Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1940, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, Jan. 4, 1940
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Budget Balancer
A. S. Akers was a passenger on
Tuesday's train for Portland after
spending a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow. Mrs.
Akers remained here to be with
their granddaughter, Marie Barlow,
who is suffering an attack of in
flammatory rheumatism. Her con
dition is reported slightly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Pearcy and
daughter Pauline, and Ray Korche,
all of The Dalles, were New Year
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Gilliam. Mr. Pearcy, now a con
ductor on the main line of the Un
ion Pacific, was formerly employed
on the Heppner branch as a brake
man. Louis Gilliam left Tuesday morn
ing for Corvallis to resume his stu
dies at Oregon State college after
spending the holidays with his fa-
ther, L. L. Gilliam. Louis was ac
companied by Misses Carolyn and
Marian Moyer of Heppner and Bert
Mason, Jr. of lone, all students at
the college.
"Just what we need," was the
comment of Harley Anderson, Eight
Mile farmer in town Tuesday, when
-asked if he liked the brand of wea
ther. Lots of moisture falling out
his way and lack of frost is helping
the ground get the benefit of it.
Work on the Heppner forest camp
site will be resumed in the next
work period starting after January
5. Grading and graveling of drive
ways and seeding along the new
retaining wall is contemplated in
the improvement.
Dave Judkins and Edgar Parker,
who cruised a large body of timber
in the national forest recently ac
quired by the Kinzua Pine Mills
company, have returned to their sta
tions in Pendleton and Heppner,
Henry Krebs of Cecil is a patient
at the U. S. Veterans hospital in
Walla Walla. He entered the hos
pital Wednesday and was accom
panied to the institution by C. J. D.
Bauman and Loyal Parker of Hepp
ner. Clifford Carlson returned to Eu
gene Tuesday morning after spend
ing the Christmas vacation at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
V. L. Carlson. He is a student at
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green,
whose marriage was an event of
December 25, have returned to
Heppner and are now at home to
their friends in the Case apart
ments. Lewis Batty of Hardman was
transacting business in Heppner
TiiPsdav morning. He reports fine
weather in the southern part of the
county with a little less fog than
has ruled in the lower sections.
Miss Helen Valentine spent the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Valentine, at the family
home in Sourdough canyon. She
returned to The Dalles Monday to
resume her duties as teacher.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church will
meet on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at the home
of Mrs. J. J. Wightman. The hour
will be 2:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jones were
r-alW to Seattle last week by the
illness of their daughter, Phyllis
Jane Pollock. They returned to
Heppner Sunday.
Mrs. Blaine Chanel and Mrs. Lo
rena Isom were Hardman people
transacting business in Heppner Tu
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney have
as their guest, Mrs. Pinckney's mo
ther, Mrs. W. S. Bell of Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Schoiack
left Sunday for Doren for a visit
of a few days.
T, R. Stockman, engineer from
Baker, was registered at the Hotel
Heppner Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Lawrence re
turned Monday from California
where they spent a week visiting
relatives. Thev took a side trio to x
Reno and found the divorce capital
an interesting place. While the
town is run on a wide open sched
ule, good order is maintained and
the Heppner people believe Reno
is rightfully named "the Biggest
Little City in the World."
Employees of the First National
Bank of Portland, Heppner branch,
enioved a party at the B. C. Pinck
ney home last week end. The party
was preceded by a dinner at the Lu
cas Place. Those attening were Mr.
and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell McNeill, Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Redding, Howard Bryant, Miss
Beth Vance, Miss Marjorie Parker
and Harlan McCurdy.
Archdeacon Eric Robathan of
Pendleton will be in Heppner Sun
day to hold Holy Communion ser
vice at 11 o'clock . m. At 5 o'clock
p. m. there will be the Service of
Lights, commemorating the Epipha
nytide. Archdeacon Robathan will
hold services at Cecil at 3 p. m.
Mrs. Charles Thomson is visiting
her sister. Mrs. J. W. Beymer and
her nephew, Orrin Bisbee, in San
Francisco. She expects to remain
in the bay district two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith had
as their guests over New Years, Mr.
Smith's mother and his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dyer,
all of Naches, Wash.
James Furlong returned to Bre
merton, Wash., the past week after
visiting a short time in Heppner.
He is a welder in the navy yard at
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burkenbine
have as their house guests, Mrs. A.
B. Gray and two daughters of Dor-
ris, Cal.
Rain Slows Travel
In Forest Areas
Heavy rains in the mountains have
slowed travel over forest roads, for
est officials report. Instead of snow
in the higher stretches, rain in cop
ious quantities has fallen with the
result that most of the roads are
Snow which fell in December has
all but disappeared and lack of
freezing weather has left the ground
in condition to soak up the mois
Softening of the roads has like
wise brought logging operations of
the Kinzua mill company to a stop.
Taking advantage of the open wea
ther during the fall the company
carried on logging operations inten
sively and has 12,000,000. feet of logs
decked out at the mill. About 1,
000.000 of this was logged since the
last of November. The company is
preparing to build a big pond near
Wineland lake to hold logs for
shipment to the mill at Kinzua.
The New Birth and
Death Certificates
In order to meet the demands of
the times the United States Census
Bureau has made a number of
changes in standard birth and death
certificates. The Oregon State
Board of health has approved ot
thpse changes and is now issuing
the new standard forms which
should be in use throughout the
state after January 1st, 1940.
The new forms have not been
radically changed, but have been
considerably simplified. Unneces
sary informatiin has been eliminat
ed and new questions have been
added to meet the requirements of
the changed conditions. The addi
tional questions are planned to meet
the requirements of the Social Se
curity Act and other public health
questions which are necessary for
the better prevention or disease.
On the new birth certuicate are
a number of statements which are
intended to improve the Maternal
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Training of Youth
Minister's Subject
A look into the future of the
youth of the community was the
subject discussed by Rev. R. C.
Young, pastor of the Methodist
church, in a brief address to the
Heppner Lions club, Monday. "The
speaker pointed out that inasmuch
as the future of the country rests
in the hands of the youth of today
there should be nothing left undone
to prepare them for their responsi
bility. He likened the building of
character to the erection of a build
ing. The only successful method of
building is by properly planning
and then adhering closely to the
plan, he stated.
Members of the Heppner fire
department removed the Christmas
tree from the McMurdo lot Wed
nesday 'evening. With holidays past
and rain instead of snow the pre
vailing weather, the firemen thought
it time to take down the decora
The Heppner city council met in
regular session Tuesday evening.
No special business appeared and
the usual routine was followed.
A Regular Ad
In This Newspaper
Interest of the nation will be fo
cussed on Chicago tomorrow eve
ning when Senator Robert A. Taft
of Ohio will address the Chicago
Bar association. The title of his ad
dress will be, "Mr. President, Here's
How to Balance the Budget."
During a recent trip through New
England, the Ohio senator and po-
fpntial candidate for president de
Mnrprl that deficit spending can and
must be stopped, to which President
Roosevelt stated to newsmen that
bp would like to be shown a way
to balance the budget. He added
that he would offer a "Very hand
some prize" if the senator would tell
him how. ,
Senator Taft's answer will come
at a time when interest in federal
nlans will be keen, since
the official budget estimate for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, will
just be going to congress.
and Child Health service of the
Thf death certificate requires the
following additional information: the
Social Security number; if ' a vet
eran, of what war; age of husband
nr wife, if alive: the information
must be over the signature of the
informant. The medical certilicate
has been changed so that the im
mediate cause of death is stated. If
there are a number of causes, the
physician is requested to underline
the one that is supposed to be
charged statistically.
Certificates can be obtained from
the local registrars and instructions
for filling the mout are included
with the certificates.
It is our intention always to secure for our
patrons the finest motion picture enter
tainment on the market but it is not often
that a single picture can be conscientious
ly recommended as good entertainment to
every person in every walk of life, simply
bcause the likes and dislikes of movie fans
nre widelv varied. Such a picture is, how
ever, scheduled for early showing at your
thpnter ... it is not a new feature, .and yet
it will never be old. The man responsible
for its production is the acknowledged
champion ot all motion picture proaucers,
it k hn;pH nn a areat Pulitzer Prize Play;
in its cast are fourteen of the finest actors
in Hollywood. This feature cannot fail to
please all who are so fortunate as to see it.
We heartily recommend YOU CANT
TAKE IT WITH YOU as one of the finest
motion nirtures ever made. It will be
shown at the Star Theater on Wednesday-
Thursday, January lUth and I ith.
Heppner, Oregon
-Winter Clearance
This unusual event, coming at the peak of winter
and in the face of advancing prices, offers you an
exceptional opportunity to buy an overcoat or suit
or both at prices you can' afford to pass up.
Regular $24.50 Now $1 8.25
Regular vou Now io.du
Regular $19.50 Now $14.50
A wide range of patterns, all late models.
Style, workmanship, quality all the best.
Regular $27.50 Now $22.50
You will have to see these lines to fully
appreciate them.