Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 11, 1940, Image 1

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PUBLIC A J 1 T 0 I 'J v
Volume 56, Number 45
Local Sheepmen
Get Results at
Burns Conclave
Grazing Allotments
Not to be Cut Here
During 1940 Season
Returning from Burns where they
attended a three-day convention
of Oregon Wool Growers associa
tion, Morrow county sheepmen are
feeling more optimistic regarding
the immediate future of their in
dustry insofar as grazing regulations
are concerned. The reason for this
is found in assurance given them
by the district grazier that allot
ments in the national forest which
were curtailed in a recent order
will not be lessened, at least during
The order to cut allotments fol
lowed a survey made last August.
The sheepmen affected by the rul
ing felt that they were not getting
fair treatment and went to the con
vention prepared to put up an ar
gument. When the matter was made
clear to the regional grazier he
rescinded the order as far as this
year is concerned. A resolution has
been prepared relating to future
allotments which must await consid
eration by the grazing authorities.
The district grazier pointed out that
in taking action on the 1940 allot
ments it was to protect stockmen
against too hasty action by the de
partment. It is a department ruling
to notify stockmen of allotment cuts
no later than September 1 and in
this instance notification was not
made until December 15.
Formation of advisory boards
similar to those acting under the
Taylor Grazing act is being urged
by the sheepmen. If these are grant
ed and clothed with the same auth
ority as the Taylor groups it is felt
that much of the red tape and worry
of the stockmen using forest grazing
will be eliminated.
Other important business con
cluded by the convention involved
appointment of a committee to work
with outdoor sports organizations
opposed to creation of additional na
tional parks from national forests
and public domain. The group also
voiced opposition to any change in
the Oregon labor law" and author
ized its officers to appear at hear
ings of labor disputes involving the
wool growing industry and the gen
eral public; went on record favor
ing repeal of the reciprocal tra'de
agreements and continuation of the
Dies committee investigation oi
subversive activities in the United
Mac Hoke of Pendleton was chos
en president, Wayne Stewart of
Dayville, vice president, and Walter
Holt of Pendleton, secretary for the
ensuing year.
Morrow county was represented
by a fair-sized delegation, includ
ing Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Pinckney, L. D. Neill and Vawter
A large blaze behind the high
school marked the definite exodus
of Christmas when the the Heppner
troop of Boy Scouts burned the last
evidence of Christmas cheer. The
boys enjoyed the doing of this "good
turn" as much as they did the actual
burning of the trees and wish to
thank the forestry department for
their cooperation in furnishing a
truck and driver for the occasion.
Commitment services were held
today for the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ross. The child was
born Monday and died Wednesay.
Phelps Funeral home was in charge.
Mrs. Thompson Again
Heads Wool Ladies
Tenth annual convention of the
Women's Auxiliary of the Oregon
Wool Growers was held at Burns
Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. David Jones of Burns open
ed the meeting with the address of
welcome, with the response made
by Mrs. Mac Hoke of Pendleton.
Mrs. Ralph Thompson, state presi
dent, presided. The work of the
organization during the past year
was discussed and various projects
for the year 1940 were outlined.
F. M. Simpson, representing Swift
& Co., discussed ways and means
of making people more conscious of
the value of the lamb in the diet. H.
C. Seymour of Corvallis, state 4-H
club leader, praised the work of the
auxiliaries and the interest they
have shown in the 4-H club work
in the "fat lamb" shows that were
held in the several counties of the
state and for the support given the
4-H club girls in their wool sewing
A woolen exhibit was put on by
each auxiliary. Grant county won
first prize, Malheur second and
Umatilla third. Many beautiful
woolen articles were displayed.
Officers for the following two
years were elected with Mrs. R. I.
Thompson of Heppner again chosen
as president; Mrs. Mac Hoke of
Pendleton, first vice president, Mrs.
Clarence Love, Keating, second vice
president; Mrs. Harold Cohn, Hepp
ner, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs.
Alec R. Gay, Dayville, correspond
ing secretary.
Auxiliary delegates were enter
tained with a tea at the city hall
and a luncheon at the Pine Tlea
room by the ladies of Burns.
Car Damaged in
Highway Collision
A truck driven by Jack Osier of
Heppner and a heavy passenger car
driven by W. B. Armitage of The
Dalles figured in a collision on the
Willow creek highway near the for
mer Karl Farnsworth place at Rhea
Siding last Friday night, resulting,
in considerable damage to the car.
Osier was stalled on the highway
due to a broken rear wheel. He had
left the truck in search of a tele;4
phone to call for help. He states
he placed flares at both front and
rear of the vehicle before leaving
and that when he returned the
flares and a suitcase in the truck
cab were missing. In the meantime,
Armitage, who was on his way to
the Columbia river from Heppner,
crashed into the rear of the truck.
His car was badly damaged but he
escaped with little injury.
Paul Pettyjohn came along short
ly after the accident and brought
Armitage to Heppner for medical
aid. Osier was unable to remove
the truck from the highway until
repairs were made to the broken
Grain Growers Buy
lone Warehouse
Purchase of the Beckner-Emert
warehouse in lone by the Morrow
County Grain Growers of Lexington
was announced over the week end
by G. J. Ryan, manager of the Lex
ington concern. The grain growers
company, operators of the ware
houses at Lexington, has been run
ning the lone warehouse the last
three years under lease.
The Beckner-Emert warehouse
has a capacity of 37,000 bushels for
storage purposes.
Miss Lucille Vale returned to
Heppner last Thursday and has set
up her office for carrying on the
work of county health nurse. She
has quarters in the office of County
Engineer Harry Tamblyn at the
courthouse. Miss Vale will be in the
county until the middle of Febru
ary when she will go to Sherman
county, her schedule calling for al
ternating six weeks between the
two counties. Her residence is with
Mrs. Daisy Shively. '
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Jan.
Tuesday Storm
Brings Heavy
Snow to County
9-Inch Blanket Cov
ers Ground; Roads
Open to Travel
Climaxing a week of heavy wea
ther, snow to the depth of nine
inches fell over most of the county
Monday night and Tuesday morn
ing. A prior fall of about two in
ches, fell on Monday and residents
were surprised to find the ground
covered to a greater depth Tuesday
The snow did not ride in on the
wings of a heavy storm and as a
result the work of highway crews
in this district has not been as
heavy as on previous occasions.
Roads and highways of the county
have been kept open to travel and
there has been little inconvenience
in any quarters. From reports
reaching town, the fall in the sou
thern part of the county was not
much heavier than here and travel
has been maintained through the
mountains over the Heppner-Spray
highway. Highway crews were on
the job early Tuesday morning and
the crew working to the south had
reached Hardman at an early hour.
Here in Heppner the traffic situ
ation was relieved by the appear
ance of CCC gangs on the streets.
Armed with shovels, the boys soon
made the sidewalks clear for ped
estrians. Main street and side
streets were cleared and openings
shoveled out for car owners to get
from their cars to the walks and
back. Lt. Marius .P. Hanford and
his foremen directed the boys to do
a thorough job, an act meriting the
thanks of the business men and cit
Luncheon to Mark Completion
of Chamber of Commerce
Organization in Heppner
Plans for the luncheon meeting to
be held at the Hotel Heppner to
morrow noon have been ompleted
and it is expected that most, if not
all, of the 40 people who have sign
ed the membership roll of the cham
ber of commerce will attend.
This meeting will mark the com-
Hpletion of the organization work
and the start of the active program
of projects which the board of di
rectors has mapped out. Principal
iltm of the luncheon meeting will
be adoption of the by-laws, which
have already received the sanction
of the board of directors. The mat
ter of financing the chamber for
the ensuing months will also be pre
sented. When matters of organiza
tion are out of the way there will
be a discussion of projects to claim
the club's attention.
At least one of the projects com
ing up at this time will call for im
mediate action. It will be a matter
having direct bearing on trade buil
ding and will be of interest to all
business concerns of the town. Some
of the other projects will relate to
grazing on the national forest, roads,
trades practices and the subject of
rural routes. It is not expected that
these will receive the attention they'
are entitled to at this brief lunch
eon meeting, but they are on the
schedule of the board of directors
and will be presented to the mem
bership for study.
Equipment and supplies of the
Morrow county relief office were
moved to the new quarters in the
city building the first of the week.
The office has been located in the
Heppner hotel building for several
years. The city arranged quarters
that promise to be more convenient
for the handling of relief supplies.
11, 1940
Former Resident
Passes in South
Mrs. Frank Rumble received word
Wednesday morning of the death of
her brother, George Gibson, whose
passing occurred at Birmingham,
Ala., that morning. The message
made no reference to cause of death.
Mr. Gibson was a resident of
Heppner for three and a half years.
He came here in March, 1936, in
poor health and after making a sub
stantial recovery, decided to re
main. He was employed as day clerk
at Hotel Heppner for a year, re
signing that position June 1, 1939.
He left here early in August to
join his wife in the south, where
she held a position as hotel hostess.
Shortly after his arrival Mrs. Gibson
became ill and they had only recent
ly secured new positions, she in
Tennessee and he in Birmingham.
Mrs. Rumble related that her bro
ther had always looked upon her
more as a mother than a sister.
When George was a babe of four
months their mother fell ill and it
fell to the seven-year-old sister to
take care of the baby. She milked
the cow and did the other chores
besides taking care of the baby and
waiting on her mother. Ever after
when George needed aid he looked
to his sister. So it was in the spring
of 1936 when he became ill while
managing a large hotel in Florida,
he yearned for the expert ministra
tions of that kindly sister and cross
ed the continent to reach her at
George Marvin Gibson was 64
years of age at the time of his pass
ing. He is survived by his wife, the
sister, Mrs. Rumble, and two bro
thers, Elbert Gibson of Heppner and
Dr. R. E. Gibson of Newberry, Mich.
While acting in the capacity of
day clerk at the local hotel, Mr.
Gibson made many friends who will
regret to learn of his untimely pas
ing. Small Boy Burned
By Gasoline Flames
Clarence, two-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Botts was se
verely burned on the face and hands
Sunday afternoon in an accident at
the Botts home on one of the Kin
caid places southwest of lone. The
child was brought to Heppner for
treatment and is a patient at the
Morrow General hospital.
The accident happened when an
uncle of the little boy attempted to
kindle the fire with gasoline. The
youth was getting ready to start
a gasoline motor and placed a small
can of gasoline on the stove to heat
it. The fire in the stove was low
an he used some of the gasoline to
give the fire a quick start. The
gasoline exploded and flames spread
around the can. The youth held
on to the can and started for the
outdoors. The little Botts boy was
following him and fell, the flames
enveloping his face and hands. The
older boy endeavored to stamp out
the flame on the floor without suc
cess and the mother, who witnessed
the fast-moving spectacle, grabbed
the child up and wrapped him in
a blanket.
The older boy was burned quite
severely on the hands and was
brought to Heppner with the Botts
boy for treatment.
Wilkins Car Upsets
On John Day Highway
Harold Wilkins started for the Or
eon Wool Growers convention at
Burns Sunday morning but didn't
get there. A short distance north
of John Day his car left the high
way and upset, damaging the car
to the extent of about $300. The
driver escaped with nothing more
than a severe shaking up.
Wilkins states that he struck an
icy spot on the John Day highway
which caused the car to leave the
road. It crashed into a post before
upsetting, which probably added to
the damage. He returned to Hepp
ner, leaving the welfare of the con
vention in the hands of the rest of
the Morrow county delegation.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Morrow County
Ready to Assist
Paralysis Fund
Observance of Natal
Day of President Set
Saturday, Jan. 27
Morrow county, a consistent con
tributor to the infantile paralysis
foundation since the first Presi
dents ball in 1934, is again preparing
to observe the date in a fitting man
ner. Headed by Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
county chairman, the committee in
charge of the Heppner celebration
has laid plans for the seventh an
nual ball which will be held at the
B. P. O. Elks temple Saturday eve
ning, January 27. Dance dates for
points in the county have not been
announced but it is expected that
several other towns and granges
will observe the occasion in a fit
ting manner.
The committee is wonting on
plans to make this year's ball the
equal if not better than those of
former years. It will be remember
ed that last year's dance netted $175,
to which was added $6 from the
sale of two cakes. This placed Hepp
ner in the van of high contributing
districts and it is the committee's
desire to maintain this position in
a cause the worth of which is not
There should be no let-up in the
campaign against infantile paralysis,
according to Dr. McMurdo, who says
that the war has only really begun.
In support of his contention he
cites the folowing article taken
from a report made by Paul de
Kruif , secretary of the general med
ical advisory committee of the Na
tional Foundation for Infantile
"Of the ills of mankind infantile
paralysis is admittedly a long way
from the most deadly. In any one
year, or in any given epidemic it
does not leave its crippling mark
upon a large proportion of the chil
dren of any community. These
truths are sometimes cited in de
Continued on Page Eight
Birds Make Best
Of Open Weather
' Birds, like human beings, may not
be successful weather prophets and,
like the human race may be as
easily fooled by the antics of na
ture. Continued balmy weather extend--ing
up to the snowstorm Sunday
induced the little feathered friends
to hang around familiar haunts.
One of these haunts is the park at
the rear of the Morrow county
courthouse. There the birds find
shelter in the trees, water for drink
and bath, and big juicy angleworms
to sate the cravings of the inner
With the weather what it was all
fall and early winter, the birds were
loathe to give up their sanctuary
and hung around, as it were, living
a care-free life. So it was that last
Friday morning, with the sun shin
ing and the temperature in the fif
ties, observing courthouse officials
counted 30 robins on the lawn at
the rear of the building. They were
as busy as peanut venders at a base
ball game, running and flitting
about as unconcerned as if it were
early June instead of early Janu
ary. And (this is unofficial) one
observer insists that he saw a robin
extract a long worm from the
ground but due to the anemic con
dition of the wiggler his captor re
fused to make a meal of him.
Walter Armitage, injured Friday
night in an automobile accident on
the O.-W. highway and brought to
Heppner for treatment, was able to
leave the Heppner hospital Sunday
afternoon and with his parents re
turned to his home at The Dalles.