Y Y Thursday, August 24, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon ouri orra As in days of old when the round-up came ... when the young mustangs were broken . . . when cowboys raced their ponies to prove merits of the best . . . when lariats were twirled, and the talk was of season's happenings on the range . . when all hands in best "bib and tucker" assem bled in the barn loft to swing partners as the fiddles played "Merry Widow" or "Turkey in the Straw" . . . when the en tire countryside joined in the year's big holiday THIS YEAR IT'S THE BIG RODEO CORRAL HEPPNER, AUG. 24, 25, ---the center of attraction as the "good old days" are relived with many added attractions. "WE'LL BE SEEING YOU ALL" Ferguson Motor Co. Gonty's M. D. Clark Aiken fir Aiken Morrow County Creamery Co. F. W. Turner E. G. Noble Central Market Heppner Tailoring fir Cleaning Shop Green's Hardware Gilliam fir Bisbee Pacific Power fir Light Co. Wilson's Heppner Branch, First National Bank of Portland Heppner Market Gamble Store Agency Heppner Garage Currin's Ready-to-Wear Rosewall-Gentry Motor Co. Elkhorn Restaurant Gordon's Pharmacy Thomson Bros. J. Logie Richardson J. C. Penney Co. Merrill's Cafe Heppner Bakery O'Donnell's Cafe Hotel Heppner Dining Room Braden-Bell Tractor fir Equipment Co. Humphreys Drug Co. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Hanson Hughes Morrow County Abstract & Title Co., Inc. Part Three t r. V f I