Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 28, 1939, Image 1

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P 0 R T L A ' T' , 0 -
Volume 56, Number 43
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1939.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Marriages Beat
Divorces by Slim
Margin in 1939
Dan Cupid Feels
Slump During Year,
County Books Show
Morrow countys marriage record
for the 1939 period shows disinter
est on the part of Dan Cupid, rec
ords at the court house reveal. Dur
ing the year only 14 marriage li
censes were purchased at County
Clerk C. W. Barlow's counter. On
the other hand a total of 12 divorces
were granted dissolving the bonds of
Morrow county people. The 12 -divorces
were not all filed in 1939,
three or four of them having been
carried over from 1938. Neither do
the 14 marriage licenses issued cover
all the marriages of Morrow county
people during the year. There were
several weddings involving Morrow
county people performed outside the
A perusal of the marriage record
book brought to light the names of
the 14 couples granted licenses in
1939 as follows:
Jan. 25 Marjorie McFerrin and
Vester Dallas Hams.
May 15 Florence Mae Jones and
James M. Harper.
July 8 Evelyn Creth Craber and
Darrel Presley Harris.
July 20 Ola Hiatt and Charles B.
July 21 Neva S. Cochell and
Thomas J. Wells.
August 25 Gladys Lovgren and
Archie H. Alderman.
Sept. 1 Lois Pauline Ashbaugh
and Boyd Everett Redding; Bernice
Ellen Martin and James " Patrick
Oct 18 Lola Cannon and Marvin
Nov. 15 Norma Maude Parmen
ter and Raymond K. Drake, Jr.
Nov. 17 Mary Jane Casteel and
Bernard J. Doherty.
Nov. 22 Emerald Padberg and
Leslie Roundy.
Dec. 5 Dorothy Fern Howell and
Alfred Melvin Huit.
Dec. 23 Alma Dorine Van Win
kle and Herman James Green.
With four days to go, the marri
age record might be raised. There
are also some divorces pending but
there are legal impediments in the
way of closing them for some time
to come.
Power Shut Off Due
Friday Afternoon
The Pacific Power & Light com
pany announced today that it will
be necessary to shut off the electric
current in this district tomorrow,
Friday, afternoon between the hours
of 1 and 3 o'clock. It is an emer
gency move to permit repairs to
the high power line between Dufur
and Olex.
"We regret very much the neces
sity for this shutdown, but believe
it is better to do it at this time and
be prepared for future emergencies
and possible longer shutdowns,
stated Ray P. Kinne, local manager.
Users of Iron Firemen, oil burn
ers or other heating devices em
ploying fans are urged to build up
their heat supply to cover this per
Morrow County Wool Growers
auxiliary will hold a white elephant
party at their next regular meeting,
Jan. 5, at the Lucas Place. The par
ty will begin at 1:15 p. m. and each
member or guest is asked to bring
her white elephant and the reason
it is so carefully wrapped. The
white elephant party given last year
proved to be lots of fun. At this
meeting a delegate will be elected
for the annual state wool growers
convention to be held at Burns, Jan,
Church Wedding
Is Christmas Event
Miss Alma Van Winkle, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle
of Lexington, became the bride of
Mr. Herman Green, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Green of Heppner, at a
beautiful candle-light ceremony on
Christmas night at the Methodist
church, Rev. R. Carl Young offi
ciating. The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a dress of white
lace and net made with fitted bodice
and full skirt, with a net and lace,
finger-tip length veil which fell
from a crown of seed pearls and or
ange blossoms. She carried a show
er bouquet of white bouvardia and
Miss Florence Bergstrom, maid
of honor, wore a rose taffeta dress
with short blue veil trimmed in
pearls, and carried a bouquet of
blue iris and sweet peas. Miss Ruth
Green, sister of the bridegroom, was
bridsmaid and wore a powder blue
taffeta dress with short pink, pearl
trimmed veil and carried a bouquet
of pink lilies and sweet peas. Little
Miss June Van Winkle, sister of the
bride was flower girl and Lorene
Van Winkle, also sister of the bride,
lit the candles preceding the cere-
Miss Kathryn Parker sang, "Be-
i f'
cause, accompaniea oy Virginia
Dix, who played the Mendelssohn
wedding march.
The bridegroom was attended by
his brother, Joe Green, as best man.
Ushers were Alfred Van Winkle,
Howard Bryant and Marcel Jones.
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held in the church. Assist
ing with the serving were Mrs.
Wallace Green, Mrs. Cornett Green,
Mrs. J. O. Hager and Mrs. George
The young couple left after the
reception on a wedding trip to Port'
land and western Oregon. They will
be at home to their friends after
the first of the year at the Case
Cadet Band May
Appear in Spring
Heppner may have the privilege
of enjoying a concert by the Oregon
State college cadet band if a prop'
sal submitted here this week is ac
cepted. Lee A. Wells, Jr., and Frank
L. Wells, student representatives of
the popular . college organization,
were in Heppner Wednesday con
tacting organizations with the pur
pose of obtaining a local sponsor,
The band's plan of operation calls
for a flat guarantee. In return the
band plays the concert and furnish
es an orchestra for a dance follow
ing the concert. It usually follows
that this schedule more than pays
all expenses, including guarantee
and orchestra musicians, and not
infrequently has a balance for some
local cause. The band personnel
numbers about 45 and, it is pointed
out, this number of people will leave
a considerable part of the guarantee
money right here in the form of
legitimate expenses.
Captain H. L. Beard is director
of the band, a position he has held
for more than 35 years. He is no
stranger in Heppner as he has ap
peared here with his bands of past
Cars Collide on
Hardman Grade
Cars driven by O. A. Devin of
Reed's mill and Carl Leathers of
Hardman collided Saturday after
noon on the Heppner-Spray high
way. The accident occurred at a
point a few miles north of Hard
man where the grade is narrow.
Devin was driving south and Lea
thers, north.
Fog had descended upon the hills
in that section, causing visibility to
be shortened. Both cars were trav
eling slowly and met on a curve,
Passengers in both cars were shak
en up but not injured. Ihe cars
did not fare so well and had to be
taken in for repairs.
Local Happenings
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo have
a number of house guests this week.
Their sons, Bernard, student at
North Pacific Dental college, Port
land, and Scott, Oregon State col
lege student, are spending the vaca
tion at home, and invited guests in
clude Clifford Sims and children,
Zan, Florence and Jeanette of Mil
ton, Miss Olive Kendrick of Staun
ton, Va., and Miss Lora Brenner of
Corvallis, students at Oregon State
college. Miss Kendrick is a student
in the school of agriculture at the
college where she is majoring in
farm management.
Dallas Ward spent the Christmas
holiday with his mother, Mrs. Law
rence Redding of Eight Mile. His
sister, Mrs. Eldon Winkley of Cor
vallis was also a guest at the Red
ding home. Dallas left by stage
Wednesday morning for Minneapolis
where he is assistant varsity coach
at University of Minnesota and
head coach of the freshman foot
ball squad. Mrs. Winkley returned
to Corvallis Tuesday.
Snow and freezing temperatures
which struck this region Saturday
night were not in evidence in the
Willamette valley, according to
Frank E. Alfred, who, with Mrs. Al
fred spent the week end at Silver-
ton and Salem. The only disagree
able weather encountered was fog at
Salem. Roads were comparatively
dry and safe for the holiday travel.
P. J. O'Meara, lone blacksmith,
was a business visitor in Heppner
Saturday. He stated that the peo
ple of that section are getting real
enjoyment out of the new Willows
grange hall recently completed in
lone. Numerous social afafirs are
planned, which, with the regular
grange meetings make the hall a
center of interest for the people of
that area. .. ... .
Walter Moore, manager of the
Pendleton Production Credit cor
poration, was transacting business
in Heppner Wednesday. He was
accompanied by his daughters, who
spent the day as guests at the F. W.
Turner home.
Miss Dorothy Vaught of Pendle
ton is a guest , of Miss Nelma Han
Ion this week. She will return home
Mrs. M. L. Curran spent Christ
mas in Portland, returning to Hepp
ner Wednesday evening.
D. M. Ward proprietor of Hotel
Heppner, left for Portland today
on a brief business trip.
Additional Local News on Page 5
Spencer Crawford
Undergoes Operation
Spencer Crawford, manager of the
Gazette Times, underwent a major
operation at the veterans hospital
in Portland yesterday, after receiv
ing observation there for two weeks.
Telephone report yesterday after
noon sai dthat he withstood the op
eration and was resting quite easy,
This paper acknowledges with ap
preciation the many inquiries con
cerning his progress.
Mrs. Crawford and son John went
to Portland Tuesday evening to be
with Mr. Crawford.
A well filled auditorium greeted
the rector and singers at the Epis
copal church Sunday night on the
occasion of the midnight service.
A group of young people sang car
ols from 10:30 to 11 p. m., at which
time the choir ascended to the loft.
Holy Communion was administered
and Archdeacon Robathan delivered
a short sermon. A special musical
number was Gounod's "Ave Mar
ia," sung by Mrs. O. G. Crawford,
Mrs. Wallace Green came from
Portland to spend Christmas at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Alex Green and to attend the wed
ding of her brother, Herman, and
Miss Alma Van Winkle.
Courthouse Crew
Observes Christmas
Santa Claus arrived a little early
in Heppner this year, making his
appearance Saturday morning at 10
o'clock at the courthouse. The occa
sion for his appearance was the an
nual Christmas tree for the county
officials. Drawing of names for
gifts was held several days prior
and a nice little tree was set up in
the main hall. Gifts began to ac
cumulate around the tree as soon
as it was in readiness and when
Santa, who in this instance was
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman, arrived,
there were gifts for all the force.
Participating in the event were
County Clerk C. W. Barlow and
Harriet Pointer, deputy; Sheriff
Bauman and his deputies, Neva
Wells and Earle Bryant; Assessor
Tom Wells and deputies Eddie Ken
ny and Gertrude Doherty; Super
intendent Lucy Rodgers; Treasurer
Leon Briggs; Justice of the Peace
J. O. Hager and Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Nickerson and William McCaleb,
representing the abstract and title
companies. Absent at the gift dis
tribution were Judge Bert Johnson,
Attorney Frank Alfred, Engineer
Harry Tamblyn and Janitor James
Fingerprinting Said
Aid in Sleuthing
Fingerprinting has long been us
ed in securing evidence in criminal
cases and its use is spreading. Ac
cepted methods have been in use in
the sheriffs office here for a num
ber of years and this week Sheriff
C. J. D. Bauman received a later
development of the process known
as the iodine-silver transfer outfit.
The addition of iodine permits
taking of impressions several weeks
old from almost any kind of surface.
It is particularly valuable in secur
ing prints from oily or greasy sur
faces. The iodine crystals are warm
ed to evaporation state and the vapor
is blown over the finger prints. A
brownish cast is thus given the
prints which make it possible to
study them more closely. The study
has to be made promptly inasmuch
as the coloring fades out in from 40
to 50 minutes.
Sheriff Bauman received a book
of instruction which he is studying
diligently and expects to be able to
work the apparatus in a satisfac
tory manner within a short time.
World War Bonus
File Date Closes
Closing date for application for
adjusted compensation in behalf of
World War veterans and their de
pendents has been set for Jan. 2,
1940, according to anouncement by
the Morrow county chapter of the
American Red Cross. All applica
tions "must be filed with the Vet
eran's Administration prior to that
date. The Red Cross and the Am
erican Legion stand ready to assist
applicants with this work.
It is emphasized that this closing
date has reference to application
for bonus only; it does not apply
to the cashing of bonus certificates.
The local Red Cross chapter ur
ges the cooperation of all interested
persons, so that all eligible veterans
or their dependents may receive
these benefits, to which they are
entitled under the law.
Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski and
children drove to Portland Sunday,
being called there by the death of
Mrs. Skuzeski's father, John Chor
ubski. Funeral services were held
Tuesday and burial was made in Mt,
Calvary cemetery. Mr. Chorubski
died last Friday.
Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Huston were Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Stuart and children, Betty and
Walter, of Albany. Mr. Stuart is
Mrs. Huston's brother. Miss Stuart,
who is a trained nurse, joined her
family at Portland for the trip to
Road Program
Extended During
Last 16 Months
Design New Routes
to Aid Rural Areas
in Market Hauling
There has been no outstanding
road development in Morrow coun
ty during the last year but a pro
gram of improvement and exten
sion has been carried out which
proves that the county court and the
engineering staff have not been un
mindful of the rural areas.
As the year draws to a close, the
county is likewise bringing to a
close some projects that have claim
ed the attention of the engineering
department for the last 16 months.
One of these projects, the Clarks
canyon road, may require a few days
of 1940 to complete. Since the work
started in September, 1938, ten miles
of grade has been built and about
half that distance has been surfaced.
This makes a serviceable road from
the end of the present paving on the
Heppner-Spray highway to the or
iginal post road below the William
Padberg place.
Jumping over to the east side of
Willow creek the new grade running
up Blackhorse from the Doherty
place to the head of Stingle canyon,
where it joins the Sand Hollow road
leading to the O-W highway and
into Heppner.
A little further to the east is a
stretch of surfaced and completed
road leading from Sand Hollow to
the Ferguson ranch. Continuing
northeast to near the county line is
the three-mile stretch of oiled sur
face highway extending from Pine
City to the Jarmon ranch.
Switching to the west side of the
county there is a three-mile stretch
of new road from the top of the hill
above the Dry Fork schoolhouse
down almost to the Gilliam county
line. About five miles of surfacing
was put on the Eight Mile road from
the end of the McNabb road. Out
at Eight Mile postoffice two miles
of grading and native surfacing were
done on the road past the Lawrence
Redding place. Another two miles
of semi-grading was done in Porcu
pine canyon.
Coming closer to Hepner is the
work on the Balm Fork road. In
this work the county had the assist
ance of the Civilian Conservation
corps. The CCC has been hauling
rock from the Osmin quarry and
willingly joined with the county in
improving the road. Four miles of
this route received surfacing, cov
ering the distance from the Hugh
Smith ranch to Heppner city limits.
In commenting on road matters,
Engineer Harry Tamblyn stated that
the county has 1414 miles of roads
under its maintenance jurisdiction.
For this work and the extension of
roads the county has about $60,000
annually to spend. Contrasted with
this mileage and road fund are the
neighboring counties of Umatilla
and Gilliam. In Umatilla county the
mileage is about 2300 and the road
fund $130,000, while in Gilliam
county the mileage is 500 and the
fund $25,000. This county's fund
averages about $42 per mile, Uma
tilla's $56 and Gilliam's $50. It re
quires judicious expenditure of
funds to keep this county's roads
on a comparable basis with those
of the neighbors. It has been the
policy of the court to allocate funds
to roads that serve as pay-load ar
teries. This policy has caused dis
appointment to some neighborhoods,
the engineer states, and while it is
the purpose of the road department
to make every road usable it is not
possible to make every road a mod
em highway, he concluded.
Guests at the M. L. Case home
for the week end were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Case and daughter Jan
et of Baker.