Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, Oct 19, 1939 IOXE NEWS lone School Meeting Draws Interest By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Considerable interest was shown in the meeting of the county redis tricting school board here Saturday. There was a good attendance, and interest was evident Leonard Carl son presided as chairman of the board, Bert Johnson explained the working of the law, and its advant ages, Herbert Hynd gave the sta tistics and pointed out that in the territory which it was proposed to add to one district there would be enough children drawing school money to bring the total to 2301, making it a second class district. Mrs. Rodgers, county school super intendent, discussed the proposed budget. R. B. Rice and Alex Land say of Lexington, and Thomas Wells of Heppner were other officials in attendance. Robert Rietmann and Clarence Linn returned Sunday evening from a four weeks vacation trip. They went from lone to Detroit by train. and from there drove to Cincinnati, where they spent a day at the home of Mr. Linns niece, and then spent one day with Mr. Linn's sister in southern Ohio. From there they drove to New York City, going by way of Washington, D. C. They spent five days in New York City, where they attended two world series base ball games, spent two davs at the fair, and did some sightseeing. On Improve your home lighting with these LA A1 PS the return trip they went to Niag ara Falls, and made a trip into On tario, Canada. One day was spent at Highland, Illinois, the former home of the Rietmann family, where Mr. Rietmann has an uncle, some cousins and other relatives. John Heller, who formerly lived here, also lives there, and the young men saw him. From there they returned through Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and Idaho. The Past Noble Grand club of Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge is spon soring a card party and social in the I. O. O. F.-Rebekah hall in lone on Friday evening, October 27. Fancy work and aprons made by the club ladies will be displayed for sale. A small admission fee will be charged. The public is cordially invited to attend. The H. E. club met at the home of Harriet Lundell in Heppner for an all day meeting and pot-luck din ner. These ladies were present: Vi da Heliker, Mary Lundell. Lena Lundell, Etta Bristow, Stella O'- Meara, Mane Ledbetter, Elsie Peter son, Anna Ball, Connie Crawford, Mary Lindsey, Ida Fletcher. Mabel Davidson, Marjorie Baker, Kathryn Yarnell, Vela Eubanks, Clara New- lm, Beulah Lundell. Maredine Hum mel, Geneva Palmer. Cora Munkers. Beulah Sherer, Charlotte Lundell, Gladys Conner, Anna Peterson, Sybil Howell, Anna Blake. Etta Howell. and Mabel Crawford. The program was m charge of Anna Ball. The hostess served ice cream and cake. The next meeting will be an all day meeting at the home of Anna Ball. Mrs. Harry Yarnell was saddened Saturday by the receipt of the news of the death of her only sister, in Connecticut. Mrs. Harvey Ring and daughter Lois spent the school vacation at Hood River where they visited Mrs. Ring's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rowell. her sister. Mrs. Ledbetter. and her daughter, Miss Bernice, who is employed there. Miss Agnes Niblen of Portland arrived Friday for a visit at the home of her niece, Mrs. E. G. Sperry. Rev. C. H. Baldwin held services here Sunday evening. He departed Monday for Portland to attend to business. , Mrs. F. C. Ross arrived here Mon day to join her husband, who is the local station agent. They will live in the Lee Howell house. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and son Alton spent the four-day vaca tion at Bickleton, Wash., with relatives. Work is progressing rapidly on the grange hall. Members are assisting the carpenter, and the foundation has been completed. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blake of Moro spent Sunday with Mr. Blake's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan and family spent the week end at Ba ker, the guests of Mrs. Morgan's sis ter, Mrs. Earl Wright. When they returned, Mrs. Morgan's mother and brother, Mrs. Ida Grabil and Gene, returned with them. They had been visiting in Nampa, Idaho, and Baker. The ladies of the Eastern Star held an all-day meeting at the Ma sonic hall Tuesday, when they gave the building a thorough house- cleaning. Dean Ekleberry returned Friday from near Monument with a four point buck. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind returned Monday from Top where Mrs. Bauernfeind was successful in bagging a buck. Roy Ekleberry, A. C. Crowell, Howard Crowell, John Bell and El mer Grifith departed for Nine Top Wednesday with high hopes and two trailers. The Women's Topic club was en tertained in Heppner Friday after noon by Mrs. L. E. Dick, Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Jr., and Mrs. C. W. McNamer at the home of the latter; Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Mor gan ably reviewed the book, "Flight of the Swan" by Oliveroff. This is a story of the life of Madame PaV lova. Instead of the regular social meeting the same committee will have charge of a benefit card party, to be held at the Masonic hall in lone Monday evening, October 30. The proceeds will be used for the lone library, and all patrons and friends of the library are urged to attend. The lone and Echo football teams played to a tie on the local field Thursday. The score was 45-45. The freshman football squad play ed the grade school Friday, with, a resulting score of 13-6. Mrs. Franklin Ely of Morgan en joyed a week-end visit from her mother, Mrs. Pierott of Portland. She returned home Tuesday. Miss Ruth Johnson of Morgan took advantage of the week end to visit her parents at Milton-FrejDwafer before going to Baker for the teach ers institute the first of the week. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In memory of Sister Lillian Coch ran, who died October 4, 1939. Again that unwelcome yet relent les visitor, Death, has entered the portals of our lodge room and sum moned a sister to the home beyond. Her zealous work in behalf of our beloved order and her life laden with good deeds, has won for her the plaudit of the Master and will cause her name to be chiseled in the mem ory of our lodge, and Therefore be it resolved, that S.ns Souci Rebekah Lodge No. 33 in tes timony of our loss and expressing Rebekah love, drape its charter in mourning for thirty days, and that we tender to the family of our de ceased Sister our sincere condol ences, and that a copy of these 3S olutions be sent to the family. CLARA BEAMER, LUCY RODGERS, ELLA BENGE, Committee. Alva Stone and Jack Osier were among hunters bagging their buck deer his week. Quick jtin - or light on a dark subject! Can you answer this BETTER LIGHT QUIZ? WmtMUdti -"-r'7':i:o:-"''-,B ""' "' mm BPS C$$- S9 Jb STUDY Better Light for Better Sight is a mighty im portant subject these dark fall and winter days. Discover how much you really know about good lighting by checking the answers you think are correct with the right answers. uriT CONDITIONING IS: 1. Studying Einstein's theory. 2. Enough light in enough places for eaty teeing. 3. Reducing by taking Turkish baths. Light conditioning gives your eyes new comfort through Better Light for Better Sight. Why not send for our home lighting advisor and have her determine with the Light Meter just what your home needs in improved lighting condi tions. Her advice is free. No. 2 is correct. PIN-IT-UP LAMPS EYESTRAIN MAY BE CAUSED BY: 1. Exercising before breakfast. 2. Inadequate or harsh, glaring light. 3. Watching jitterbugs. During dark, winter months, eyes are used more than any other time for close, exacting visual work. Guard against possible eyestrain by having your eyes examined regularly by a competent eyesight specialist and by light conditioning your home. Remem ber, defective eyes need good light more than normal ones. Statement Number 2 is the correct one. -r-S p I.E.S. LAMPS ARE: 1. What doctors use to see inside of you. 2. A device for putting the dill in dill pickles. 3. Scientifically-designed Better-Sight lamps. No need to go on straining your eyes in improper light when I.E.S. lamps were perfected to give you soft, abundant sight-saving light. There's an I.E.S. lamp for every style of interior decoration at dealers or P.P.&L. office. No. 3 is correct. MM BETTER LIGHT COSTS: 1. As much as all the rlc i 2. At little or as much as you wish. 3. About the same as a new living room rug. " Light conditioning costs such a litde when you consider the increased seeing comfort it gives you. Really good lighting equipment is priced remarkably low, and Pacific Power & Light Com pany electricity is among the cheapest in the United States to day. No. 2 is correct. These handy lamps have dot ens of uses In every home. See them today, 5g Pacific Power & Light Company Always At Your Service See any deafer in lighting equipment or Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service 1 wS - - " i - Pacific Power & Light Com pany last year disbursed 94,300,000 for wages, ma terials and supplies and taxes, practically all of which was expended in the terri tory served. Rural electrification has been actively developed by Pacific Power & Light Company for many years. Although the Company serves only 8.2 of the total number of elec tric users in Oregon and Washington, its rural lines serves 134 of all the elec trified farms in the two states. Generating stations of the Company have a combined capacity of 77,617 kilowatts, or 103,489 horsepower. The Company provides em ployment for 785 persons and supports a total annual payroll of approximately $1,475,000. The Company serves 42,969 residential customers; 11,112 farms; 8,022 commercial es tablishments; 554 industries; and 858 government and municipal users of electricity.