Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 1939, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, Dec. 14, 1939
Published by the Students of
Heppner High School
H-Club Meeting Dec. 14
Student Body Meeting Dec. 15
Operetta Dec. 15
Christmas Assembly Dec. 22
Christmas Vacation begins ....Dec. 22
Christmas Vacation ends Jan. 2
Facts About Our Students
Peggy Tamblyn, a sophomore in
Heppner High, was born Aug. 24,
1924. Peggy is a member of the
Hehisch committee,.
Peggy's hobby is collecting sou
venirs and dolls. Her greatest am
bition is to be a famous musician.
Peggy's favorite sport is football;
song, "Blue Orchids"; picture, "Stan
ley and Livingston"; actor, Spencer
Tracy; actress, Margaret Sullivan;
teacher, Mr. Peavy; color, light blue;
and her favorite book is, "As the
Earth Turns."
Her dream boy must be tall, have
a good personality; athletic ability
and must be well dressed.
Peggy intends to go to O. S. C.
to take home economics and music.
Peggy's intended vocation is teach
ing. Her favorite subject is home
Guess Who?
He is a senior boy. Holds a stu
dent body office. Has been accused
of being an embez2der. Made a
handsome Tyrone Power in play.
Seems to have had a grand time at
La Grande. '
Home Ec Meets
The last half of the third period
Tuesday, Dec. 5, was devoted to a
home ec. meeting in the social hall
at the gym. A treasurer's report re
vealed that $7.40 was taken in at the
football dance. A committee was
appointed to find a store window
in which a baaar may be held. This
will be given week before Christ
mas. The Home Ec. girls are plan
ning a return party for the FFA in
the near future.
At the next meeting the girls will
bring their bazaar projects to work
on. The meeting ended with Christ
mas carols, sung by the club.
Ping Pong
Ping Pong as a sport in Heppner
is progressing rapidly. Hugh Craw
ford and Jack Merrill were slow in
playing off their match and the
game has been forfeited to Hugh.
Hugh then will play Glen Fell and
the winner will play Howard Wray.
Pinckney refeated Don Bennett
and this will give him a chance for
the championship.
In the girls' division, Wanda How
ell will play Jean Hays for the
chance to play Dorothy Huit for the
Girls League Meets
A candy sale will be given Wed
nesday noon at the school. All girls
must bring candy or pay a dime.
several suggestions ior raising
money were given, among these the
following: Gum chewing day, sell
ing candy at games, pie cuts during
the day.
A short program was given which
consisted of vocal solo by Pat 0'
Harra, "My Prayer," and a talk by
Ruth Green about her trip east.
Officers Attend Conference
Guy Moore, Don Jones, Lowell
Ashbaugh, vice-president, treasurer
and sergeant-at-arms, respectively,
and Paul Doolittle, senior class pres
ident attended the student body of
ficers' conference last Friday, Dec.
8, at the Eastern Oregon College of
Education at La Grande.
The delegates went to the first
general meeting at 1:15, where they
were entertained by the La Grande
high school band. Charles Reynolds,
student body president of La Grande
high school, greeted the delegates
and the speech of welcome was giv
en by Dr. Maaske, president of E.
O. C. E.
At 2 o'clock the sectional meet-
ings were held. Following sectional
meetings, the entire group went to
the assembly hall for a general
meeting. Some of the things discuss
ed were: Problem faced by student
body leaders; school freedom; school
assemblies; school dances; school
clubs, and value of music in high
A banquet was held in the eve
ning at the Presbyterian church. At
a business meeting it was decided
that the conference be an annual
event to be held at La Grande each
A play, "Come Seven," was given
at the college followed by a dance
sponsored by the college.
Heppner Student Weds
The marriage of Miss Dorothy
Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Howell of this city, and Alfred
Huit of Gresham was solemnized at
5 o'clock, December 10, in the Me
thodist parsonage in Heppner, Rev.
Carl Young officiating.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a street-length
dress of royal blue transparent vel
vet with a corsage of pink and
white carnations.
The bride's sister, Miss Sibyl Ho
well, was maid of honor, and wore
black velvet dress with a corsage
of pink and white chrysanthemums.
The bridegroom's brother, Wesley
Huit, was best man and also sang,
My Dear, preceding the ceremony,
Miss Juanita Phelps played the
wedding march from Lohengrin,
Band News
On Monday, Dec. 11, the Heppner
school band met and disposed of
certain business that needed the
immediate attention of the members
At a previous meeting two amend
ments to the constitution were or
dered placed on the bulletin board,
These were voted upon and passed
They had to do with the powers of
the president and vice-president in
calling certain meetings, etc.
At a meeting Monday it was de
cided to buy an official plaque des
ignating the winning of a second
division rating in the national con
test by the Heppner band.
A langthy discussion took place
in regard to the members' opinions
as to whether the band should con
tinue to attend contests.
Work on the floor in the FFA
building has been completed. Shop
work will be started presently.
An FFA meeting was held Fri
day with Bill Padberg .taking the
chair in Guy Moore's absence.
The annual tryout for the FFA
speeches in front of the assembly is
not far off. The speeches will be
given, by all, in some of the classes,
The poorer speeches will be elimin
ated and better ones will go up
stairs in front of the assembly to
compete for a cash prize. Last year
the prizes were $6 for first, $4 for
second and $1 for third. The prizes
were given by the First National
Bank of Portland, Heppner Branch!
Dorothy Howell was the recipient
of many gifts at a shower given by
the senior girls which was held at
the home of Clara Adams, Tuesday
evening. '
Refreshments were served. The
table was adorned with a tiny bride
and groom standing under a tree of
wedding bells from which were
streamers to each corner of the ta
Lois Jones, accompanied by Edith
Edwards of Lexington attended the
Columbia C. E. union executive
meeting at Pendleton, Sunday.
Mildred and Leon McClintock ac
companied their parents to The Dal
les, Saturday.
Salem stationers descended on a
meeting of the Board of Control this
week to file vigorous protests against
a proposed reform in the purchase of
office supplies. The proposed reform
involves bidding on a full year's
supply of the various supplies used
by the various state departments,
those items to be supplied the state
only as needed. The local stationers
argued that the plan would divert
the business to the wholesalers and
manufacturers at the expense of the
smaller dealers who live in Oregon
and pay taxes to support the state
government. The board agreed to
modify the plan to protect the small
er dealer. I
Court Proceedings
for November Term
County Court met in regular session
at the Court House in Heppner, Or
egon, on Wednesday the 1st day of
November, 1939, this being the reg
ular time for holding a term of said
Court, when were present:
Bert Johnson, County Judge;
George N. Peck, Commissioner;
L. D. Neill, Commissioner;
C. W. Barlow, Clerk;
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff;
Frank C. Alfred, District Attorney.
The minutes of the October, 1939,
term were read and approved.
In the Matter of Claims:
Now, at this time, the various
claims against the County were pre
sented and the Court approved, dis
approved or continued them and or
dered approved claims paid by the
proper warrants from the proper
Court orders sale of the following
Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block 12
of the Original Town of Lexing
ton. Minimum price $150.00 cash
or contract.
Southwest Quarter (SW1
Section 30, Northwest Quarter
(NWi4), West Half of the Nor
theast Quarter (WNEy4), Sou
theast Quarter (SEy4), East Half
of the Southwest Quarter (Ey2
SWyO, Section 31, all being in
Township 2 South, Range 23
East of Willamette Meridian.
Minimum price $1.00 per acre,
cash or contract.
November 28, 1939 "
In the Matter of the Budget for the
Year 1940:
As was advertised in the publica
tion of the Budget Estimates, the
County Court, as the Levying Board
for the County of Morrow, met on
November 28, 1939 at 10:00 A. M.
but as no one came to discuss the
Budget or any part thereof, it was
ordered accepted as published with
the exception of the following: The
Elementary School Tax was reduc
ed from $15,000.00 to $14,692.15, the
official publications and tax fore-1
closure appropriation was raised
from $600.00 to $660.00, and the Gen
eral State Tax Appropriation was
ordered levied in the amount of $2,
461.14. In the Circuit Court for the State
of Oregon for Morrow County.
In the Matter of Order for Land
Sales that have not been entered in
the Minutes of the County Court
Now at this time the matter com
ing to the attention of the County
Court that certain orders heretofore
made by the Court have been erron
eously omitted from the minutes of
the various sessions of the Court of
which said orders were made, for
the reason that said orders were not
delivered to the Clerk of the Court
for inclusion in the minutes, and
It appearing to the Court that said
orders should be included in the
minutes of the respective sessions of
the Court at which said orders were
made and that the minutes of said
meetings should be amended to in
clude said orders.
It is therefore ordered that the
miutes of the term of the County
Court for the month of March,-1939,
which were read and approved on
the date of April 5, 1939, be and they
hereby are amended to include, in
addition to said minutes heretofore
entered and approved as stated here
in, the following order, to-wit:
Court orders sale of the following
Lot one (1) Block (2) Heppner
Ayers 2nd. Minimum price
Heppner North 51 feet of South
132 feet of tract No. 130 less
tract No. 172(DR. 32-137). Min
imum price $50.00.
It is further ordered that the
minutes of the term of County
Court for the month of July, 1939,
which were read and approved on
the date of August 2, 1939, be and
hey hereby are amended to in
clude in addition to said minutes
heretofore entered and approved as
tated herein the following order,
Court orders sale of the following
Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22,
Block 18 in the Town of Irrigon.
Minimum price i 15.00 cash.
Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Cluff s
7th Addition to the City of lone.
Minimum price $105.00 cash or
It is further ordered that the
minutes of the term of County Court
for the month of August, 1939, which
were read and approved on the date
of September 6, 1939, be and they
hereby are amended to include in
addition to said minutes heretofore
entered and approved as stated here
in the following order, to-wit:
Court orders sale of the following
Lots 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, Block
28 in the Town of Irrigpn. Min
imum price, $12.50 for the five
lots, cash.
It is further ordered that the
minutes of the term of County Court
for the month of September, 1939,
which were read and approved on
the date of October 4, 1939, be and
they hereby are amended to in
clude in addition to said minutes
heretofore entered and approved as
stated herein the following order,
Court orders sale of the following
The West one -half of the
Northwest Quarter (Wy2NWy4)
of Section 19, Township 6 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, in Morrow County,
Oregon, at the minimum price
of Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) cash.
It is further ordered that the min
utes of the term of County Court
for the month of October, 1939,
which were read and approved on
the date of November 1, 1939, be
and they hereby are amended to in
clude in addition to said minutes
heretofore entered and approved as
stated herein the following order,
Court orders sale of the following
The South one-half of Lot 4,
Continued on Page Seven
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 133
Heppner, Ore.
Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Class A $11.25 Class B $12.90
See us before financing your
next automobile.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before .
the Council
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor.
Heppner Blacksmith
Cx Machine Shop
Expert Welding and Repairing
L. H. HARLOW, Mgr.
ATwater 4884 '
6th at Washington
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office In New Peters Building
J. O. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Dr. Raymond Rice
First National Bank Building
Office Phone 523 House Phone 823
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, Ore.
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
J. O. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches . Clocks . Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Building
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
X-Ray and Extraction by Gas
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
V. R. Runnion
Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty
405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 452
Frank C. Alfred
Telephone 442
Rooms 3-4
First National Bank Building
Peterson fir Peterson
U. S. National Bank Building
Practice in State and Federal Courts
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Fubllo
Phone 62 i0ne, Ore.
Laurence Case
"Just the service wanted
when yon want It most"