Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 23, 1939, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939
Published by the Students of
Heppner High School
Coming Events
Thanksgiving Vacation, Nov. 23-27.
Basketball, lone here, Nov. 28.
Next Thursday (today) has been
set aside as a general day of thanks
giving and everyone in this country
will give thanks that they are so
fortunate as to live in the United
States instead of war-torn Europe.
George Washington, in 1787, pro
claimed Thursday, November 27, to
be observed as Thanksgiving Day,
but until the Civil war it was a
state affair.
The last Thursday in November
was set aside by President Lincoln
in 1864. This year, however. Presi
dent Roosevelt has moved Thanks
giving up a ween 10 give longer per-
iods between holidays. Part of the . aer aPProximateiy "ie same
. i ..i , . . ... mrptimctQnfQD )o 4Vrt ...:4-l.
v.vuhiliiih,vj d.3 tiic niau Willi
Hardman Saturday night were Lew
is McDonald, Rita Robinson, Lura
and Edna Stephens, and Clara Ad
ams. The following were rooters at the
Heppner - Arlington game played
there last Saturday: Frances Wil
kinson, Alex Thompson, Johnny
Hays, Jean Hays, Mary E. Florence,
Wanda Howell. Cecelia Healv. Helen
Healy, Peggy Tamblyn, Norma Prock,
Harold Armstrong, Mr. Peavy, Mr.
and Mrs. Blankenship, Miss McEl
hinny, and Miss Doughty.
In a post-season gridiron tussle
at Arlington last Saturday the Ar
lington Honkers beat the Heppner
Mustangs, 19-12. The game vas ex
citing, being featured by passing at
tacks and spectacular runs.
Arlington scored first. in the first
quarter with Norris packing the ball
around right end. Shortly afterward
Heppner scored on a pass intercep
tion by Hayes, who chased down the
sidelines 80 yards for the score. Both
teams missed the conversions.
Arlington failed to score again in
the first half, but Heppner managed
to score again. This time the score
oni .
states will observe Thanksgiving this
week, while others will observe it
next week. Two states intend to have
two holidays. Why can't Oregon take
the hint?
Facts About Our Students
Don Jones, the student hodv
urer. was born December 11. 1922 nt Dlav with Prnm
, J J. ""- J ) MUUi
Heppner. He has attended school in They passed for the conversion. The
Heppner all his life. last score came in the last Quarter
Besides beins treasurer. Don hnlrls on a rass frnm Non-U TTio
the office of president of the band sion was missed. The final score was
ana sereeant-at-arms or the Ppn iv-iz.
Moore intercepting a pass to outrun
the entire Honker team for 80 vards
and the score. The conversion was
missed. The score at the end of the
half was 12-6 in Heppner's favor
In the second half Arlington be
gan to roll. They scored on a line
club. His favorite teacher is Miss
Doughty, and his favorite subject is
economics. His favorite song is
"Over the Rainbow," favorite actress,
Hedy Lamarr; favorite actor, Ty
rone Power; favorite author, S. S
van uyne; lavonte color, green;
favorite show, "The Rains Came."
Don's hobby has always been nho-
tography, in which he has invested
much money. His favorite oastime
seems to be eating a maple-nut ice
cream cone.
His ambition is to someday win a
Coast Tips
The headlight of this Saturday's
coast football was OreSon State's
21-0 victory over the University of
uaiitornia. There was no score in
the first half, and California seemed
to have the best of the battle. How
ever, in the second half flrponn
State scored three successive touch
downs. This is the second time thev
have beaten the Bears in 34 seasons.
In another conference tilt Wash
ington State beat Stanford 7-0. The
photograph contest, and his expect- Wln was Washlngton State's second
ed vocation is to be a theater man- ?ce vlctory and Stanfrd':
O ..vri.v.A AtSl 1,1 IV. L ) I rl f
theater for approximately a year,
where he is employed as operator.
Don s dream girl is tall. dark, and
slim. The first characteristics he
looks for in a girl is a pretty face,
nice figure, and neat hair. This cor
respondent thinks this description
tits a certain former Hennner rirl
At the present Don has no heart in
terest but declares himself an eli
gible bachelor. (I think he means
U. C. L. A. and Santa Clara played
to a scoreless tie in a non-confer
ence battle. The Came was verv dull
tor 59 minutes but was exciting in
the last minute. Kenny Washington
sparked a 71-yard drive in the last
minute which was climaxed bv an
attempted field goal in the last five
seconds. The attempt failed.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 23 Who
will make money (fool's gold, Presi
dent Roosevelt calls it) out of the
At this writing here is what the
war is doing to the United States
It is increasing unemployment by in
terning American vessels and nut
ting 10,000 seamen "on the beach:"
it is decreasing employment in the
iruit industry in the Pacific north
Great Britain has barred shm
ments of Oregon and Washington
pears and apples to England (but
admits Canadian fruit), declared tho
truit a non-essential. This is a bus
iness loss of several million dollars
to growers and shippers.
Other non-essentials: Tobacco a
. 1
loss of 517,000,000 a year of business
motion pictures, worth $90,000,000 a
Wheat, hops. wool, prunes mfa
lumber all Oregon - Washington
products-re being purchased by
.Britain from the commonwealths of
the empire.
The foregoing items. ?vnrr con ti n rt
, rn n " ' r
j.au,uw,uuu a year, giving employ
ment to an army of workers, are not
wanted by the allies. In exchange
lor loss ot this business Great Brit
ain and France are coneentrafincr
their purchases in the United States
on airplanes and other death-dealing
devices. Between $150.000000
and $200,000,000 is heme snent hv
allies but to fill there airplane or
ders not more than 40,000 mechanics
have been given emnlovmpnt ar,A
the expenditures of the allies are
not being spread into general
lation, as was money paid for North
west products.
Insofar as Oregon and Washing
ton are concerned, the war is a lia
bility instead of an asset; is closing
long-esta bushed markets and is not
opening new ones.
private industry and turn into cash
material that is now worthless and
Placer mine operators in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana and
South Dakota are permitted to work
their employes 12 hours a day or 56
hours a week for not more than 14
weeks a year, according to a ruling
of wage-hour administration. More
than one-half of the placer gold in
the area is excavated by floating
dredges and of the total gold pro
duced three-fourths comes from
With Christmas just around the
corner, the wage -hour administra
tion will hold a public hearing next
week to determine whether those
engaged in handling "decorative
greens" are in a seasonal occupa
tion. The farmers and growers who
send mistletoe, laurel, Oregon holly,
cattails, and cedar boughs to the
market know that these Christmas
greens are decidedly seasonal, and
they could not sell a truckload for a
dollar in July, but the wage-hour
administration has to be convinced
that it isn't an all-year industry and
that those engaged in it are not in
the same class with workers in a
steel mill.
One of the burdens of American
taxpayers is caring for foreign
born and aliens in institutions for
mental defectives. The 1938 statistics
show that California has 6847, great
est of any state; Oregon 363; Wash
ington 784.
There is someone you know in
THE WOMEN! Every tvne of wo
man in the world today has a mi
croscope focused upon her person
in this comedy based upon the ad
ventures of the fair sex in purely
leminine haunts. Star Theater, Sun
day and Monday, matinees at 1 and
Get results with G. T. want ads.
Social Hour Unattended
A social hour was held Wednes
rl n r (1111111. jM iT. ; 1 1
uti . . . . J C,C'UI,6 "? suiaai iiour room
When asked his opinion of the hm, ui -m. .
11 . . i"gu duuuui. iie uarxv was
school Taror. V,5c (in . .... J
Vh;; w:: " s.hort as n tm late, and
getting better, but should be print
For the boys this week, loud shirts
were the go. Don Bennett wore a
black, red, and white wool shirt,
and Hob Pinckney wore a green,
there was the smallest attendance of
the year. This may be due to the fact
that no one sponsored it. and also
that there was a good show on at the
theater that night.
Football Boys Feted
Last Thursday night the Heppner
uiu j i -a . . ' "' inuiauajf lugui me neppner
black, and white one of wool. Both football squad was given a banquet
ui 5"7-'"u"s, a weu as by their mothers at the Lucas Place.
sensible for school
For the girls, Jean Hays looked
very nice in her wine double-box-pleated,
wool skirt, and white pep
sweater worn over a yellow blouse.
Coach Knox acted as toastmaster
and each of the boys was asked to
tell what he was thankful for. These
were written on the back nf tho
place cards which were placed in
Ta-iMntti niii- i -irv. v-ciua wiuui were piacea 1
Jeanette Blakely in a red. wool ft 1, ii o ,
crPnP snort ,A l.t. ' i--i me veIT ln
---.r- viioc mini iccUUW DUl- tCreStint? appniinto ,r5
tons and belt looked very chic.
It's a junior boy. He holds a high
class olhce, is outstanding in foot
"Dave" Wilson took all th font-
ball boys to the show afterwards.
The sixteen cities comnrisinc the
ball and hnArfkoll. . Jx ", " . . me 15W UreS0n
the rr.7-;r":"rHunM. Safety contest have
the paper; was dashing as an ad
Hither and Thither
Mr. and Mrs. John Healv and
family are the proud possessors of
a new 1939 Chevrolet.
Patricia Dooley was absent from
classes Monday and Tuesday be
cause ot illness.
Margaret Doolittle, Lucille Bar.
reported no fatalities to the office
of Earl Snell, secretary of state and
sponsor ot the contest for the first
five months of the contest, he an
nounced today. Of the four divisions
in the contest, it is the only one with
a clear record reMrdinff fatalities
O MuuMva
irom may through September this
year. The cities in this division are
Asnlanrl. Rurno r",,;n n-n.-
ivxaigdiei Looutue, leucine Bar- ' '-"si""1 j-'auas,
low, Lois Jones and Bill MoCaloh r.r?nts Pass Hillsboro, Hood River,
attended the Columbia Union Chris- McM,innville Newberg, North Bend,
tian Endeavor convention at Pen- . .rg' St Helens, Silverton,
aieton over the week end. While & ' ana Toledo.
mere tney attended the Fassion Play Thrilling fashion show in tech
ana returned praising it as the most ninolor o U..i.. i. ,i . .
impressive spectacle they have UuZf
seen i ,, .vM..tu opcuoi
Those ,ho attend ,... J 2 " 1M wuMUiv, star
at- -meaier, ounday and Monday.
Coincident with loss due to the war
are the losses inflicted upon business
and industry by the arbitrary and
dictatorial powers exercised bv Har
ry Bridges, chief of CIO unions on
the Pacific coast. According to re
port received in Washington, labor
controversies have completely tied
up the port of San Franoi son nnH
their effects are now being felt in
rortiand. in final meeting between
employers and union officials in
San Francisco, prior to the strike,
Bridges is alleged to have said he "is
the clerks' union," to have brushed
aside the clerks' committee, set the
minimum demands himself, and
called the strike. One of the demands
by Bridges would limit hours of
monthly clerks to 42 a week, deny
ing permission for overtime work at
one a half times straight-time, as is
provided in the wage-hour law and
as has been the practice in the in
dustry; another demand would
equalize the earnings of all clerks,
monthly, day, casual good. bad. and
The arbitrary and unreasonable
attitude of labor leaders is ranidlv
alienating the support of lone-time
influential friends, as is shown by
recent caustic comments by Senators
xvi orris and Borah and the auite nn-
parent disgust of President Roose
velt over their failure to take any
steps toward eliminating iurisdir
tional disputes. It is confidently ex.
pected in the national capital that
persistence in this attiude will have
repercussions not to their liking in
the forthcoming session of congress.
To discover what can be done to
make profitable the waste timber
or Oregon and Washington (down
timber, remains of forest fires, hark
stumps) the forest laboratory in
Wisconsin will soon begin a series of
experiments to determine how ehean
power from Bonneville can be used
in the processing. Tne numose is to
provide a market for the power in 1
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 133
Heppner, Ore.
Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Class A $11.25 Class B $12.90
See us before financing your
next automobile.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor.
Heppner Blacksmith
& Machine Shop
Expert Welding and Repairing
L. H. HARLOW, Mgr.
ATwater 4884
5th at Washington
J. 0. Turner
Phone 178
Hotel Heppner Building
Dr. Raymond Rice
First National Bank Building
Office Phone 523 House Phone 823
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, Ore.
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Olft (foods
Watches . Clocks Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Buildlmg
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
X-Ray and Extraction by Gas
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
Rec Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Bailding, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
V. R. Runnion
Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty
405 Jones Street, Heppner. Ore.
Phone 452
Frank C. Alfred
Telephone 442
Rooms 3-4
First National Bank Building
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Horse Assistant
Office ln Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Peterson & Peterson
TJ. S. National Bank Building
Praotloe In State and Federal Courts
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Pabllo
Phone 02 lone, Ore,
Laurence Case
, "Just the service wanted
when you want it most"