Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 25, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, Jan. 25, 1940
Mad Bull Injures
Morgan Rancher
Frank Lindsay of Morgan is re
cuperating at his home from injur
ies received Friday when he was
attacked in his barnyard by a pure
bred Jersey bull. He sustained sev
eral broken ribs as well as painful
bruises. A physician was called
from Heppner to attend him.
Rev. and Mrs. Moffat Dennis
drove to Portland Monday for a vis
it with relatives.
Mrs. Nettie Mason Lundy arrived
Saturday for a week's visit with her
sister, Mrs. M. E. Cotter, and other
relatives. Mrs. Clara Kincaid, an
other sister, is in from the ranch for
a few days' visit at the Cotter home
Clarence Henry, the 22 -months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Botts
was laid to rest in lone cemetery
Monday afternoon. He passed away
at the hospital in Heppner Saturday
as the result of burns received from
a gasoline fire two weeks ago. The
gas was used to kindle a fire in the
stove and when it "ignited, burned
the baby. Rev. Moffat Dennis con
ducted the services and Mrs. W. G.
Roberts sang, accompanied by Mrs.
Erling Thompsen. Among out-of-town
relatives present were Mr. and
Mrs. 0. B. Obert and son of Milton,
Mrs. Botts' parents.
French Burroughs, Morrow coun
ty pioneer, is reported ill at his
Rhea creek home.
Officers installed by the Morgan
I. O. O. F. Thursday were N. G., W.
G. Palmateer; V. G., R. L. Ekle
berry; treasurer, J. A. Troedson,
and secretary, Martin Bauernfeind.
Elmer Griffith was installing offi
cer. lone Rebekahs installed officers
Thursday evening. Mildred Lundell
was installing officer, and those in
stalled were N. G., Veda Eubanks;
V. G., Marjorie Gordon; secretary,
Lena Lundell; treasurer, Mary
Swanson; warden, Ida Fletcher;
conductor, Arvilla Swanson; chap
lain, Elaine Rietmann I. G., Ruth
Lundell; O. G., Vida Heliker; R. S.
N. G., Etta Bristow; L. S.- N. G.,
Minnie Forbes; R. S. V. G., Mar
garet Morgan; L. S. V. G., Delia
Corson; musician, Ruby Roberts.
Mrs. C. W. Swanson entertained
guests at dinner Sunday evening,
honoring Mr. Swanson's birthday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lun
dell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lun
dell. Bridge was enjoyed.
The social meeting of the Womens
Topic club was held at the E. R.
Lundell home Saturday evening.
Five tables of bridge were in play.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Gar
land Swanson, Richard Lundell, Mr.
and Mrs. Clell Ray, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Bert
Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Omar
Rietmann. High scores were won
by Mrs. Frank Lundell and J. E.
Swanson, and low toy Mrs. Clell
Ray and Frank Lundell. Co-hostesses
with Mrs. Lundell were Mes
dames Baker and Rietmann. Mrs.
Cleo Drake was unable to attend.
There will be a basketball game
here Saturday night of this week
with Pilot Rock. I
A New Weapon for an Old War!x
l w
. . . XT '!!
Former Heppner Youth Witnesses
Sinking of German Luxury Liner
U.-O., Schools Unite
On Health Program
University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan.
17, i (Special) Arrangements for
complete cooperation of staff mem
bers and coordination of work which
will result in providing one of the
most modern and efficient health
education programs for public
schools in this part of the country,
was announced today for Eugene
and Lane county schools by J. F.
Cramer, citv superintendent of
schools, Dr. Ralph W. Leighton,
dean of the University of Oregon
school of physical education, and
state board of health officcials.
The program will also include
training of teachers qualified to di
rect health education work in pub
lic schools. This work will be done
at the physical education school on
the university campus.
mi' 1 1
,ms uoxen, wno was born in
Heppner and is a nephew of Burl
Coxen of this city, was an eye-witness
to the sinking of the German
luxury liner Columbus. Young Cox
en, a sailor on the USS Tuscaloosa
for three ' years, attended grade
school here and later moved to Her
miston with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Coxen.
Folowing the sinking of the $21,
000,000 vessel, Ellis wrote a graphic
account of the experience to his par
ents, a uortion of which was pub
lished recently in the Hermiston
Herald and is as follows:
"We were steaming along behind
the German liner (Columbus), es
corting her out of the neutral zone.
It was somewhere around 4 o'clock
when a speck of smoke was sighted
over the horizon. Of course, all
hands went up to watch it. It was
just a few minutes until we could
see that it was a war ship.
"We knew we were the only Am
ericans out here, so we figured that
it must be a British ship that's
when we really got interested. Pret
ty soon we could see the Canadian
man-of-war flag at her masthead.
The destroyer fired two shots across
the liner's bow and signaled a halt.
"We came to a halt at the same
time. She had no more than stapped
than we could see lifeboats being
lowered over the side (of the liner).
By this time the British destroyer
had come about, the crew of the
liner had climbed into their boats
and shoved off from it. It was but
a very few minutes until the liner
slowly began to settle and fire broke
out above her after deck.
"The destroyer signaled us and
asked if w would take the surviv
ors in. So the process of getting all
those people aboard ' began. The
sea was choppy and the boats were
banging up against the ship pretty
bad and a few of the sailors fell in
the drink but we pulled them out
O. K. By this time it was getting
dusk and the liner, which was a-
blaze all over, was lighting up the
scene for miles around. That was
an awful sight a 21-million dollar
ship going up in smoke and slowly
"Some of the crew had some very
sad faces but others were laughing
and said they were glad and proud
to be aboard a U. S. ship. They
brought some wine and champagne
as gifts for the crew. I was given
a quart of wine and I gave them
cigarettes. They were a very nice
bunch of sailors (some spoke Eng
lish). There were several women
in the crew and some small boys.
"When we got into New York
there was a mess of tugboats which
had come out containing news reel
and newspaper men. They took
pictures by the hundreds of the
survivors. Many of our sailors got
pictures of the sinking ship (I'll
send some home) and these news
papermen offered as high as $100
a roll for film."
Ellis sent one of the life jackets
used by one of the survivors. .
Story of Crested
Wheat on Broadcast
Gilliam county, Oregon, has been
selected as one of 12 counties in the
United States to tell its story of suc
cessful AAA practices to a nation
wide audience over National Farm
and Home hour. The broadcast will
be made at 9:30 a. m., February 6,
from the studios of station KEX,
Portland, and will feature crested
wheat grass.
Gilliam county got in on the
ground floor of crested wheat grass
plantings during the early years of
the farm program. When the AAA
made new crops desirable on lands
taken out of wheat production, Gil
liam county was among the first to
popularize crested wheat grass.
During the last few years, farmers
of the county have maintained 20,-
000 to 30,000 acres of crested wheat
grass, and have sold thousands of
bushels of seed to other areas which
were just starting to plant it.
Soil Improvement
Short Course Topic
A three-day soil science short
course, open to the public, is an
nounced for February 13 to 15, in
clusive, at Oregon State college. The
program, to be announced later, will
include the latest developments in
irrigation and drainage practices,
soil fertility, reclamation and con
servation. Several outside speakers
have been arranged for, says Dr. W.
L. Powers, head of the soils depart
ment. Results of experimental soil
projects in Oregon will be reported
Immediately following the short
course the Pacific Coast Agricultur
al Engineering association will meet
on the campus February 1 and 17,
making it possible for delegates to
attend both sessions.
Funeral services were held from
the Christian church in lone Mon
day afternoon for Clarence Botts,
two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Botts. The child died Sat
urday evening at the Morrow Gen
eral hospital where he was brought
following serious burns sustained
in an accident at the Botts home
the previous week. Interment was
made in the lone cemetery with
Phelps Funeral home of Heppner
in charge.
Oregon State College Four new
features for the KOAC school of the
air have been announced in the
winter and spring schedule, which
has just been distributed to all Ore
gon schools. A safety series will be
broadcast each Tuesday at 11 o'
clock, featuring safety on streets
and highways, at home, and in play.
"School Children of Other Lands
and Other Times,' will be heard
Wednesday at 11 o'clock, while the
story of national parks and monu
ments will be told each Friday at the
same hour. For younger children
the adventures of a happy-go-lucky
fairy creature, Brother Buzz, are
being dramatized each Tuesday at
11:15 o'clock.
Alert today alive tomorrow.
August Schunk, father of Police
man Albert Schunk, who has been
ill with influenza the last week, is
reported on the mend.
Batteries Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Orig
inal Capacity at End of 5- or 10-Year
8-ft. special built refrigerator for
battery operation.
Enjoy having Sweeper, Iron, Toaster,
Waffle Iron and many other electric
Free Estimates Without Obligation
Phone or Write
Moro, Ore. Res. DeMoss Spr.
they cost so little and
are so easily installed!
Adequate wiring also en
ables you to benefit more
fully from low-cost
Pacific Power & Light
Company electricity.
O Don't make your appliances difficult to use
by putting up with makeshift outlets or bother- ;
some extension cords. Call in an electrical
contractor today to install convenience outlets
where you need them. He works quickly and
his charges are small.
See your Electrical Contractor todayl
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service
Give Your Budget Some RELIEF
Buy from your RED & WHITE Store and make your dollars do
more work. Here are some
Priced to make your budget go farther
CORN, fancy whole ker
nel Bantam
CORN, Evans Golden
Bantam (2 for 35c)
0 So Good (2 for 25c)
PEAS, Ocean Telephone
and Sweet (2 for 25c)
HOMINY, Tru-pak and fl -
R& W, 2ioS JL3C
(2 for 35c) I5C
solid pack
TOMATOES, with -fl
puree, 2is JL & 2 CJ
Golden (2 for 25c) .... JL3.C
Aid Infantile Paralysis Sufferers
attend the President's Birthday Ball,
Elks Hall, Saturday Evening, Jan. 27.
M. D. Clark