Page Four Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CBAWFOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years .... Six Months Three Months Single Copies $2.00 5.00 .. 1.00 75 .. .05 Official Paper for Morrow Coanty No Peace TJITLER'S Danzig radio speech to the world Tuesday interpreted as opening the way to truce since Poland is well in hand, will not lead to peace. That is the assertion of France and England. Prime Minis ter Chamberlain says plain objective of the allies is to stop German ag gression in Europe. So the picture confronting con gress as it convenes in special ses sion at Washington today is that of a prospective prolonged struggle in Europe. America at large, all mem bers of congress and the president are quoted as desirous of keeping America at peace. A sensible course for peace is to be desired. The last World War taught us the fallacy, however, of "peace at any price." Action not passive indifference and that wisely guided, is required to keep America safe for democracy. Wars of Peace I TNCLE SAM has his own wars. They are wars of peace. One staged last night in Detroit proved complete supremacy of the heavy weight ring world by that certain colored boy, Joe Louis, as he knocked Bob Pastor out in the eleventh round. As Pastor was the last threat on the immediate horizon, Louis has completely evidenced that his brawn is mightier than that of any other individual. Another war now waging is that being made by nimrods on antlered denizens of Morrow county's for ests. While armed aggressors appear to have the better of it, strategy of the wily buck deer is to keep out of sight; make no counter attacks. The animal strategy will save many deer, but if history be repeated, wilsome man will do some of his fellows to death. In this, as in real war, the mighty sometimes fall vic tim to their own folly. New CCC Program Starts October 1 Washington, D. C, Sept. 20 Ten camps, representing more than 2000 'CCC enrollees, will be conducted by the division of grazing on the new CCC program beginning October 1. Most of the present grazing camps will be retained. There will be three amps in Harney county, three in Malheur, one in Deschutes near Brothers, one in Crook at Prine ville, one in Lake at Valley Falls, one in Baker at Keating. Three CCC camps (two under biological sur vey) will receive mail at Burns, three at Redmond ,two at Prineville, New 1940 Zenith and Philco Radios ARE HERE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS LOWER PRICES Portable RADIOS... $19.95 UP Radio Repair and Service BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 Heppner one at Canyon City, one at Monu ment. Of six reclamation bureau camps three will be in Deschutes county working on the new project; two in Malheur county, one at Vale, the other at Ontario, and one at Merrill, Klamath county. Jefferson and Crook counties will each retain a forest camp. Oregon will have 17 forest camps. No general landoffice camps will be on public domain east of the Cascades, all these being in coast counties. Of three biological survey camps, Harney has two, the third being the Hart mountain antelope refuge in Lake county. Get Flying Training Cheap at O. S. C. Oregon State College Some 30 students here will be able to receive training as airplane pilots largely at the expense of the government, as the result of the approval by the Civil Aeronautics authority of this institution as one of the 166 in the country where training for civil pilots will be sponsored. Applications are being taken for this work from students who will have at least soph omore standing. They will get flying training along with their other col lege work. The total cost to the student in addition to normal college expenses will be $40, which goes to the insti- Slab Wood $4 Cord for Green $5 Cord for Dry -delivered anywhere within three miles . . anywhere in county reasonable. 3 at Mill Good Wood Good Measure Heppner Fuel Co. Phones: Office 152; Res. 1122 1 939 Foreclosure List, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, a Pub lic Corporation and Political Sub division of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. James F. Hardesty, Heltzel Estate, Inc.; George Laubner, et ux, Clara A. Helt zel, Georgia B. Brasher, Fred G. Mishey, Violet L. Tibbetts, F. C. & Louise Mock, Mary & John S. Bate man, C. W. Barzee, Clara Christensen, Chris Christensen, Mike Donnelly Es tate. J. H. & Agnes E. Lewis, M. V. & Hazel Sutherland, E. R. Quimby, et ai, L. M. Davis, Glen E. Carpenter, D. F. Ransier, Mrs. E. Miller Estate, Margarette Broughel, Pauline I. Sten nett, clo B. A. Stennett, Nora M. Neill, Ellen Moore, Roy E. Brown, Mary V. Burt, P. W. Knowles Estate, Frank W. & Mae Kidd. Mattie B. Ray, Chas. H Latourell, Earl Eskelson, Henry Apland, et al, Martha A. Travis, Mrs. Susanna Rytingi, Myrtle J. Reid, Har old Becket, et ux, Arthur R. Reid, An na L. Keithley, Enest Cannon Estate, co Ada Cannon, Martha Reid, Florence J. & Ernest Frederickson, Independent Whse. Co., Loren D. & Ina Hale, Luvisa S. Louy, Augusta Mason Estate, co Bert Mason, Lonnie Ritchie, E. G. Frank, Gladys L. Drake, Chas. O'Conner, et ux, Walter W. & Marianne Corley, Eva L. Warner, Harry A. Wells, Emma E. Sherman, G. E. Strum, Alice Dingmon Estate, George W. Allen, B. E. Priest, James J. Anderson, Ad Inskeep, Maud Roblson; and any other person or per sons, known or unknown, owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest in or to the real estate hereinafter described, Defendants. No APPLICATION FOB JUDGMENT FOBECLOSINO TAX LIENS To each and all of the defendants named in the foregoing Title: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that pursuant to Chapter 485, Ore gon Laws of 1939, the tax collector of Morrow County, Oregon, has duly pre pared a list of all real properties within said County and State upon which three years have elapsed from the earliest date of delinquency of taxes levied and charged thereon, and on which two or more annual instalments of delinquent taxes, each such instalment being one quarter of the earliest date of delin quency, have not been paid, in accord ance with the provisions of Chapter 5, Gazette Times, Heppner, tution to pay for a comprehensive physical examination, insurance, and other incidental expenses. The Civil Aeronoutics authority adds $20 per student as its contribution to the cost of conducting a ground school by the institution, and then meets the entire cost of actual flying in struction. The ground school, consisting of 72 hours of training scattered thru out the year, will begin about Oc tober 1, according to Ben F. Ruff ner, associate professor of aeronau tical engineering, who is in charge of the course here. Planes used in flight work will be kept at the Al bany airport, at least pending the development of suitable airport fa cilities at Corvallis. The state highway commission has made arrangements to pay off an other $1,000,000 on its bonded debt on October 1. This will whittle the highway debt load down to $16, 841,710. At the same time the de partment will contribute $376,613 in interest to coupon clippers who have invested in Oregon highway bonds. Read G. T. Want Ads. You way find a bargain in something needed. O Ten Years Ago (Gazette Times, Sept. 19, 1929) W. P. Mahoney, president Oregon Wool Growers assn., returns from Washington, D. C, where he attend ed a hearing on modification of Packers' Consent Decree. Heppner palled by dense smoke from big fires in Cascades. Public reception given new teach ers at Christian church last evening. Coach Poulson and high school grid proteges at Pilot Rock this af ternoon for pre-season scrimmage. Sealed proposals asked for lease of quarters for Heppner postoffice. Rodeo to be presented next week. Irrigon band among features. Leo Cooney sustains only minor injuries from 32-foo.t dive onto con crete while working on silo at Board man. Born last Thursday, 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bauman at Heppner hospital, a 7 -pound daughter. Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Morrow County, Oregon Oregon Laws of 1935, Special Session, as amended by Chapter 96, Oregon Laws of 1937, and which said taxes are now subject to foreclosure; that such list is known as the "Foreclosure List" and contains the names of the several par sons appearing in the lastest tax roll as the respective owners of tax-delinquent properties, a description of each proper ty as the same appears in said latest tax roll, the year or years for which taxes are ripllnnup.tit on each DroDertv. to gether with the principal amount of delinquent taxes or eacn year, ior me year of 1938 and prior, and the amount of accrued interest thereon to the date of June 15, 1939, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; that a copy of said list is hereinafter set forth and included in this summons and notice; You and each of you are further noti fied that in the subjoined tabulation of this summons, the left hand column of said tabulation, under the words "Name of Owner as Shown by Latest Tax Roll and Description of Property," is the name of the person or persons appear ing on the latest tax roll in the hands of the sheriff for collection as owner or owners of the property described under such name or names, and such descrip tion shows and properly alleges the description of the several tracts of land herein referred to as the same is de scribed on the tax rolls of Morrow County, Oregon; that in the said des cription, the abbreviation "DR" means Deed Record and the figures imme diately following said abbreviation in dicate the number of the book of the Deed Records and the number follow ing the hyphen following the number of the book indicates the page of such book where the deed referred to is re corded; that the abbreviation "Pro J. G-457" means Probate Journal, Vol. G, page 457; that the capital letters "N," "S," "E," and "W" mean North, South, East, and West, respectively; that the abbreviation "ft." means feet; that the abbreviation "Inc." means Incorporat ed ; that "Heppner Ayers' " means Ayers' Addition to the town of Hepp ner: that "HeoDner Johnson's" means Johnson's Addition to the town of Heppner; that "Heppner Quaid's" means Quaid s Aaaition 10 me town oi tiepp ner: that "Heppner Mt. Vernon's" means Mt. Vernon's Addition to the town of Heppner; that "Lexington Penland's" means Penland's Addition to the town of Lexington; that "lone Sperry's" means Sperry's Addition to the town of lone; that "lone duffs" means Cluff's Addition to the town of lone; that "Hardman Adams'" means Adams' Addition to the town of Hard- man: that the abbreviations "1st," "2nd." "4th." "5th,", and "7th" follow ing the addition indicated means First Oregon Addition, Second Addition, Fourth Ad dition, Fifth Addition, and Seventh Ad dition, respectively; following each des cription in said tabulation, and reading from left to right the column reading "Sec. or Lot" indicates the Section or Lot number; that the column headed "Twp. or Block" indicates Township or Block; that the column headed "Range E. W. M." indicates Range East of the Willamette Meridian; that the figures in the column headed "Years of Delin quency" indicate the years for which the tax is delinquent; that the figures in the column headed "Amount of Taxes" indicate the tax due for each year designated on the piece of prop erty described in the first column; that M S a Name of Owner as Shown by Latest Tax Boll and Description of Property 7 u o (S o (0 Heltzel Estate Inc. SENW, ESW, SW sw 10 IN Hardesty, James F. Tract (DR 37-630) 22 IN Laubner, George, et ux SEV4SEy4, wy2sE&, esw, NW&SW& 35 IN Heltzel, Clara A. NWNE& 2 IN Brasher, Georgia B. SW 9 IN Mishey, Fred G. N 4 IN Tibbetts, Violet L. SWNE - John Day Irrigation 27 2N Mock, F. C. & Louise NW!4NE!4 27 2N Bateman, Mary & John S. SENEV4 John Day Irrigation 27 2N Barzee, C. W. NE'4 34 2N John Day Irrigaton Christensen, Clara All 13 2N John Day Irrigation Christensen, Chris NE 24 2N John Day Irrigation Donnelly. Mike Estate WV2W 34 2N John Day Irrigation Heltzel, Clara A. SW4Ei4, NSE 35 2N John Day Irrigation Lewis, J. H. & Agnes E. W 5 3N John Day Irrigation Sutherland, M. V. & Hazel ESW, WSEi4 16 3N Quimby, E. S., et al NE&NW&, NSEi,4NW4 16 3N John Day Irrigation Davis, L. M. SW John Day Irrigation 27 4N NE, ENW John Day Irrigation 28 4N Carpenter, Glen E. SE&SW& 8 4N Ransier, D. F. WESE& ... 14 4N Miller, Mrs. E. Estate NSW 15 4N Donnelly, Mike Estate Lots 3 & 4, Block 15 W 25 5N Lot 1, Block 20 W 25 6N Broughel, Margarette Lot 7, Block 24 East 20 5N (Continued Thursday, Sept. 21, 1939 the figures in the column headed "In terest to June 15, 1939" indicate the accrued interest on each year's tax, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; that the figures in the column headed "Total" indicate the total of tax and interest to June 15, 1939, for each year on each particular piece of property; that the amounts set out in the columns headed "Amount of Taxes," "Interest to June 15, 1939" and "Total" on the line following the words "John Day Ir rigation" in the first column indicate the amount of assessment and interest of the assessment made against the property by the John Day Irrigation District; that the following is a true copy of said foreclosure list: si 3 ! ll IS ? 8 tf (xfi ti flu H 23 1938 $ 14.56 $ 1.02 $ 15.58 1934 26.33 10.27 36.60 1932 19.06 8.89 27.95 1931 11.43 6.26 17.68 23 1938 5.45 .38 5.83 1936 6.01 1.38 7.39 1935 6.10 . 1.89 7.99 1934 6.49 2.53 9.02 1932 ' 3.53 1.65 5.18 23 1938 10.69 .75 11.44 1937 11.77 1.77 13.54 1936 15.20 3.50 18.70 1935 15.41 4.78 20.19 25 1938 1.74 .12 1.86 1937 1.80 .27 2.07 1934 2.91 1.13 4.04 1932 2.76 1.29 4.05 1931 2.19 1.20 3.39 25 1938 15.78 1.10 16.88 1937 15.48 2.32 17.80 1936 30.32 6.97 37.29 1935 18.96 5.88 24.84 26 1936 59.05 13.58 72.63 1935 61.02 18.92 79.94 1934 92.11 35.92 128.03 1931 80.52 44.02 124.54 1930 &P 310.68 149.13 459.81 24 1938 3.71 .26 3.97 1937 4.00 .60 4.60 1937 3.60 .54 4.14 1935 3.79 1.17 4.96 1934 5.12 2.00 7.12 1932 4.88 2.28 7.16 1931 4.36 2.38 6.74 1930 &P 4.61 2.21 6.82 24 1938 3.71 .26 3.97 1937 3 61 .54 4.15 1935 3.79 1.17 4.96 1932 4.88 2.28 7.16 1931 4.36 2.38 6.74 1930 &P 4.61 2.21 6.82 24 1938 3.71 .26 3.97 1937 4.00 .60 4.60 1937 3.60 .54 4.14 1935 3.79 1.17 4.96 1934 5.12 2.00 7.12 1932 4.88 2.28 7.16 1931 4.35 2.38 6.73 24 1938 21.24 . 1.49 22.73 1937 16.00 2.40 18.40 1937 20.58 3.09 23.67 1935 21.68 6.72 28.40 1934 32.79 12.79 45.58 1932 31.24 14.58 45.82 1931 27.91 15.26 43.17 1930 &P 74.85 35.93 110.78 25 1938 16.22 1.13 17.35 1937 64.00 9.60 73.60 1935 43.93 13.62 57.55 1934 31.04 12.11 43.15 25 1938 13.51 .95 14.46 1937 16 00 2.40 18 40 1935 23.50 7.29 30.79 1934 16.41 6.40 22.81 25 1938 5.76 .40 6.16 1937 16.00 2.40 18.40 1937 5.89 .88 6.77 1936 8.64 1.99 10.63 1935 5.15 1.60 6.75 25 1938 3.45 .24 3.69 1937 12 00 1.80 13.80 1937 3.58 .64 4.12 1934 5.84 2.28 8.12 1932 5.52 2.58 8.10 1931 4.37 2.39 6.76 23 1938 9.88 .69 10.57 1937 31.93 4.79 36.72 1937 10.27 - 1.54 11.81 1936 12.20 2.81 15.01 1935 13.08 4.05 17.13 23 1938 4.95 .35 5.30 1937 6.13 .77 5.90 1935 6.55 2.03 8.58 1932 5.64 2.63 8.27 1931 4.60 2.51 7.11 26 1938 2.06 .14 2.20 1937 6.00 .90 6.90 1936 2.50 .68 3.08 1935 2.97 .92 3.89 1934 4.45 1.74 6.19 23 1938 4.95 .35 6.30 1937 16.00 2.40 18.40 1937 5.15 .77 5.92 1935 6.56 2.03 8.59 23 1938 7.42 .52 7.94 1937 28.00 4.20 32.20 1937 7.71 1.16 8.87 1935 9.83 3.05 12.88 25 1938 31.07 2.17 33.24 1937 15.18 2.28 17.46 1934 44.77 17.46 62.23 25 1938 17.23 1.21 18 44 1936 18.26 4.20 22 46 1935 20.10 6.23 26.33 1932 23.53 10.98 34.51 1931 20.91 11.43 32.34 1930 &P 61.49 29.52 91.01 25 1938 72.18 5.05 77.23 1937 67.51 10.13 77.64 1935 61.02 15.82 66.84 1934 61.50 23.99 85.49 1932 96.83 45.19 142.02 1931 86.13 47.08 133.21 1930 &P 221.48 106.31 327.79 26 1938 7.61 .53 814 1937 7.08 1.06 8.14 1936 9.18 2.11 11.29 nn 1935 8.56 2.65 11.21 26 1938 3.79 .26 4 05 . 1937 3.54 .53 4 07 1936 4.60 1.06 5.66 1935 4.23 1.31 6.64 27 1935 4.68 1.45 613 1934 4.45 1.74 619 1932 4.98 2.32 730 on Page 7)