Thursday, October 12, 1939 Heppner Gazette Timee, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Lex, Stanfield Tie ! 14-14 in Pigskin Play By MARGARET SCOTT In the football game Friday be tween Lexington and Stanfield the score was 14-14. These two teams are tied for first place in the league. Mrs. James Johnson and son Jim my have returned to Portland after visiting at the Vester Lane home. Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Laura Scott were Mrs. Rose May and daughter Verna of Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Russell Wright spent last week in Portland visiting at the home of her sister-in-law, Mabel Gale. The newly formed sewing club met this week at the home of Helen Bresheafs. New members present were Margaret Leach, Dimple Mun- kers and Doris Klinger. It was de cided to call the club "The. Merry Thimblers." Dimple Munkers was elected president, and Delpha Jones, secretary - treasurer. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and cocoa were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Edna Fetsch. Annabelle Eubanks had as her guest Saturday her brother, Ernest McCabe, of lone. Many local people spent Sunday afternoon in Heppner attending the Ford derby. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman, Miss Guthrie, Mr. Acklen and Mr. 'Amend spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Myrtle Townsend of Port land is a guest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott- and family and Thelma Stickney spent the week end in Portland where Doris and Erma were attendants at the wedding of a cousin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fetsch of Salem were guests at the Al Fetsch home this week while on their way to Idaho. Clayton Davis has gone to Port land to join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright are moving to a farm, located a mile out of The Dalles, where they plan to make their home. Plan to attend the Pioneers Re union which will be held , in the Leach hall Saturday, October 21st, with a pot luck dinner at noon. There will be no skating Oct. 20 and 21 but the regular skating sched ' ule will be resumed Sunday, Oct. 22, It is urgently requested that all persons haing chairs belonging in the Odd Fellows hall will return them at once. A. M. Edwards and daughter Edith were visitors in Laurier, Wash., Sunday and Monday. Lester Cox left Friday morning for Logan, Utah, to visit relatives, George Peck was a business vis itor in The Dalles Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Padberg and sons , spent the week end near Red mond at the home of their daughter and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eldee Vinson. A. M. Edwards and son Albert and Lewis Allyn spent the latter part of last week hunting in the mountains. Lorraine Kramer spent the week end at the home of her sister, Doris Lane. HARDMAN NEWS Christian Endeavor Has Party, Hardman By HARDMAN HIGH SCHOOL A Christian Endeavor party was held at the church Saturday eve ning. Before the party a business meeting was held, the main business being election of new officers. The following will serve for the coming year: Pat Bleakman, president; Maxine McDaniel, vice-president; Fraces Inskeep, secretary; Joe Ste phens, treasurer; Ethel Knighten, advisor; Edna Stephens, pianist, and Maxine McDaniel, song leader. Re freshments consisted of sandwiches, cookies and punch. Church services will be held in the church Sunday at the regular hour. The new archdeacon of east ern Oregon, Eric Bobathan, will be out on that day. Henry and Tommy Graham at tended the dance Saturday night and visited here Sunday. Mrs. Dewey Britt, who has been visiting at The Dalles, returned home Sunday. Mr. Britt went to get her. Carl Leathers and Earl Redding came over one day last week from Bates where they are working. Earl came to see his new daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and Carol were visitors in Pendleton Friday. Mrs. Frank McDaniel received a serious burn Saturday. Elwood Hast ings took her to a physician in Hepp ner. Misses Rita and Ann Mclntyre and Charlotte Cannon spent the week end at their homes. J. E. Craber went -to Ashland Wednesday to bring Mrs. Craber home. Gordon stayed there for fur ther treatment. The Birthday club held a party Friday in honor of Mrs. Sam Mc Daniel, ' Jr., and daughter Maxine and Mrs. Harlan Adams, at the Mc Daniel home. Refreshments were chicken sandwiches, cake and cof fee. At the business meeting it was decided to discontinue the club J. H. Allen and sons, Ernest and Loren, returned to Hardman last Thursday. They have been picking apples near Yakima and Toppenish. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Redding are the parents of a daughter, Patricia Eileen, born Wednesday of last week, Friends in Hardman were pleased to see the picture of Mrs. Elmer Musgrave with her pupils in Fri day's Oregonian. Mrs. Musgrave is teaching at Bates and the school is being held in a railway coach. Owen Leathers and Dewey Britt left Monday morning for Bates where they are going to work for the Bates Logging company. A soft ball game between the grade school and high school was played on the high school diamond Wednesday of last week. Since the high school team was strengthened by the addition of another student and the grade school weakened be cause their catcher, Lee McRoberts, was absent on that day, the high school won by a larger score than last week, 38 to 10. There was a ' good crowd, good music and a good time at the dance last Saturday night. There will be the same orchestra at the next dance October 21. Those in Heppner Sunday, most of whom attended the show and car races, were Mrs. Carl Leathers, Mrs. Bernard Bleakman, Mrs. Raymond McDonald, Mrs. Roy Robinson, Misses Pat Bleakman, Lurline Sparks, Oleta Raimey, Jean Leath ers, Vern and Vera McDaniel, also Dallas McDaniel, Darrel Farrens, Creston Robinson and Jim Stevens. Henry Robinson of John Day was a visitor here a short time Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside went to Portland Saturday where Mr. Burnside will receive medical treat ment. Victor Johnson of Heppner took them down in his car. The weather this last week was warm for the first part of the week. On Wedneday, however, the day on which the baseball game was played, the wind blew strongly all day, causing much dust to be blown into eyes, and many cold fingers. At this writing the weather is much better really promises a very pleasant week. PINE CITY NEWS School Budget Meeting Set, Pine City By BERNICE WATTENBURGER A special school election will be held at Pine City school house, Oc tober 27, at 2:00 p. m., to vote on the school budget for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and Mrs. Lois Kent attended the Lena grange dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strain called at the Berl Wattenburger home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger were Pendleton cauers ounaay morning. Malcolm O'Brien, who attends the Eastern Oregon Normal school at La Grande, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Harold Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch at tended Pomona grange at Lexing ton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Acle Estle called at the John Harrison home Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Chas. Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and family and Francis and Patty Finch spent Sunday at the R. G. Robinson ranch at Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch spent Sunday deer hunting at the Bert Barnes camp at Bear Wallow. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boylen, Jr., en tertained friends at then ranch on Butter creek Sunday. The men en joyed the day hunting pheasants. Lilly Rauch and Bud Bain attend ed the dance at Stanfield Saturday night. Mable and Elsie Rauch, who at tend high school in Hermiston, vis ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauch, and sister Lilly. R. E. McGreer returned from Maupin Monday evening. IRRIGON NEWS Kendler Place Sold at Irrigon By MRS. W. C. ISOM Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach of Uma tilla have purchased the George Kendler place two miles east of Ir rigon. Mr. and Mrs. James Arnberg vis ited Mrs. John Henderman and baby son at Freewater Sunday. George Kendler and Mrs. Roy Kendler motored down from Grand Coulee Friday. Mrs. Geo. Kendler and children, who have been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom, the past three weeks, returned home with them Sunday. L. N. Smith has purchased a lot' in town and moved a small house on it where he will make his future home. Mrs. Sam Umiker and little daugh ter Kathleen of Castle Rock, Wn., are visiting her parents, ' Mr. and Mrs, Frank Leicht. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Markham ' and family moved to California re cently. Miss Freda Frederickson has en tered nurse's training at Walla Walla. Hugh and Chauncey Grimm were called to Salem Sunday by the death of their brother, C. C. Grimm, who with his family was a resident of Irrigon several years. Rev. Crawford and wife and baby son, who have now entered the evangelistic field, visited friends here Wednesday and filled the pul pit at the Pentecostal church Wed nesday evening. Miss Lucy Case of Oregon State college will hold an all day meeting and cooking school at the school building Tuesday, Oct. 17. The la dies of the community are cordially invited. Mrs. J. E. Piatt and Mrs. Molly Smith are visiting their sister, Mrs. W. C. Isom and family. "Keep the interior of your car well ventilated if you wish to avoid traf fic accidents," advises Earl Snell, secretary of state, who is conducting a vigorous campaign to reduce ac cidents during the winter months. A warm, moist, ill-stirred atmos phere in the interior of a car may be the cause of an accident because in such conditions the individual may not react properly, physicians say. The warm, humid air causes blood to be diverted from the skin in an attempt to cool the body. This action likewise takes blood from the brain and slows down the individual's re action. Therefore, even in modern cars where there is little danger from escaping carbon monoxide gas, it is important to have some form of ven tilation if the driver is to function with the utmost efficiency. Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis pose of surplus stock. FTOV from sale at the SECOND-HAND STORE At SACRA F1CE Poie 2 MAYTAG WASHING MACHINES A-l Condition 2 COOK STOVES 3 CROSS UT SAWS 100 JOINTS NEW STOVE PIPE 50 JOINTS USED STOVE PIPE 2 KITCHEN WORK TABLES 4 COAL OIL STOVES 1 NEW WOOD HEATER, 21 -inch Firebox Will sell at cost 12 STOVE BOARDS Aii Sizes 1 GRINDSTONE 4 ELECTRIC IRONS 1 ICEBOX, 1 00-1 b. Capacity 1 CIRCULATOR, 3 Doors 1 BROODER, 500-egg Capacity SEVERAL GOOD BOOKS PORCH CHAIRS A FEW BEDS Sundry Other Articles Not Mentioned : Open Every Day