Page Six Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, , Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PTTBLISHIITQ COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On Year Three Years Six Months Three Months . Single Copies . $2.00 5.00 1.00 .75 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County Level Heads Needed ABNORMAL forces are at work throughout the world as a re sult of the European conflict, now nearing the end of the second week. Because of the major nations in volved and the vital issues at stake, effects of the war are far reaching. It behooves everyone to keep a level head lest ill-founded hatreds and in human greeds consume human hap piness and welfare of future gener ations. President Roosevelt has taken the lead in asking an adjournment of politics at this crisis and in pledg ing the administration's cooperation toward keeping these United States out of the war and in maintaining an even keel thoughout the coun try's social and economic structure. Already he has removed the im port quota on sugar to assist in stopping the soaring speculative prices that were invoked imme diately news of war's declaration was received. His assurance and that of other governmental heads is given that America has abundant stocks of all commodities. People should have no fear of being denied necessities. The president, too, has declared in favor of wheat reaching a parity price figure, indicated at from $1.15 to $1.20 a bushel. Beyond that, he will object to uncalled-for price rises. Speculators who prey on human welfare will receive no sympathy, it is indicated. All peace-loving citizens may well uphold "the president's hand in car rying out the course being pursued. When civilization itself is threat ened, it is well to forget individual differences and man the national fronts. Party politics become incon sequential. It is a time for the higher virtues to come more strongly into play that the very elements of war may have no chance for expression. Greed, hatred, the will for power, vengeful thinking are but the fore runners of oppression, bloodshed, pestilence and death. The force of arms, if need be, may be applied to prevent the scourge of the Four Horsemen from obliterat ing civilization from the globe. No pacifism need be tolerated when such force becomes necessary. Gan dhi would have no chance against an Atilla, and the philosophy of passive resistance will not save the world from heartless aggression. Clear thinking, strong arms and brave hearts will defeat the most portentous oppressor. America, with its freedom of speech, uncontrolled press, and other governmental safe guards of individual opportunities to think straight and to act in ac- New 1940 Zenith and Philco Radios ARE HERE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS LOWER PRICES Portable RADIOS... $19.95 UP Radio Repair and Service BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 Heppner cordance with individual dictates. is civilization's proving ground. Let us hope that it will not be found wanting. What About the Elk? INTEREST this week in the trial of Roy Robinson for wanton waste of meat in connection with killing elk to protect his property, indicated considerable public resentment, es pecially on the part of mountain ranchers, against the state using pri vate property for creation of game refuges where the nature of the game is such as to be a real menace to property. Mountain ranchers have been among the best friends of game ani mals, generally, making little com plaint about the deer except in cases where the deer numbers have be came burdensome. In the case of elk, however, it is different. It is impossible to fence against elk. The animals are large and con sume as much forage as a large steer, a vital item to stock ranchers, espec ially as in the case of Mr. Robinson who raises purebred animals of high value. And the elk inroads are more serious in a season of grass short age such as that just ended. In the early days elk were almost, if not entirely eliminated from Ore gon mountains because they were unwanted. They are grand animals and fine in their place, but we won SlabWood $4 Cord for Green $5 Cord for Dry -delivered anywhere within three miles . . anywhere in county reasonable. 3 at Mill Good Wood Good Measure Heppner Fuel Co. Phones: Office 152; Res. 1122 1939 Foreclosure List, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, a Pub lic Corporation and Political Sub division of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. James F. Hardesty, Heltzel Estate, Inc. ; George Laubner, et ux, Clara A. Helt zel, Georgia B. Brasher, Fred G. Mishey, Violet L. Tibbetts, F. C. & Louise Mock, Mary & John S. Bate man, C. W. Barzee, Clara Christensen, Chris Christensen, Mike Donnelly Es tate, J. H. & Agnes E. Lewis, M. V. & Hazel Sutherland, E. R. Quimby, et al, L. M. Davis, Glen E. Carpenter, D. F. Ransier, Mrs. E. Miller Estate, Margarette Broughel, Pauline I. Sten nett, co B. A. Stennett, Nora M. Neill, Ellen Moore, Roy E. Brown, Mary V. Burt, P. W. Knowles Estate, Frank W. & Mae Kidd, Mattie B. Ray, Chas. H Latourell, Earl Eskelson, Henry Apland, et al, Martha A. Travis, Mrs. Susanna Rytingi, Myrtle J. Reid, Har old Becket, et ux, Arthur R. Reid, An na L. Keithley, Enest Cannon Estate, co Ada Cannon, Martha Reid, Florence J. & Ernest Frederickson, Independent Whse. Co., Loren D. & Ina Hale, Luvisa S. Louy, Augusta Mason Estate, co Bert Mason, Lonnie Ritchie, E. G. Frank, Gladys L. Drake, Chas. O'Conner, et ux, Walter W. & Marianne Corley, Eva L. Warner, Harry A. Wells, Emma E. Sherman, G. E. Strum, Alice Dingmon Estate, George W. Allen, B. E. Priest, James J. Anderson, Ad Inskeep, Maud Robison; and any other person or per sons, known or unknown, owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest In or to the real estate hereinafter described, Defendants. No APPLICATION FOB JUDGMENT FORECLOSING TAX LIENS To each and all of the defendants named in the foregoing Title: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that pursuant to Chapter 485, Ore gon Laws of 1939, the tax collector of Morrow County, Oregon, has duly pre pared a list of all real properties within said County and State upon which three years have elapsed from the earliest date of delinquency of taxes levied and charged thereon, and on which two or more annual instalments of delinquent taxes, each such instalment being one quarter of the earliest date of delin quency, have not been paid, in accord ance with the provisions of Chapter 5, Gazette Times, Heppner, der if the state is not mistaken in attempting to protect them in terri tory that has been very thickly settled? SPARK PLUG AID Spark plug porcelains break less frequently if removed after cooling, the Oregon Motor association ad vises. This is particularly true of aluminum cylinder heads, easily ex panded by heat. CLOGGED RADIATORS If your engine is overheating, look for cool spots on your auto's redia tor, suggests the Oregon Motor as sociation. Cold spots after the motor is warmed up indicate a clogged radiator, requiring attention. FOR FINE WAXING To get a better polish when wax ing a car rub rapidly but lightly with a woolen rag. The result, states Oregon State Motor association, beats that following heavy rubbing. Kinnard McDaniel was in town Saturday from the McMurdo farm on Rhea creek which he now man ages. O Ten Years Ago (Gazette Times, Sept. 12, 1929.) Estimated total of wheat to be delivered at warehouses in county placed at 1,358,000 bushels by C. W. Smith, county agent. Crop larger than in 1928, but considerably less than 1927's bumper 3,000,000-bushel crop. Record enrollment of 118 had in high school at opening Monday, re ports Jas. M. Burgess, superintend ent. Miss Inez Hayes, Mi?s Cecelia Kenny, Mrs. Albert Peterson named attendants to Queen Reita Neel for Rodeo. George Thomson, Heppner mer chant, passes at Astoria from heart attack. 18-year-old Chinese boy enrolls in first grade, being unable to speak English. Rev. F. R. Spaulding to close pas torate at M. E. church next Sunday. Opening of deer season suspended yesterday by Governor Patterson to avert further forest fire catastrophe. Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Morrow County, Oregon Oregon Law3 of 1935, Special Session, as amended by Chapter 96, Oregon Laws of 1937, and which said taxes are now subject to foreclosure; that such list is known as the "Foreclosure List" and sontains the names of the several per sons appearing in the lastest tax roll as the respective owners of tax-delinquent properties, a description of each proper ty as the same appears in said latest tax roll, the year or years for which taxes are delinquent on each property, to gethed with the principal amount of delinquent taxes of each year, for the year of 1938 and prior, and the amount of accrued interest thereon to the date of June IB, 1939, at the rate of 8 per cent Eer annum; that a copy of said list is ereinafter set forth and included in this summons and notice; You and each of you are further noti fied that in the subjoined tabulation of this summons, the left hand column of said tabulation, under the words "Name of Owner as Shown by Latest Tax Roll and Description of Property," is the name of the person or persons appear ing on the latest tax roll in the hands of the sheriff for collection as owner or owners of the property described under such name or names, and such descrip tion shows and properly alleges the description of the several tracts of land herein referred to as the same is de scribed on the tax rolls of Morrow County, Oregon; that in the said des cription, the abbreviation "DR" means Deed Record and the figures Imme diately following said abbreviation in dicate the number of the book of the Deed Records and the number follow ing the hyphen following the number of the book indicates the page of such book where the deed referred to is re corded; that the abbreviation "Pro J. G-457" means Probate Journal, Vol. G, page 457; that the capital letters "N," "S," "E," and "W" mean North, South, East, and West, respectively; that the abbreviation "ft." means feet; that the abbreviation "Inc." means Incorporat ed; that "Heppner Ayers' " means Ayers' Addition to the town of Hepp ner; that "Heppner Johnson's" means Johnson's Addition to the town of Heppner; that "Heppner Quaid's" means Quaid's Addition to the town of Hepp ner; that "Heppner Mt. Vernon's" means Mt. Vernon's Addition to the town of Heppner; that "Lexington Penland's" means Penland's Addition to the town of Lexington; that "lone Sperry's" means Sperry's Addition to the town of lone; that "lone Cluffs" means Cluffs Addition to the town of lone; that "Hardman Adams'" means Adams' Addition to the town of Hard man; that the abbreviations "1st," "2nd," "4th," "5th,", and "7th" follow ing the addition indicated means First Oregon Addition, Second Addition, Fourth Ad dition, Fifth Addition, and Seventh Ad dition, respectively; following each des cription in said tabulation, and reading from left to right, the column reading "Sec. or Lot' indicates the Section or Lot number; that the column headed "Twp. or Block" indicates Township or Block; that the column headed "Range E. W. M." indicates Range East of the Willamette Meridian; that the figures in the column headed "Years of Delin quency" indicate the years for which the tax is delinquent; that the figures in the column headed "Amount of Taxes" indicate the tax due for each year designated on the piece of prop erty described in the first column; that m i Name of Owner ft Shown by Latest Tax Boll and Description of Property o u o 6 n t Heltzel Estate Inc. SENW&, ESW, SW SWft 10 IN 22 IN Hardesty, James F. Tract (DR 37-630) Laubner, George, et ux SESE, WSE, ESWi. nwsw 35 IN 2 IN 9 IN 4 IN 27 2N 27 2N 27 2N 34 2N Heltzel, Clara A. NW54NEI4 . Brasher, Georgia B. SW14 Mishey, Fred G. N Tibbetts, Violet L. SWNEV4 John Day Irrigation Mock, F. C. & Louise NWNE Bateman, Mary & John S. SENE John Day Irrigation Barzee, C. W. NEU John Day Irrigaton ' Christensen, Clara . All 13 2N John Day Irrigation Christensen, Chris NE14 24 2N John Day Irrigation Donnelly, Mike Estate WW - 34 2N John Day Irrigation Heltzel, Clara A. SW5E, NSE 35 2N John Day Irrigation Lewis, J. H. & Agnes E. W 5 3N John Day Irrigation Sutherland, M. V. & Hazel Ey2SW, WSEV4 16 3N Quimby. E. S.. et al NENW. NSENW John Day Irrigation 16 3N 27 4N 28 4N 8 4N 14 4N 15 4N 25 BN 25 BN 20 BN Davis, L. M. SW John Day Irrigation NEU, ENW John Day Irrigation Carpenter, Glen E. SESWtt ....... Ransier, D. F. WESEK Miller, Mrs. E. Estate NV&SWM, Donnelly, Mike Estate Lots 3 & 4. Block 15 W Lot 1, Block 20 W Broughel, Margarette Lot 7, Block 24 East (Continued on Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 the figures in the column headed "In terest to June 15, 1939" indicate the accrued interest on each year's tax, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; that the figures in the column headed "Total" indicate the total of tax and interest to June 15, 1939, for each year on each particular piece of property; that the amounts set out in the columns headed "Amount of Taxes," "Interest to June 15, 1939" and "Total" on the line following the words "John Day Ir rigation" in the first column indicate the amount of assesment and interest of the assessment made against the property by the John Day Irrigation District; that the following is a true copy of said foreclosure list: i 3& H e i A I. i $ is s '8 14.56 $ 1.02 $ 15.68 26.33 10.27 36.60 19.06 8.89 27.95 II. 43 6.25 17.68 5.45 .38 5.83 6.01 1.38 7.39 6.10 1.89 7.99 6.49 2.53 9.02 3.53 1.65 5.18 10.69 .75 11.44 11.77 1.77 13.54 15.20 3.50 18.70 15.41 4.78 20.19 1.74 .12 1.86 1.80 .27 2.07 2.91 1.13 4.04 2.76 1.29 4.05 2.19 1.20 3.39 15.78 1.10 16.88 15.48 2.32 17.80 30.32 6.97 37.29 18.96 5.88 24.84 59.05 13.58 72.63 61.02 18.92 79.94 92.11 35.92 128.03 80.52 44.02 124.54 310.68 149.13 459.81 3.71 .26 3.97 4.00 . .60 460 3.60 .54 4.14 3.79 1.17 4.96 5.12 2.00 7.12 4.88 2.28 7.16 4.36 2.38 6.74 4.61 2.21 6.82 3.71 .26 3.97 3.61 .54 4.15 3.79 1.17 4.96 4.88 2.28 7.16 4.36 2.38 6.74 4.61 2.21 6.82 3.71 .26 3.97 4.00 .60 4.60 3.60 .54 4.14 3.79 1.17 4.96 5.12 2.00 7.12 4.88 2.28 7.16 4.35 2.38 6.73 21.24 1.49 22.73 16.00 2.40 18.40 20.58 3.09 23.67 21.68 6.72 28.40 32.79 12.79 45.58 31.24 14.58 45.82 27.91 15.26 43.17 74.85 35.93 110.78 16.22 1.13 17.35 64.00 9.60 73.60 43.93 13.62 57.55 31.04 12.11 43.15 13.51 .95 14.46 16 00 2.40 18 40 23.50 7.29 30.79 16.41 6.40 22.81 5.76 .40 6.16 16.00 2.40 18.40 5.89 .88 6.77 8.64 1.99 10.63 5.15 1.60 6.75 3.45 .24 3.69 12 00 1.80 13.80 3.58 .54 4.12 6.84 2.28 8.12 5.52 2.58 8.10 4.37 2.39 6.76 9.88 .69 10.57 31.93 4.79 36.72 10.27 1.54 11.81 12.20 2.81 15.01 13.08 4.05 17.13 4.95 .35 6.30 6.13 .77 6.90 6.55 2.03 8.58 5.64 2.63 8.27 4.60 2.61 7.11 2.06 .14 2.20 6.00 .90 6.90 2.50 .58 3.08 2.97 .92 3.89 4.45 1.74 6.19 4.95 .35 5.30 16.00 2.40 18.40 5.15 .77 5.92 6.56 2.03 8.59 7.42 .52 7.94 28.00 4.20 32.20 7.71 1.16 8.87 9.83 3.05 12.88 31.07 2.17 33.24 15.18 2.28 17.46 44.77 17.46 62.23 17.23 1.21 18.44 18.26 4.20 22.46 20.10 6.23 26.33 23.53 10.98 34.51 20.91 11.43 32.34 61.49 29.52 91.01 72.18 5.05 77.23 67.51 10.13 77.64 61.02 15.82 66.84 61.50 23.99 85.49 96.83 45.19 142.02 86.13 47.08 133.21 221.48 106.31 327.79 7-61 .53 8.14 7.08 1.06 8.14 9.18 2.11 11.29 8 56 2.65 11.21 3- 79 .26 4.05 354 .63 4.07 4- 60 1.06 5.66 4.23 1.31 5.54 4-6 145 6.13 445 1.74 6.19 4.98 2.32 7.30 23 1938 $ 1934 1932 1931 23 1938 1936 1935 1934 1932 23 1938 1937 1936 1935 25 1938 1937 1934 1932 1931 25 1938 1937 1936 1935 26 1936 1935 1934 1931 1930 & P 24 1938 1937 1937 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 & P 24 1938 1937 1935 1932 1931 1930 & P 24 1938 1937 1987 1935 1934 1932 1931 24 1938 1937 1937 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 & P 25 1938 1937 1935 1934 25 1938 1937 . 1935 1934 25 1938 1937 1937 1936 1935 25 1938 1937 1937 1934 1932 1931 23 1938 1937 1937 1936 1935 23 1938 1937 1935 1932 1931 26 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 23 1938 1937 1937 1935 23 1938 1937 1937 1935 25 1938 1937 1934 25 1938 1936 1935 1932 1931 1930 & P 25 1938 1937 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 & P 26 1938 1937 1936 1935 26 1938 1937 1936 1935 27 1935 1934 1932 Page Eleven)