aw??-' OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC A 'J D I TO PC Volume 56, Number 44 Wool Growers to Meet at Burns First of Next Week State Convention Opens Sunday With Committee Meets Attention of woolmen of the state will center on Burns this week end when the annual convention, of the Oregon Wool Growers association will be held. Weather permitting, it is anticipated that this will be one of the outstanding conventions in the history of the association as reservations for living accommo dations indicate a heavy attendance. Morrow county sheepmen will be well represented, although a com plete count of those going from here was not available this morning. Those going from here will drive through, unless a shift in weather conditions within the next day or two makes that method of travel inadvisable. An effort to secure pas sengers for a special Pullman which the railroad company proposed to run from The Dalles failed here as the distance by rail is much greater and requires more time than most of the woolmen wish to spare. One matter that seems certain of receiving much attention at the Burns meeting is that of reduction of grazing allotments on the nation al forests. It is a subject agitating local growers and doubtless those of all sections of the state. Accord ing to reports drastic reductions have been made in numbers of sheep and cattle to be grazed on the na tional forests in 1940, reductions which the stockmen feel are not jus tified. - Committees meeting at 1:30 p. m., Sunday, include those on Grazing and Public Lands, Mac Hoke, Pen dleton, chairman, Garnet Best, En terprise, secretary; Legislation and Taxation, Robert L. Weir, Lake view, chairman, Victor Johnson, Lakeview, secretary; Transporta tion and Marketing, Fred Phillips, Keating, chairman, P. T. Fortner, Baker, secretary; Wild Life and Predatory Animals, Wayne Stewart, Dayville, chairman, Ralph Brooke, Canyon City, secretary, and Gener al Resolutions and Organization, Ralph I. Thompson, Heppner, chair man, R. M. McKennon, Ontario, secretary. Subjects to be discussed are the New State Brand Law, by Dr. W. H. Lytle, state department of agri culture, Salem; Oregon Land Use Problems, F. L. Ballard, vice-director of extension, Oregon State col lege; What the National is Doing for the Oregon Wool Growers, F. R. Marshall, secretary National Wool Growers' association; The Sheep Business in the Immediate Future, Orlo H. Maughan, director of re search, Federal Land Bank of Spo kane; Building Western Livestock Ranges, George Weaver, in charge AAA range program, western div ision; Forestry and Livestock, John Kuhns, regional forester, Portland; National Parks and Livestock, Jay H. Dobbin, Enterprise, and The Federal Range, E. N. Kavanagh, chief of range management in the grazing service. The wool growers' banquet will be a feature of the entertainment side. Rangers to Issue Grazing Permits A new ruling on the matter of issuing grazing permits for use of the national forest now makes it possible for applications to be made at rangers' offices. Heretofore the permits were issued only at the su pervisor's office. All applications for the 1940 sea son should be submitted prior to January 31 to receive consideration, according to F. F. Wehmeyer, ran ger in charge of the Heppner office. Jail Terms, Fines Given Wreckers Arrested and placed in jail on a disorderly conduct charge, three members of Camp Heppner are now serving out long jail sentences on a more serious charge. The three youths, Forest Guy Miller, Mark Gorton and Farrel West, were pick ed up Saturday evening by Night Marshal Homer Hayes when it be came evident that too much indul gence in holiday spirits had gotten the best of the them. Hayes first picked up Miller and West and when Gorton attempted to intervene for his pals the marshal took him also. Launched in the county jail, the youths continued their jamboree so rudely interrupted by the mar shal. Windows were broken to let in fresh air and just to round out the night the pranksters broke up about all the furniture. Haled before Justice of the Peace J. 0. Hager Tuesday morning the youths pled guilty and after giving all angles of the case due consider ation the justice meted out six- months jail sentences for each and fined Miller $50, Gorton $100 and West $200. Gorton and West had previous counts against them which Justice Hager felt entitled them to a heavier jolt than their pal. Jail sentences will be suspended if the prisoners come forth with the fine money. This conduct on the part of the youths automatic ally discharges them from the Civ ilian Conservation corps. Cosoba League Play Starts Against Condon Heppner high's Mustang basket eers begin defense of their Uppter Columbia league championship Fri day night in a game with Condon. A second team game will start at 7:35. The Mustangs expect an uphill battle to maintain their league lead this year as five of the members of last year's squad are gone. How ever a good showing is expected as the four returning veterans will be aided by last year's unbeaten sec ond team. In a four-game pre-season sched ule the Mustangs succeeded in breaking even, winning two and losing two. This was considered a fairly good showing for an inex perienced team that played three of the four games away from home. Nothing is known of the Condon team's strength as there have been no reports on their games. It is expected that they will bring a strong team as they are now playing in a new gymnasium which was completed last spring and is one of the finest in this section of the country. Heppner's squad includes Doug Drake, Hugh Crawford, Harry O' Donnell, Howard Wray, Bob Pinck ney, Jack Merrill, Norval Osborne, Claude Snow, John Skuzeski. Tax Collections Go Over Good in 1939 Tax collections in Morrow county during 1939 proved highly satisfac tory to county officials, according to County Clerk C. W. Barlow, who cites figures to bear out the statement. The current tax roll at the begin ning of the year was $281,489.99. At the close of the year the balance to be collected was $44,437.19. Not alone were current taxes paid up. Delinquent taxes in the sum of $68, 580.93 were collected during the year. Payment of delinquent taxes has shown a decided increase the last two years. Assessor Tom Wells and deputies are winding up the tax roll exten sion this week with their attention directed to the final summary. Elaine Nelson and Jane Huston, students at the University of Ore gon, returned to Eugene Monday after spending the Christmas vaca tion at their homes in the Goose berry section. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Jan. Court Withholds Action on Claim For Sheep Loss Dog License Fund Not Enough to Meet Bill of Ray Wright Loss of 372 head of sheep in a pile up last Thursday night is causing members of the Morrow county court to scratch their heads. The court, in session Wednesday and Thursday of this week, was present ed a claim for damages by Ray Wright, who suffered the loss of the sheep. The loss happened at the Wright corrals due, it is asserted to dogs stampeding the sheep. Based on present sheep prices, Wright pre sented a claim averaging $10 per head. This amount is far in excess of the fund which is accumulated through the sale of dog licenses, as the licenses issued average between 300 and 350 yearly. Before making a payment of any nature the court proposes to make an investigation and will base its action on such findings. It has not been made clear that one or more of Wright's dogs did not participate in the stampede. Aside from the usual routine business, the court is making selec tion of election boards to serve dur ing 1940. DIRECTORS ACCEPT C. OF C. BY-LAWS Presentation for Adoption to Be Made at Membership Luncheon January 12 One more step toward completion of organization of the Heppner chamber of commerce was made Wednesday evening when the board of directors read and approved the by-laws as drawn up by P. W. Ma honey. The next step will be pre sentation of the articles to the mem bership at a luncheon meeting to be held Friday, Jan. 12, at Hotel Heppner. Directors settled the matter of one- and two-year service periods by the process of drawing names. The five men chosen to serve one year include D. M. Ward, L. E. Bis bee, C. J. D. Bauman, P. W. Ma honey and Charles B. Cox. The two-year directors are B. C. Pinck- ney, Frank W. Turner, D. A. Wilson, W. C. Rosewall and Hanson Hughes. At each annual election, which will be held on the second Tuesday of January, five directors will be chos en for two years. Several projects of interest not alone to Heppner but to the county were placed on the calendar for immediate attention and these will be presented to the membership for approval. Indications point to a busy year for the .chamber of com merce and after the January 12 meeting the president will appoint committees to carry on the work. Gooseberry Station Reports on Rainfall Precipitation for the year 1939 in the Gooseberry section ambunted to 7.25 inches, according to V. L. Carlson, observer for that district. Rainfall for the month of December was 1.70 inches, eight points less than recorded in Heppner. From Sept. 1, 1939. to Jan. 1, 1940 the precipitation was 2.61 inches, Carlson states. Compared with 1938 this was a shortage of 10 points, the fall that year amounting to 2.71 inches. Reports from all wheat growing and grazing sections show that the recent rains have penetrated deep ly into the soil and that growing conditions are excellent. 4, 1940 1939 Driest Period Recorded Locally Midnight Sunday marked the end of the driest period in Morrow county since the official recording of precipitation was started 30 years ago. Although December showed a decided improvement, with a total fall of 1.78 inches, the total for the year was still less by .39 inch than 1928, when the total was 8.20 inch. Compared with 1937 when the precipitation amounted to 14.76 in ches, 1939 was a dry year. It is pointed out, however, that moisture fell at the right time to aid the crops, resulting in a fairly good yield over the county. Observers state it is a peculiarity of this sec tion that unless rain comes in May or June, or both months, crops are apt to be short, whereas, rainfall coming in those months is fairly accurate crop insurance. The rain which started early in December and came at first in minor showers, gradually developed into steadier precipitation until towards the end of the month it became steady. Very little snow fell and the accompanying fog has tended to prevent frost, permitting the mois ture to penetrate the surface of the ground. Range Checks for County Received The first group of checks in pay ment -of 1939 range conservation practices were received in Morrow county January 3, according to E. H. Miller, chairman of the. local ACA committee. Mr. Miller stated that 47 range operators whose com bined holdings total over 400,000 acres were signed up in the 1939 program. Mr. Miller went on to say that program. , payments are intended primarily to encourage range con servation and are made to cooper ating ranchers for carrying out rec ognized range improvement prac tices, such as natural reseeding of native grasses, by non-grazing dur ing growing season, development of springs and drilling of wells to pro vide water for range stock, artifi cial reseeding of over-grazed and denuded areas to adapted pasture grasses, erosion control, and many other practical improvements. The range program is important in that it gives operators a chance to learn the value of practices that otherwise would have to be post poned or put off altogether. Prac tices approved under the program will contribute to a better range for years to come. Home Ec Meetings Set for Next Week Third in a series of home econ omics meetings on food preparation and table service will be held in Morrow county next week. Lucy Case, foods and nutrition specialist from Oregon State college, will con duct the meetings. The first meet ing will be held at the Frederickson home in Irrigon, January 9, with Mrs. Fred Houghton as chairman. January 10 a meeting will be held in the Rhea Creek grange hall with Mrs. Carrie Becket as chairman; and a meeting will be held in the new grange hall in lone, with Mrs. Vida Heliker as chairman, January 11. The last meeting will be held January 12 in the Boardman grange hall with Mrs. Neal Bleakney as chairman. All homemakers are invited to these meetings whether they have attended the other two meetings or not. DISCUSS FARM ACCOUNTING All farmers who are interested in the keeping of farm accounts are in vited to attend a meeting to be held in the county agent's office at 9 a. m., Friday, January 5. The use of the recently published farm account book will be discussed, as well as various time in the keeping of farm records. Subscription $2.00 a Year Lexington Civic Leader Succumbs After Hard Battle W. F. Barnett, Mer chant, Farmer, Vic tim of Heart Disease Victim of a heart ailment which had confined him to bed for more than three weeks, W. F. Barnett, merchant-farmer and civic leader of Lexington for many years, was called by death Friday, December 29. Funeral services, attended by a large number of relatives and friends, were held from the Lex ington Christian church at 2 o' clock p. m., Sunday, Dec. 21. Case mortuary of Heppner was in charge and Rev. Cecil Warner of Hermis ton officiated. Assisting in the ser vice was Rev. Moffatt Dennis of Lexington who sang three hymns selected by Mr. Barnett a few days prior to his death, "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go," "No Niglht There" and "Beside Still Waters." Interment was in the Lexington cemetery. William Frazer Barnett came to Morrow county in the spring of 1884, coming from Milton where he had stopped a few weeks after ar- ! r . r a 1 A riving in uregon irom rKansas. a native of Tennessee, where he was born November 30, 1858, the son of L. W. and Julia Ann Barnett, he spent his early youth in that state and moved from there to Arkansas where he grew to manhood. On October 14, 1880 he took as his bride Miss Mary Ella Nichols, the wed ding taking place near Mountain Home, Ark. Two daughters were born to this union, Mrs. Trina Par ker and Miss Dona E. Barnett, who with the mother survive. A brother, T. L. Barnett of Lexington, and a sister, Mrs. Julia Cypert of Ta coma, Wash. There are also several nephews and nieces. Mr. Barnett homesteaded when he first came to Morrow county. His first filing was on a piece of land near Lexington and he later abandoned that in favor of the Blackhorse section. He farmed the Blackhorse place for many years and in 1900 bought the present Bar nett farm about five miles northeast of Lexington. In 1902 he moved to Lexington and engaged in the gro cery business, occupying a small building formerly used by Nichols & Leach as a mercantile establish ment. Changing conditions in Lex ington presented an opportunity for Mr. Barnett to expand and in 1915 he enlarged the building to its pre sent size and engaged in general merchandising. His enterprise was rewarded with success and the W. F. Barnett & Co. store is one of the substantial mercantile establish ments of the county. Always manifesting an active in terest in the well being of the com munity, Mr. Barnett served as may or, councilman and school board member with credit to himself and benefit to those served. This inter est never diminished, even after he was stricken, and he spent his de clining days planning on improve ments to his farm and business. He also took an active part in church work, being a member of the Chris tian church which he served faith fully for more than 50 years. He was also a member of the Oddfel lows for more than 30 years. Relatives coming from a distance to attend the funeral services in cluded Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nichols, Puyallup, Wash.; N. A. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dopplemeyer, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miller, Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loney, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald White, Hermiston; Mr. and Mrs. Neil White and son Vivian, Hida way Springs; Mr. and Mrs. lone Gilbreath, Dayton, Wash., and Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach and son Jimmie of Pendleton, i rv