Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 1939, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, Dec 14, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Pay Three
Lettermens Club
Holds Initiation
The Lettermen's club held an in
itiation meeting at the Roy Camp
bell home last Wednesday evening.
Eugene Majeske was initiated into
the club.
Friends here were grieved to leam
of the death of Mrs. Louis Mar
quardt who passed away Sunday
morning at Pendleton in the St. An
thony hospital where she was re
cuperating from a major operation.
Erma Scott is critically ill from
pneumonia in The Dalles hospital.
Her mother is with her.
Kenneth Palmer took a load of
stock to Portland Sunday and re
tuned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones
were dinner guests at the Adolph
Majeske home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson
and son spent Saturday and Sunday
in Stanfield visiting relatives. Mr.
Henderson's sister and children who
have been visiting here returned to
their home in Chehalis the last of
the week.
M. and Mrs. Togo Ericson of Brai
nard, Minn., and Mrs. Ray White of
San Leandro, Cal., were visiting
relatives here last week.
Lot Johnston left Saturday for
his home in Spokane after spending
some time at the A. M. Edwards
Mrs. Chester Brown of Monument
was a visitor at the home of Anne
Johnson last week.
'Edith Edwards attended a Chris
tian Endeavor meeting in Pendleton
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Daugherty and
son returned home Sunday from
Connell where they have been visit
ing relatives for the last two weeks.
Mrs. Archie Munkers left Satur
day for Salem where she plans to
visit her parents before joining her
husband in Los Angeles.
Rae Cowins spent the week end
in Heppner.
A birthday party was held at the
Elmer Hunt home Saturday evening
in honor of Gerald Acklen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and
Mrs. Arthur Hunt were Pendleton
visitors Ttursday.
Clayton Davis is home for a vaca
tion from his work in the navy. His
father and sister, Clark Davis and
Wanda of Canyon City, were visit
ing here Sunday.
The high school basketball team
won their first game of the season
last Tuesday evening by defeating
Pilot Rock 19-14. The Heppner CCC
team defeated the local town team
the same evening by a score of 43
31. Wednesday evening they jour
neyed to lone where they were de
feated by a score of 31-28. The high
school first and second teams motor
ed to Boardman Friday night where
both teams were defeated by the
Boardman quintet. The first firing
lost 28-10, while the second team
lost 19-11.
Among local people attending the
wheat league meeting in Condon
last week end were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Saling, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Cutsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott,
George Peck, Burton Peck, Merle
Miller and A. H. Nelson.
The Merry Thimblers club met at
the home of Vera Whillock last
Thursday with Faye Ruhl as hos
tess. Refreshments of jello, cake
and coffee were served. Eula Barn
house was voted in as a new mem
ber. The next meeting will be with
Helen Breshears.
Boardman Cagers
Trim Adams Five
The local basketball team was
victorious over Adams in the return
game there on December 5. The
final score was Boardman 38, Adams
26, with Dale Russell of Boardman
making 27 points.
Miss Case of Corvallis held a
cooking class in the grange hall
Friday. There were about 30 ladies
Earl Cramer who has been at
Spokane visited on the project over
last week end.
Friday, December 8, the high
school Girls League was entertained
at a play day in lone. The girls re
ported an enjoyable afternoon.
Mrs. Attebury left last week for
Spokane with Rev. Young of Col
lege Place, Wash., to attend a Seven
Day Advent conference.
A birthday dinner was held in tha
grange hall last Saturday. The eve
ning was spent in dancing where
everyone reported a nice time.
P. M. Smith, McFarland, E. Sulli
van and W. A. Baker were in Hepp
ner Thursday to attend the Land
Use committee meetings. This com
mittee, which meets annually, dis
cusses and plans ways of bettering
the use of land in the county.
In the second league game of the
season, the Boardman Yeildw Jack
ets defeated the Lexington Jack
Rabbits by a score of. 28-12. Al
though the score was too uneven
to make a particularly thrilling
game, it was well worth the time
and money. The team, coached by
Glen Mallery, is rapidly improving
and by the end of the season we
should be ready to make the larger
teams take notice.
Willard Baker took his mother,
Mrs. W. A. Baker, to Hermiston Sat
urday, where she consulted a doc
tor. G. A. Corwin made a business trip
to Heppner Monday evening.
Don't forget the basketball game
with Hermiston on the home floor
on Saturday, December 16. This
promises to be a thriller. To date
Boardman is playing .1000.
1 1 in mi iiiuihi in 1 1 in inmu nun u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 m i i it h 1 1 iQiTu
Not Too
to Order
Heppner Gazette Times
Hardman Schools
To Observe Christmas
A Christmas program will be held
at the high school auditorium on
Thursday evening, Dec. 21, put on
mostly by the grade school, with
several numbers by the high school.
Everyone is invited.
Carl McDaniel and Jim Smith of
Lone Rock spent Thursday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Sometime ago Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Craber left for Ashland where Gor
don, who has been there since June,
is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs.
Craber plan to return about Christ
mas. The monthly Christian Endeavor
party and business meeting was held
Saturday night. Games were played
and refreshments were served.
The first meeting of the Camp
Cookery 4-H club was held last
Friday. Irl Clary was elected pres
ident; Junior Leathers, vice-president;
Alene Inskeep, secretary; Ce
cil McDaniel, yell leader, and Nar-
vin Adams, song leader. Other mem
bers of the club are Alvin Byer, Del
mer Buschke, Billy Lee, Clinton
Batty and La Vonne Adams. The
next meeting will be held at the
high school on the afternoon of
Friday, Dec. 22. Marie Clary is
leader of the club.
A meeting of Clothing 4-H club
was held at the high school on Fri
day under the leadership of Mildred
Clary. Officers were elected as fol
lows: President, Alberta McFerrin;
vice-president, Evelyn McFerrin;
secretary, Carol Buschke; song lead
er, Yvonne Hastings, and yell leader,
Doris Robinson. The next meeting
will be held on Dec. 22 at the same
The Rev. Everett Eli of Touchet,
Wash., plans to hold church services
here on Sunday for an indefinite
Mrs. Ethel McDaniel and Jim
and Harold Stevens were business
visitors in Heppner on Wednesday
of last week.
Mrs. Jim Hams, Mrs. Chas. Mc
Daniel and Mrs. Harold Stevens and
Bobby were visiting in Condon on
The first Clothing H-IV 4-H club
meeting was held Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Carl Lea
thers. The following officers were
chosen: President, Vera McDaniel;
vice-president, Ollie Hastings; sec
retary, Jeanne Leathers, and song
leader, Vera McDaniel. Other mem
bers of the club are Mildred Clary,
Maxine McDaniel and Juanita By
er. The leader is Oleta Raimey.
Sam McDaniel fell Sunday and is
unable to walk.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and
Junior visited at the Victor Lov
gren home on Sunday.
Earl Redding and Carl Leathers
returned to Bates on Sunday where
they will continue working.
Mrs. Glenn Farrens and Mrs. Wal
ter Wright and children were visitr
ing here Sunday.
Ed McDaniel left last week to vis
it his daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Mer
ritt, who lives at Muckleteo, Wash.,
near Everett. Harlan Adams took
him to Heppner, where he caught
the evening train.
The weather has been so mild this
fall that an apple tree on the Craber
ranch has budded and the mullen
is in bloom.
Henry Graham and Robert Wag
ner of lone visited at the A. D. In
skeep home on Sunday.
All last week threatened storms
and finally on Sunday rain and
then snow came. The fall was about
two or three inches of very wet
snow, much of which melted during
the night as the weather continued
warm. At this writing a stormy
sky indicates that we shall have
more winter very soon.
Don Jones and Paul Doolittle, stu
dents of Heppner high school, drove
to La Grande last Friday where they
attended a conference of high school
student body officers at Eastern Or
egon College of Education. Nearly
100 student body officers were pre
sent to discuss various problems
connected with their work. It was
unanimously voted to meet annual
ly in a high school student body of
ficers' convention at the college ear
ly each fall. A banquet and college
play were features of entertainment
for the group.
A special train brought a ship
ment of sheep to Heppner Sunday
evening. The sheep' were some of
the Barratt flocks which have been
ranging at Browning, Mont., since
last spring.
A gift the whole family can use
and enjoy I Mirrors with hand
some gilt frames, or the smart
Venetian type take your choice.
Superior quality. Heavy mirror
plate. Wonderful values !
99c to $7.50
Make Christmas Reflections
Brighten Future Years
W FURNITURE and the countless Household Articles we stock make it easy for you to solve your
jwj GIFT SHOPPING problems. Gifts for the entire family or for individual members, friends....
H For the Family: Davenport, Dining Room Set, Rugs, Oil Heater,
Chairs, Lamps, Radio, Bedroom Suite.
j& For Mother: A Hamilton Beach Electric Mixer, Coffee Maker,
S Pyrex-Ware, Bauer Pottery.
1 For Sister: A Bed Lamp, Cedar Chest or Over Night Case.
For Brother: Gladstone Bag or Suit Case.
p For Baby: Bayb Beds, Chairs and Buggies.
' Any Home Comfort will please Dad
M : , .
4 Extra Special!
Now Only $79 95
Regular $135. 50
You Save $55.55
i it. ' n.tmimiMMtiimimtiiiHllt1imilllllilllllllllllimtniiiimnimi..iMit,.M........ - ,.,