Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
lone Ready for
Birthday Party
committee for raising funds for
the fight against infantile paralysis,
consisting of Bert Mason, mayor of
lone, chairman; Carl W. Troedson,
representing Willows grange; Geo.
N. Ely, of the Masons; Omar Riet
mann, of the I. O. 0. F.; Marjorie
Gordon, of the Rebekahs; Mrs. Om
ar Rietmann for the Topic club, and
Mrs. E. R. Lundell, representing the
Eastern Star, have planned a ben
efit party for Saturday evening,
Feb. 3. The party will be held at
the grange hall in lone and will
offer both card games of all sorts
and old-time dancing. A charge of
fifty cents a couple, with 25 cents
for extra ladies will be made, and
the proceeds will go to the paraly
sis fund. The H. E. club will sell
Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon and son
Gene departed Saturday after
spending several days here visiting
Mr. Bacon's sister, Mrs. Jas. Lind
say, and his mother, Mrs. Diantha
Akers. Their home is at Vallejo, Cal.
but they are leaving soon for Ha
waiia where Mr. Bacon, who is a
diver, has work.
Rev. and Mrs. Moffatt Dennis re
turned Friday from Portland where
Rev. Dennis attended the pastors'
conference. They started home on
Friday but found the driving so
difficult they turned back. On Sat
urday they were seven hours mak
ing the trip because of the hazard
ous condition of the roads.
The P. N. G. club of the Rebekah
lodge met Friday at the home of
Mrs. Delia Corson. Eleven mem
bers and three guests were present.
The following officers were elected:
Ruth Lundell, chairman; Delia Cor
son, vice chairman; Mildred Lun
dell, secretary -treasurer. A bene
fit party was planned for St. Pat
rick's day.
Miss Grace Zink of The Dalles
is a guest at the E. C. Heliker home.
She is Mrs. Heliker's niece.
O. F. Steel of Pendleton, grand
master of the I. O. O. F., paid an
official visit to lone and Morgan
lodges at Morgan last Thursday eve
ning. Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom are
the parents of a baby boy, born
Sunday at the Corda Saling home
in Keppner.
Fans greatly enjoyed the basket
ball game Saturday evening when
Ione's Cardinals defeated the visit
ing quintet from Pilot Rock by a
score of 25-22. While the first half
was a little slow, the boys speeded
up in the second and the contest was
a close one. The score was tied
near the end of the third quarter,
and again at the beginning of the
fourth. The line-up: Pilot Rock,
J. Matthews f 2, Don Smith f 6, Cam
eron c 4, Grore g 6, Dean Smith g 3,
Orange s 2, Irving s; lone, Claude
Pettyjohn f 7, Clyde Pettyjohn f 2,
Brady c 11, Bergstrom g 4, Ledbet
ler s, Eubanks s.
In a preliminary game the fresh
men defeated the grade school team
by a score of 14-8. Playing for
the freshmen were McCabe, War
field, Peterson, Griffith, Rood and
Renno, and for the grades, Riet
mann, Crawford, Cannon, Ledbet
ter and Stefani. Lieut. Finley of
the CCC camp in Heppner refereed
the games.
Laxton McMurray and French
Burroughs returned Sunday morn
ing from Portland, where Mr. Bur
roughs had been consulting a physi
cian. He will continue treatment
under a local physician, and hopes
to find relief soon.
Mrs. John Benson of San Fran
cisco was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Lindstrom last week, de
parting on Sunday. She will be
remembered as Hildegarde Will
iams, former grade school teacher
Mrs. Nettie M. Lundy departed
for her home in Portland Saturday,
after a week's visit here with rela
tives. Mrs. W. A. Emert and daughter
Patricia are in California, where
they went to attend the marriage of
Mrs. Emert's son, Delbert (Slim).
The date of the meeting of the
H. E. C. of Willows grange has been
changed from the third Friday in
February, to Wednesday, Feb. 7.
New books purchased and on the
shelves at the library are "Arizona"
by Kelland, "Kitty Foyle" by Mor
ley, "Drums Along the Mohawk" by
Edmonds, "Rifleman Went to War"
by McBride; "Escape" by Vance;
and for the children, "Mother West
Wind Why Stories" by Burgess,
"Lost Princess of Oz" by Baum,
and "Cock a Doodle Do" by Hader.
Mrs. Omar Rietmann has word
that her mother, Mrs. Inez Free
land, is resting comfortably in a
Portland hospital, following an op
eration. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petty
john of Heppner spent Sunday at
the E. R. Lundell home.
The Womens Topic club will meet
on Friday, February 9, at the home
of Mrs. M. E. Cotter.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger took
their children, Rose-Marie and Billy,
back to their school at Pendleton,
and on their return Monday were
accompanied by Mrs. Gorger's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCarty.
Mrs. Louis Bergevin returned
Sunday from Stockton, Cal., where
she was called by illness of a sister.
She left her sister improved, but not
fully recovered.
Boordmart Enjoys
Old-Time Winter
The Yellow Jackets were defeat
ed by one point on the Condon floor
Saturday, Jan. 27. The score was
33-32. The Boardman squad meets
the Hermiston team on their floor
Tuesday, Jan. 30; lone on the home
floor, Friday, Feb. 2, and a return
game at lone on Friday, Feb. 9.
The project is still covered with
a blanket of snow and the mercury
still holds about the same, however,
both young and old are taking ad
vantage of it and enjoying the win
ter sports, which are very rare here.
Skiing and sleighing are taking
place on the sand dunes and the
good old fashioned sleigh drawn by
the horse is seen over the country
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sullivan were
called to Pendleton to attend the
funeral of Mr. Sullivan's uncle, Lee
Edge. Mr. Edge was an old time
The President's dance at Irrigon,
put on by both Boardman and Ir
rigon Saturday night was quite a
success. The net proceeds were
LaVerne Baker and Teddy Wil
son, students at E. O. C. E. at La
Grande, were home for the week
end. Lowell Howell and Bud Walk
er, fellow students, were here with
Mrs. Nick Faler arrived home
Saturday from Portland where she
had spent the past few weeks at the
home of her daughter, Hazel Stutte,
and family.
Word reached home from the Tan
nehills in California that his parents
were both improved and would ex
pect to be home the first part of
this coming week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson were
visiting relatives and friends in The
Dalles four days .last week, where
they formerly resided.
Frank Kunze left last week for
Portland to work with his brother,
Ed McClellan. Frank has been em
ployed in Montana for the past four
years and only visited with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kunze, a
few days when called to Portland
to work.
Vernon Root spent Sunday here
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Root. He is operating a service
station at Athena.
Charles Barlow spent a few hours
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Barlow. Mrs. Spencer
Akers accompanied him this far
and left by train for her home in
Portland. She had been helping
care for her granddaughter, Marie
Essie Jones left Tuesday for La
Grande to enter beauty school.
Since graduating from high school
last spring Essie has been employed
at the Oasis service station.
Janet Gorham left Tuesday
morning for Portland to enter the
Northwestern Business college.
Mrs. Blanche Shannon arrived
home Saturday. She had been em-
Ag Group Meets at
Willows Grange Hall
An interesting meeting was held
by Willows grange Saturday eve
ning, although the snow prevented
many members from attending.
County Agent Conrad made a
timely talk on agricultural topics,
including soil conservation, AAA
program and 4-H club work. Mrs.
Conrad was also a guest from Rhea
Creek grange.
A fourth degree pin was present
ed to the grange master, Markham
Baker, honoring him for a year of
perfect attendance. Mr. Baker was
the only member to have had no
absent marks against him.
For the drawing of pin to be giv
en each month, Marjorie Baker was
the lucky member. This feature will
be continued throughout the year.
A meeting of the subordinate ag
ricultural committee chairmen was
held in the Willows hall on Tues
day, Jan. , 30 with Irrigon, Rhea
Creek, Lexington and Willows
granges represented.
A program for the year's work
was outlined by the county agent,
Mr Conrad, assisted by Mr. Schod
of the state college and committee
members. The program for the year
is workable and interesting.
A dance will be given in the hall
next Saturday evening, Feb. 3, for
benefit of infantile paralysis cam
paign, sponsored by various clubs
and organizations of lone.
Horse Shortage Due
if War Continues
If the European war makes much
demand on the horse supply in the
United States, a pronounced short
age will result, declares Dr. W. H.
Lytle, chief of the state department
of agriculture division of animal
France has contracted already to
purchase in this country 6000 horses
for war use, and if the war continues
more purchases are anticipated.
The U. S. horse population, al
ready low, decreased further in 1939
due to smaller colt crops, encephal
omyelitis and tractor competition.
Even if war demands do not de
velop materially, there should still
be an active demand for horses this
year because there is increasing
stress on horses for recreational use,
also replacement will be necessary
for a certain percentage of the ani
mals used in farm work.
The country had in the neighbor
hood of 10 million horses and four
million mules as the year opened.
The federal farm census of 1935
listed 171,071 horses and mules of
all ages in Oregon.
Be at Penney's early Monday to
see the new Spring Dresses. Adv.
ployed by her brother in Washing
ton for the past several months.
Mrs. Jack Browning and son Bob
by returned home from Centralia,
Wash., Friday night, where they
were called last week by the illness
and death of Mrs. Browning's father.
Rev. and Mrs. Harness, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell McCoy and Tom Cald
well attended the revival meetings
Thursday night at Sunnyside, Wash,
which are being conducted at the
Pentecostal church. .
Mrs. Marshal Markham and
daughters visited the Fred Mark
ham family at Richland, Wash., over
the week end.
Batie Rand, Donald Gentry and
Mrs. Don Isom are among those ill
from flu the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler and
daughter Mary of Umatilla were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Isom Sunday.
Thursday, Feb. 1, 1940
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe
cialist of Pendleton will be at the
Be at Penney's early Monday to
see the new Spring Dresses. Adv.
Batteries Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Orig
inal Capacity at End of 6- or 10-Year
8-ft. special built refrigerator for
battery operation.
Enjoy having Sweeper, Iron, Toaster,
Waffle Iron and many other electric
Free Estimates Without Obligation
Phone or Write
Moro, Ore. Res. DeMoss Spr.
We Can t Build Up A Surplus
There is no such thing as a surplus of butter here ... A
high quality product always finds a ready market-that's
why PRIDE OF OREGON Butter is first in Morrow County
homes and is finding a ready sale in larger markets.
To meet this increasing emand we need tht full cooper
ation of producers of the county-the people to whom we
must look for our raw product. We need your cream and
your very best efforts in maintaining the high quality of
your product, without which we cannot reach and hold
the markets for Pride of Oregon Butter and Ice Cream
that make expansion possible . . . Help us in attaining a
broader field for Morrow County products and open the
way to bigger profits for yourselves.
W. Claude Cox, Proprietor
r Health
Guard You
This is "cold" weather the season when the human
system is highly susceptible to the pommon cold and
its attendant dangers . . . Fortify yourself by including
citrus fruit lots of it in your diet.
are at their best now. Keep a generous supply of the
fresh fruit on hand encourage the family to eat plen
tifully of both . . . For more health protection, teach
them the value of R & W FOODS. This week we offer:
R & W Grapefruit Juice, large.. ..28c
High Light Grapefruit Juice, large 25c
Hawaiian Pineapple Juice, large. ...35c
Pure Concord Grape Juice, Pt ... 25c
Pure Concord Grape Juice, Qt 37c
SUNKIST ORANGES, 150 s, Doz. ..35c
SUNKIST ORANGES, 250 s, Doz ...25c
SUNKIST ORANGES, 288 s, Doz ...20c
APPLES, Rome Beauty, box 75c
APPLES, Winesap, box 75c
PRUTONE (Dickinson's Oregon
prune juice) No. 1 can 10c