Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 19, 1939, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, Oct. 19, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
Cox Children Called
By Mother's Illness
Mrs. Emma Cox suffered from a
heart attack Monday. All her sons
and daughters arrived at her home
Sunday guests at the Bob Cutler
home were Mrs. Cutler's father, Geo.
Payne, and Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Anderson of Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth and
Mrs. Edna Hunt were Portland vis
itors last week.
No school was held Monday and
Tuesday of this week as the teach
ers attended the institute at Baker.
Mrs. Golda Leathers has gone to
La Grande to visit relatives.
The Merry Thimblers club met
this week at the home of Edna
Fetsch. Edith Edwards was voted
in as a new member. The next meet
ing will be at the Leach hall where
the members will assist in getting
the hall ready for pioneers reunion
The Lexington Jackrabbits were
defeated by the strong Pilot Rock
team Friday afternoon at Pilot Rock
The score was 33-0.
Sylvia Beymer of Heppner was
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah
Booher, Thursday.
Mrs. Delpha Jones is visiting
friends in Arlington.
Don't forget to attend the pioneers
reunion, Saturday, Oct. 21.
Guests at the Carl Whillock home
Sunday were Mr. Whillock's broth
er-in-law, Jack McAcklen, and Bert
Westlin of The Dalles. Mr. McAcklen
works on The Dalles Chronicle.
Anne Johnston is a guest of Mrs.
Lonnie Henderson this week. Mrs.
Johnston plans on moving back here
to live during the school year.
Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Michener
and son Bobby of Heppner were
dinner guests of Mrs. Kistner Tues
day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Callie Duncan were Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Duncan of Wamic and Mr.
and Mrs, Delbert Alexander' and
daughter Marlene of Maupin.
A masquerade will be featured at
the local skating rink Saturday,
Oct. 28. Prizes will be given and
only persons in costumes and mask
will be allowed to skate until 8:30,
After that everyone can skate.
Announcements were received on
Tuesday of a wedding of much in
terest to relatives and friends here.
Miss Veva Leach, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. N. A. Leach of Portland
was married, October 15th, to Martin
Donplemeier, also of Portland. The
wedding ceremony was read by Dr.
Hopper at the Presbyterian studio
at 10 a. m. Wedding breakfast was
served at the Leach home. Mrs. Dop-
plemeier is well known here, and
Mr. Dopplemeier is associated with
Edward L. Eyre Grain company.
The couple left at 3 p. m. for Mex
ico City and other points and will be
away for a month before returning
to Portland to make their home.
Scout News, Troop 62
Albert Edwards, Reporter.
The regular Scout meeting was
held last Tuesday evening at the
school house. The following Scouts
were present: Carl and Billy Mar
auardt. Claude, Joe and Kenneth
Way, Jack Miller, Dean Hunt, Al
bert and Clyde Edwards. Alter a
short business meeting, they retired
to the gymnasium for a half-hour
of games under the direction of Mr.
Acklen. As this is the beginning of
a new year for the Scouts, patrols
have been organized and the fol
lowing patrol leaders named: Rat
tlesnake patrol: Leader, Carl Mar
quardt; members, Billy Nichols, Jack
Miller and Clyde Edwards; Flying
Eagle patrol: Leader, Albert Ed
wards; members, Billy Marquardt,
Claude Way, Kenneth Way and
Dean Hunt. Joe Way was elected
scribe for the troop.
standing 4-H club members. Friends
and fellow club members here in
Hardman were very pleased over
Mary's good luck, which she well
Miss Vera McDaniel was suffering
last week from a very badly sprain
ed ankle.
Kenneth Innis, Hodson McCor-
mick and Loren Haynes of Hills
boro were recently hunting in the
mountains with Owen Leathers and
Victor Lovgren. One of them got a
222-pound buck.
Truman Cannon and Lester Tay
lor left Friday for a visit of a few
days in Portland, mainly on busi
ness. Miss Barham, one of the lone
teachers, accompanied them. All re
turned late Sunday.
The long week end was particu
larly enjoyed by the school children.
One of the high school boys, Lewis
McDonald, spent a strenuous time
cutting wood in the mountains.
Mrs. Marie Clary and Mrs. Ethel
Knighten left very early Monday
morning for the Baker meeting. In
Heppner, Mrs. Lena Kelly and Mrs.
Myrtle Mahrt joined them.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren and
children of Eightmile were in Hard
man Thusrday. Victor went to the
mountains to hunt while Mrs. Lov
gren and the children visited at the
Owen Leathers and Harlan Adams
Kenneth Batty and Jim Stevens
left for Klamath Falls last Wednes
day. Mr. Batty is going to bring
back a load of potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and
Bobby were business visitors in
Heppner Thursday.
Owen Leathers, Carl Leathers,
Dewey Britt and Earl Redding were
home from Bates, where they are
0. M. Clark, Watkins salesman,
was in town Wednesday and Thurs
day. He was a guest at the home of
Neal Knighten.
Mrs. Earl Redding returned home
Sunday with her new baby. Mrs.
Carl Leathers brought them out.
Mrs. Raymond McDonald and chil
dren have been visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. B. H. Bleakman,
for the past week. - ' - '
Mrs. Charlie McDaniel had the
misfortune to dislocate her hip on
Dr. Colman was in town Thurs
day on his weekly visit.
Middle of the week shoppers and
visitors in Heppner were Mesdames
Stanley Robinson, Raymond Mc
Donald, Lewis Batty, Bertha' Rice,
Frank McDaniel, also Nelson Knigh
ten and Elwood Hastings.
Miss Lurline Sparks and Miss Ole
ta Raimey went to Pendleton Sat
urday where Miss Sparks spent the
week end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Sparks. Miss Raimey was
the week-end guest of Miss June
Whittaken. Mrs. Carl Leathers and
daughter Jean took them to Hepp
ner where they took the stage. Both
Miss Sparks and Miss Raimey went
from Pendleton to Baker Monday
to attend the teachers meeting.
We are sorry that Charles Hast
ings has been ill for the past week.
Buster Bleakman came in from
Galena Thursday and had a nice
buck. Buster has been working
over in that country.
Mrs. Roy Robinson and Rita and
Creston went to The Dalles Satur
day, where Rita had her glasses
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and
Junior were calling at the Wm.
Greener home in the mountains on
Mrs. Myrtle Mahrt was a week
end visitor in Hardman. Mrs. Mahrt
formerly taught in the primary
grades here, and moved to Heppner
nine years ago. She is now teaching
out from Kimberley. Miss Leah
Mahrt is attending Eastern Oregon
College of Education in La Grande
'this year.
Archdeacon Robathan held ser
vices in the church Sunday. There
was a good congregation present,
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Hastings and
Pine City Homes
Being Remodeled
The McGreer and Harrison homes
are being remodeled this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore of
Pine City and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith of Irrigon are spending the
week end in the John Day country,
hunting. Lloyd Baldridge is doing
the chores at the Moore home dur
ing their absence.
J. S. Moore and son Johnny made
their last trip to Seattle Thursday.
They have been moving household
goods to their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and
family are spending the week end
at Ritter, hunting and visiting at the
Merle Swaggart home.
Malcolm O'Brien got a very high
rating in judging at the Pacific Iiv
ternational Livestock show in Port'
land this last week.
Commissioner Roy Neill made a
business trip to the John Day coun
try. He stopped at Long Creek on
the way back and visited the Reid
Buseick home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young of The
Dalles visited the William McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGreer spent
the week end at Prineville and Red
mond. Mr. and Mrs. KB. Wattenburger
left Sunday for Weiser, Idaho, to
visit Mrs. Wattenburger's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Strain. Mrs. Lois
Kent accompanied them as far as
Baker, where she attended teach
ers' institute.
Mrs. Fred Rauch and daughters
visited at the McGreer and Harri
son homes Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes
attended the stock show in Port
land and then went on to Olympia,
Wash., where they visited Finchs
daughter, Patty.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGreer went
to Union Tuesday. Mrs. Morehead
went with them and is going to visit
her sister who lives there.
Paul Bracher of Hermiston in
stalled a new electric pump at the
Bartholomew home.
Misses Mabel and Elsie Rauch are
spending a few days at home during
teachers' institute.
Miss Margaret Farley has returned
from Hood River where she recently
underwent an operation.
For Eye Comfort Better Vision
Come to Pendleton for Your Optical
Needs! Eyes Examined by Mod
ern Methods. Glasses Ground to
Fit When Needed. Reasonable
Optometrist - Pendleton
Over Woolworths Phone 535-J
Hardman 4-H
Winner Returns Home
Miss Mary Mclntyre returned on
Friday from a few days trip to the
Portland Pacific International Live
stock exposition. She and Clayton
Wright went as guests of the First
National Bank of Portland, as did
the 72 other young people all out-
Ollie and Lily and Guy Hastings
were business visitors in Heppner
The week of glorious weather was
appreciated by all, and some took
advantage of the school holiday to
go places. A good rain would be
welcomed. Since there was no big
ball game this week the terra firma
stayed "put."
G. T. Want Ads bring resuhs.
Aldfi! M
at Dan Doherty Ramich
(From Lexington, take road north at Cutsforth Corners.
From Echo or Hermiston, take Lexington highway and turn
west at Sand Hollow. Follow the signs)
, OCT. 25
Lunch Will be Served on the Grounds
The Dan C. Doherty Estate, Consisting of Com
plete Outfit, Will be Offered For Sale
Between 1000 and 1500 head good SHEEP, con
sisting of breeding ewes, feeder lambs, bucks.
CHEVROLET TRUCK, 1931, Long wheel base.
FENCE POSTS : 4-Wheel Rubber-Tired Wagon and Rack
Miscellaneous items too numerous to mention
Other livestock not listed to be offered at sale.
Anyone haying anything to offer may bring it.