Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 1939, Image 1

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'"Bile Ba! .l SOCIETY
f"fc A M. -
Mmnmx mzmv
Volume 56, Number 41
Practical Problems
Interest Growers
At Wheat Conclave
Condon AsSemblaqe
Pnncirlprc AAnnv
Phn;p; nf InHutrV
, ,
D. E. Stephens, chief coordinator
between AAA and Soil Conservation
service, brought what, to growers,
was the highlight address at the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league con-
ference at Condon, last Friday and
Saturday. From thirty years' exper-
ience at Moro experiment station, he
predicted the future of cultivation
In a nutshell, Stephens said of the
many things affecting wheat pro-
duction in eastern Oregon yields
tend to follow the moisture chart
more closely than any other factor,
Nitrate content of soil, he believed
to be the next most important fac-
tor, savins tests at Pendleton show
that addition of manure to soil gave
considerably increased yield tf
second year; did not help much th&
first year. At Moro the added ni-
trates obtained from manure tended
to rive grain too rank a start for the
smaller amount of moisture receiv-
ed to carry through, and burning
had at various times resulted. He
cipitation and nitrate content of soil
that may be determined to arrive at
xne ideal ior xnis wneai secuun.
U1 . j "J
Dick Richards superintendent of
Union livestock experiment station,
were listened to attentively by grow-
Both the talks of Stephens and of
, . ,1
ers as bearing upon the present I
tendency toward livestock produc
tion on wheat farms due to perman
ent retirement of tillable land from
grain production and planting to
range grasses. Richards gave a lot
oi pidcuc-i -uim p
from experiments at the Union sta
tion that wheat in certain combina
tions is an excellent feed for cattle,
sheep and hogs.
Both R. M. Evans national wheat
section head, and N. E. Dodd, head
of western wheat section of AAA, 1
emphasized that farmers themselves
must take the lead in formulating!
the program to be followed in crop
control work. The league itself re
commended that a more definite fi
nancing plan for allotment pay-
Continued on Page Eight
Willows Grange Has
First Meeting in Hall
The first meeting of Willows I
c uj ; 1oe
Saturday evening with an interested
group in attendance.
It has been decided to postpone
the dedication ceremony until some
time after the first of the year, as
it will be more convenient for alJ
having parts in the service.
On Ranrrlnv V10 1 RfVi nffinprs nf
the various granges will be installed
at 8 p. m. The ladies of the Home
Economics club will hold their ba-
zaar during afternoon and evening
of the same day. Those interested in
purchasing dainty Christmas gifts
will be interested in seeing the fine
display of needlework and aprons.
Uwen z,aro, a proiessionai tener
of the future, knowo in Private life
as oeorge nose uampoeu, wm De on
hand to read fortunes using both
palmistry and astrology. Come and
nave your iumre reaa.
tsootns or interest to uie cnuaren
as well as their elders will include
fish ponds, grab bags and of course
there will be the nigger oaoies to
be thrown at.
Supper will be served at o o ciok
to local and visiting grangers.
Free dancing lonowing me msxai-
lation will be enjoyed into the wee
sma' hours.
Remember the day, the date and
the place, Saturday, Dec. 16, at the
new hall in lone.
B. C. Pinckney Chosen to
Head Commercial Group at
Initial Meeting
Formation of a commercial club
in Heppner attained a step nearer
realization tWs week when the board
of directors, chosen in the election
held last week, held a luncheon
Uor the new organization were se
. , ,
board of directors
The result of the poll taken by tb
board found B. C. Pinckney, mana.
ger of First National Bank of Port-
land, Heppner branch, in the posi
tion of president. W. C. Rosewall,
of Rosewall-Gentry Motor Co., was
chosen first vice president and Frank
W. Turner, second vice president.
The post of secretary was awarded
to O. G. Crawford.
Drafting of a constitution and by
laws will be undertaken at once m
order to make it. possible to start
the club off on a working basis by
January 1
It is the plan of the new organiza
tion to maintain an oihce as head
quarters, where the committee meet-
ings and other business of the group
may be transacted. The .office will
be in charge of the secretary. The
board of directors already has a
tentative program of work and pro
jects outlined for the ensuing year
which will be given careful, study
the next tew weens,
Officio! PlOllltS
Persons writing Governor Sprague
to complain about the conduct of
officials ag
according to Frank
, , mirrfv
A4.ViVYY WW4.T ut,v.w
of week
from attending the convention of
state associations of sheriffs and dis
trict attorneys in Portland. In mak
ing report of the meeting at the
Lions club Monday luncheon, Al-
fred stated that the governor side-
steps the issue of considering such
complaints by referring the letters
to the official against whom the
complaint is made
Alfred. Sheriff Bauman, Alden
Blankenship and g c. Pinckney
cupied the allotted time with re-
of the officerSi Pendle.
ton high school evaluation, and
kague meetings.
Bauman said that one matter be
fore the sheriffs which was agitat
ing that arm of the law is a proposal
to adopt a uniform for sheriffs and
their criminal deputies. He feels
the officers' lives will be safer in
plainer garb. Pinckney declared he
learned more about wheat in one
dav at wh,eat leaeue vention
uian ne ever Knew aoout u oeioie,
.1 1 1 . 1 A. t
o'-"F c
on the evaluation board at Pendle-
M"1' iniz "c u Ui "1C
portunity to serve there inasmuch as
a similar action will take place here
at a later date and the information
thus obtained will be of value when
that time comes. The evaluations
are being made by Northwest Asso-
ciation of Standard High Schools
for accrediting by it.
A clarine du,et by Dorotha Wil-
son and Kingsley Chapin, accom-
panied by Patty OHarra was the
musical diversion of the meeting. ,
T Pprhprff. Lexinffton. and
Mrs Bert Paimateer) Morgan, were
winners o tickets to see the show,
Womenj reCently presented
at Star theater. As an advertis-
ing fature) the theater management
offered free tickets to the 25 con
testants turning in the highest av
erage of answerS to a list of 10 fa
mous quotations relative to women,
Young Perlberg and Mrs. Palmateer
were the only contestants qualify
ing tne former turning in a score of
90 points and the latter 85 points,
Mrs. Catherine Doherty left Mon-
day for Kent, Wash., where she will
spend the winter with her daughter,
Mrs. .Harry rioward.
Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 14,
Eager Throng Visits
Heppner's Gala
Christmas Opening
People of County
Make First Annual
Event Grand Success
Heppner's first annual Christmas
opening was a pronounced success.
This statement is based upon the
number of people who turned out
Saturday evening, a number var
iously estimated from 1500 to 2500
persons. No official count was made
and estimates were based upon the
throngs of people crowding all the
business houses at one and the same
So eager were the throngs to
match the numbers on the tickets
with those to be found on the var
ious prizes put up by the business
houses that sales for the evening
were forgotten and store forces de
voted their time to watching the
prize hunters. The quest started
immediately following a blast of the
fire siren at 7:15 p. m. and it was
well after 8 o'clock before the crowd
began to disperse. It was an order
ly, good natured crowd, entering
into the spirit of the occasion with
friend twitting friend about the luck
or lack of luck accompanying their
Business houses entered whole
heartedly into the movement. Store
windows were resplendent with
Christmas decorations, interiors
were brightened with holiday stocks,
and the merchants themselves en
tered into the spirit of the occasion
with a zest. Prizes, of which each
place gave several, were so placed
that searchers had to make the
rounds of each store. In this manner
the holiday stocks as well as regular
merchandise were brought to the
attention of all visitors.
Some of the stores had favors for
visitors. Case Furniture company
gave out calendars, for which the
recipients registered. The signatures
of 330 persons were obtained in this
manner and estimating that this
amounted to about 40 per cent of
those entering the store during the
evening, M. L. Case thinks upwards
of 800 people were their guests. At
the Dix grocery, penny candies were
given children of the fourth grade
and younger. W. O. Dix thinks that
no less than 1500 people passed
through his store that evening.
Other stores found it difficult to
estimate the number of guests and
most of them are willing to accept
any figure up to 2500 people for the
evening's crowd.
Funds subscribed by the several
business houses to defray expenses
of the opening were expended as
follows: Santa Claus mask, 25 cents;
Santa Claus belt, 25 cents; distribut
ing handbills, $2; balloons for Santa
Claus to give to youngsters at com
munity tree, $2.15; paper, 20 cents;
advertising in Gazette Times for
treasure hunt,, including printing,
$51.50; turned over to fire depart
ment for annual kiddie treat, $31.15;
balance for advertising in Gazette
Times, Dec. 14, $5; total, $92.50.
With the first opening such a suc
cess the business houses are prac
tically unanimous in their desire to
repeat the performance next year.
All that remains is to settle some
difference of opinion relative to de
tails which were made apparent in
the first opening event.
H. A. Cohn returned Saturday
from a trip to the middle west which
keut him away most of two weeks
He was checking on some sheep he
shipped east last spring for feeding
in. Iowa and Illinois and found the
flocks in fine shape. The trip both
ways was made by airplane, a trav
el method the Heppner man has
found not only convenient as to
time saving but one which he en
Week End Witnesses Fall of
.75 Inch of Moisture as Storm
Covers Wide Area
Breaking a drouth of many weeks,
rainfall to .75 inch fell over Heppner
and vicinity last week end, settling
the dust and bringing cheer to far
mers and stockmen who were begin
ning to worry over grain and graz
ing conditions. The rains were gen
eral over the northwest, according
to reports coming in from different
sections, and followed in the wake
of heavy winds which, in some in
stances, were reported to have
reached velocity of 65 miles an hour.
In higher reaches of Oregon snow
fall followed the rains, giving the
state the first real precipitation of
the fall season.
The figure of .75 inch covers the
first 10 days of December. This was
the reading recorded by L. L. Gil
liam Monday morning after the skies
cleared and there appeared to be
no more rain in the offing.
A study of the weather chart re
veals the following figures for the
year 1939 up to December' 10: Jan
uary .68, February 1.02, March 1.20,
April .22, May .66, June .81, July .31,
August none, September .79, October
.33, November none, and December
.75, a total of 6.76 to date.
Since recordings by government
instruments started here in Janu
ary, 1910, the chart shows that the
driest December was in 1914 when
the precipitation amounted to .28
inch. The wettest December was in
1929 when a total of 3.03 inches fell,
Wettest month recorded since 1910
was November, 1921, with a precip
itation of 3.19 inches.
According to the weather chart,
the year 1912 witnessed the heaviest
precipitation in the 30 years re
corded 18.64 inches. Contrasted
with this figure was 1928 when the
total precipitation was 8.20 inches.
Average precipitation for this area
is about 14 inches. Unless the pre
sent month proves wetter than it
has so far, 1929 will be remembered
as one of the countys driest periods.
Mr. and Mrs. Devin
Married 59 Years
Fifty-nine years of married life,
most of that time spent in Morrow
county, were observed Sunday by
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devin at the
family home in Sand Hollow. Sat
urday, Dec. 9, was the anniversary
but it was found more convenient
for members of the family to as
semble on Sunday. Members of the
family residing in the county and
neighbors and friends were included
in the group assembling to observe
the event.
Mr. and Mrs. Devin were married
in Bolivar, Mo., Dec. 9, 1880. They
came to Morrow county in 1884, set
tling on a homestead in the Black-
horse section. About six months
after settling on the homestead Mr.
Devin bought part of the place in
Sand Hollow which has been the
family home continuously since and
to which he added holdings from
time to time.
Safety Program at
Elks Hall Tonight
A safety program, under auspices
of the state highway department, will
be held at the Elks hall at 7:30 this
evening. Hugh Kosson, director ot
safety for the department, will be
the speaker. The public is urged to
attend this meeting and hear an
tble speaker discuss a subject of
vital importance to everybody.
This is regular meeting night for
the Elks and in order to accommo
date Mr. Rosson and the cause he
represents, the lodge has deferred
opening until after the speaking.
Phelps Funeral home recently
purchased a new funeral car which
has been in service the last week.
The new car, a Pontiac chassis with
a Pierce body, is of the three-way
loading type, making it possible to
load from either side or the rear.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Firemen Ready
For Advent of
Jolly Kris Kringle
Kiddies' Treat and
Annual Ball Set
for Saturday Night
Everything is in readiness for the
second annual kiddies treat and
firemen's ball, according to mem
bers of the Heppner fire department
who have been working tirelessly
to make this one of the big events
of the year. The kiddies' treat will
be staged at the community Christ-,
mas tree where Santa Claus, Saint
Nick, or Kris Kringle, whichever
of the jolly old fellows you prefer,
is scheduled to arrive at 7:30 o'clock
with his hamper filled with some
400 bags of candy and nuts for the
little folk of the community.
If Saturday night is not one of the
outstanding dates of the year 1939
it will be no fault of the fire de
partment. Aside from the kiddies'
treat, which is a notable achieve
ment for so small a group of work
ers, there will be the second annual
firemen's ball at the Elks hall, an
event for which many tickets have
already been sold, Mayor Bleak
man leading off with purchase of
the first ticket. Music for the dance
will be furnished by Merrill's orch
estra and the young musicians have
prepared a floor show in connec
tion which is designed to add much
pleasure to the evening. Last year's
dance was a big affair and the fire
men are determined to make this
year's event even more outstanding.
Many citizens, wishing to express
thieir appreciation of this self-sustaining
organization, buy tickets
with no thought of using them.
Kiddies, remember the hour is
7:30. Don't push and shove or run
over each other, but be there, for
the firemen are epecting you and
remember, you mustn't disappoint
Santa Claus.
Dancing starts at 930. Tickets
may be purchased from any member
of the fire department or at Patter
son's Drug store.
Church Parsonage
Scene of Wedding
The Methodist parsonage was the
scene of a quiet wedding ceremony
Sunday evening when Rev. R. Carl
Young, pastor, spoke the words
uniting Dorothy Howell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell, and
Alfred Huit. Members of the immed
iate families and a few friends wit
nessed the nuptials. The bride was
attended by her sister, Miss Sybil
Howell, while Wesley Huit, brother
of the groom, acted as best man.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Juanita Phelps and Wesley
Huit sang "To You."
A reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents immediately
following the ceremony. Mr. Huit
is leaving for Portland where he has
a poition and the bride plans to
remain in Hepner to finish hers en
ior year in the high school.
Grade Band Program
Set for Dec. 21
Date for the Christmas program
given by the grade school pupils and
the school band has been set for
Thursday, Dec. 21, according to Miss
Rachel Forsythe. Choruses of the
lower and upper grades will sing
Christmas carols and the band will
appear in concert numbers.
Features of this year's , program
include choir robes for the singers
and a stained glass art window, rep
resenting a cathedral window, pre
pared by the eighth grade class and
to be used as part of the stage dec
orations. The program is scheduled to start
at 8 o'clock p. m., and the public
has been extended an invitation to