Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 25, 1940, Image 1

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P U B L I C A U D 3 T 0 R I V
Volume 56, Number 47
More Oregonians
Take 1940 Wheat
Crop Insurance
Popularity of Feder
al Protection Shows
Big Increase in Year
Growth in popularity of federal
crop insurance is shown by the fact
that around 2200 Oregon farmers
will have policies protecting this
year's wheat crop, as compared to
about 700 in 1939, according to the
state AAA office in Corvallis.
Oregon farmers have until Feb
ruary 29 to apply for insurance on
spring wheat. Applications will be
taken at county agricultural con
servation offices.
Will Steen of Milton, chairman of
the state agricultural conservation
committee, said that nearly one
half of Oregon's 1940 crop will be
protected from all risks by the fed
eral insurance, according to the pre
sent outlook.
"This means a lot from a finan
cial standpoint, since it opens a new
source of credit," he declared. "Any
farmer who has assured himself of
three-fourths of a normal crop by
taking out insurance is a much
better risk to creditors than the
farmer who is going it on his own.
Banks and other lending agencies
are a lot more willing to advance
him money."
Crop insurance was in effect in
17 Oregon counties in 1939. Out of
the 708 policies sold, 181 paid loss
claims to their holders because of
poor crops. Five counties had no
Federal crop insurance is unique
in that premiums and losses are
handled on a "wheat basis. Farm
ers who insure their wheat crops
can pay the premiums in wheat, and
in event of a loss can be repaid in
The premium rate that each grow
er pays is calculated from actual
losses that he has experienced dur
ing the base period, a 13 or 20-year
period, depending on the area. In
other words, the growers premium
payment represents his average an
nual cost of crop failure. Insurance
won't reduce the amount of loss a
grower may expect over a similar
period of years, but it enables him
to pay his cost of failure in annual
installments rather than in one ru
inous loss.
Snowfall Light in
Umatilla Forest
Snowfall in the Blue mountains
south of Heppner has been unusu
allv lieht this winter, according to
information imparted by the forest
ranger's office here. Before the light
snowstorm Tuesday night, depth of
snow at Ditch creek was seven in
ches. This is below normal, al
though December and early Janu
ary rainfall made up the deficiency
in snowfall to quite an extent.
Deer are reported plentiful in the
local forest area. Mrs. Margaret
Justus states that 150 head have
been counted on her range on upper
Hinton creek. So far the animals
have been grazing and have not
been considered a burden. Should
they have to be fed, or rather help
themselves to the hay, it may be
necessary to appeal to the game
commission for assistance.
A land use meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday evening,
Jan. 21, at Willows grange hall in
lone. All districts adjacent to lone
have been asked to have represent
atives present. Preparation of a
land use map similar to that m use
by the grazing district will be taken
up and committees selected from
the farmers will be named to carry
on the work, according to plans
outlined by the county agent's office.
Drive for Infantile Paralysis
Fund to Receive Impetus at
Big Dance Saturday Evening
Saturday evening will mark the
climax to the drive for funds for the
fight against infantile paralysis. That
is the date of the annual President's
Birthday ball which will be held at
the Elks hall in Heppner. Plans for
the big social event, which has al
ways been the source of raising
much of the county's contribution
to the national fund, have been
completed, according to the commit
tee in charge.
The Troubadors, an 8-piece swing
band of Umatilla county, has been
retained to furnish the music. In
behalf of the committee it might be
explained that the orchestra was se
lected by bid and not from prefer
ence. Throughout the state and nation
final plans have been made to bring
to a successful conclusion all par
ticipation in the 1940 campaign
against infantile paralysis. The
drive will be climaxed by the birth
day balls, parties and other events
designed to raise funds and to make
the people infantile paralysis con
Locally there has been some con
tribution of funds through means
other than the dance and there are
still packets available for sending
in dimes. Fifty per cent of all funds
contributed from the county will be
returned for use here, it is pointed
Sunday, Jan. 28, has been set
aside as Infantile Paralysis Church
Sunday, when churches of all de
nominations will offer prayers for
those who have been afflicted with
the dread disease. .The idea was
originated by the churches last year
and is endorsed and supported by
It may not have been cricket,
as the English put it, and proba
bly would not have passed the
censors at a Mexican bullfight,
but it proved effective, according
to Frank Lindsay, rancher of the
north Morgan section, when a mad
bull attacked him at his ranch last
Friday evening. The reason:
Lindsay wrestled with the bull in
the manner accepted in the mod
ern rodeo arena and commonly
known as bulldogging.
Quick wit probably saved Lind
say from serious injury. He fig
ured that the closer he could stay
to the animal the less risk there
was of being gored. After wrest
ling around the lot for some time
he was able to free himself from
the bull and reach safety. When
examined by a local physician
it was found he had suffered no
thing worse than two fractured
Grazing District
Board Meets Here
Members of the Morrow county
grazing district board met with Vir
gil Starr, district grazier, at County
Agent C. D. Conrad's office in
Heppner Monday on matters per
taining to operation of the unit.
The federal range code was re
viewed with a view to making rec
ommendations for changes of policy.
All grazing districts of the state as
well as in other states have been
asked to assist the department in
revising the code. Allotments for
1940 also were discussed. Fee no
tices will be sent out to all allot
ment holders by the middle of Feb
ruary. Members attending the meeting
were L. D. Neill, Charles Bartholo
mew, John Krebs and Jack Hynd.
William Kilkenny is the fifth mem
ber of the board.
Oregon, Thursday, Jan.
AAA Committee
Outlines 1940
Farm Program
District Meeting at
Arlington Monday
to Formulate Plans
County committeemen from six
counties held a meeting at Arling
ton Monday to formulate plans for
the 1940 farm work program under
the Agricultural Adjustment Ad
ministration. Representatives of the
state organization were present and
acted in an advisory capacity. These
included Fred Entermille, represen
tative of the state committee, Chas.
W. Smith, assistant state county ag
ent leader, C. L. Ludwig, state wheat
loan advisor, and Clyde Kiddle, state
crop insurance assistant.
An outline for work in 1940 was
laid before the group and its various
phases were discussed. Mr. Smith
urged coordination of the different
agencies working toward the same
goal in attaining permanent con
servation practices. He pointed out
that the AAA gives the individual
farmer an opportunity to carry out
practices the extension service has
been advocating for years.
Speaking on wheat loans, C. L.
Ludwig stated that federal crop
loans were made on 23,000,000 bush
els of wheat in the western district,
including the states of Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Utah, in 1939,
and that as of December 1, 1939,
approximately 20,000,000 bushels
were still in the growers' hands and
estimated there was little change
in that figure at present. All loans
will mature on April 30. The pre
sent market price is from 15 cents
to 18 cents a bushel better than the
loan value, which averages 60 cents
a bushel. The speaker stated that
last-minute liquidation might .affect
the general market price and coun
seled a gradual liquidation. In this
connection it is pointed out that
Morrow county loans are about 30
per cent liquidated.
Clyde Kiddle reported Oregon
well up to the top in percentage of
seeded wheat insured. The latest
reports indicate that 35 per cent of
the total acreage seeded in the state
is covered by crop insurance and
with spring applications yet to come
may reach 50 per cent. Spring seed
ing applications will be received up
to Feb. 29, the closing date.
A follow-up AAA meeting for all
community committeemen of the
county will be held in Heppner
Feb. 1, according to C. D. Conrad,
county agent. The county program
will be further broken down to
community meetings for the purpose
of educating the farmers in the dif
ferent phases of the 1940 farm work
schedule. May 1 is the final date
for signing intention of participa
tion in the 1940 program. This ap
plies to both farming and grazing.
November 30 is the closing date for
completing the conservation pro
gram. Those attending the Arlington
meetings from Morrow county were
the county committeemen, E. Har
vey Miller, R. B. Rice and Henry
Baker, County Agent Cliff Conrad
and assistant secretary, Merle Cum
The Girls' League of Lexington
high school is planning a benefit
dance for one of their members, Er
ma Scott, who has been ill in The
Dalles hospital for the last two
months with pneumonia. The dance
wil be held at the Lexington grange
hall on Saturday evening, February
3.' The committee in charge has
extended a general invitation for
public support and promises that
everyone will enjoy themselves
everyone will enjoy himself danc
ing modern and old time dances to
the music of an excellent orchestra.
25, 1940
Youths Display Knowledge of
Laws and Handicraft Before
Sponsor Organization
Interest in Boy Scout work was
heightened Monday when Martin
B. Clark, scoutmaster, and three of
his scouts appeared before the Lions
club and demonstrated some of the
work accomplished since the reor
ganization of the Heppner troop
late last fall. A demonstration in
knot tying and quoting of scout law,
the scout oath and uses of the "Flag
of the United States" were included
in the program.
Wade Bothwell showed the Lions
what he and other scouts have
learned about tying rope into knots.
The youth not only tied the knots
but explained the use of each. He
was followed by Tom Starkey who
gave the scout oath and readily
answered all points in it as well as
explaining the points of the national
flag and how it should be used.
Albert Schunk recited the scout
law and readily answered what each
of the 12 rules mean. A test given
by the scoutmaster to the three
boys showed that the principles of
scout lore are being properly assim
Announcement was made that the
next court of honor will be held at
Lexington. Feb. 8-15 is Boy Scout
week and several functions have
been planned, the most important!
of which to the local troop is the
parents-sons banquet on Lincoln's
birthday. Special emphasis will be
placed on the flag and an invitation
will be given the public to attend
the meeting.
Miss Rachel Forsythe and a sex
tet of girls representing the seventh
and eighth grades entertained with
two vocal numbers. The personnel
indued Marjorie Sims, Louise
Green, Jean Turner, Patricia Ken
ny, Betty Marie Coxen and Kathryn
Howell. Mary Lou Ferguson was
Fall Results in Death
of John Kelly
John Kelly, for a number of years
a resident of Morrow county where
he engaged in the sheep business,
met death in an accident at the
Packard hotel in Pendleton Friday
evening. He slipped on a stair land
ing of the third floor and fell some
30 feet to the roof of a storm door,
suffering a basal skull fracture that
resulted in instant death.
Kelly, 56, with two friends, James
Higgins of Pilot Rock and Bernard
Doherty of Echo, was leaving the
hotel after being with Pat Bohan of
Echo in his room.
Funeral services were held at St.
Mary's Catholic church in Pendle
ton Monday morning, attended by
many friends of Umatilla and Mor
row counties, where the deceased
was well and favorably known. Pall
bearers were Walter Moore and
James Petrie of Pendleton; Henry
Cohn, of Heppner; James Higgins,
Pilot. Rock; Barney Doherty and
Pat Bohan of Echo.
Mr. Kelly, born in Ireland, March
31, 1884, came to the United States
in 1910 and to Morrow county in
1911. He followed the sheep busi
ness in this county, operating for a
number of years on the George
Perry ranch on Rock creek. He
went .to Pendleton five or six years
ago, making his home at the Pen
dleton hotel. He represented Eis
mann Bros., of Boston, and became
known as one of the best wool buy
ers operating in this district. Loyal
to his friends, generous and kind
hearted, his sudden passing has
caused sincere regret.
Surviving are two brothers, James
of New York, and one in Ireland.
He was a member of the Catholic
church and the Knights of Colum
bus. Mrs. Frank C. Alfred has re
signed her position with the Wasco
welfare division and has joined Mr.
Alfred at their home in Heppner.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
New Buildings
Projected to Rise
On Main Street
Truman Babb Starts
Work on First Unit
for Penney Company
Signs of building activity in Hepp
ner were evidenced Monday of this
week when Truman Babb, local
contractor and builder, resumed
preliminary work on the lot recent
ly acquired from Dr. A. D. McMur
do which was interrupted by the
snow storm two weeks ago. Work
now in progress is on the first unit
of a projected building which will
cover the entire frontage between
the Masonic building and the Thom
son Bros, building.
The first unit is to be a one-story
building 30 feet wide by 100 feet
long. Concrete and tile will be used
in the walls. Joint use of the Thom
son wall has been acquired and a
concrete wall will be built from
the end of the Thomson wall to the
rear of the new building. Concrete
flooring with a tile covering will be
used in place of the customary wood
floor. When completed, about April
1, this room will be occupied by the
J. C. Penney company.
As fast as the work can be un
dertaken, Mr. Babb will extend the
building to cover his entire lot. The
second unit may be divided into
four store rooms, depending upon
the demand when the work is start
ed. Renters are plentiful, he states,
and prospects are good for contin
ued building operations throughout
the season.
Prospects for a general business
moving have been opened with the
start of building activities. It is un
derstood that several business con
cerns desire different locations and
when the Penney company moves
into the new. quarters it is likely
that a succession of business movea
will follow. With addition of four
or five new store rooms to the bus
iness district it is possible that some
vacancies will occur, unless the own
ers succeed in filling them with new
Winter Holds on
With Firm Grip
Following the January thaw that
removed a large part of the heavy
snow blanket of two weeks ago,
Old Man Winter returned over the
week end and has held this section
in a firm grip. The temperature has
not descended to a startling degree
buf has remained steadily below
freezing for a week.
Tuesday and Wednesay nights
were the coldest recorded by the
U. S. thermometer at the Gilliam
home. The mercury dropped to 14
above both nights. What appeared
to be a cold snap on the way Wed
nesday evening was checked by a
snow storm that left about four
inches on the ground.
Lexington Children
Given Health Tests
Fifty-seven children were exam
ined at the Lexington school, Janu
ary 18, by Dr. M. C. Davis from the
State Board of Health. Twelve chil
dren were vaccinated for smallpox
and thirteen were given their first
dose of toxoid for dyphtheria and
two were given Schick tests, accord
ing to Lucille H. Vale, county nurse.
Forty-five children were examin
ed at the lone school, January 19.
Nine children were given their first
dose of toxoid for diphtheria and
eleven children were vaccinated for
smallpox. Two were given Schick
Mrs. Lena Cox was hostess to
the American Legion auxiliary at
her home Tuesday afternoon. There
was a large attendance.