Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 23, 1939, Image 1

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Volume 56, Number 37
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Major Problems
To be Discussed
By Wheat League
Two-Day Program
for Condon Conclave
Dec. 8-9 Released
Condon A fundamental discussion
of current world affairs as related
to agriculture will be featured on
the program of the twelfth annual
convention of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league, to be held here De
cember 8 and 9, according to the
program just issued by officers of
the league.
While most of the program num
bers are concerned with eastern Or
egon problems, some are of a more
general nature, such as the address
by Holbrook Working of the food
research institute at Stanford uni
versity, who will speak on "Influ
ences Likely to be Most Influential
in Determining the Course of Prices
Generally During the Present War."
Committees will meet Thursday
afternoon to draw up preliminary
reports for final consideration in the
regular meeting. R. M. Evans, ad
ministrator of the AAA; D. M. Stev
ens, now of Washington, D. C, and
D. E. Richards of the Union branch
experiment station are the first day's
speakers, while N. E. Dodd, west
ern AAA director, R. H. Elliott and
Warren H. Marple of the Bonne
ville dam staff, and E. L. Potter of
Oregon State college are second day
Announcement of winners in the
National Wheat Acreage Adjust
ment contest sponsored zy the league
will be made Friday afternoon when
a representative from the winning
county will be heard. Nineteen of
the 31 major wheat producing states
have submitted records for the con
test. The final winners will have been
selected from 942 counties, each of
which produced 10,000 acres or more
of wheat. At least 12 states are send
ing representatives to the wheat
league meeting.
The condensed wheat league pro
gram follows:
Friday, December 8
Forenoon (9:30) Welcome by W.
L. Hollen, mayor of Condon; re
sponse by Carl Engdahl of Umatilla
county. President's annual address
by H. D. Proudfoot of Wasco; report
of the secretary-treasurer, Charles
W. Smith. "Cultural Practices for a
Permanent Agriculture in the Co
lumbia Basin," D. E. Stephens, bu
reau of plant industry, Washington,
D. C.
Afternoon ( 1 : 30) "Experimental
Results of Feeding Wheat to Live
stock," by D. E. Richards, superin
tendent of the Union branch experi
ment station: "A National Wheat
Policy," by R. M. Evans, adminis
trator of the Agricultural Adjust
ment administration, Washington,
D. C; "Influences Likely to be Most
Influential in Determining the
Course of Prices Generally During
the Present War," by Holbrook
Working, food research institute,
Stanford university; report of rep
resentative from winning county in
National Wheat Acreage Adjustment
Evening (6:30) Banquet with Earl
Snell, secretary of state, toastmas
ter; "Modern Responsibilities," by
Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, president of
Willamette university.
Saturday, December 9
Forenoon (9:00) "Past and Pro
jected Improvement of the Colum
bia River and Its Tributaries," R.
H. Elliott, corps of engineers, Bon
neville dam; "The Economics of
Feeding Wheat to Livestock," E. L.
Potter, head of division of agricul
tural economics, O. S. G; "Wheat
Loans and Wheat Prices," N. E.
Dodd, director of western division,
AAA; report of the committee on
federal agricultural and conserva
tion programs by Mac Hoke of Pen-
30 Local Elks at
The Dalles Meet
Thirty members of Heppner lodge
358, B. P. O. Elks, attended the spec
ial meeting of The Dalles lodge Mon
day evening which honored the visit
of Henry C. Warner, grand exalted
ruler. Five candidates from the lo
cal lodge were inducted with the
large class initiated in the grand
exalted ruler's honor.
E. Harvey Miller, exalted ruler;
Loyal R. Parker, secretary; J. O.
Turner, treasurer; V. R. Runnion,
esteemed lecturing knight; P. W.
Mahoney, esquire, were among local
officers in attendance.
Among local members attending
were Sam McMillan Gene Ferguson,
Clyde Denny, Hugh Smith, Richard
Lundell, Carl Allyn, Bert Mason,
Carlton Swanson, K R. Lundell,
Vernor Troedson, Walter Luckman,
F. W. Turner, H. A. Duncan, D. M.
Ward, O. L. Smith, W. C. Rosewall,
Lloyd Burkenbine, Eddie Kenny, L.
H. Holboke,. Darrell Padberg, Earle
Brvant. Logie Richardson, Luke
Bibby, O. G. Haguewood.
Expect Wool Imports
Increase; Price Up
Washington, D. C, Nov. 23 Con
siderable increase in wool imports
is predicted before the 1940 domestic
clip is available, according to gov
ernment experts. Stocks in this
country are now relatively small and
mill consumption is expected to con
tinue at a high level. In the first
nine months of this year imports of
apparel wool were 61,000,000 pounds
compared with 18,000,000 for the
same period last year.
Since the war started September
1 wool prices have increased 50
per cent, which, according to the
experts, may be the peak, but this
depends on what Great Britain does
with the wool clip of Australia, New
Zealand and South Africa. Some of
the wool controlled by Great Britain
will be distributed in the United
States. It is expected tha 36,000,000
pounds will be imported from Ar
gentina. Kinzua Pine Mills
Buy More Timberland
Recent transfer of 1080 acres of
timberlands in this county to Kin
zua Pine Mills is shown by the rec
ords at the clerk's office, extending
their large holdings in this county.
First National Bank of Portland
was grantor of 800 acres in Sections
25 and 26; Tp. 5 S., R. 25, and Es
ther J. Holmes was grantor of 280
acres in Section 27, Tp. 6S., R. 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baldwin
and children left this week to make
their home at Salem, Mrs. Baldwin
and children left Sunday and Mr.
Baldwin followed on Tuesday. The
well wishes of a host of friends ac
company them to their new location,
Enlistment of Bobbie E. Morgan
of Albany and formerly of this coun
ty, in the U. S. army air corps, was
announced recently by Lt. Col. H
D. Bagnall, recruiting officer at
Portland, according to a dispatch in
the Baker Democrat-Herald.
Record of deed was made this
week transferring the Andrew Bald
win residence property near the
school to Harold W. Buhman.
Judge C. L. Sweek was in the city
Tuesday, holding order day in cir
cuit court.
dleton, chairman.
Afternoon (1:15) "Plans for Dis
tributing Bonneville Power," War
ren H. Marple, rural marketing spec
ialist, Bonneville project; report of
committee on production, handling
marketing, transportation and weed
control by O. W. Cutsforth, Lex
ington, chairman; report of the com
mittee on taxation, legislation, and
rural electrification by Millard Eak
in, Grass Valley, chairman; election
of officers.
Property Tax Aid,
Heip on Relief Load
Courts' Proposals
Taxes on Gross
Income, Sales, Cit
ed at State Meet
Some form of relief for taxes on
property and outside assistance for
counties in handling the relief bur
den were two essentials in obtaining
more equitable county government
recognized by members of county
courts who cosvened in state ses
sions at Portland last week, reports
Judge Bert Johnson.
Judge Johnson served as a mem
ber of the state committee handling
relief, while Commissioner George
Peck chairmaned the committee on
taxation. Commissioner L. D. Neill
also attended, and Hary Tamblyn,
county engineer, attended sessions
of the state convention of county
engineers, held coincidentally. One
joint meeting of the engineers and
county courts was held.
Court members proposed two
means of relieving property taxes,
said the judge, though definite rec
ommendation was given neither,
One proposal was for a gross in
come tax, the other for a sales tax,
each with property tax offset. .
Answering a need in handling
county charges at eleomosynary in
stitutions which require county do
nations, the courts' convention rec
ommended that $5 a month for each
charge at such institutions be paid
quarterly to the institution caring
for the charge. This system was
believed . generally more equitable
than making a lump donation to any
institution which may or may not
care for charges from the county
making the donation, Judge John
son said. Adoption of this recom
mendation in Morrow county would
revise a practice heretofore follow
ed of singling out certain institu
tions for assistance.
Thorough discussion in commit
tees was had of all problems jointly
affecting the several counties with
view to standardizing practices in
the most efficient way possible.
Judge Johnson believed this year's
meeting to have been very fruitful.
Governor Sprague and Secretary
of State Snell were among headline
Asa B. Thomson
Rites Held at Echo
Funeral services were held from
Echo Tuesday afternoon for Asa B.
Thomson, 69, long-time resident of
Butter creek and one time state leg
islator from Umatilla county. Mr.
Thomson took his own life in Port
land last Friday, despondency as re
sult of ill health given as the cause.
L. D. Neill, county commissioner
and old-time friend of the deceased,
had visited with him in Portland
the day before and was given no idea
that such an act was contemplated.
Mr. Thomson was born in Pen
dleton, July 15, 1870, the son of the
late Oscar F. Thomson. Reared on
Butter creek, he operated a ranch
there for many years. He was elect
ed to the legislature from Umatilla
county in 1900, appointed receiver
of federal land office at La Grande
in 1903, and in 1920 took the office
of treasurer of Federal Land Bank
of Spokane. He married Carrie A.
Stanfield in 1897 and she passed
away last spring. A daughter, Elna
in California, survives this union,
and he is survived also by two
brothers and three sisters: Mrs. E,
P. Jarmon of California; Mrs. Rilla
Allen of Idaho, and Mrs. Phoebe
Bartholomew, Sloan Thomson and
Allen Thomson, all of Echo. He re
cently remarried to Mrs. Nita Stan
field, who also survives. They made
their home at Pacific City.
Mrs. E. R. Lundell of lone was a
business visitor in the city Monday.
Audience Won by
Senior Class Play
''House of Horrors," senior class
play, horrified, terrified, startled and
amused a large audience at the high
school gym-auditorium last Friday
Shrieks of terror pierced the stage
darkness, revolver shots flashed and
the cracking reports caused shivers
to trickle along spines. All of which
brought concurrent opinion that it
was one of the best school plays
ever presented before a local aud
ience. Norbert Peavy directed the
Exceptionally well chosen cast
with natural attributes of players
drawn out in the various roles, in
cluded Norma Prock as Janice Can
trell, Shirley Wilson as Chloe Clark,
Harold Armstrong as Guppy, Juan
ita Phelps as Mrs. Shump, Dorothy
Howell as Maryan, Jack Merrill as
Dick, Don Jones as Singh, Wilbur
Worden as Cantrell, Bill Blake as
Herbie Hipper, Lois Jones as Wanda
Wilde, Margaret Doolittle as Pansy,
Howard Wray as Variloff.
Thoroughness and reality of
make-up, which in several instances
completely concealed recognizability
of actors, was a tribute to behind
stage assistants.
Progress Report
Given in Roll Call
Going into the final week of the
Red Cross roll call, Russell McNeill,
county chairman, reports a total of
280 memberships turned in to date
toward the allotted goal of 400. The
280 memberships represent total
cash received of $300.
About 200 of the memberships so
far reported are from Heppner,
which is ahead of the number ob
tained here last year, said McNeill.
Most of the outside districts are un
reported. Anyone not contacted who
wishes to join may leave the requir
ed dollar with Mr. McNeill at the
local bank and official receipt and
pin will be issued.
State Speaker Set
For Elks Safety Meet
Hugh Rosson, safety director from
the office of Earl W. Snell, secre
tary of state, will address a safety
meeting slated by Heppner lodge 358
B. P. O. Elks for the evening of
December 14.
In addition to his address, Mr.
Rosson will exhibit movies of safety
work. The lodge is extending an in
vitation to the public to hear Mr.
Rosson, and the exact time of eve
ning he will appear will be announ
ced later.
Father Richard J. Healy solem
nized nuptials which joined Miss
Mary Jane Casteel in holy wedlock
to Mr. Bernard Doherty, at the Ca
tholic rectory last Friday. Francis
J. Doherty and Mrs. Gertrude Ap
plegate, brother and sister of the
bridegroom, accompanied the young
couple. A large group of friends re
ceived the newlyweds following the
ceremony. Mrs. Doherty is the
daughter of Doyle Casteel of Ariz
ona, who has made her home in
Heppner for some time with her
aunt, Mrs. George Cason. Mr. Do
herty is the son of Mrs. Catherine
Doherty of this city and graduate
of Heppner high school. The young
couple will make their home on the
Doherty farm in Blackhorse, fol
lowing a wedding trip to Portland
and Seattle. Both are popular young
people who are accorded felicita
tions of a host of friends.
License to wed was issued at the
clerk's office on the 15th to Ray
mond K. Drake, Jr., and Miss Maude
Parmenter, the latter of Benton
"What do women talk about when
they're alone?" THE WOMEN, com
ing to the Star Theater Sunday and
Monday may be the answer it cer
tainly does tell on the ladies! And
it's all about men!
Boy Scouts to be
Fully Launched
At Dec. 4 Meeting
Public Coopera
tion Asked by
Leader at Lions
Final organization of the new Boy
Scout troop in Heppner will occur
the evening of Monday, Dec. 4, when
Scout Executive Hoover of the Blue
Mountain council will be present to
help give the boys a good send-off.
This announcement was made by
Martin B. Clark, scoutmaster, in a
message on scout work brought to
the Monday Lions luncheon.
Emphasizing importance of the
uniform as a means of creating pub
lic consciousness of scout work, Mr.
Clark said the leaders will endeavor
to have every scout so outfitted, so
that when they assist in public func
tions one of the aims of helpfulness
that the organization promulgates
the public may be aware of the or
ganization. According to ritual each
scout is expected to earn his own
uniform, and Mr. Clark said that
business houses and residents of the
city generally could assist the boys
by giving them such odd jobs as
may be available.
Twenty-eight boys so far have
signified their intention of joining
the troop, and the scoutmaster be
lieved it significant that the major
ity of these had no previous scout
work. This, he believed, reflects the
favorable reputation of scout work
Citing the scout oath, in which
each scout pledges to do his best to
keep himself mentally alert, physic
ally strong and morally clean, the
leader emphasized importance of
public consciousness of these ideals
that the scouts might be surrounded
by a type of citizenry that commands
respect and serves as example to in
spire the scouts in their work.
Co-operation of parents and
townspeople generally is required
for successful scout work, he said.
Walter Depew, guest at the meet
ing, outlined beiore tne ciuo a
Christmas season opening plan that
had been used successfully for two
years at Pomeroy, Wash., adoption
of which in Heppner was favorably
Mrs. Alice Cochran
Long lone Resident
Funeral services were held from
Phelps Funeral home here Tuesday
afternoon for Mrs. Minnie Alice
Cochran, long-time resident of lone,
who died at Morrow General hos
pital, Sunday. Rev. Clifford W. No
ble, Pentecostal minister, officiated,
and a large number of relatives and
friends paid respects at the chapel
service and at the interment in Ma
sonic cemetery. All surviving chil
dren were present at the services.
Mrs. Cochran was the widow of
the late Oscar Cochran, and the
family was long prominent in the
lone community. Surviving are two
sons, Elmer of Portland and George
of Salem, two daughters, Mrs. Eu
nice Warfield of this county, and
Mrs. Venice Ahalt of Salem; two
brothers, Charles Ritchie of Hepp
ner and George Ritchie of Portland,
and two sisters, Mrs. Ida Rolfson
and Mrs. Rose Miller, both of Port
land. Minnie Alice Ritchie was born in
Cherokee county, Kansas, Oct. 17,
1875, to Alexandra and Barbara
(Habern) Ritchie. She was married
to Oscar Cochran at lone when quite
young and had been a resident of
that city til the last two years when
she resided here. She was a mem
ber of the Pentecostal church.
E. B. Wattenburger, Pine City
honey dispenser, was transacting
business in the city Monday. He re
ports finding a lucrative outlet for
his fine honey in this city.