Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 19, 1939, Image 1

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Volume 56, Number 32
Reservoir, Pipe
Improvements for
City, New Project
To Seek.PWA Aid;
Quarters Voted for
Heppner will apply for a new
PWA project to renovate the old
reservoir and extend the steel pipe
in the lead line down Willow creek
as far as possible. This was decided
by city dads at a Monday evening's
meeting as a result of a recent con
ference with C. C. Hockley, former
state PWA administrator. Decision
upon an engineer to draw up the
project was deferred.
City sanction was also given at
the meeting to use of part of the
city hall building to provide quarters
for the county public welfare com
mission. Under the proposal of Jeff
Jones, former mayor and member
of the .commission, as okehed by the
council, expense of improving space
in the rear of the library on Gale
street and building sidewalk to it
would be stood by the commission
and the city would receive $5
month rental for the space so used.
Speaking for the firemen, Ralph
Beamer who was re-elected chief of
the volunteer firemen at their meet
ing Friday evening, asked the coun
cil to consider reorganization of the
department to meet objections of the
fire boys. It was left with the coun
cil's fire and water committee to go
further into the matter and report
its recommendations at a later date.
Announcement was made of the
bond sale next Saturday evening at
which $5000 in city refinancing bonds
will be placed on the block.
Second Rodeo Meet
Set for Monday
Fate of next year's Rodeo will be
weighed in the balance next Monday
evening at the Elks club when the
second organization meeting is set
to begin at 8 o'clock. Election of
directors will be the main order of
business under the call of Henry
Aiken, president.
Attendance of Heppner business
men is especially urged for an ex
pression of desires concerning next
year's show. Peclaration of intent
to retire by several directors was
given at the first meeting two weeks
ago, and election was delayed for
two weeks to give opportunity for
consideration before new officers
were named.
Friends in Heppner have received
word of the death of Mrs. Emma H.
(Cummings) Rice, Heppner resident
for many years and one-time schoo.
teacher here. Mrs. Rice was killed
when accidentally struck by an au
tomobile at Vancouver, Wash., last
Friday, according to word from her
daughter, Mrs. Mabel Powell who
resides at Brush Prairie near Van
couver. Funeral services were to
have been held at Vancouver yes
terday. Mrs. Rice was first married
to Harry Cummings. They farmed
near Heppner for several years be
fore Mr. Cummings ran a market
here and later established a nursery,
Following Mr. Cummings' death,
Mrs. Cummings was married to the
late Daniel Rice, another early day
Morrow county settler. Surviving
Mrs. Rice besides the daughter at
Brush Prairie are another daughter,
Mrs. J. E. Wingo of Sacramento,
Cal., and a son, Gilbert Cummings
of New York.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney and
son Bob motored to Portland the
middle of last week, taking Mary
Mclntyre and Clayton Wright, Mor
row county winners of First Na
tional Bank of Portland 4-H achieve
ment and leadership contest, to the
citv for attendance at Pacific In
ternational Livestock exposition. All
returned home Saturday evening.
Improved Play of Locals Seen
in Hard-Fought Game; Arling
ton Next Opponent in Week
An inspired Mustang squad thrice
carried the pigskin across Condon's
goal line, and twice added the point
after touchdown, to win 20-0 at Ro
deo field Friday afternoon, and to
maintain the lead in the Upper Col
umbia B league. It was Heppner's
second league game, the first against
Fossil three weeks before having
been won 13-12. Arlington will be
the next opponent here on Friday
the 27th.
The Mustangs showed much im
provement in this second home
game as rookie linemen, especially,
opened up nice holes, blocked and
tackled like veterans.
Condon took the ball on the ope
ning kick-off and went for several
first downs before the Mustangs
got possession and were on the way
to their first touchdown. A long
pass, Hayes to Drake, with the latter
taking the ball high over his head
while running forward, set the stage.
Hayes then carried the ball across
the line and himself made a perfect
placement kick for the extra point.
With score 7-0 at mid-time, the
Mustangs came through with a sus
tained drive in the third quarter
culminated by Snow's quarterback
sneak for touchdown, and again
Hayes converted with Merrill hold
ing the ball. Final score was made
by Merrill on a 55-yard end sweep
featured by perfect , blocking that
took out all but the opposing quar
terback. Attempt at placement was
Condon was weakened by loss of
Bill Searcy, hard-hitting fullback,
who left the game with an injured
knee. 1
One penalty for too many times
out and one for talking told clean
ness of the play. Ladd Sherman,
Lexington, refereed Lyle Eddy, Ip
rigon, umpired; Norbert Peavy was
timer, and W. S. Bennett was head-
The line-uos: Heppner, Arthur
Vance RE, Clifford Faye RT," James
Kenny RG, Norval Osborn C, Gor
don O'Brien LG, Kemp Dick LT,
Douglas Drake LE, Jack Merrill RH
Dean Gilman LH, Richard Hayes F,
Claude Snow Q. All the Heppner
squad saw action.
Condon, Hux Hollen RE, John
Rattray RT, Walt Boyer RG, Fred
Harrison C, Don Edwards LG, Lee
Davis LT, Tom Kurtz LE, Frank
Shannon LH, Bill Seales RH, Bill
Searcy F, Jim Murtha Q.
County Rebekahs
Greet Grand Officers
Morrow county Rebekahs assem
bled here Saturday evening with
Sans Souci lodge as hostess to other
Rebekah lodges of the county to
greet state assembly officers who
made official visits at that time,
Visiting state officers were Mrs. Al
ma Henderson of Chemawa, presi
dent; Mrs. Ethel Bowman, Pendle
ton. chaplain, and Miss Madeline
Dorren of Dayton, marshall.
Heppner lodge exemplified de
gree work under direction of Mrs,
Mabel Chaffee, with Mrs. Alta
Brown as initiate. Mrs. Judy Hil
noble grand, presided. Fraternal
visits were paid by Sid Bowman,
Mrs. Ella Rose, Mrs. Lucille Blan
chett, Mrs. Sophia Thompson and
Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, all of Pen
My sincere thanks are extended
the kind neighbors and friends for
their help and sympathy at the time
of my bereavement.
Charles Klinger,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tash of Ar
lington visited the end of the week
here with their son, Durward, and
enjoyed greeting old-time friends,
Mr. Tash spent the ' summer gold
mining in the Austin district with
Lee Cantwell, Jr., former Heppner
Oregon, Thursday, October
5-Point Program
For River Work
Set at Walla Walla
Bert Johnson Named
Executive Commit
teeman; 1 10 Attend
Continued work on a legislative
program to obtain four dams with
locks on the Columbia and a like
number on the Snake from its
mouth to Lewiston was number one
in a five-point program unanimous
ly adopted by 110 exponents of nv
er development at the sixth annual
meeting of Inland Empire Water
ways association at Walla Walla
yesterday. Report of the meeting
is brought by Judge Bert Johnson,
renamed an executive committee
man for Oregon. The other four
points are:
2. Every means shall be used to
secure early completion of dredging
Columbia from Vancouver, Wash.,
to Bonneville according to findings
of army engineers.
3. Establishment of traffic, de
partment and research bureau.
4. Extension of cooperation to
commissioner of reclamation to as
sist in any way with development
of Columbia basin.
5. Assistance with establishment
of port districts wherever desired.
Officers were reelected: Charles
Baker, president; H. W. Burgess,
treasurer, and Herbert G. West, ex
ecutive secretary. All reside at Wal
la Walla. ...
Region vice-presidents named
Oregon, J. Barnum, The Dalles; Ida
ho, J. W. Shepard, Lewiston; Wash
ington, J. Perry, Kennewick.
Executive committeemen: Ore
eon. Bert Johnson, lone; c i
Sweek, Pendleton; F. L. Galloway,
The Dalles; Idaho, R. S. Erb, Lewis
ton; Allen Newman, Culdesac; John
Oud, Orofino; Washington, B. H
Huntington. Arthur E. Cox and
President Baker, all of Walla Walla,
Malcolm O'Brien
High in 4-H Judging
Highest honors were won by Mal
colm O'Brien of the Pine City Sheep
club in the' 4-H club livestock judg
ing contest , held last week at the
Pacific International Livestock ex
position. One hundred and fifty
nine 4-H club boys and girls com
peted in this judging contest from
seven of the northwest states.
The Pine City judging team, con
sisting of O'Brien, Guy Moore and
Bruce Lindsay, placed tenth in team
This was O'Brien's second time to
make a high score this year, having
won highest honors in the judging
contest at the Morrow County fair
in Heppner last August.
Continued effort for further im
provement of roads serving Hepp
ner, and a study of rural mail routes
to answer desires of farm residents
who prefer to be served from this
city, were urged by O. G. Crawford
before the Monday Lions luncheon.
Mr. Crawford cited experiences
while covering the county as Gaz
ette Times representative as basis
for his remarks. Appointed as a
club committee to investigate the
rural mail routes were J. V. Craw
ford, J. O. Turner and Frank Alfred.
This mornings Oregonian gave
report from Walla Walla of the
death of Mrs. Emma Pearl Hale, 47,
who died at the home there Tuesday
following a prolonged illness. The
wife of Jewel Hale to whom she
was married in Heppner in 1912j
she had been a resident of Walla
Walla since 1918. Mr. Hale, two
sons, Ray and Jewel, Jr., a sister,
Mrs. Ida M. Copple, all of Walla
Walla, and her mother, Mrs. Laura
Kirkland of Phoenix, Ariz., survive.
19, 1939
45 Community Workers to be
Named 27th; All Fanners Com
plying Eligible to Vote
Election time is at hand for the
Agricultural Conservation program
giving Morrow county farmers a di
rect vote in selecting the men who
will be in charge of the triple A pro
gram in their county in 1940. A total
of 45 community committeemen and
alternates will be selected at com
munity elections to be held in each
community on Friday, October 27.
A county convention for the elec
tion of a county committee will be
held shortly thereafter with one del
egate attending from each commun
ity. Three committeemen and two
alternates will be elected in each
community. All persons who are
cooperating in the 1939 program or
who have signed their intention of
participating in the 1940 program
are eligible to cast a vote. Each
cooperating producer entitled to
vote can vote at only one commun
ity meeting, and this vote must be
cast in the community in which his
farm or ranch is located.
Every producer will be notified
by mail as to where the election
for his community will be held and
will be urged to attend and cast his
Walla Walla Man
Killed Unloading Logs
C. C. Howard, 46, log houler from
Walla Walla, Wash., was crushed to
death at Heooner Lumber Co.'s
mill about 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon when the load he was start
ing to take from his truck gave way
under him and he was struck by the
falling logs. Howard had gone on
top of his load to release a chain
holding the load without taking
usual safety measures, witnesses
said. He was hauling for Jack My
ers, logging contractor for Bridal
Veil Lumber and Box company,
having been on the job here for only
three days.
The accidental death, was confirm
ed by Frank Alfred, district attorney
whose investigation revealed that
Howard leaves a wife and several
children at Walla Walla. The home
address was given as 214 Eagen Ave,
Co-workers said Howard was a vet
eran logger, having grown up in the
Five Morrow Farms
Change Ownership
Five farm properties comprising
3282 acres were recently sold in this
countv bv Federal Land bank of
Spokane, reports the local office,
Sales were negotiated through Vaw
ter Parker, local secretary-treasur
er, and Victor G. Peterson of The
Dalles, field salesman.
Laxton McMurray took 80 acres
formerly known as the Fred Bu
chanan farm near lone. George E,
Miller took 1120 acres near Cecil,
formerly known as the Wid Palma
teer and W. A. Thomas lands, and
Mrs. Florence Dalzell took 1082 acres
comprising former Nils Johnson and
Leonard Anderson lands.
Loss of a hundred head of sheep
from an unknown cause is reported
by Hynd brothers whose flocks were
recently brought from summer
range in the mountains. Listlessness
and refusal to drink water were
symptoms preceding death. Diag
nostic investigation is being made
by Dr. R. C. McCormick, specialist
from Oregon State college.
A pear tree at the Ed Walker home
has been completely fooled by the
fall weather. Undoubtedly thinking
spring was here again it had set
forth a full set of blossoms for the
second time this year, last week end.
Judge Carl Hendricks, Wheeler
and Gilliam county circuit judge,
was a business visitor in the city
Saturday from his home at Fossil.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Rev. Young to
Speak in Honor of
Pioneers at Lex
Big Basket Dinner,
Program, Dance
Saturday Features
Trek of pioneers and members of
the younger generation to do them
honor, to the annual reunion at Lex
ington Saturday will be the high
light event of the week end cal
endar. Cordial invitation is extend
ed by the neighbor town for every
one to bring dinner basket and join
around the festive board at the noon .
hour, always one of the enjoyable
features of the occasion.
Speaker of the day will be Rev.
R. C. Young, local Methodist min
ister, to appear on the afternoon
program beginning at 2 o'clock. In
vitation has also been extended to
Judge C. L. Sweek of Pendleton,
who will also speak if duties will
permit attendance.
Mrs. Trina Parker, program chair
man, did not have the program com
pjeted this morning but announced
mat musical numbers would include
vocal solo by Russel McNeill, violin
solo by Maurice Johnson, tap danc
ing by Teddy Ferguson and Evonne
Bleakman, a number from Rhea
creek, and a part song by Mrs.
Carmichael's Lexington school pu
pils. A register for pioneers will be
placed at the door to Leach hall
and all pioneers attending are re
quested to sign.
To conclude the day's events dan
cing will be. enjoyed at the hall in ,
the evening with old-time tunes
mingled with modern ones to give
old and young alike opportunity to
enjoy favorite steps.
Milk Fund Program
Gets Large Hearing
Star theater was well filled last
evening to greet Business and Pro
fessional Womens club program
benefitting the school milk fund.
High laudation of those attending
is given the talkie, "On Borrowed
Time," shown preceding a much ap
preciated home talent program. The
program included:
Violin duet, Miss Rachel Forsythe
and Maurice Johnson, accompanied
by Virginia Dix; military tap dance,
Teddy Ferguson, accompanied by
Mrs. Robert Knox; memory demon -tration,
Nelson Bartholomew assist
ed by his daughter, Miss Evelylrt
Bartholomew; baritone horn solo,
Hugh Crawford, accompanied by
Norbert Peavy; tap duet, Evonne
Bleakman and Teddy Ferguson,
accompanied by Mrs. Knox; oboe
solo, Peggy Tamblyn, accompanied
by Jeanette Blakely; piano duet,
Mrs. A. H. Blankenship and Virginia
Dix; violin solo, Maurice Johnson,
accompanied by Miss Dix; piano
duet, Miss Dix and Marjorie Parker;
skit by BPW with Rose Leibbrand
and Leta Humphreys, curtains; Ne-
Neill, sun; Dorothy Gerlach,
hours; Alma Van Winkle as Maggy
the heroine; Neva Bleakman as
Manuel the villain, and Lorena
Jones as Patrick the hero.
The Rhea creek home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hoskins has a new guest.
He is none other than a wild goose
who apears to have taken up abode
with the Hoskins' domesticated
geese, reported Mr. Hoskins when
passing through town yesterday on
the way to La Grande to start his
sheep out of the mountains. Last
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins were
in La Grande to witness the football
game between the EONS and College
of Idaho, in which their son, Fred
Jr., played throughout. Tired of con
tinued drubbing in years past the
Idahoans this year imported a bunch
of tough nuts who tipped over the
normal school lads, 26-6, Fred said.