Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 15, 1940, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
state kirwe
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Candidate McNary
Clouded Titles
o Definite Policy
Salem. Added impetus was given
to Oregon's political campaign this
week when supporters of Chas. L.
McNary for president filed petitions
with Secretary of State Snell assur
ing their candidate a place on the
Republican ballot and former Gov
ernor Chas. A. Martin returned from
Washington with the go-ahead sig
nal from John Nance Garner who
will enter the Oregon arena in his
fight for the Democratic nomination
for president.
In the state treasurer's race pros
pective candidates continued to send
up trial balloons in their effort to
determine just which way the po
litical winds are blowing before
making their decisions to run or not
to run as the case might be.
The week brought at least one
new rumor which, however, still
lacks official confirmation. That
was a report that Bruce Spalding,
democrat district attorney of Polk
county, is seriously considering en
tering the lists as a contender for
the position of attorney general
against the Republican incumbent,
L H. Van Winkle.
But it is a bit early yet to expect
many actual filings. Even among
those who have pretty well made
up their minds to run there is al
ways a tendency to procrastinate,
a tendency prompted largely by a
desire to delay parting with the
requisite filing fee until the last
While Oregon does not elect a
governor this year, nor a secretary
of state nor a state senator there
are plenty of other political places
open to those with ambitions in that
direction. In addition to balloting
on presidential and vice presidential
candidates at the May primary, the
state will elect a full complement
of presidential electors, three con
gressmen, a state treasurer, two jus
tices of the supreme court, an at
torney general, 14 circuit court
judges, 26 district attorneys, 15 state
senators and 60 state representatives.
A warning to the state's title to its
school lands might be clouded was
sounded by an attorney for the
Standard Oil company who appear
ed before the State Land board this
week to urge that Oregon join Cal
ifornia in a petition to the United
States supreme court in an appeal
involving title to certain school
lands in that state. According to the
oil company attorney Secretary of
the Interior Ickes has claimed for
the federal government title to cer
tain school lands on which oil has
been discovered in paying quantities.
Attorney General Van Winkle was
instructed by the Land Board to
take such steps as he might regard
as necessary to protect this state's
interest in the school lands.
A number of changes in the ac
counting system of the Oregon Un
employment Compensation commis
sion were recommended in the re
port by state auditors released this
week. The auditors recommened the
establishment of a central account
ing officer to prevent overlapping
and duplication of records. Except
for a few minor discrepancies, trace
able to errors on the part of commis
sion employees, funds of the depart
ment were found to be in excellent
The State Land Board has instruc
ted Attorney General Van Winkle to
bring suit against the Port of Port
land in an effort to collect royalties
on sand and gravel which the Port
commission is alleged to have taken
from the bed of the Willamette riv
er for a fill It is estimated that
the royalties involved, which go into
the common school fund, amount to
between $1600 and $2400.
Meeting here in conference with
the State Land Board a group of
educators and stockmen comprising
the common school fund advisory
committee agreed upon a definite
policy for the administration of
school lands still remaining in the
hands of the state.
Under this policy the Land Board
will continue with a program of
blocking state lands around private
holdings for the mere advantageous
leasing of these lands for grazing
purposes. In order to do this it will
be necessary to effect an exchange
of school sections located within the
public domain for federal lands ly
ing adjacent to private holdings.
The committee also placed its ap
proval upon a proposal to exchange
isolated school lands for scattered
federal lands lying outside of graz
ing districts.
Pending the exchange of school
lands lying within the public domain
arrangements will be made with the
federal grazing service for the ad
ministration of these lands, the state
to receive its pro rata share of
grazing fees.
Stockmen on the advisory com'
mittee assured the educator-mem'
bers that improved range conditions
could be expected to lead to better
prices for lease of those school lands
in the future.
Exemption of cannery and pack
ing plant workers from the provi
sions of the unemployment com
pensation act was urged by a large
delegation of fruit growers, packers
and canners from Hood River, The
Dalles and Medford at a meeting
here this week. Spokesmen for the
delegation told the members of the
unemployment compensation com
mission that the small growers were
being discriminated against under
the present administration of the
act which imposes a payroll tax
against cooperative or commercial
canneries and packing plants but
exempts plants operated by large
corporations for the handling of
their own products. Furthermore
it was pointed out that packing and
canning are seasonal occupations
and that in spite of the fact that the
employers now contribute to the
jobless insurance fund their em
ployees were in no position to ben
efit from this fund.
Oregon's forests contributed a to
tal of 621,745 Christmas trees to the
national harvest last year, according
to figures compiled by State Fores
ter Carl L. Davis. The 1939 harvest
was almost double that of 1938 when
317,000 trees were cut in Oregon
for holiday use. More than 161,000
trees were shipped out of the state,
most of these going to California
markets, and 365,000 trees found
their way into local commercial
channels. An estimated 95,000 trees
were cut by families for home use.
Clackamas and Marion county for
ests contributed 161,000 trees of the
state's total; Lane county, 96,000;
the Northwest counties of Clatsop
and Columbia, 56,000, and Wallowa
county, 34,655.
It looks like another big tourist
year for Oregon and the other states
of the Pacific northwest, according
to Secretary of State Earl Snell.
January registration of tourist cars
totalling 3584 represented an increase
of six percent over the figures for
January, 1938.
Unemployed workers who leave
the state on pleasure trips jeopard
ize their rights to unemployment in
surance, according to a ruling here
this week by Referee William H.
Witt of the Oregon Unemployment
Compensation commission.
Oregon cherry tree twigs or small
wood may be converted into pipe
stems, judging from a communica
tion from a large pipe manufactur
ing company received by Director
J. D. Mickle of the state department
of agriculture. The query wanted
to know if small pieces of cherry
wood were available in quantity
in this state.
Outstanding warants of School
District No. 25, Morrow County, Or
egon, numbered 67 to 92 inclusive,
will be paid on presentation to the
district clerk. Interest on said war
rants ceases February 16, 1940.
Boardman, Ore.
Save 10 on all shop work dur
ing our anniversary sale by having
needed repairs done now. Rosewall
Gentry Motor Co.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Washington, D. C, Feb. 15. If the
method of determining proportional
representation followed in 1930 is
adopted for the 1940 census, it is
believed Oregon will be entitled to
four representatives in congress in
stead of three. In 1940 the basic fig
ure for congressional representation
was 297,712 with an additional mem
ber for a major fraction of that
number. Consequently, if it is
shown that Oregon has in excess
of one million population the state
will be entitled to another represen
tative. Until redistricting legisla
tion has been passed by the state
legislature, this additional member
would be rated as congressman-at-large
and elected by vote of the en
tire state.
The 1930 census gave Oregon a
population of 953,786, which was a
gain of 170,397 over the figure for
1920. It is believed the increase in
the past ten years has been at least
as great as during the previous
decade. .
No public mention has been made
yet, but Federal Surplus Commodity
corporation plans purchase of a
variety of commodities of Oregon
and Washington this year to be us
ed in relief channels. Items and the
estimated sum for each include: Ap
ples $8,000,000, fluid milk $2,500,000,
fresh pears $1,500,000, fresh peaches
$15,000,000, compared with $27,690,
000 last year.
For the past two years a study has
been in progress as to what to do
in the settlement of Grand Coulee.
A report has been completed show
ing how many people can be plant-1
ed on the project and how and
where communities should be start
ed to serve as trading centers. This
blueprint of the future of the great
est reclamation project on earth is
under lock and key until the pres
ident is prepared to bring it out.
As part of the soil conservation
program farmers of the Pacific nor
thwest are guaranteed 7.5 cents a
pound for hairy vetch seed and 3
cents a pound for Austrian winter
peas by the government. Not all
soil is suitable to growing these
crops, but it will substantially in
crease the acreage in Washington
and Oregon this year, the estimate
being made of 50,000 additional ac
res in Willamette valley alone. Mar
ket for the seed will be southern
states, where the farmers will pay
9.5 cents a pound for vetch and 5
cents a pound for Austrian peas.
For tvery dollar of internal rev
enue collected in Oregon the federal
government gave in grants and ex
penditures within the state $3.30.
Each Washington state dollar brought
back $2.10, and each Idaho dollar
returned $8.50. Figures are for the
fiscal year 1939. Percapita collec
tions in Oregon were $13.63 while
government expenditures percapita
were $43. Collections percapita in
Washington were $19.70 and govern
ment expenditures percapita $44.
Into Oregon in fiscal year 1939 the
government distributed, one way or
another, $44,179,000; into Washing
ton $74,420,000.
An Ohio congressman is making
the most vigorous opposition to ap
propriation for Bonneville hydro
electric project. A lawmaker from
New York state is the principal op
ponent of Grand Coulee, and a Mis
sissippi house member objects to
Bonneville rates being lower than
those of TVA. Western members
think they have enough to do in
looking after the affairs of their own
Seed (red clover, alfalfa) is the
major crop in Malheur county, and
in 1937 Malheur produced more red
clover seed than any other county
i -
in the United States. But a farm . Turner
co-op which buys seeds for New J. J I Urner
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana and ATTORNEY AT LAW
Ohio has ceased purchasing Mai- phQne m
heur seeds because Malheur is in
Oregon and Oregon seed has been Hotel Heppner Building
banned in New York. Thirty miles HEPPNER, ORE.
away in Idaho, and Idaho seed is
accepted without question, although
there is no difference between Mai- r Dnumnnr RiA
heur product and Idaho. Secretary U' KaymOllCl KICC
of Agriculture Wallace has been PHYSICIAN & SURGEON
made aware of the unjust discrim
ination and promises to do some- (fe ,
. , , t. First National Bank Building
thing about it.
i Office Phone 523 House Phone 823
Western metallurgical companies
are displaying interest in the sue-
cessful laboratory experiments of HGDDI16r
Washington University in the for- . .
mula for making magnesium, a met- ADStrQCf vO.
al lighter than aluminum. Immense J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr.
deposits of the raw material from bates SEASONABLE
which the metal can be made are . . ., ,,
, , . . ,, .... j. c , Roberta Building Heppner, Ore.
located m the vicinity of Spokane. I
Government officials have an idea
that an industry for manufacturing I
this metal of the future may be Pt MoFlOnGV
located in eastern Washington and
use power from a Grand Coulee- ATTORNEY AT LAW
Bonneville hook-up. War depart- GENEBAL INSTOANCE
ment is interested because magne- h H tel Buildin
slum will permit the building of wmow St. Entrance"
faster planes carrying, heavier loads l
than at present.
Members and a few invited guests
enjoyed a program given by the Jewel7 nd 00"
tm . c, i, . , . . Watches . Clock . Diamonds
Eastern Star Fnday evening. A
play, "How the Story Grew," was Expert Jgygj Jewelry
presented by members of the chap- Heppner, Oregon
ter and musical numbers were pro- I
vided by Mrs. Raymond Ferguson -
and daughter, Mary Lou, who play-
ed a piano duet, Mrs. O.G.Crawford, VOWter ParKCr
two vocal solos and Russell McNeill,
two vocal solos. Mrs. J. O. Turner ATTORN1Y-AT-LAW
and Mrs. McNeill were the accom-
paniste for the singers. Tea, coffee BuU
and cookies were served following
the entertainment. I
Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis- J
pose of surplus stock. 1 Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
q X-Ray and Extraction by Gm
Professional Fir National BtDk mig.
Directory phone 562 Heppner oreo
foiTi iT " T13 1 Dr- L- D- Tibbies
Phelps Funeral Home osteopathic
Physician ft Surgeon
Trained Lady Assistant Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 192
Phone 133 Heppner, Ore. I
I '
Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Class A $13.60 Class B $17.00 ATTORNEY AT LAW
See us before financing your Peters Building, willow Street
next automobile. Heppner, Oregon
Heppner City Council V- R- Runnion
Meets First Monday Each Month AUCTIONEER
. , , Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty
Citizens having matters for dis- m Jone8 greet Heppner, Ore.
cussion, please bnng before Phone 462
the Council make dates at my expense
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor. ;
,-.--------------------4 ,
: 77T Frank C. Alfred
Meppner Blacksmith attorney at law
& Machine Shop Telephone 442
Rooms 8-4
Expert Welding and Repairing First National Bank Building
L. H. HARLOW, Mgr. I .
GLENN Y. WELLS Peterson & Peterson
ATwater 4884 U. S. National Bank Building
5th at Washington Practice In State and Federal Courts
A. D. McMlirdo, M. D. 1! LiJflnsurance and
Trained Norse Assistant W. M. EUBANKS
Office in Masonic Building Notary Publlo
Heppner, Oregon phone 62 lone, Ore.
Morrow County Laurence Case
Abstract Cr Title Co. Mortuary
ABSTBAo5sCOP TITLE 22 l'ltTost"
TITLE INSUBANOE when you want It most"
Office in New Peters Building
Thursday, Feb. 15, 1940