ThursdayDec 28, 1939 LHXDfGTOJf KIWS Church, Grange Observe Yuletide By MARGARET SCOTT Pendleton visitors Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards and daughter Jerrine, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine, and Buck Padberg. The annual grange Christmas par ty was held at the hall Friday eve ning. Santa Claus appeared about 9 o'clock and gave the children bags of candy. An enjoyable eve ning was had by everybody pre sent. Mrs. Lara Bowen and daughter Mary of Pendleton were visitors at the Grace Turner home Thursday evening. The Merry Thimblers club met last Thursday at the home of Edith Edwards. Refreshments of salad, cookies and coffee were served. The school Christmas operetta, "Scrooge's Christmas," was present ed before a large crowd Thursday evening. Rae Cowins is spending the Christ mas vacation in Heppner with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tahin of Stan field were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan Tuesday. Mrs. Myrtle Bennett of Pendleton ia staying at the Louis Marquardt home and caring for Jean and Dickie Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daughter left Tuesday for Portland where Mr. Sherman planned to at tend the O. S. T. A. meeting. The grade and high school bas ketball teams journeyed to Echorlast Tuesday night where the grade school was defeated 20-12 and the high school was victorious 35-17. George Peck was a visitor in Portland last week. Ladd Sherman, Jack Van Winkle, Rodger and Don Campbell were on the sick list the last week. Orvil Haigh and Bert Thomburg were business visitors in Lind,, Wn., Tuesday. Out of town guests during the hol idays included Hendersons of Stan field, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Leathers of Portland, Joe Clark of Arlington, Elwynne and Kenneth Peck and Alfred Van Winkle from Oregon State college, Bob Campbell from Pacific university, Maxine Devine of St. Joseph academy, Kenneth and Vernon Warner of the U. S. S. Idaho stationed at Bremerton, Wn., Earl Underwood of Bingen, Wash.; Jack McMillan of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn and daughter Max ine and Lyle Allyn of lone, Mr. and Mrs. James Pointer of Yamhill, Mrs. lone Galbreath of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sprinkel and son Dean of Heppner, and Cecil Jones from Walla Walla. Local persons to visit out of town Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smethurst and daughter Betty in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks in one, Merle Carmichael in Heppner, Ralph Scott and family in The Dalles, Carl Whillock and family in The Dalles, Hershal Tal bot and family in La Grande, Doro thy Guthrie, Ivan Amend and Ger ald Acklen in Portland, and Mrs. Sarah Booher in Heppner. The Sunday school program was presented at the Christian church Sunday evening. Exercises were given by the primary and junior groups preceding the main feature of the program which was a pageant entitled "Thank God for Song," which told the story of the writing of the Christmas carol, "Silent Night." Characters taking part were Herald Angel, Jerrine Edwards; Father Mohr, Mr. Dennie; Franz Gruber, John Miller; Mary, Eileen Scott; Joseph, Eugene Majeske; Shepherds, Carl and Billy Mar quardt and Rodger Campbell; Fritz, Jack Miller; Otto, Clyde Edwards; Adolf, Albert Edwards; Maria, Ear- la Underwood; choir, Lorena Miller, Lavelle Sherman, Juanita Carmi chael, Eula Barnhouse, Earla Un derwood, Mr. Denis and John Mil ler. About 35 relatives and friends of Miss Alma Van Winkle honored her with a bridal shower at her home in Clark's canyon, Dec. 19. Alma received many lovely and useful gifts. Delicious refreshments of chicken sandwiches, cookies, jello and coffee were served. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Orecon CAPITAL. NEWS o New Forester o Stock Brands o Judge Duncan By A. L. LINDBECK Page Three Salem When the state Forestrv Board meets here Friday presumably to elect a new state forester it will be confronted by a demand from the Marion County Taxpayers Lea gue that the audit of the depart ment which has been underway for several months be made public im mediately and with a request for information on certain points about which there have been rumors. Among other information sought by the League is added light on the air patrol maintained by the fores try department. The League wants to know how much money the de partment has invested in its plans and if it would not be cheaper to charter a private plane when it is necessary to take to the air during the forest fire season. The League also wants to know if the forestry department owns any automobiles which are operating without "exempt" plates and with no identifying marks. The League's questionnaire also seeks to delve into rumored trans fer of funds between the Southwest Oregon Fire Patrol Association and the Oregon Forest Fire association back in 1936 and 1937, and asks for information as to the cost of the new forestry buildings and the am ount of state money that went into these improvements. J. W. Ferguson, state forester, sub mitted his resignation at the annual meeting of the Board about a month ago and will step out of the office on January 1. A sub-committee of the forestry board was authorized to recommend a successor to the Board and is expected to make this recommendation at Friday's meet ing. Inmates of the several state insti tutions fared well at Christmas time. The usual big dinners with turkey and chicken, and the custo mary trimmings were served at most of the institutions Christmas day while entertainmnt, including pic ture shows, were provided for the patients at the state hospital and the inmates of the state prison. Approximately 90,000 individuals in Oregon will pay income taxes into the coffers of the state in 1940, it is estimated by the State Tax Commission. The commission has estimated income tax receipts for 1940, based upon 1939 incomes, at $5,100,000 or approximately $500,000 above the receipts for 1939. Traffic fatalities will show a de crease again this year in Oregon when the figures for the 12-month period are all totalled, according to Secretary of State Snell. The total for 1he 11-month period up to De cember 1, was 287 which was 41 below the 1938 toll. This will be the fourth consecutive year that Ore gon has been able to report a de crease in traffic deaths, Snell point ed out. All stock brands now on record with the State Department of Ag riculture must be re-recorded be tween January 1 and June 1, 1939, according to Dr. W. H. Lytle, chief of the division of animal husbandry. All brands not re-recorded by June 1 will be available, for use, Lytle said. A new brand law passed by the 1939 legislative session requires the re-recording of brands every tenth year beginning with 1940. Nearly 14,000 persons now have brands on record with the Depart ment of Agriculture. The purpose of the new requirement is to afford an opportunity for weeding out brands no longer in use. The appointment of Robert M. Duncan of Burns as circuit judge for the ninth judicial district, to suc ceed the late Judge Charles W. Ellis of Ontario, just announced by Gov ernor Sprague, is a well merited re cognition of one of the leading mem bers of the Oregon bar. Born in Illinois 55 years ago Dun can was brought to Oregon by his parents while still a small child. Graduating from Wilamette Univer sity law school in 1909 he started the practice of law at Ontario and Vale, later removing to Burns. As a member of the state senate during its sessions of 1935 and 1937 and senate president in the session of 1939 Duncan demonstrated qualities of leadership, fairness, courage and freedom from narrow partisanship that won for him the respect and admiration of his associates. With the appointment of Duncan to the bench and his resignation as a member of the senate Ernest Fat- land, of Condon, speaker of the house of representatives becomes heir apparent to the gubernatorial throne and next in line of succession in the event of a vacancy in that office. At least three other attorneys from the ninth district were en dorsed for the appointment. They were Robert D. Lytle of Vale; M. W. Biggs of Ontario end A. L. Flet cher of Nyssa. Procrastinating motorists are warned by Superintendent of Police Pray that they must have their new blue and white license tags on their cars when they appear in public af ter Sunday or be prepared to tell their story to some convenient judge, That there will not be as many li- censeless cars this year as in former years, however, is the opinion of Secretary of State Snell who ex plains that the license department has been enjoying the biggest pre Christmas rush in its history, an in dication that there is more loose money in circulation than usual Oregon nurserymen ship about 35 carloads of roses to other states ev ery year, according to J. S. Wieman of the nursery service of the State Department of Agriculture. Ship ments of other ornamental nursery stock from this state amount to ap proximately 110 cars annually, Wie man said. Republicans still hold a slight edge on Oregon's political war map, according to registration figurjes compiled by Secretary of State Snell. Of the 455,978 voters registered in Oregon, 235,000 or 51.6 percent are Republicans while 213,171 or 46.7 percent are Democrats. The re maining two percent is made up of Socialists, Progressives, Prohibi tionists and miscellaneous political designations. It costs more than $100,000 a year to keep tires on the vast fleet of automobiles and trucks operated by the state of Oregon in its various activities. Contract for supplying the state's tire needs has been aw arded to three companies. The State Highway Department is without authority to acquire his torical sites within cities, the High way Commission was advised at a meeting here this week. Its author ity in this direction, the commission was advised, is limited to the ac quisition of scenic sites. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggs and son of Cottage Grove were holiday guests of Mrs. Riggs parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers, who returned to their home in Port land Tuesday. Miss Opal Briggs, manager of the Heppner telephone office, is a pa tient at the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company hospital in Portland where she is receiving treatment Mrs. Charles McDaniel of Hard man was a shopping and business visitor in Heppner Saturday. Among Hardman shoppers in Heppner Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten. Lewis Batty and Archie Nichols of Hardman were transacting busi ness in Heppner Saturday. Don't forget the old time dance at Lexington grange hall Saturday evening, Dec. 30. Real old time music. 7 BIG PUBLICATIONS Each for One Year-A Total of 164 Issues rnal Collier's mpf 1 WW fo 1111 Jr LA ei'c's What You Get! ' COLLIERS (Weekly) .... 52 Issues WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 12 Issues WOMAN'S WORLD 12 Issues HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE 12 Issues THE COUNTRY HOME 12 Issues FARM JOURNAL and FARMER'S VIFE 12 Issues If you prefer, you can have LIBERTY Magazine, or LOOK (the picture magazine) one year instead of Collier's. All Seven for One Year Tv V. .4 I J VALUE $6.50 YOU SAVE $3.00 YOU GET ALL SEVEN publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a sub scriber to ANY of these well-known publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Return the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive FIVE BIG MAGAZINES each month, also COLLIER'S and THIS NEWSPAPER each week -that's 112 magazines and 52 newspapers 164 issues in fill for only $3.50. ORDER AT ONCE before we have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. Heppner, Oregon. Heppner Gazette Times, Use This Coupon and Save $3.00 Date Yes, indeed, I want to accept your magazine offer before it is withdrawn. 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