Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 04, 1940, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, Jan. 4, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three
LEXINGTON NEWS STATE k I fWC tein G- vaay as director of highway department. R. H. Baldock, OreqOfl Farmers
Eg f, ADIT A I I N L V J aeronautics in view of the recent state highway engineer described . . c
ndeCIVOrerS VSreeT V-ArllAL 1 TT W action of Governor Sprague in oust- the proposed improvement as Port- USG LOOtl bySlITI
New Yeor at Lex o Fry Post wLViSltllT S' "st desiraM T M'ket Wheot
By MARGARET SCOTT T P cf e post' ocupied bv A311 Nineteen hundred Oregon farm-
The Christian Endeavor society emporary rOreSTer Greenwood, a Democrat, be abol- Reaching an all-time high of $66,- ers used the government's wheat
held a watch night party New Years 0 RetU med Check ished as a sinecUre' ?62'?, " JfTT J88 FT!? lQwiTl
eve starting at the Congregational 7 Members of the new aeronautics boed debt load is now down to cash from their 1939 harvests, thus
cwf and" later in thffvLTg LJiEEL board that Devaney will be 70085 according to Slate Trea- enabling them to await bettoi -mar-going
on to the Elmer Hunt home Salem Friends of Dan Frv state a "director" of aeronautics and not surer Walr E. Pearson. Offsetting kets before seUing their wheat, ac
going on to me irner nuntnome. ba em riends of Dan; a ry, state r,rePnwnnd assets of approximately $20,000,000 cording to a year-end summary by
Games were played under the di- purchasing agent, are urging his ap- JJL" TLSvoZto reduce the state's net outstanding the state AAA office in CorvaUis.
rection of Aileen Scott, social chair- intoient to the post of director of H entire toe w te devoted to Farmers w
man. Refreshments were served at the Federal Housing administration t include cash in sinking funds, mort- and a half million dollars from the
zfSoT:rs sr1 xjissisi w bo. j.,
y -itciiiu 5. leson rarKer or rortiana. rry, re vh1pj t,v fP(wauv certified nus loans and property taken over ately 5,700,000 bushels of wheat as
The PTA club will meet Monday putedly slated to lose his ; state job Jt SJSnStte by the state to protect its interest security. These loan figures are
evening, January 8, at the school to a Republican, admits that he is acs nd th Z Z prT in defaulted loans. somewhat smaller than those of a
rnelSC0" . rrdinjto the state ot-
to attend. ne nas oeen actively seeKing tne j probationary period The state tex commisslon started fice, probably because of higher
Mrs. George Allyn and Mrs. Jam- federal job. y retention following ne new year y mauing out income market prices than prevailed in
es Cowins were visiting Ruthe Cow- The rumor of Fry's ouster persists f d tax blanks to the 150,000 individuals 1938
ins in Stanfield last Wednesday. in capitol circles although first re- resuits Furthermore the new an( corporations whose earnings "Farmers found the loan pro
Roy Johnson of Burns spent the Prts that he was to be replaced by
"director" of aeronautics will re- during the past year are subject to gram of special value during July
holidays here with his family. the first of the year did not mater- . $20Q g taxation. Returns on 1939 incomes and August," said Will Steen of Mil-
. . tt j. t i. , j ialize, probably because the two 3 . , are to be filed with the Tax Com- ton, chairman of the state agricul-
Mrs. Vester Lane has returned ' 3 , , j f for full time work, as compared to . . ;u"' "lu lIIicU1 u uc Blt 7 "
, ... . ... i .. r Republican members oi the Board or A . , ' , mission by April 1. tural conservation committee. Dur-
home after visiting relatives m Con- F, , , c the $350 received by Greenwood. 1 :UIc11 , ,
,ir . Control Governor Sprague and ' 1C , , ing both these months, growers
nell, Wash. , , c. , c,, ? ra . Governor Sprague himself had no r a I ,,7 . , 7
, , , , Secretary of State Snell have not & - j. U. O. Dean S ArtlClG could borrow more on their wheat
Church services will be conducted been able to on his successori comment to make upon IW W. vean 5 rilCie government than they
by Mr. Dennis Sunday morning at both of these officials having their employment except to explain that FCQturC(J , LQW paper CQuld t market Tf th
11 a. m. in the local Christian Qwn candidate for this lucrative he had asked his new board to r had beBen n0 loan progranii many
church x u- u ' -t-u -t. investigate the need for a director University of Oregon, Eugene, , r j . u
cnurcn. post wbiCh carries with it a salary & , , , ;11 ' , " , ' would have been forced to sell on
ir j -nr ca e c-rm of aeronautics and that he was will- January 4. A speech made by it , . , , , , , , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way and sons 0f $5300 a year. . . , . . , jDf ,,T JT t TT . the low market and would have lost
c, , ,T v,j im mm( ioct , . mg to bow to their judgment. Wayne L. Morse, dean of the Uni- jU , , ,
Stanley, Marvin and Asa spent last A new rumor gaining cirCulation 5 . of Oregon law school on na- thousands of dollars.'
week m the valley visiting rela- thig wek hag it Fly may be Unemployment Com- tional parole problems, is a featured , Steen Pointed out' als'.that Ae
tlVr!S ' . , , , j retained as chief deputy to the has fjxed the adequate re. articlin the bulletin just issued by oan program was a sustaining in-
The local skating rink has closed Board of Control secretary-who- serve for thg joblegs insurance National Association of Attor- fl"enuce on Arn wheat markets
until next spring. ever that majr be-assigned to con- fund gt $6)000)0oo. This figure rep- ney Generals. noally fo"ow wo'd market
A. M. Edwards and Orral Haigh trol over the purchasing division. resentg & compromise between the The talk was made by Dean trends. This past year the Liver
are drilling in Beverly, Wash. Should such an arrangement mater- $3)500000 urged by employer-con- Morse before the association's con- po1 ma1rJft lelj J? the Jow"
Melba Burnside spent New Years ialize it would mean a reorgamza- tributors to the fund and the $i2)- ference held last July in San Fran- est point t" and "r.n
eve in Heppner. tion of the purchasing staff and mfiQQ $18)000)000 maximum in- cisco. A number of other articles on me,rs f1 have expected to get
The Home Ec club will hold an Probably the release one of sisted upon by employee-benefici- law enforcement problems are also on eed g.rain tpns lor v
ally meeting t th" homi of ttoud!VOt,n8 "adequate reserve" which included in the isue. ftTZ Z Len mfrk
Anne Miller in Heppner on Thurs- time t0 state c&ses- is subject to change up or down at Dean Morse heads a committee of y q 5Q
dav Tan 11 TT , , . c j. the discretion of the commission, the American Bar Association on ,
aay, jan. 11. Unable to agree on a state forest- . , , . , , , , to 60 cents set by the loan program,
T , . . . j. i ,e TIT , will be used as a guage m deter- parole and other release procedures, , ... :. ,
Perry Leach is receiving medical er to succeed J. W. Ferguson, re- . . f j , . , c iu a compared with 1932 farm prices as
tt u i . , , , x , j t i mining the approach of emergency and was also in charge of the Attor- , nt. . ... . u
aid in the Heppner hospital signed, the state board of forestry pp a readjustment study of this low as 25 cents with higher world
Dinner guests at the Archie Pad- meeting here Friday called in Carl tQ tem u Wem recentl He fa recognized prices than this past year,
berg home New Years day were Ira L. Davis, Coos county logging op- unmploved workers as an authoritv in this field To date' 0regn farmers "have re
Lewis, Mr. Evans and son Llewel- erator and lumberman, to take over " ' .. r ' deemed less than 20 percent of their
lyn the affairs of the department tem- Fifteen Oregon counties share m CARD QF XIIANKS wheat under loan despite current
Local teachers returned here 1?- Da;is 54, and a Repub- jJS We wish to express our heartfelt "l'. ?T f'
Monday evening from their various iean, came to Oregon 25 years ago TLeiXj- t0 311 ndghbrS 3nd WendS S, tufied " 1"
homes to resume their duties. from Minnesota and has been en- J40' f agri- for Aeir assistanc and expressions he loan return Many are holding
, , , gaged in the lumber and logging - ivucKie, state airector ot aii gympathy during our bereave- for a possible further rise before
Mr. and Mrs Miles Marto have Cqos and Unn counties culture. The largest amount, $2000 J V florjl thefe be ft general move to re
returned home from Portland where eyer ince Governor Sprague in goes to Grant county. Other coun- deem wheat and gell it
they enjoyed a short vacation. announcing the selection of Davis ties sharing in the allocation include December 31 was the final date
Mrs. Eslie Walker and daughter as temporary head of the forestry Sherman county, $600; Wasco 1UUU; MRS. W. F. BARNETT, for borrowing on the 1939 loan pro
Betty have been suffering from an department declared that he was not Wheeler, $1000; Malheur, $750; and MRS TRINA PARKER gram. All wheat loans will mature
attack of flu. an applicant for the job and was not Marion, $500. The allocation is bas- dqNA E BARNETT. ' on April 30, 1940.
aware that the board was consider- ed upon the necessity for control
UniversitV Dads g him until he was notified by work in each of the counties and Glenn Fgrreng wag fn H NOTICE
UniVUrbliy iUUi , telephone following adjournment of upon county cooperation m the Wednesday from his winter quar. Notice is hereby given that no
TO See CaSaba GameS the meeting here. work- m ters near Hardman. He has about one excepting the undersigned has
, , c fully recovered from a recent ill- any authority to sell any of the
Two varsity basketball games be- Oregon industries have experienc- The proposed improvement of nesg personal property owned by Mike
tween Oregon and Washington, op- ed thejr best year in a decade judg- Front street in Portland will cost ' Kenny and the undersigned, and
portunities to meet their sons and ed by reCords of the State Industrial between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000 Algott Lundell, Gooseberry wheat any one purchasing such property
daughters' instructors, and a num- Accjdent commission. Reports to according to estimates now being rancher, was transacting business do so at their own risk,
ber of other special features and the commission indicate that 1939 prepared by engineers of the state in Heppner Wednesday. 43tf. MARY KENNY.
surprises will be offered fathers of industrial payrolls in this state will .
University of Oregon from Heppner total approximately $158,000,000, an
who attend the annual "Dad's Day" increase of $11,000,000 over 1938 and
week end on the campus January Stting a new 10-year record.
26-27, it has been announced by
John Cavanaugh of Portland, gen- Talk may be cheap but residents I J.' kili B A 1b 4
eral chairmon of the celebration. of Oregon paid a total of $70,326,759 S IviQK 1 VfrKJ
Approximately 600 "Dads" are ex- in telephone rentals and tolls during
pected, it has been predicted by 1938, according to reports compiled . . k.
Dean Karl W. Onthank, who is ex- by Public Utilities Commissioner 4 K.a it t h"lVA9
ecutive secretary of the Dads' group. Bean. Bean's report shows that of fallU 1 COli ill UVCi V V V CIV
The mass business meeting of the every dollar collected by the tele-
group has been set for Saturday phone utilities 14.44 cents was paid
' morning, and a humorous entertain- out for taxes. It IS the NeW Year. As alWCjyS, We IOOK Upon the neW
Scr!iS3dt0tft,3: when Uncie Sam attempted to year with renewed hope, with the feeling that in the
temoon. Vrbit Se months to come we will find the solution to the things
Members of student honor societ- fu 3 y ltr J "state we have planned and worked for. With this renewed hope
ies will act as guides for the fathers . " , . , c, i i i r i .
who visit the various buildings TreLmrLfrson the check we should form new plans, attempt nev projects in a uni-
where open house win be held, with Jasuik son vrouge ted effort to improve our community life and bring a
faculty members acting as hosts. T r. . t . . r r . J
Two exciting athletic contests, be- In the first. place Pearso.n points greater measure of prosperity to our town and county.
tt . p i out, there is serious question as to , rr i .ii i. . i r
T:vi:Tit:i f f ' ,n ny effort to uPbuid this section the supprt f
ketball teams, have been scheduled eral government for gasoline tax re- every individual is needed. If We put OUT money and OUT
i t-i - j j e i a ;i . t funds inasmuch as the gasoline on ,r. i . n i r. r
or Friday and Saturday nights of t efforts nto every worthy cause we will get benefits far
the week end in McArthur court. . , r , .. . i , ,
The annual banquet will be held pvateiy owned automobiles oper- excess of the monetary gain. In all such worthy causes
i o i,j ated in government service and on .... . .
early Saturday evening. whkh the government was paying thjs establishment wishes to be enrolled.
Serving on the student committee mileage ln the second place, Pear- r..r rnJ nrncnor:h joc ;n .U0 Arnr nn nf hnmp
with cavanagh are Norman Foster son there is nop con'nection Uur road to prosperity lies m the direction ot home
of Hollywood, cai., Betty jane whatever between the gasoline tax enterprise. We will prosper to the extent that we have
Biggs of Yuba City, Cal., Elizabeth f d against whjch the claim of the ;tU !n ikiIv r,nA ifc inctiti itinnc
Steed and Eleanor Sederstrom, both federal governmont lies if any and faith in OUT Community OnO itS mStl tUtlOnS.
of saiem. Assisting on the faculty the grazing fees which g0 to the We are ready to do our part to make 1940 one of the
committee are Virgil D Earl, dean , counties containing grazing i . w. ' U;CT.KV
of men; George K. Belknap, un - areas and not to the statebat best years in OUT history,
versity editor; Dean Onthank, Pearson has asked Senator Chas. L.
George H. Godfrey, head of the uni- McNary lo carry his protest to the A A
versity news bureau, and Mrs. Gen- cornptroller general of the United k A T 1 A O M
evieve Turnipseed, director of dor- states VI tJ W hm U 1
Invitations to Dads here and thru- Administration supporters are ex
out the state are being mailed this periencing considerable dififculty in
week. justifying the employment of Cap- "IISZ JZZIZZIZSISZl mm