Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 28, 1939, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Thursday, Dec 28, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
riving, Mr. and Mrs. George Peck
came along and took part of the
load, , and when the McMurdo car
was righted the trip to Heppner
was resumed. . .
tural agents or from the college di
rect. Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis
pose of surplus stock.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNeill
spent the week end and Christmas
at the home of Mrs. McNeill's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gibbs, in
Longview, Wash. They drove to
Longview Saturday afternoon and
returned to Heppner Monday eve
ning, finding the highway in good
shape each way.
. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson and
children drove to Portland Satur
day for a short visit. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Ferguson's
mother, Mrs. Anna Heiny, who was
returning home after a visit here,
and Mrs. Spencer Crawford, who
visited Mr. Crawford at the veter
ans hospital.
, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson
drove in from Portland Saturday.
They were accompanied by Paul and
Frances McCarty, students at Uni
versity of Oregon and Oregon State
college, respectively, who are here
to spend the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mc
Carty. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long of
Portland spent Christmas with Mrs.
Carolyn Bergstrom and family on
Eight Mile. Mrs. Long was Emma
Bergstrom before her marriage. Mrs.
Bergstrom accompanied the Longs
to Portland for a visit of 10 days or
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner enter
tained a group of neighbors and
friends at a pinochle party at their
Sand Hollow home Tuesday eve
ning. Five tables were in play dur
ing the evening. Lunch was served
at the close of play.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Phelan had as
guests for the Christmas holiday
their daughter, Helen Phelan of San
Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Claire
Phelan and Paul Phelan of Portland.
Miss Teresa Breslin is spending
the Christmas vacation at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Breslin. Miss Breslin teaches in the
school at Joseph. Mr. Breslin drove
to Pendleton Saturday to meet her.
J. Logie Richardson drove to
Portland Friday afternoon to spend
the Christmas week end. He was
accompanied as far as The Dalles
by Frank E. Alfred, who spent the
holiday period with Mrs. Alfred.
Oregon State college students re
turning home to spend Christmas
vacation with home folks include
Betty Happold, Don Drake, Bill Bar-
ratt, Harriet Hager, Irene Beamer,
Frances McCarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter LaDusire
returned to their home at La Grande
Wednesday after spending Christ
mas at the home of Mrs. LaDusire's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner.
Mrs. Lucv Rodeers left Tuesday
morning for Portland to attend the
annual meeting of the Oregon State
Teachers association. She expects
to be out of the city until Jan. 3.
Kenneth Peck of Lexington sub
mitted to a tonsilectomy in Heppner
Tuesday morning. Kenneth, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck, is spend
ing a few days at Heppner hospital
Miss Mary White left Saturday for
Caldwell, Idaho, to spend the holi
days with her mother, Mrs. Lena
White. She accompanied Mrs. Ollie
Neill as far as Pendleton.
Misses Carolyn and Lucille Moyer
are spending the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moyer.
Carolyn teaches at Olex and jlu
cille teaches at Wallowa.
A. T. King of Portland was a
Christmas guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Crawford. He re
turned to Portland Monday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. John Farley of John
Day and James Farley, Jr., of Con
don spent the Christmas holiday at
the James Farley home in Heppner.
Frank W. Turner made a business
trip to Enterprise Friday. He was
accompanied by. his daughter, Ana
bel. Mrs. Frank Lieuallen' spent
Christmas at the J. G. Barratt home.
Mr. and Mrs. Barratt took her back
to Pendleton Monday afternoon:
Chester Darbee, station agent for
the Union Pacific system at Hepp
ner, spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rogers in Red
mond. Change of Style
In Gazette Noted
Newspapers reflect the styles of
the times much the same as cloth
ing, buildings, automobiles and the
multitude of things that enter into
our daily life. This is brought di
rectly to the attention of the Gaz
ette Times by a copy of the Heppner
Gazette brought to the office the past
week by Orve Brown. Dated June
25, 1903, the Gazette had been care
fully laid away by Mr. Brown's
father, the late J. P. Brown, as a
timely history of the great disaster
which had visited this little city on
the afternoon of June 14 of that
Aside from the fact that the Gaz
ette covered the flood story in a
capable manner, listing names of
185 bodies recovered, property dam
age, names of donors to the relief
fund and chronicling of current
happenings, it is interesting to note
some of the features of the average
newspaper of that period.
It must be remembered that the
linotype had not come into use in
the average country newspaper of
fice at that time. The composition
was done by hand. The Gazette at
that time was an eight-page, five-
column paper. It carried more than
two columns of advertising on the
front page, that being a common
practice where advertising paid ex
tra for the privilege. Patent medi
cine ads and professional cards were
awarded front page space along with
life insurance, pastime, drug store
and baking powder ads. Less than
three columns was devoted to news,
which in this copy was all flood
Inside pages varied little from the
usual run of papers today. By com
parison from a mechanical stand
point the Gazette Times is distinct
ly superior, although the Gazette
was one of the better papers of that
A noticeable feature of the an
cient copy is that practically every
business in the town carried adver
tising in the Gazette. Heppner was
the trading center of a large terri
tory in. those days and every busi
ness house wanted its share. There
were many land- and timber notices
running at that time, recalling the
rush for claims that practically
cleaned up the free timber lands
covering the touthern end of Mor
row county.
The Gazette was published by
Fred Warnock and E. P. Michell.
The latter sold his interest to Mr.
Warnock a few months following
the flood and Warnock continued
publication until 1910, when he sold
the paper to the late Vawter Craw
Dr. A. D. McMurdo's car figured
in a minor accident last Wednesday
night when the doctor answered a
call from his son Scott to meet a
group of stranded students at Ar
lington. Scott was accompanying
Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck and
Alfred Van Winkle of Lexington
home from Corvallis in the Peck
car, which broke down a short dis
tance below Arlington. The oblig
ing doctor hurried to the river town
and loaded passengers and luggage
in his car. Unaccustomed to driv
ing with such a load, he found it
difficult to keep the big car in the
road and shortly after turning on to
the Willow creek highway the ac
cident happened. The car turned
off the road and laid over on its
side. None of the passengers re
ceived injuries and the car itself
was only slightly damaged. While
a wrecker from Arlington was ar-
New 0. S. C. Term
To Start Jan. 3;
Fall Records Set
Oregon State College Winter
term at Oregon State college will
open with ' registration Wednesday,
January 3, to begin the second per
iod of a college year which already
has been one of the most eventful
in the 72 years' history of this insti
tution. A considerable number of
students are expected to enter for
the first time this year at the start
of the winter quarter, as the three
term system makes it possible to
start at any time of the year most
convenient to the student.
In the fall term just ended regis
tration reached an all-time high
mark, a new chemistry building, the
largest building on the campus was
dedicated, and a new president was
selected to head the institution be
ginning July 1. Credit students at
the end of the term totalled 4G02,
compared wih the previous high
mark of 4384 for any one term. In
cluding auditors and short course
students paying fees, the total was
Although students were enrolled
this fall from 32 states, 2 territories,
and 6 foreign countries, Oregon
counties were the residences of 4152
of the total. The graduate school,
which enrolled 205 students this fall,
accounted for much of the out-of-
state registration, as many of these
taking advanced work came from
such distant points as New York,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Lou
isiana, and Texas. As usual every
county in the state was represented
among the Oregon students, by
numbers varying from 9 for Wheel
er, to 113 from Multnomah.
Dedication of the $425,000 chemis
try building, financed entirely by
PWA and student building fee
funds, was a high point for the
school of science and the entire in
stitution during fall term. Chemists
from four states joined in a scien
tific meeting in connection with the'
dedication ceremonies.
Election of Frank L. Ballard, vice
director of the extension service, to
be the eighth president of the col
lege was adjudged the "biggest
story" of the year by the Barom
eter, student daily newspaper. Bal
lard will suceed President G. W.
Peavy, who retires at the end of
this year because of . age require
ments. Foreign Tree Nuts
Crowd U. S. Products
Consumption of domestic - type
tree nuts has decreased and con
sumption of the foreign-type has
increased rather rapidly during the
past ten years, according to a com
prehensive review of the tree nut
market outlook just published by
the agricultural extension service
at O. S. C. At the same time, the
report points out that total tree nut
consumption is approximately the
same as ten years or more ago, de
spite considerably larger supplies
of domestic grown walnuts, almonds,
filberts, and improved pecans, which
are selling at relatively low prices.
The purchasing power or exchange
value of walnuts and filberts is
higher in relation to the 1926-1930
situation than prices for these nuts
in money, owing to a decrease in the
prices farmers must pay for com
modities, farm labor and interest
and taxes, combined. However, the
current level of purchasing power
of walnuts is only approximately
two-thirds as high as before the
depression and scarcely as high as
during the depression period.
The report covers in considerable
detail various features of the out
look for walnuts, filberts and other
tree nuts, including production
trends, imports and tariff rates,
prices and purchasing power of tree
nuts, trend of consumption, con
sumer demand, markets, distribu
tion, and so on. Several statistical
tables and charts are included to
supplement the subject matter of
the report, copies of which are
available free from county agricul-
G&J TIRE, AND TUBE FREE, all for the
price of tire for 30 DAYS ONLY
Lifetime guarantee on all tires.
550-17 Endurance, 4 ply....$ 9.75
450-21 Endurance, 4 ply. ... 5.92
475-19 Endurance, 6 ply ... 7.68
600-16 G&J, 4 ply 10.90
550-17 G&J, 6 ply 11.55
36x6 G&J, 10 ply 39.85
700-20 Endurance, 8 ply ... 25.72
And all other sizes of Tires and Tubes.
Gilliam S Bisbee
Elks' Hall Heppner
SAT., DEC. 30th
Dancing as long as crowd lasts
Ring out the Old !
Ring in the New !
For Auld Lang Syne
A smile an a Tear ..."
And to ALL our friends
This greeting sincere'
Sunday-Monday, Dec. 31 -Jan. 1
Special New Year's Eve Matinee
with Loretta Young, David Nivcn, Hugh. Herbert, Billie Burke
Brodcrick Crawford, Zazu Pitts
Sunday Matinees at 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. Regular evening shows at 7:30
Sunday Night, December 31 st, 1 1 :30 p. m.
10c and 35c
with Barbara Stanwyck, William Holdcn, Adolphe Menjou
Joseph Callcia, Edward Brophy
"Golden Boy" wil aso be shown at a special
holiday matinee at 2 p. m., Mon., Jan. 1st
10c and 25c
Heppner, Oregon