Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 10, 1939, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, August 10, 1939
Abraham Lewelling
Passes at Ontario
Most of the older persons of this
vicinity knew of Abraham Lewelling,
who was father-in-law of Charles
Hastings. Mr. Lewelling was the son
of pioneers, John and Sarah Ann
Lewelling, who settled near Trout
dale in 1852. He was born there on
Feb. 9, 1861, and moved with his
parents to Rhea creek in August of
1871 Later they moved to the moun
tains eight miles south of Hardman,
and in 1881 they settled on what is
now Mrs. Ada Cannon's ranch. In
1895 he married Melvina Tellis, and
the next year they moved to the
Condon country. Ten years later
they went to Prairie City and in
1910 left for California. Three years
later they returned and settled in
Malheur county where he lived up
to the time of his death. He was in
jured on June 27 of this year and
died in the Ontario hospital on July
31. He left six children, four daugh
ters and two sons. His wife died sev
eral years ago. He was buried in the
I. O. O. F. cemetery at Vale. Mr. and
Mrs. Carey Hastings and Elwood
Hastings went to Ontario to see him
about a week before he died.
Recently Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells
were dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Hayden in the
Mrs. Sabin Hastings and daugh
ter are again out in camp with Mr.
Hastings after a short stay in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Jones of
Tulsa, Okla., arrived Friday for a
visit at the A. D. Inskeep home.
Mrs. Jones is Mrs. Inskeep's young-1
est sister Alice, whom she had not
seen for about twenty years. When
they leave here, the Jonses plan on
going to San Francisco to visit the
fair before reutrning to Oklahoma.
John McDaniel and Lewis fin
ished their combine jobs at the Green
ranch Wednesday evening. On Sat
urday they were attending to busi
ness in Heppner, and preparing to
cut wood in the mountains south of
The Burton valley school closed
Wednesday of last week, and very
likely there will be a school there
no longer. Miss Marguerite Glavey
who has taught there for several
terms is already engaged to teach
elsewhere in the county. Miss Gla
vey was well liked and the Burton
Valley folks will miss her.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brannon and
children and Herbert McDaniel left
Friday for Prineville where they
expect to reside. Les Brannon has
been working there for some time.
Nelson Hesseltine, a brother of
Mrs. Sabin Hastings, left Friday for
Port Gamble, Wash. He has been vis
iting his sister and her family for
the past several weeks.
Word has been received that Mrs.
Muriel McCutcheon went south with
relatives and is visiting the San
Francisco fair.
Harlan Adams returned Sunday
evening from the mountains where
he had been fighting fire for several
On Thursday Mrs. Neal Knighten
and the 4-H club members and oth
ers returned from Bull Prairie where
they had spent a happy and profit
able three days camping.
On Wednesday of last week the
Birthday club as well as many oth
er friends, especially from the Eight
Mile community, drove to the moun
tain home of Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal
Robison, the occasion being Mrs.
Robison's birthday. Sandwiches, cof
fee, pickles, cake, and ice cream
were served under the trees. Mrs.
Robison received many lovely gifts.
It was a very enjoyable party.
Miss Mildred Reynolds and Harold
E. Craber, both of The Dalles, were
married there on Sunday, July 30,
at a four o'clock church ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Craber will reside in
The Dalles where Mr. Craber has
been employed for many years.
On Monday Mrs. Floyd Adams
and daughters, Clara, Betty and
Nancy, and Mildred Clary went to
Heppner where they spent much of
the day at the pool.
Saturday evening was a gala oc
casion here. At 8 o'clock over a
hundred fripnds of Mr. and Mrs.
Darrell Harris, who were recentlv
married, gathered at the high school
for a bridal shower. Ice cream and
case were served alter whmh m
Harris opened the many useful and
beautiful gifts. Then the crowd
joined others waiting at the hall.
and the charivari took the form of
a dance. Local musicians played and
everybody enjoyed themselves until
1:30. The whole community extend
their best wishes to Mr. and Mrs.
The four-day camping trip at Bull
prairie, enjoyed by the Hardman
4-H clubs, their leader, Mrs. Neal
Knighten, and outside guests proved
to be a real success. The four days
were spent quite profitably work
ing on the 4-H work: sewing per
iods, demonstrations, judging, and
preparations for the exhibit. But the
time was not all spent at work a
good deal of fun was thrown into
the bargain. There were hikes thru
the timber around the camp; a real
old campfire at night, around which
games were played and songs sung;
and numerous other ways of en
joying an excursion in the moun
tains. On Thursday noon, the camp
ers feeling they had accomplished
the purpose of their outing, rather
reluctantly turned homeward.
Irrigon Homes
Entertain Guests
Mrs. Isman of Lewiston, Idaho,
and Mrs. Fox of Portland visited
their sister, Mrs. Harry Smith, and
family several days last week.
Mrs. Ruth McCoy of Imbler visited
her mother, Mrs. J. Grabiel, from
Thursday until Sunday.
Ralph Minnick and son from West
land spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Minnick.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis and
Mrs. Elizabeth Gentry of Baker were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Isom Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are
uncle and aunt and Mrs. Gentry
mother of Mrs. Isom.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and
daughters, Mildred and Grace, of
Boardman spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Batie Rand.
Mrs. Harris and daughter of Port
land are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Farrell.
Rev. McDonald left Tuesday for
Horseshoe Bend, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. James Arnberg vis
ited Mrs. John Henderson at Free
water Sunday.
Mrs. W. L. Suddarth is assisting
her sister, Mrs. Scarlett, with her
road stand near Umatilla.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flower and son
George were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Voile Saturday night. They
were enroute from Weston to their
home at Yamsey.
Mrs. Voile and little daughter of
Walla Walla are visiting Mrs. Voile's
sister, Mrs. John Voile, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Colter and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Rutledge motored to
the mountains on a fishing trip
Willard Jones, Donald Houghton
and Chas. Markham left Sunday for
a week's vacation near Blue Moun
tain springs.
Coats and Suits. Special stock of
cotton voiles and silk dresses to sell
at $1.00 while they last. CURRAN
Court Proceedings
For July Term
County Court met in regular ses
sion on July 5, 1939. Those present
were: Bert Johnson, Judge; George
N. Peck and L. D. Neill, Commis
sioners; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; C. J.
D. Bauman, Sheriff, and Frank C,
Alfred, District Attorney.
The minutes of the June term
were read and approved.
The various claims were presented
and the Court allowed, or disallowed
them and ordered approved claims
paid by the proper warrant from
the proper funds.
Court orders transfer of small
amounts from the Special Road
funds to the General Road fund,
owing to the fact that improvements
and maintenance of the roads in
these districts had been paid from
the General Road fund.
Warrants Issued on General Fund,
Ju'v 139
Ralph Marlatt, Courthouse $ 8.98
Gazette Times, Heppner,
H. Sherer, Courthouse 6.!
H. G. Peck, Courthouse 5.98
Wrex Langdon, Courthouse 5.98
Albert Connor, Courthouse 4.49
Western Golf Course Supply
Co., Courthouse 4.34
Heppner Blacksmith & Ma
chinery Co., Courthouse .. 2.25
Pac. Power & Light Co.,
Courthouse 44.24
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.,
Courthouse 27.40
State Ind. Acc. Comm.,
Courthouse 1.22
M. D. Clark, Jail 15.88
Central Market, Jail 1.60
Heppner Marke, Jail 4.30
West Coast Pr. & Bdg. Co.,
Sheriff 120
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff . 32.30
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff ...... 29.39
Kilham Sta. & Prt. Co.,
Sheriff : 1.56
State Ind. Acc. Comm.,
Sheriff 5.43
C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit
Court 18.65
Mrs. Emma W. Russell, Cir
cuit Court 12.70
Gazette Times, Justice Court 34.80
J. O. Hager, Justice Court 39.55
Homer Hayes, Justice Court 3.00
Gazette Times, Official Pub
lications 7.67
Henry E. Neer, Coroner 32.50
Archie D. McMurdo, Coroner 27.40
David Hynd, Coroner 3.48
M. L. Case, Coroner 10.00
Ferguson Motor Co., Cor- -
oner .35
Clarence Hesseltine, Coron
er ; i.7o
Henry Howell, Coroner 1.70
L. L. Gilliam, Coroner 1.70
F. N. Griffith, Coroner 1.70
Miles N. Mulligan, Coroner 1.70
S. H. Shannon, Coroner 1.70
David Hynd, Coroner 3.80
Claud White, Coroner 4.40
Ted McDaid, Coroner 4.20
Norman Myers, Coroner 1.00
Mrs. Norman Myers, Cor
oner 1.00
L. J. Harvey, Coroner 1.00
Mrs. L. J. Harvey, Coroner 1.00
Addie Hams, Coroner 1.00
Frank C. Alfred, District
Attorney 15.00
Ore. State Agri. College,
County Agent 1,150.00
Thomas J. Wells, Assessor 74.40
Edwin S. Woodford, Assess
or Reclassification 55.35
Pac. Sta. & Pr. Co., Assess
or 1.90
Lois Ashbaugh, Supt. As
sistant 11.70
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt 16.61
Pac. Sta. & Pr. Co., Supt 17.10
Clerk 6.93
West Coast Pr. & Bdg. Co.
Clerk 9.40
Kilham Sta. & Pr. Co., Clerk 5.76
H. Tamblyn, Watermaster .... 25.44
State Dept. of Agri., District
Sealer 6.15
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur
rent Expense 43.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen
eral Assistance 191.37
Blind Assistance .". 11.00
Aid to Dependent Children 68.80
Old Age Assistance 333.60
County Court 9.40
George N. Peck, County Ct. 28.05
L. D. Neill, County Court 40.10
Chas. E. Strickland, Emer
gency 5.00
Lewis C. Martin, Ph. D.,
Emergency 5.00
Warrants Issued on General Road
Fund, July, 1939
Glenn Sherer $94.23, H. Schwarz
$81.00, J. Farley $77.74, H Wells,
$77.74, Chas. Williams $40.75, H. S.
Taylor $116.74, M. V. Nolan $103.74,
Jack Stotts $77.74, R. Marlatt $144.89,
H. Sherer $88.13, H. G. Peck $77.75,
Wrex Langdon $72.51, W. Gilman
$65.78, C. Ashbaugh $88.23, Albert
Connor $112.25, Harold Peck $56.81,
Frank W. Gentry $68.86, Dale Ray
$33.86, A. J. Chaffee $80.82, Vernon
Munkers $74.32, L. Morgan $88.12,
W. Cunningham $58.69, Ray Brown
$3.99, Cecil Jones $5.99, Robert S.
Wilson $21.70, Roy Ball $1.11, D.
Gastin $4.48, Edd Skoubo $2.24, John
McEntire $2.24, Charley Marshall
$2.24, Adolph Skoubo $1.11, Heppner
Garage $8.50, I. R. Robison $60.50,
Shell Oil Co. $3.50, Mercer-Ashen-felter
$63.34, Panther Oil & Grease
Mfg. Co., $48.80, Ferguson Motor Co.
$15.42, Frank Nixon $29.85, E. W.
Peck $3.17, Crystal Barlow $5.05, In
dependent Garage $36.97, Edith K.
Hendrick $1.25, Penland Bros. Trans
fer $5.46, Jack Allen Supply Co.
$37.41, Frank Leicht $3.10, Patterson
&. Son $.70, West Coast Pr. & Bdg.
Co. $1.50, Feenaughty Mchy. Co.
$78.99, City of Heppner Water De
partment $2.95, Union Oil Co. $628.
49, George H. Hayden $360.00, Hepp
ner Blacksmith & Mchy. Co. $3.80,
Kilham Stationery & Printing Co.
$12.85, Pac. Power & Light Co. $4.94,
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $2.75, Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co. $4.80, H. Tamblyn
$105.50, State Ind. Acc. Comm. $60.
36, C. A. Kane $56.75, Lexington
Service Station $.40, Isaacson Iron
Works $57.78.
Warrants Issued on Market Road
Fund, July, 1939
Walter Gilman v $5.98, Frank W.
Gentry $65.88, Dale Ray $35.88, A.
J. Chaffee $35.92, Vernon Munkers
$31.92, L. N. Morgan $35.92, General
Roads $60.00, W. Cunningham $23.92,
H. Tamblyn $122.71, State Industrial
Acc. Comm. $7.93.
G. T. Want Ads bring results.
Outstanding warrants of School
District No. 25, Morrow County,
Oregon, numbered 265 to 284 inclu
sive, will be paid on presentation to
the district clerk. Interest on said
warrants ceases August 11, 1939.
School istrict No. 25,
Boardman, Oregon.
Want Ads
Wanted to rent, Sept. 1 to June 1,
house or downstairs apt, furnished,
mpdern conveniences, oil heat, elec
tric refrig. Inquire this office.
Two men with cars, free to travel,
state of Oregon, year-round work.
See Mr. Henselman, 203 Heppner ho
tel from 7 to 8:30 p. m. and Satur
day morning.
1938 International pick-up, low
mileage, exceptional bargain. Mor
row County Grain Growers, Lexing
ton. 22tf
For sale, medium size Iowa cream
separator. Will take in trade young
stock, coal brooder stove or cement
mixer. Walter Jepson, lone. t
White truck, 212-3 ton, 1937, semi
trailer, 22 ft. long; Packard De Luxe,
1937. Sell cheap or trade for horses
or lighter equipment. 171 N. E. Co
lumbia Blvd., Portland. It
Who will drive car east, expenses
paid? Man or woman. Bring refer
ences to Alex Wilson, city. 22tf.
Good piano for sale. L. L. Gilliam.
For sale or trade, 2 milk cows, 2
brood sows, young saddle horse,
model T Ford pickup with Chev
trans., trailers, chassis for all pur
poses, engines, auto parts, wood
sawing any time. Max Schulz, city.
Team of mares, weighing about
2500, bred to good jack, to trade for
cattle. W. H. French, Hardman. 21tf
Spinet type piano. Beautiful case.
Demonstrator; bargain. Terms if de
sired. Pendleton Music House. 20-22
A good five-room house, close in,
full plumbing, with Flamo stove, re
frigerator and water heater, $1050
cash. See J. O. Turner. 19tf
Two trailer houses for sale: one
Covered Wagon at a bargain:
good home-built for $250, worth $350.
Inquire this office.
House and garage for sale: nice
location; well imprved. See Mrs.
Wm. LeTrace at Judge Campbell's.
1931 Chev. coupe, good tires and
runs good. $125.00, terms. Ralph
Jackson, Lexington. 15tf
4 used new style McCormick
Deering Rod Weeders with trans
ports, 33 off; good as new. Jack
son Implement Co., Lexington. 15tf
on the second Monday in August
(Monday, August 14th. 1939) the
board of equalization of Morrow
County, Oregon, will attend, at the
Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon,
and publicly examine the assessment
rolls of said County for the year
1940, and will correct errors in val
uation, description or quality of
land, lots or other property, assessed
by the Assessor of Morrow County,
Page Seven
Oregon, as of March 1, 1939.
All persons interested or having
any complaints against their assess
ments for the year 1940, should ap
pear at that time. Petitions for the
reduction in assessment must be in
writing, verified by oath of appli
cant or his attorney and must be
filed with the board the first 15 days
it is in session- Any petition or ap
plication not so made, verified and
filed shall not be considered or act
ed upon by the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, July
25, 1939.
Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the state of Oregon
that I have taken up the hereinafter
place, 16 miles north of Lexington,
described animal at the Wm. Finley
and that I will on Saturday, August
12, 1939, beginning at 10:30 A. M.,
at said place, sell said animal to the
highest bidder for cash in hand sub
ject to the right of redemption of
the owner thereof. Said animal is
described as follows:
One fleabitten gray horse, no
brands, aged between 12 and 15 years.
Lexington, Ore.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator de bonis
non of the estate of John H. Thom
as, deceased, has filed with the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, his final ac
count of his administration of said
estate and said court has set Mon
day, the 14th day of August, 1939,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon at the County Court room
at the Court House at Heppner, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate,
and all persons having objections
thereto are hereby required to file
the same with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 13th
day of July, 1939.
J. J. NYS,
Administrator de bonis non.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of Mollie
Johnson, deceased, has filed his final
account of his administration of the
estate of said deceased with the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, and that
said court has set Monday, the 14th
day of August, 1939, at the hour of
10:00 A. M., in the County Court
room at the Court House at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of said
estate, and all persons having ob
jections thereto are hereby required
to file the same with said court on
or before the time set for said hear
Dated and first published this
13th day of July, 1939.
Administrator with will annexed.
sealed bids will be received until
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the
22nd day of July, 1939, and imme
diately thereafter publicly opened
Dy uie uouncu ot the City of Hepp
ner, Oregon, at the Council Cham
bers in said City for Heppner Swim
ming Pool Bonds in the sum of Three
inousana dollars ($3,000.00); said
bonds bearing date of July 1, 1939,
to mature July 1, 1945 bearing in
terest at the rate of not tn v noon
four per cent (4) per annum, pay
able semiannually; both principal
and interest payable at the office
of the Treasurer of the City of
Heppner, Oregon.
All bids must be unconditional anA
be accompanied by a certified check
for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
The bonds will not be sold for less
than par and accrued interest.
The approving legal opinion of
Messrs. Teal, Winfree, McCullock,
Shuler and Kelley, Portland, Ore
gon, will be furnished the success
ful bidder.
The Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
E, R. HUSTON, Recorder.