Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1939, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
Mrs. Irena Straight
Was 50-Year Resident
Mrs. William E. Straight, 70, 55
year resident of Morrow county,
died at her home on North Church
street last Thursday following a val
iant fight against a prolonged illness.
Funeral services were held from
Masonic hall Saturday afternoon
with Rev. R. C. Young officiating,
assisted by Ruth chapter 32, Order
of Eastern Star, of which Mrs.
Straight had long been a member.
Many relatives and friends were in
attendance and the floral tribute
was profuse. Interment was in Ma
sonic cemetery.
Irena Isabel Devin was born in
Boliver, Mo., March 3, 1869, coming
to Oregon with her parents when 15
years of age. She was married to
William E. Straight June 22, 1887,
with whom she settled on the farm
on Butter creek, which still carries
the name, and resided until time of
retirement to the home in this city
some 15 years ago. Surviving besides
Mr. Straight are three children, Mrs.
Ola Jones of Lena, Waldon Straight
of Portland, and Shirley Straight of
Spokane ;a sister, Mrs. Margaret Jus
tus of Heppner, and two brothers,
M. J. Devin of Heppner and Charles
Devin of Eugene, besides four grand
children and two great grandchil
Mrs. Straight was highly respected
and beloved by all who knew her
She was imbued with the pioneer
spirit of neighborliness and kind
ness toward her fellow man as re
fleeted from her entire life, and in
her fraternal work which included
membership also in the Rebekah or
der. Chester Macey Came
To County in 1881
George Chester Macey, 69, resi
dent of Morrow county since 1881,
died in this city Monday, following
a week's critical illness. Funeral
services were held from Phelps
Funeral home chapel yesterday af
ternoon, with Rev. R. C. Young of
ficiating, and interment was in Ma
sonic cemetery.
Mr. Macey was born in Junction
City, this state, Jan. 20, 1870, being
aged 69 years, 6 months and 15 days
at death. Surviving are four half
sisters, Mrs. William Cowins and
Mrs. Dick Wells of Heppner, Mrs.
Cora Knotts of Pilot Rock, and Mrs.
Joseph Ferguson of Los Angeles.
Mr. Macey followed ranching most
of his life, and for many years resid
ed on a small tract just south of
town. He was known for his gentle
4-H Clubbers Take
State Fair Trips
The Lexington Calf club judging
team, Don Campbell, Irvin Rauch
and Gene Majeske, arrived home
yesterday from the state fair where
they participateed in the state-wide
contest the first of the week. The
fair trip was received as award for
high placement in the recent coun
ty fair.
County Agent Clifford Conrad
brought the boys home and left im
mediately on the return accompan
ied by Peggy Tamblyn, Mildred
Clary and Vern McDaniel. Miss
Tamblyn of Heppner is slated to
participate in the style revue to
morrow morning, modeling her en
semble outfit which placed high at
the county fair, while Misses Clary
and McDaniel of Hardman will par
ticipate in a home economics dem
onstration contest Saturday morn
ing, with their county prize winning
demonstration on care of clothing.
The examiner of operators and
chauffeurs from the office of Earl
Snell, secretary of state, will be at
the city hall in Heppner between
the hours of 1 and 4 p. m., Thurs
day, Sept. 14. All those wishing per
mits or licenses to drive cars are
asked to get in touch with the ex
aminer at that time.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church will
meet Tuesday, Sept. 12, in the base
ment of the church at 2:30 p. m.
Election of officers will be held.
At Heppner
Martin B. Clark, Pastor
9::45 Bible School
11:00 . Communion and Preaching
7:00 Christian Endeavor
8:00 Evening Church Service
7:30 P. M. Wednesday
Choir Practice
7:3:0 P. M. Thursday
Prayer Meeting
REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor
Sunday: Bible School 9:45 A. M.
Worship Service 11 :00 A. M.
Epworth League 7:00 P. M.
Evening Worship 8:00 P. M
Tuesday : Boys' Club - 7 :00 P. M.
2nd Tuesday, Missionary Meet
ing 2:80 P. M.
Wednesday: Choir Practice ..... 7:30 P. M.
1st Wednesday, Ladies Aid Business
and Social Meeting 2:80 P. M.
All other Wednesdays: Sewing Group
Thursday: Prayer Meeting 7:80 P. M.
All Saints Sunday school will take
up for winter next Sunday morning
at 9:45.
In 4-H Club Fair
Duroc Jersey Fat Hog: 1st Bobby
Wright; Duroc-Jersey Jr. Sow Pig:
1st Clayton Wright; Poland China Jr.
Sow Pig: 1st Leland Edmondson;
Poland China Boar: 1st Clayton
Wright; Poland China Sow Pig: 1st
Clayton Wright; Chester White Fat
Hog: 1st Freddy Rugg; Chester White
Sow Pig: 1st Rufus Hill, 2nd Leland
Edmondson, 3rd Guy Moore; All
Other Breeds, Jr. Sow Pig: 1st Le
land Edmondson.
Fine Wool Ewe Lamb: 1st Pat
O'Brien, 2nd Helen Healy, 3rd Billy
Healy, 4th Buddy Peck, 5th Gordon
O'Brien, 6th Bobby Van Schoiack.
Fine Wool Yearling Ewe: 1st Guy
Moore, 2nd Leland Edmondson, 3rd
Helen Healy.
Fine Wool Pen of 3 Yearling Ewes:
1st Gordon O'Brien.
Fine Wool Market Lamb: 1st Bruce
Lindsay, 2nd Bobby Van Schoiack,
3rd Guy Moore.
Fine Wool Breeding Ewe: 1st Guy
Moore, 2nd Leland Edmondson, 3rl
Alex Thompson, 4th Pat O'Brien, 5th
Billy Padberg, 6th Don Peck, 7th
Buster Padberg, 8th Guy Moore.
Fine Wool Yearling Lamb: 1st Le
land Edmondson.
Hampshire Ewe Lamb: 1st Marian
Miller, 2nd Guy Moore, 3rd Tad
Miller. ,
Hampshire Yearling Ewe: 1st Don
Hampshire Market Lamb: 1st Guy
Moore, 2nd Tad Miller, 3rd Pat O'
Brien, 4th Guy Moore.
Hampshire Breeding Ewe: 1st
Marian Miller, 2nd Tad Miller, 3rd
Dick Edmondson, 4th Don Peck, 5th
Leland Edmondson.
Hampshire Ram Lamb: 1st FJ1
wynne Peck, 2nd Marian Miller, 3rd
Ellwynne Peck, 4th Ellwynne Peck.
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Ewe Lamb: 1st Billy Healy, 2nd Jack
Edmondson, 3rd Gordon O'Brien,
4th Dick Edmondson, 5th, Leland Ed
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs: 1st Dick Ed
mondson, 2nd Leland Edmondson.
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Yearling Ewe: 1st Tad Miller, 2nd
Buddy Peck, 3rd Jack Edmondson,
4th Leland Edmondson, 5th Pat O'
Brien, 6th Dick Edmondson.
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Pen of 3 Yearling Ewes: 1st Leland
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Market Lamb: 1st Don Peck, 2nd
Guy Moore, 3rd Tad Miller, 4th Hel
en Healy, 5th Bruce Lindsay, 6th
Jack Edmondson, 7th Leland Ed
mondson, 8th Buster Padberg, 9th
Billy Padberg.
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Pen of 3 Market Lambs, 1st Leland
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Breeding Ewe: 1st Tad Miller,, 2nd
Leland Edmondson, 3rd Jack Ed
mondson, 4th Dick Edmondson, 5th
Bruce Lindsay, 6th Don Peck.
Other Breeds and Cross Breeds,
Yearling Ram: 1st Don Evans, 2nd
Alex Thompson, 3rd Don Evans, 4th
Don Evans.
Holsteins, Jr. Calf: 1st Gene Ma
jeske, 2nd Gene Majeske.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Holsteins, Sr. Calf:: 1st Gene Ma
jeske. Ayreshires, Jr. Calf: 1st Leland
Ayreshires, Sr. Calf: 1st Leland
Milking Shorthorns, Jr. Calf: 1st
Irvin Rauch.
Milking Shorthorns, Sr. Calf: 1st
Irvin Rauch.
Jerseys, Jr. Calf: 1st Jack Ed
mondson, 2nd Kathleen Poulson, 3rd
Betty Acock, 4th Leland Edmondson.
Jerseys, Sr. Calf: 1st George Voile,
2nd Bil Allen, 3rd Delas Knighten,
4th Chas. Acock.
Jerseys, Yearling Heifer: 1st Billie
Voile, 2nd Leslie Rucker.
Jerseys, Producing Cow: 1st Wal
lace Ebsen, 2nd Darleen Biddle, 3rd
Juanita Voile, 4th Dick Edmondson.
Guernseys, Jr. Calf: 1st Dick Ed
mondson, 2nd Sidney Van Schoiack.
Guernseys, Sr. Calf: 1st Herman
Guernseys, Yearling Heifer: 1st
Bernard Doherty, 2nd Jack Ed
mondson, 3rd Dick Edmondson.
Guernseys, Producing Cow: 1st
Bernard Doherty, 2nd Jack Edmond
son. All Beef Breeds, Steer: 1st Don
Campbell, 2nd Roger Campbell, 3rd
Elroy Martin.
All Beef Breeds, Yearling Heifer:
1st Gene Cutsforth.
Fine Wool Fleeces, Ewe Fleece
1st Donald Peck, 2nd Leland Ed
mondson, 3rd Gordon O'Brien, 5th
Guy Moore, 6th Pat O'Brien, 7th
Helen Healy, 8th Tad Miller, 9th
Billy Padberg, 10th Guy Moore, 11th
Guy Moore.
Fine Wool Fleeces, Yearling
Fleece: 1st Tad Miller, 2nd Guy
Moore, 3rd Pat O'Brien.
Fine Wool, Buck Fleece: 1st Le
land Edmondson.
Cross Breds, Ewe Fleece: 1st Tad
Miller, 2nd Billy Padberg.
Cross Breds, Yearling Fleece: 1st
Tad Miller, 2nd Ellwynne Peck.
Black Faced Ewe Fleece: 1st Mar
ian Miller, 2nd Tad Miller, 3rd Guy
Moore, 4th Dick Edmondson, 5th
Guy Moore, 6th Buster Padberg.
Black Face Yearling Fleece: 1st
Donald Peck, 2nd Buddy Peck, 3rd
Ellwynne Peck, 4th Buddy Peck.
Black Face Buck Fleece, 1st Bud
dy Peck.
Wheat Variety Classes
Turkey: 1st Frank Fraters, 2nd Ir
vin Rauch.
Federation: 1st Irvin Rauch.
Fortyfold: 1st A F. Majeske.
Arco: 1st Elroy Martin.
Rex: 1st Lee Beckner, 2nd A. W.
Gammell, 3rd Ben Anderson, 4th C.
E. Carlson.
White Federation: 1st H. D. Green.
Baart: 1st Lee Beckner.
Market Classes
Soft White: 1st Ben Anderson, 2nd
A. W. Gammell, 3rd C. E. Carlson,
4th Julian Rauch.
Hard White: 1st Lee Beckner, 2nd
H. D. Green.
Hard Red Winter: 1st Frank Fra
ters, 2nd Irvin Rauch.
Barley, 1st Elroy Martin.
Peas: 1st Bob Scrivner.
Continued from First Page
occurred during the World War per
iod; and that it will be possible to
cushion the shocks of the readjust
ment which will be inevitable if the
present conflict continues over any
lengthy period and on any large
"So, again, I urge our farmers not
to be swayed by the developments
overseas. Their greatest contribution
right now to their own welfare and
the national welfare is to carry on
just as before."
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilkins of
Butter creek recently purchased the
residence of Mrs. Lois Turner at
the corner of Gale and Baltimore
streets where the family will reside
for the winter.
Honoring 20 years of continuous
service with Pacific Telephone com
pany, Miss Opal Briggs, local man
ager, this week was presented with
a jeweled pin by L. E. Clyde, district
traffic manager.
A small mountain tract was re
cently purchased by Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Kane from Percy Claude Cox.
Record at the clerk's office sites the
tract as SWy4SWy4, Sec. 18, Tp. 4 S.,
R. 29.
Rites Event of Week
The first of two tollings of wed
ding bells that created unusual in
terest in the county the end of the
week sounded for Miss Lois Ash
baugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Ashbaugh, and Mr. Boyd Red
ding, son of Lawrence Redding.
Their nuptials were consummated
at the Methodist church parsonage
Saturday evening, with Rev. R. C.
Young reading the ceremony in the
presence of the other young couple
for whom bells tolled Sunday morn
ing, Miss Bernice Martin and Mr.
James Healy.
Both newly married couples left
together Sunday on a wedding trip
to the San Francisco fair, expecting
to visit Crater lake and coast points
on the way.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Redding are
popular young people, graduates of
Heppner high school, and familiar
in public positions. Mrs. Redding
lull 11 Tall Federal Q9 AQ
rllLN 12 Tins 79c CASE OO.lIt
COFFEE 21b. tin 45c, 41b. tin 85c
BEANS Whites
OYSTERS .... 3 tins Off
5 oz. Blue Plate Otl V
SHRIMPS .... 3 tins Off
5 oz. Ready to Eat 09v
PINEAPPLE, 3 tins Off
15 oz. flat sliced UUV
Toilet Tissue 6 for Off a
Silk quality mOXu
WHEATIES, 2 pkgs. OOp
Regular size mOX
CLAMS 3 tins Off
7 oz. F. A. B. Minced OtM
String Beans 3 tins Off a
Blue Lake, No. . 2 tins Is
Highway J.tC
GRAPEFRUIT .. tin 4 Ap
No. 2 tins Highway JL vrs
CORN 3 tins Off
17 oz. Gr. Northern MfWXs
Marshmallows .... lb. 4 fg
Fluffiest of all . JLUC
KIX 2 pkgs OQ
Cereal flOv
CALUMET, 10 lbs. f MQ
Baking Powder JL At
Rhubarb try some for a change 3 lbs 10c
GREEN PEPPERS, fancy Bell, 3 lbs. 19c
SPINACH, new, tender 3 lbs. 19c
POTATOES excellent quality 50 lbs 65c
LARD, Armour's Star 4 lb. ctn. 45c
SPAM, Lunch meat supreme ... . tin 25c
BACON Swift's Oriole fancy side lb. 25c
Whole or Half Piece
Thursday, Sept. 7, 1939
has served as stenographer at the
county school superintendent's of
fice for several months, while Mr.
Redding holds a position with local
branch, First National Bank of
Portland. Well wishes of many
friends extend to both young cou
Austin Gentry, who has been
critically ill for some time, was
taken to The Dalles yesterday by
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gentry for
clinical observation at a hospital
Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb this week
sold to W. S. Bennett the residence
on August street in which they have
resided for a year while completely
modernizing it.
American Legion auxiliary will
meet Monday evening, Sept. 11, at
the home of Mrs. Dick Wells. All
members urged to be present.
With Cash Sayings
There is extra economy in your
food buying when you shap for
Safeway's cash savings. Your food
does cost you less at Safeway.
Town House
46 oz.
3 lbs. 39c
2 lbs. 39c
Blue Rose
Lb, 45c