Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1940, Image 1

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P 0 R T L "
Volume 56, Number 48
Camp Heppner's
Status Uncertain,
Rodman Says
Economy Wave in
Congress Jeopard
izes County SCS
A wave of appropriation cutting
that has swept over congress during
the present session may result in
discontinuance of Camp Heppner,
CCC, according to Millard Rodman,
supervisor for the Soil Conservation
service in this district. Rodman,
who was in Heppner yesterday con
ferring with local SCS officials, said
to the Gazette Times that he had
just returned from a regional meet
ing in Spokane where it was learned
that shutting down some of the
camps is inevitable'.
There are 14 soil conservation
camps in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, four of them located in Ore
gon. Of these, three are in this sec
tion of the state, Heppner, Stanfield
and Monument. One camp in each
state will be discontinued, Rodman
says, and when the closing down
word comes he is certain that the
Heppner camp will be the one to go.
Such word may be expected by
March 1, he said. That will leave
practically 14 months work that is
already lined up that will go1 un
completed. I
Other counties, including Wasco,
Lake and Klamath, have been ask
ing for soil conservation camps and
the economy movement may deprive
them of this service. Rodman was
uncertain about Camp Heppner in
the event some of the appropriation
is restored. ...
Just how far local pressure will
go toward retention of the camp is
a matter of conjecture, in the opin
ion of the supervisor. He thought
action on the part of the people
could do no harm inasmuch as loca
tion of the camp here lends a cer
tain amount of influence to business
as well as being of direct benefit
in the service given. To show lack
of interest in the camp now would
only mean lessening of the chance
to have another camp located here
at some future date if conditions
warranted such a move, he pointed
Rodman's report on the camp con
firms information gathered by a
chamber of commerce committee
and others investigating the possi
bility of retaining the service here
It is understood that efforts will be
continued to maintain the camp
pending a final decision by the au
Beef Club Ready
for 1940 Project
Five baby beef calves were select
ed from the Percy Hughes and Wil
liam Kilkenny herds by members of
the Lexington Beef club for their
1940 4-H club work.
This is the first 4-H beef club to
be organized in Morrow county, ac
cording to C. D. Conrad, county
agent, who helped select the calves.
The boys receiving the steer cal
ves were Gene Majeske, Gene Cuts
forth, Irvin Rauch, Elroy Martin
and Don Campbell. Rodger Camp
bell, another member of the club,
will feed a heifer calf of his own
raising; while heifer calves will be
found later for the two girl members
of the club, Jo Ann Graves and
Dorothy Cutsforth.
The members are planning to stall
feed the calves and have them fin
ished for the Pacific International
Livestock exposition. They will be
exhibited next summer at the Mor
row county fair also.
Conrad states that the organiza
tion of other livestock clubs, includ
ing sheep, dairy and pig clubs, will
be carried out during February and
all boys and girls wishing to enroll
in livestock or other 4-H ' projects
should contact the county agent.
Red Cross Unit Recognized
for Distinguished Work in
1939 Membership Campaign
For the second consecutive year
the Morrow county chapter of the
American Red Cross has been aw
arded an honor certificate for dis
tinguished achievement in the an
nual roll call. This week a plaque
bearing the inscription, "This Honor
Certificate is awarded to the Mor
row County Chapter for distinguish
ed achievement in the Annual Roll
Call for 1940," was received by Rus
sell McNeill, county chairman.
The 1939 quota for the county
was- 350 memberships and the cam
paign resulted in an enrollment of
368. The quota for 1940 was raised
to 400 and a total of 404 members
were enrolled by districts as fol
lows: Morgan 5, Balm Fork 10, Eight
Mile 35, Lena 10, Hardman 4, Irri
gon 10, Willow Creek 10, Pine City
10, Cecil 7, Lexington 42, Boardman
15, lone 60 and Heppner 186. Group
memberships at Irrigon, Lexington,
lone and Heppner swelled the fund
to $448.65, or $44.65 more than the
total membership.
Of the $448.65 received in the
county, $205.83 was forwarded to
the national Red Cross and $242.82
was retained here. This difference
in favor of the local chapter is ac
complished through the group mem
bership plan, whereby several peo
ple take one membership and the
local committee remits to the na
tional chapter on a basis of 50 cents
per membership.
President's Dance
Successful Affair
One of the outstanding social af
fairs of the season and one of the
most successful of the President's
dances yet held in Heppner, the an
nual ball at the Elks temple Sat
urday night swelled the infantile
paralysis fund well over $100.
Dance funds have not all been
turned in at this writing. Tickets
sold prior to the dance and dollars
collected that evening amounted to
$165. Expenses have not been aud
ited and when the affairs of the lo
cal committee are wound up it is
expected that Heppner will again
rate high among the communities
of this size contributing to the na
tional fund.
Opportunity is still open to those
who wish to make contributions, ac
cording to Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
county 'chairman. In Heppner, leave
your money and name with B. C.
Pinckney at the First National bank
or with Dr. McMurdo. Other chair
men in the county are Bert Mason,
lone; Harry Duvall, Lexington;
Jack Gorham, Boardman, and El
mer Griffith, Morgan.
Details of expenditures from the
county infantile paralysis fund to
date and further details on progress
of this year's campaign will be pub
lished in these columns next week.
Two Old-Time; Bills
Show Up at Bank
Two bills of the old First National
Bank of Heppner were turned in
at the local branch of the First Na
tional Bank of Portland this week.
They are of $10 and $20 denomina
tions and are signed by Frank Gil
liam, president, and W. E. Moore,
Thinking someone might wish
these bills as souvenirs, B. C. Pinck
ney, manager of the local bank,
says they may be purchased at face.
If not so taken, the bank will be
forced to turn them in with their
damaged currency to the comptrol
ler in Washington for redemption.
Milton Morgan, reported in this
paper as having joined the United
States aviation corps, has entered
a private aviation school in Los An
geles. Be at Penney's early Monday to
see the new Spring Dresses. Adv.
Oregon, Thursday, Feb.
New AAA Range
Program Said
Best of Series
County Agent De
fines Set-up for Local
Livestock Men
The finest range building pro
gram ever offered by the AAA is
available to livestockmen who par
ticipate in the 1940 Range Conser
vation program, according to C. D.
Conrad, county agent.
The agent went on to say that
every operator who signed up for
the program would have a range
building allowance computed for
his ranching unit, based on the
acreage and carrying capacity of his
range, and that the operator could
earn this allowance by carrying out
approved range building practices.
For example, an operator who prac
tices deferred grazing on part of
his range may earn part of his al
lowance by building fences, con
structing water storage facilities,
controlling rodents and eradicating
poisonous plants. He may also use
part of this allowance for leasing
additional range when this is nec
essary in order to practice deferred
Other standard practices are stock
watgr development, both springs
and wells, artificial reseeding of
rangeland and abandoned cropland
to perennial grasses.
This is but a partial list of prac
tices, he concluded, and that in or
der to give all interested persons an
opportunity of hearing the program
discussed in detail, a meeting has
been scheduled' for the courthouse
at Heppner, starting at 1:30 P. M.,
Friday, February 9. Blaine Devers,
state range examiner for the AAA
will be on hand and the program
will be discussed in detail at that
time. All livestockmen are sure to
find this meeting of vital interest
to them and should make it a point
to attend.
Lions Hold Forth
in New Quarters
Heppner , Liops stilted meeting
places Monday when they assembled
at the EJkhorn for the weekly lun
cheon. Closing of Hotel Heppner
dining room necessitated the shift,
and the Lions will continue meet
ing at the restaurant during the
month of February.
In the absence of a piano, the
program arranged for the meeting
was dispensed with and aside from
an item of business the hour was
spent in visiting and paying fines
for lack of observance of Lions
Two visitors were introduced to
the club, James Leach and John
Penland, members of the Pendleton
club. Leach is the son of Dr. and
Mrs. M. A. Leach, and Penland
stated he is the son of one of the
Penland brothers, long-time business
firm of Pendleton.
Irrigation season in Morrow coun
ty is still closed, according to word
of Harry Tamblyn, watermaster.
Those contemplating early use of
the water should get in touch with
the water master, who advises that
the stream channels should be left
open at this time of year to permit
water to go through to livestock on
the lower reaches of the creeks. It
is pointed out that livestock rights
to the water come ahead of land
John Stoars, meat cutter at the
Central market, and May Guerier,
until recently employed at Hotel
Heppner, were married Friday, Jan.
26, at Vancouver, Wash. They re
turned to Heppner Sunday and
have taken residence in the Anna
Q. -Thomson house on Court street.
1, 1940
Banquet, Good Turn Day, Flag
Ceremonies on Program for
Period of February 8-14
Heppner Boy Scouts have a busy
week ahead during the period of
February 8-14, which is national
Boy Scout week. While it is the
function of a Scout to do one good
turn each day, the national program
calls for a "good turn" day in which
something of community benefit is
The week opening Thursday, Feb.
8, marks a program of events which
will claim the attention of the
Scouts and many of their elders.
Nothing special has been scheduled
for Feb. 8 and 9, but on Saturday
the boys will turn out to do their
good turn. Just what that will be
remains to be seen. On Sunday,
Feb. 11, the boys will go to church
at their respective churches in hon
or of Scout Sunday.
Monday, Feb. 12, has double signi
ficance to the Scouts. It is Lincoln's
birthday and flags emphasis day.
Special demonstrations, in which
the citv flag will play a part, will
be featured, showing the many and
proper uses of the flag. In the eve
ning the highlight of the week will
be the Scout banquet in the base
ment of the Christian church. Serv
ing will start at 6:30 o'clock and
parents are being urged to accom
pany their sons.
Tickets for the affair will be on
sale during the coming week. The
dinner is not confined strictly to
Scouts and their parents, it is stat
ed, and others interested in the
Scout movement will be given an
oorjortunitv to attend.
Another date of importance to
Scoutdom in Morrow county is
Thursday, Feb. 15. Lexington will
be ' host ' for a court of honor at
which time the boys will display
their knowledge of Scout lore. There
will be a movie, amateur radio
demonstration and other features of
Scout work.
Youth Taken to
Portland Monday
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman drove to
Portland Monday, taking Irvin
Greener for commitment to Mult'
nomah county authorities. Greener
Was given a sentence of 10 months
in county jail when convicted on a
charge of larceny and will be as
signed to work at Kelly Butte, it is
stated. He was implicated, with
others, in larceny of wool tags.
Marvin Sadler, appearing before
Judge Calvin L. Sweek last Thurs
day, was sentenced to not more than
two years in prison. He is being
held in the local jail pending the
outcome of friends' attempt to get
a parole for him. La Vern Hams,
receiving a sentence, was paroled to
the custody of his father. Oscar
Jones is being held to the grand
jury and it is understood he will
fight the charge against him.
Appearing before Judge Calvin L.
Sweek Wednesday, Oscar Jones pled
guilty to a charge of larceny, threw
himself upon the mercy of the court
and received a two-year sentence.
He was paroled on condition that
he refrain from drinking and asso
ciation with bad company. Jones,
Hams and Sadler were required to
pay $C0 each to the clerk of the
court to reimburse the parties from
whom the tags were taken.
The northern part of the county
is still in the grip of winter, accord
ing to reports coming in from
Boardman and other sections. There
is still a blanket of snow over the
grain fields in the Morgan and Cecil
areas, a reversal of the usual form
when snow remains on the higher
levels and melts off of the river
slope. There is ample protection for
grain against severe weather, ac
cording to Bert Palmateer, who was
in Heppner Wednesday from his
ranch in the Morgan district.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Wool Growers Show
Dislike for Treaties
At Casper Meeting
Reciprocal Pacts No
Aid to Business
Declare Sheepmen
A strong majority of the wool
men in attendance at the national
wool growers association convention
at Casper, Wyo., last week declared
against the reciprocal trade agree
ments existing between the United
States and Canada and other for
eign countries. So stated Ralph I.
Thompson, who with Mrs. Thomp
son returned home Sunday from
the convention city.
Sheepmen are not convinced that
the trade treaties have been bene
ficial to them, despite assurances
from administration quarters that
conditions are better, Thompson
stated. When a resolution -was pre
sented seeking changes in the pre
sent set-up the wool growers read
ily voted for it.
A resolution for which Mac Hoke,
president of the Oregon Wool Grow
ers association, was spokesman, ask
ing support of the national body
for the continuance of the range
conservation program, created quite
a stir on the convention floor. Hoke
made a strong fight for endorse
ment but was voted down. Delegates
had previously registered a senti
ment favoring curtailment of gov
ernment expenses and felt it would
be inconsistent to support a resolu
tion asking for more spending.
'The National Wool Growers aux
iliary accomplished more at the
Casper convention than ever before,
in the opinion of Mrs. Ralph Thomp
son, president of the Oregon aux
iliary. The national association aux
iliary voted a $200 scholarship in
wool sewing for attendance at the
national congress of 4-H clubs in
Chicago, the final in contest among
4-H clubs all over the country. Good
reports were made by the various
state delegations, of which Oregon
led in attendance.
Mft and Mrs. Thompson and Har
old Cohn were the Heppner repre
sentatives at the convention. At
Spokane they were joined by Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Hoke and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Holt from Pendleton
and eight people from Washington
and together all made the trip to
Casper on a special Pullman, pick
ing up Montana and Wyoming peo
ple enroute.
Entertainment for the 165 ladies
at the convention included teas and
a special breakfast. There was a
special entertainment when Charles
Belden from Pitchfork, Wyo., cattle,
sheep and dude ranches, introduced
by Tim McCoy, movie star, showed
moving pictures of livestock and
wild life on his Pitchfork ranch.
Casper is situated in the vicinity
of Teapot Dome, famous for its
connection with an oil scandal some
15 years ago. There are refineries
and other oil activities nearby which
add to the commercial and social
life of the city of 20,000 people.
Power Shut-Down
Slated for Monday
A contemplated shut-own of
power service in this district is con
templated by Pacific Power and
Light company for next Monday af
ternoon between the hours of 1 and
4 o'clock, announces Ray P. Kinne,
local manager.
Weather permitting, this time has
been set for makind necessary re
pairs, and Manager Kinne wishes
all patrons to be forewarned.
The officers club of the Eastern
Star will entertain with a social
hour at the lodge home Friday eve
ning, Feb. 9.
Be at Penney's early Monday to
see the new Spring Dresses. Adv.