and 7 and at
Condon on March 9. Headquarters
will be at the courthouses of the re
spective counties.
Every single person (or married
and not living with husband or
wife)' must file a return if his total
net income is $800 or more or if
his surtax (intangibles) net income
is $500 or more during the year.
Every married couple living togeth
er must file a joint income or two
separate returns, if their combined
net income is $1500 or more or their
combined surtax (intangibles) net
income is $800 or more during the
Every person or married couple
regardless of the amount of their
net income must file a return if
their gross income from all sources
is $4000 or more. Every partnership
and every corporation authorized
to do or doing business in Oregon
(not specifically exempt) must file
a return.
Returns for the calendar year 1939
must be filed on or before April 1,
1940, to avoid delinquency charges
provided by law.
At Heppner
9:45 Bible School.
11:00 Communion and preaching.
6:30 Christian Endeavor.
7:30 Evening Church services.
7:30 P. M., Wednesday, Choir
7:30 P. M., Thursday, Prayer
Rev. R. C. YOUNG, Minister
9:45 Bible School
11:00 Worship Service
6:30 Epworth League
7:30 Evening Worship
9 to 11 Monday School
7:00 P. M., Wednesday, Choir
7:00 P. M., Thursday
Sunday services:
School, 9:45 a. m.
Worship service, 11:00 a. m.
Evangelistic service, 7,:30 p. m.
Widweek services:
Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
tal and is now on a tour of northern
The evangelist held four services
in Yakima Sunday, attended by
some 8000 people. His company in
cludes Mrs. Ship Mate Bob, Eric
Halverson, the silver-tongued tenor
from Seattle, and Esther Buckmoore,
pianist. .
Although a man of extraordinary
talents, Ship Mate Bob is a common
er, the Heppner folk state. His ac
tivities include talks six times a
week over a national coast to coast
hookup of 117 stations. He is an
experienced radio announcer, air
plane pilot, an accomplished piano
and organ player as well as orches
tra leader, and plays almost any
musical instrument. His popularity
is somewhat of an item of expense
to him as his correspondence is
heavy. His advertising bill averages
$5000 a year and just before leaving
on this tour he placed an order for
1,000,000 envelopes.
Local People Hear
Noted Evangelist
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anglin drove
to Yakima Sunday to visit their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John Bromley, and to hear
Ship Mate Bob of the Good Ship
Grace from the Haven of Rest at
Hollywood. Ship Mate Bob is a
noted evangelist of the movie capi
At least one Heppner man saw
Tom Dewey on his recent visit to
Oregon. Ralph I. Thompson was in
Pendleton Tuesday when the famed
racket buster passed through. He
says the republican presidential as
pirant passed close enough that he
could have touched him. Like thou
sands of other people who saw and
met Dewey, Thompson was favor-
Oysters, Clams
Shell Fish
of all kinds
Fresh from the Sea
Modern Booths
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
ably impressed with the man's ap
Contributions are coming in for
the Finnish relief fund and it is
believed this community will do its
share. If you have not made yours,
it is urged that you do so at an
early date. Finland is making the
great sacrifice. Can you read the
following editorial and remain un
touched by the little country's
"If you were to name the greatest
nation in the world, would it be the
richest; would it be the one whose
possessions are the most wide-flung;
would it be the most populous or
that which boasted of the most de
structive guns and the most pow
erful army? Perhaps it would be
that nation which paid its debts,
which, courageous as the Greeks at
Thermopylae, fights a barbarian
horde, which faces annihilation ra
ther than compromise its liberty
the nation whose men today die on
the battle field and whose women
and babies starve and freeze behind
the lines. If this is the nation you
would seek, there stands Finland."
An American.
Tourist Season
Opens With Gain
Oregon started her 1940 tourist
season with a six percent increase
in the number of non-resident mo
tor vehicles registered in the state
for the month of January, compared
to the same month in 1939, it was
announced today by Earl Snell, sec
retary of state.
A total of 3,594 vehicles registered
in Oregon during the month, an in
crease of 207 over the registration
for January, 1939.
The city of Ashland, which led
registration stations in the state
during 1939, continued its lead by
registering 1,050 cars during the
month. Grants Pass reported 228
and Cave City had 212,
Seventy-two percent of the visit
ing cars in January came from Cal
ifornia, Washington and Idaho, the
three states accounting for 2,596
of the 3,584 cars. California alone
sent 1,508, Washington was second
with 899 and Idaho was third with
189. There were 155 cars from Can
ada in the state during the month.
The only states not represented
in Oregon during the month were
Delaware, Maine, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Vermont and West
An old house, known as the Huff
residence in days gone by was de
stroyed by fire Monday afternoon..
The building was situated north of
town a short distance east of the
Frank S. Parker house. The fire
was discovered about 2:30 p. m. and
the empty building was soon laid
low by the flames. Another building
close by was untouched by the fire
as the wind was blowing in the op
posite direction.
I FEB. 16 niJl!y5J- A
the granulated Bleacher
qt. 12c; '2gal,20e
Vacuum packed blend of the World's
finest coffees. Rich and flavorful.
Regular or drip grind.
21c 41c E 79c
AIRWAY 3 lb. 35c
Nob Hill, 2 lb. 35c
String Beans
Festival cut beans
4 No. 2 tins 35c
Large oval tins
3 tins 29c
FLOUR Kitchen Craft, sk. $1.59
SUGAR pure cane, 10 lb. bag 63c
Pie Cherries
Stokley's R. S. Pitted
2 No. 2 tins 25c
tall Cherub or
Federal TIN
Grapefruit Juice TZn,e19c
SOAP Supurb granulated, reg. pkg. 18c
MAYONNAISE Nu-Made Qt. 35c
PICKLES Columbia Dills No. 2y2, 2-25c
PEARS Harper House, No. 2i tin, 2-35c
CORN Highway No. 2 tins, 3 for 29c
CRACKERS Crispy 2 lb. carton 27c
PRUNE JUICE 12 oz. tins 3 for 25c
PRUNES Milton No. 2 tins, 2 for 25c
CORN BEEF Cudahy's 12 oz 18c
TANG lunch meat, 12 oz. tin 23c
PORK AND BEANS Pierce's 11 oz. 4-23c
PIMIENTOS Dromeday 4 oz. tins, 2-15c
KRAUT Del Monte No. 2y2 tins, 3 for 35c
CATSUP 14 oz. bottle Highway, each 12c
CAKE FLOUR Swansdown reg. pkg. 25c
TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn 46 oz. 19c
Guaranteed Fresh
Fri.-Sat. only
R'bagas 10 lb. 19c
Onions 10 lbs. 17c
Spinach 4 lbs. 13c
Bananas 3 lbs. 25c
Carrots 10 lbs. 23c
Oranges 3 doz. 49c
Cauliflo'r hd. 15c
SALMON 2 tall tins 35c
Rosedale, fancy medium red
SYRUP ... 5 lb. tin 63c
PRUNES 25 lb. box 85c
LARD aestares 4 lbs. 39c
BACON ... per lb. 20c
Fancy sugar cure