OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITOR 1U M PORTIA"::'. C ? Volume 56, Number 50 Tribute to Youth Paid at Boy Scout Dinner Monday : Community Gives ! OK to Work of Troop at Meeting Heppner fathers and mothers of Boy Scouts and friends of the move ment gave hearty approval to the work of the local troop at the an nual dinner and meeting held at the Christian church Monday evening. One hundred and nine plates were served by ladies of the church, a high mark in attendance, and the interest displayed in the activities of the Scouts and council more than repaid them for their work of the past week in preparing the meeting. B. C. Pinckney, member of the council, opened the meeting with a brief talk on the extent of the Scout movement There are ap proximately 1,351,000 registered Boy Scouts in the United States today. Of the nations of the world, 73 are fostering the movement, he said, and this represents 91 per cent of the population of the globe. PincL ney. urged united support of the Heppner troop. J. O. Turner as toastmaster intro duced Bob Pinckney, who spoke in behalf of the Scouts, pointing to some of the things adults may do to help make the boys better and more useful citizens. Mrs. E. O. Ferguson's toast was "My dreams of what my boy may accomplish"; E. Harvey Miller used the subject, "The kind of a man I want my boy to be." In closing the formal program, B. C. Pinckney paid a tribute to Martin Clark, scoutmaster. Clark, -without previous Scout training, assumed leadership of the local troop five months ago. He has acquainted himself with Scout laws and prac tices to a point where his work is (commanding attention of district leaders. He is carrying on the work at considerable sacrifice of his own time, Pinckney said. Demonstrations of the proper use and display of the United States flag were given by the Scouts. They also demonstrated numerous knots. Radio code signalling was shown by Murl Cummings and William Mc Caleb. In addition to the local troop, two members of the Lexington troop No. 6&,a$4 their leader, Gerald Acklin, attended the dinner. The Lexington troop has invited Heppner to a court of honor this evening. Both troops will participate in the events and tenderfoot and merit badges will be awarded. Lexington Youths Working in South Marvin R. Cox and Archie Mun kers, Lexington youths who went to Los Angeles the past season to enter the Anderson Airplane school have finished their courses and are now employed in the Douglas air craft manufacturing plant at Santa Monica. Cox took a course in riv eting and Munkers specialized in sheet metal work. When in Heppner Wednesday, Dee Cox, Jr., was showing a sample of his son's handicraft. Marvin made a desk model of a gasoline tank, using aluminum and while the tank was not sealed, the riveting work was of the type used in airplanes and had the appearance of an effi cient job. He also hammered out an ash tray of the same metal. NURSE GOES TO MORO Miss Lucille Vale, county health nurse, left this morning for Moro where she will spend the next six weeks as county health nurse in Sherman county. Miss Vale, will re turn to Morrow county to resume her work here April 1. Heppner, NATION'S DEFENSE LECTURE SUBJECT Pacific Program Outlined in Talk by Lieutenant Hanford at Legion Auxiliary Meeting People of the Pacific coast states will have little to fear from invasion by foreign military forces if plans of the war department are carried to completion, according to Lt. Mar ius P. Hanford, commandant of Camp Heppner, CCC. Lieutenant Hanford expressed the opinion in a talk before the American Legion auxiliary and others at a public meeting held in the Episcopal parish house Monday evening. Pointing out that likely foes will come from the Far East, defense plans of the United States call for construction of air bases in Alaska, fortification of Midway island, 'Ha waiian islands and Guam, as well as strengthening the Pacific fleet to make it the guardian of the American coast line from Alaska to the southernmost tip of South Am erica. This plan is for the purpose of warding off attack or seizure of any of our territory. There is no thought of aggression back of the vast expansion of armament, the speaker said, adding that the war department is acting upon the the ory advanced by George Washing ton that the strongest offense is a strong defense. Hanford advanced a point in fa vor of the appropriation asked for by President Roosevelt in the na tional defense budget by pointing out that to delay the appropriation or to curtail it to any extent would jeopardize our national defense. While we are in no immediate dan ger of attack, fast changing world conditions might throw us into the conflict within a year or two. The program calls for construction of battleships which cannot be built hurriedly, no matter how urgent the demand. It requires from two to five years to construct these floating fortresses and since the plans call for two such ships of 45,000 tons and three of 54,000 tons It can read ily be seen that delay will weaken our coastal defense. General Arnold, chief of the air division, was quoted to the effect that the western coast is compara tively safe from air conquest. Planes capable of flying 500 miles and more and carrying 1000 pounds of bombs have not been developed to the point where they can deliver their messages of death and de struction over foreign territory and return to the home base, at least not in considerable numbers. While such planes are being developed elsewhere, Uncle Sam is building planes with which to' meet these at tacks. Following the lecture a social hour was enjoyed, including community singing and the serving of refresh ments. HUGH LANE PASSES Hugh Lane, 67, died about 7 o' clock Monday morning at the Mor row General hospital where he had been a patient for more than a year. A native of Corglass, Ireland, where he was born in 1873, Mr. Lane came to this country and to Morrow county in 1908. He worked on var ious ranches here until an injury forced him to retire. He is survived by a brother, Frank, who resides near Condon." Funeral services were held at the Catholic church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning and in terment was made in the county plot in Masonic cemetery. ATTENDS WATERWAYS MEET County Judge Bert Johnson spent Monday in Walla Walla where he attended a meeting of the Inland Waterways association, of which he is a director. He reports satisfactory progress with the program of the as sociation for river development, say ing the objective is not to put the railroads and truck lines out of bus iness, as erroneously believed by a great many people, but rether to make the waterways of benefit to all the people of the Inland Empire. Oregon, Thursday, Feb. Championship of District Hinges On Game Here Heppner Seeks "A" Title; Irrigon Tops "B" Division Wheat League Standings ' "A" Division Won Lost Pet. Heppner ' 4 1 .800 Arlington 3 2 .600 Fossil 2 4 .333 Condon 2 4 .333 "B" Division Irrigon 9 1 .900 Boardman 7 3 .700 Umatilla 5 4 .555 Lexington 3 6 .333 lone 3 7 .300 Echo 2 8 .200 With Irrigon high school undispu ted champs of the "B" division of Wheat league basketball play as the result of its 35 to 24 win over Boardman high Tuesday night, all interest is centered on Friday nighf s battle between Heppner and Ar lington high schools for the cham pionship of the "A" division. The game will be played in the Heppner high gym. Because of the uneven number of scheduled "A" division Wheat lea gue games, the league committee decided to limit the standings to games won and lost in double round-robin play. This automatic ally put Fossil and Condon into a tie for cellar honors with two wins and four losses apiece. Heppner, with four wins and a single defeat, holds the top spot, but Arlington, with three wins for two losses, can pull up even with the Mustangs by taking Friday's game. In actual basketball play last week, Irrigon trounced Lexington 46 to 25 on Thursday night; lone staged an upset 32-24 win over Boardman last Friday while Hermiston was measuring Heppner for a 35-21 loss; Arlington and Condon played a "kings-x" game at Condon on the same night which resulted in a 24-17 win for Arlington. Arlington con tinued its win streak on Monday by riding roughshod over Lexington, 52-28.. Irrigon's championship win over Boardman and a surprise 43-39 Echo high school win from lone furnish the basketball news for Tuesday night of this week while Heppner and Lexington high school basket eers played a 31-17 game at Hepp ner with Heppner taking the long end of the count. Games that wind up the Wheat league schedules find Condon play ing a pair of non-league games with Fossil on Friday night and Arling ton on Saturday night while Lex ington and Umatilla high schools wind up their schedules in a game at Lexington with both teams anx ious to cop a win just for the rec ords. Delbert Emert Takes Bride in California The marriage of Miss Catherine Fahey of Alameda, Cal., and Delbert Emert of lone was solemnized at St. Peters church in Alameda on Sun day, Feb. 11. The bride was attend ed by three bridesmaids, one of whom was one of the ushers. Fol lowing the wedding ceremony, a reception and banquet was held at the Alameda hotel, followed by a banquet. The young couple will en joy a honeymoon before coming to lone where they will be at home on the Emert ranch. Mrs. W. A. Emert and Patricia who attended the wedding returned to lone Tuesday. They have been in California for two weeks. Save 10 on all shop work dur ing our anniversary sale by having needed repairs done now. Rosewall Gentry Motor Co. 15, 1940 COLLEGE BAND TO COME IN MARCH Elks Guarantee Fund for Appearance of State College Musicians in Heppner Assurance that the Oregon State college cadet band will play a con cert in Heppner was given last Thursday evening when Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. E. voted to guar antee' the fund necessary to bring the celebrated organization here. The Heppner high school band will sponsor the concert and being with out funds with which to guarantee the amount asked by the college group, sought assistance from the Elks. Tentative arrangements for the college band's appearance here call for two performances. There will be a matinee for the school and the evening concert. Following the con cert a dance will be given in the Elks hall with music provided by the college orchestra. Ticket sales will be in charge of the high school band. This will be the second appear ance of the Oregon State college band in Heppner in the 35 years the organization has been making tours of the state. The first appearance was about 25 years ago and the concert was presented in the Club building. Capt. Harry L. Beard had attained a statewide reputation as a band director at that time, and in the intervening years that reputa tion has become nationwide. His bands have played at world fairs, including the Lewis and Clark at Portland,' Alaska Yukon Pacific at Seattle and two San Francisco fairs. A few years ago the band accompanied the college football team to Chicago where it won re nown for itself and achieved valu' able advertising for the state of Or egon. The concert is scheduled for late in March, according to information available at this time. Sheepmen Discuss Grazing Problems More than half a million dollar Morrow county industry was rep resented at the courthouse Monday when the Morrow County Wool Growers met to discuss matters of interest at this time. Harold Cohn presided at the meet ing and introduced Mac Hoke, pres ident of the Oregon Wool Growers association. Hoke told the group of the recent national meeting in Cas per, Wyoming, and explained the need for more combined effort and cooperation among the sheepmen in promoting the consumption of lamb and the use of more woolen mater ials. Linn Douglas, assistant regional forester, explained the policy of the Forest Service in setting up of ad visory boards of operators to work with the Forest Service in handling of matters relating to allotments, range examinations and reductions. It was found advisable by the op erators present to elect two advisory boards from Morrow county; one from the operators using land in the Whitman National forest and one from the group grazing in the Umatilla National forest. H. D. McCurdy, Jack Hynd and John Hayes were elected as the ad visory board for Whitman users and Frank Wilkinson, Harold Cohn, Garnet Barratt, Phil Mahoney and Bob Thompson were elected to rep resent the Umatilla users. Carl Ewing, district forest super visor, and Frank Chapman, chair man Umatilla County Wool Grow ers association, also attended the meeting. Walter Holt, secretary of the Oregon Wool Growers, was un able to attend because of illness. For Sale One 3-bottom 16-in. International tractor plow; one 6-ft. John Deere disc plow; 4-section springtooth; three 10-ft. Hoe drills. M. E. Duran, Heppner. 49tf. Horses for sale at French Bur roughs ranch. 49. Subscription $2.00 a Year Triple A Range Program for 1940 , Explained Here Small Operator Has Better Opportunity Under New Set-Up Drilling wells, improving springs, reseeding depleted ranges, and buil ding and repairing fences are some of the practices by which stockmen may improve their range under the 1940 AAA range program as ex plained to range operators at a meet ing in the courthouse last Friday. C. D. Conrad, county agent, in discussing the 1940 program stated that the county office is making no attempt to tell the stockmen how to manage their range, but are de sirous of having all operators be come familiar with the opportunities provided under the 1940 program for range improvement. More than 350,000 acres were sign ed up in Morrow county last year while the most popular practices were deferred grazing, well drilling and spring development. Standard practices are the same for this year as last, with the addi tion of 22 supplementary practices to be performed in conjuction with deferred grazing, including new fencying, repair of old fences, rodent control, additional water storage, piping water to more accessible points, pumping facilities, wells at winter headquarters, seeding aban doned cropland with perennial gras ses, and cattle guards. The full allowance set tip on a ranching unit may be earned by carrying out standard practices, or up to 75 percent of the allowance may be earned by practicing sup plementary practices in conjunction with deferred grazing. One provision of the 1940 program provides for a better payment to the small operator. Any range less than G40 acres is figured on a flat rate of 10 cents an acre in setting up the range building allowance. Over 640 acres, the set-up calls for a mini mum allowance of $G4 or 3c an acre plus 75 cents per animal unit car rying capacity, whichever is the larger. The closing date for signing in tentions of participation is May 1st but Conrad urged all operators to sign up. as soon as possible as all practices need to be approved by the county committee before being start ed and all practices must be comple ted by November 30. Approximately 45 stockmen and ranchers attended the meeting and displayed an interest in the various, provisions of the program. Wheat Movement Aided by Advance Trading' in wheat showed some activity the last week and numerous lots changed hands at warehouses on the Heppner branch. Advance in price prompted the actiyity, ac cording to buyers, who stated that they were offering around 74 cents for No. 1. This figure is from 12 to 14 cents more than the loan value, which has been fixed at 60 4-10 cents for No. 1. Buyers and sellers alike were waiting at the First National bank in Heppner last Friday morning when officials arrived. Recent bulk ship ments from western ports was as cribed as the reason for the local movement. SITS WITH DEWEY J. Logie Richardson left his ab stract business here the first of the week long enough to take in the republican Lincoln day banquet in Portland, Monday. His was the dis tinction of sitting on the platform while New York's fighting district attorney and presidential contender was making the headline speech.