Thursday, August 17, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Mrs. Howard Zimmerman, nee Lucille Driscoll, and two children have been visiting for two weeks at the home of Mrs. Zimmerman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Driscoll, coming from their home at Okan ogan, Wash. Tomorrow they expect ed to leave with Mr. Driscoll and son James, for Portland to visit with members of the family there for a few days. (i Mrs. Edith Earle of Eugene and Mrs. Kate White of Los Angeles de parted Friday morning after a week's visit at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Leta Babb. Mrs. Earle expected to return for Rodeo after going to her summer home on the McKenzie river for a time, while Mrs. White expected to go on to her home in the sunny southland. Outside members of the James Farley family visited the parental home Sunday. Mrs. Clay Clark and daughter Jeanne of Mosier, Miss Rosanna Farley of Hood River and John Farley of John Day were all present. John brought sister Mar garet home after a several weeks' visit at his home, returning Monday. Ernest Christopherson was trans acting business in the city Monday from the farm in the Dry Fork sec tion. Mr. Christopherson was among the few Morrow county farmers to receive adjustment on his federal crop insurance policy due to drouth and the cyclonic storm which hit just as he was starting harvest. Vawter Parker and W. S. Bennett made a motor trip to the Burns ' country last week, returning Satur day. Mr. Parker transacted business in connection with his work as sec retary for Federal Land bank agen cies, while Mr. Bennett extended his education through viewing some new and interesting country. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Atherton are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Atherton's sister, Mrs. Frank S. Parker, on their return to Vale after visiting at Ocean Park and Pasco in Washington. They were brought from Pasco Sunday by O. G. Crawford and Mrs. Parker who motored over to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland and Howard returned the first of the week from a vacation at the coast, reporting an enjoyable visit with cool weather. Mr. Cleveland said he sat on the beaches watching the swells that were breaking on the shore and the swells that were broke on the shore. Foster Collins came to town Mon day from the ranch on Camas prai rie, reporting conditions there very dry. He was negotiating sale of tm ber on his land while in town. Ten Years Ago (Gazette Times, Aug. 17, 1929) Jas. M. Burgess, school superin tendent, arrives for opening Sept. 9. Heppner's new boxing commission functioned for the first time Satur day night at a card prepared by Russell Wright, promoter. C. W. Smith, county agent, takes vacation trip east on sheep train. Miss Irene Hiatt weds Harlan Devin in quiet Saturday nuptials. City water department cuts irri gation hours in half due to water shortage. Work of improving upper Willow creek road progressing. Camp moved to Jim Kirk place. Mesdames P. M. Gemmell, D. A. Wilson and J. G. Barratt return from state Legion auxiliary convention at Salem. Market report shows 302 million pounds wool shorn in U. S. in 1929. Calvin Coolidge, tanned, smiling, beaming with health, is enthusiastic about American prosperity . . . nev ertheless DON'T GAMBLE, says Ar thur Brisbane's column. Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Hefty Wind Vendor, Dentist Rumored For Rodeo Clash Dr. Richard C. Lawrence, local D. M. D., has challenged Bob "Fat Boy" Runnion to a bulldog ging contest to be held each day of the Rodeo. The man with the best three-day average will be declared winner: Horses to be ridden by contestants Lawrence and Runnion are difficult to lo cate; however, Lqu Bisbee re ported that he had found two horses in Grant county large enough to accommodate the tor sos of Messrs. Lawrence and Run nion. If Dr. Lawrence wins the con test, he will be given the privil ege of pulling his opponent's teeth, genuine or false, during inter mission at the final Rodeo dance. Should Senor Runnion emerge victor, he will be given the per mission of personally removing the somewhat scarce but remain ing hair from his adversary's head and auctioning it off to dance patrons. The doctor expects to weigh in at 280 pounds for the contest, while Mr. Runnion ex pressed hopes of getting down to 260 .pounds. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty and daughter, Miss Frances, departed Monday morning on a vacation mo tor trip to the coast. They expected to pick up Mrs Mccarty's sister, Mrs. P. A. Anderson, at Portland who was to go on to the coast with them. Mrs. Agnes Curran was expected home yesterday from a ten-day va cation trip on which she took in buyers' week in Seattle and visited the coast with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Green of Portland. Mrs. George W. French and son Claude came with the body of their late husband and father from their home at Riverton, Wyo., for funeral services here Sunday and remained for a visit with relatives and friends. Ted Thomson is with his mother, Mrs. A. Q. Thomson, here after sev eral weeks' work in harvest. He ex pects to return to University of Oregon in the fall to begin his sec ond year in law school. Frank Rumble returned the first of the week from a two weeks' visit at his old home in Montana. She is a bit tough and a trifle rough but "Maisie" is a lady. Star Theater, Tuesday. NEW AUTO POLICY Bodily Injury & Property Damage Class A $11.25 Class B $12.90 See us before financing your next automobile. F. W. TURNER & CO. v Slab Wood $4 Cord for Green $5 Cord for Dry -delivered anywhere within three miles . . anywhere in county reasonable. 3 at Mill Good Wood Good Measure Heppner Fuel Co. Phones: Office 152; Res. 1122 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Struve of Pendleton were visitors this week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom, returning home the first of the week. Miss Stella Bailey, who lived in Heppner as a girl, visited over the week end from Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pruyn while looking after property interests. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowker were transacting business here yesterday from the farm in the Echo vicinity. Mr. Bowker reported his grain all delivered to the warehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wightman and children of Condon arrived the end of the week at the home of Mr. Wightman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wightman, for a visit. D. M. Ward, F. W. Turner and Mrs. W. L. Blakely motored to Port land Sunday on business. Mr. Turner returned home Tuesday and Mr. Ward yesterday. The Burl Coxen family is enjoy ing a vacation outing at Langdon lake in Umatilla county. Gene Joyal of Condon is relieving Mr. Coxen at the barber shop. Clyde Kiddle, state crop insur ance director from Corvallis, was in the city Monday checking details of the new set-up with local AAA of ficials. The ladies of the Methodist church will have a cooked food sale at Case Furniture store, Aug. 25, beginning at 10 o'clock. 22-23 Elmer Griffith, Morgan ware house manager, was transacting bus iness in the city Monday. Whatever you spend for tires stop in here TODAY. We can meet your needs and SAVE YOU MONEY! PATHFINDER The best tire Goodyear ever made to sell at $fi48 $g70 4.40-21 4.75-19 4.50-21 5.00-19 $855 $032 5.25-17 6.00-16 5.50-17 r.PU.1 ' ' ' (Net prices, includ ing your old tir) Here's a "toughie" ii we ever saw one! Look it over point by point admire its fine-car smart nessride it to a new economy record. "Lifetime Guarantee." as always. Your size is here NOW. Stop in TODAY ii you possibly cant EASY TO BUY Hard to wear down I This year's leading low-cost tirel PAY AS LITTLE AS 848 nviTuvniiR ninTiRFt SAVE AT THE SIGN OF THE GOODYEAR DIAMOND FERGUSON MOTOR CO. Heppner, Ore. MID-SUMMER SALE of Hats, Coats and Suits. Special stock of cotton voiles and silk dresses to sell at $1.00 while they last. CURRAN READY-TO-WEAR. tf. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nickerson this week were Mr. and Mrs. William Parkinson and Miss Lois Nickerson of Oakland, Cal. Miss Teresa Breslin is spendne part of summer vacation from teach ing duties at Joseph at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bres lin. Chauffeur honest dependable service, your car or mine, tin timp limit; write or meet me at home behind bank. Max Schultz, Heppner. "Let Freedom Ring" had its pre view audience enthusiastic all the way and up on its feet cheering at the end see this surprise package at the Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. R. H. Zinter and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warren and family were among Dry Fork residents in the city yesterday. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, AUGUST 23rd. For Sale Almost new Hotpoint Electric stove and water heater, G. E. refrigerator. Mrs. W. L. Blakely, Hotel Heppner. 22p Dr. Alfred E. Jones, Boise sight specialist, was at Heppner Hotel on the 15th. Watch this paper for next announcement. F. B. NICKERSON Morrow County Representative Mutual Benefit Heath and Accident Association of Omaha Office in Peters Building Heppner SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Mon., Weds., Fri. and Sat Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent "PREVENT FOREST FIRES IT PAYS" leSTAR REPORTER Friday-Saturday SOCIETY LAWYER with Waller Pidgcon, Virginia Bruce, Leo Carrillo, Eduardo Cian nclli, Lee Bowman, Herbert Mundin, Frances Mercer An exceptionally able cast makes splendid entertainment of this story of a lawyer in white tie and tails who got his greatest thrill out of defending criminals. PLUS SOME LIKE IT HOT with Bob Hope, Shirley Ross, Una Mcrkcl, Gene Krupa, Rufe Davis Hot or cold, here is more than your money's worth unless you are allergic to torrid swing music, a flowing measure of laughs and an appetizing garnishment of romance. "Woita Nightmare" with Popcye Sunday-Monday LET FREEDOM RING with Nelson Eddy, Virginia Bruce, Victor McLaglcn, Lionel Barry more, Edward Arnold, Guy Kibbcc, Charles Butterworth, i II. B. Warner, Raymond Walburn Here is whoop and holler stuff, brimful of excitement, a story of the men who drove the interlopers off the lands of the pioneers who made America. Not a dull moment from beginning to end. Our Gang Newsrcel Travelogue Tuesday PAL NIGHTS: 2 adults 35c, 2 children 10c MAISIE with Robert Young, Ann Sothcrn, Ruth Hussey, Ian Hunter, Cliff Edwards Comic in intention and execution, we find "Maisie," a showgirl, stranded in a cowtown . . . and that's just the beginning of a tumult of acton. Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 23-24 SUSAN N AH OF TH E MOUNTI ES with Shirley Temple, Randolph Scott, Margaret Lockwood, Martin Good Rider, J. Farrcll MacDonald, Victor Jory The famous story of the old Northwest brings you Shirley in buckskin and calico. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Robison, Hardman, are invited to present this coupon at the boxoffice for complimentary admissions. To be used before August 25th. STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon