Thursday, July 20, 1939 LEXINGTON NEWS Work Resumed on Lex Water System By MARGARET SCOTT Miss Dona Barnett and Tom Bar nett drove to Arlington this week to meet C. C. Hockley who is the main engineer for the local water works and discussed plans for the work on the water system. L. R. Stockman and son of Baker were here observing the work this week, and A. A. Durand of Walla Walla was here with his electric water pump for a new well test. The pow er and light company of Heppner was erecting light poles to the well site this week and it is expected that work will be resumed in the near future. Norma McRoberts is employed at the Harvey Bauman ranch. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman this week were Mrs. Bauman's mother, Mrs. Harry Cool of Carlton, Wash.," and Mrs. Bauman's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cool, Delbert, Jr., and, Ardeen of Shelley, Mont. Alfred T. Owsley of Arlington was a business visitor in town Tuesday. A. M. Edwards and Orville Haigh have gone to Laurier, Wash., where they will drill a well for the gov ernment at the customs house. Claude Way spent last week work ing at the E. M. Baker ranch near lone. , Mr. and Mrs. Eldee Vinson were visiting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Vinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Oris Padberg. They have returned to Redmond to spend the summer. Rae Cowins of Heppner is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn. Official word was received by the school board Wednesday that Ira M. Dueltgen has resigned the position of teacher for the seventh and eighth grades in the local school for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Castle are the parents of a son born Thursday at the Corda Saling home in Hepp' ner. Bill Keams of Portland spent seV' eral days last week visiting in this community. Lot Johnson has returned to Spo kane after visiting with his sister, Mary Edwards. Mrs. Emma Cox returned home Thursday after a visit with her daughter in Medford. Mrs. Russell Wright returned Fri day after spending several weeks visiting with relatives in Spokane and Portland. Clarence Carmichael motored to Monument Friday after Mrs. Car michael who has been visiting their with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall motored to Island City Saturday, taking Arleen Lovelace to her home there. They visited Saturday night and Sunday in Union and were accompanied home by Raymond and Durward Lovelace of La Grande who will visit at the Jones home here. Marvin Cox has purchased a new motorcycle and is selling berries from the valley. Wanda Pomeroy is visiting at the homes of Louise Hunt and Colleen McMillan this week. Keith Taylor of Heppner was a dinner guest at the Lon Edwards home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan and family and Mrs. Elmer Pomeroy and daughter were dinner guests at the A. F. Majeske home Sunday. Mrs. Oleta Wardwell of Rhea creek motored to the Archie Pad' berg home this week to get her daughters, Gloria and Janelle. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Burkenbine and son Forrie of Heppner were vis iting in town Thursday evening. Mrs. Lorraine Kramer and daugh ters returned to their Ritzville home Saturday. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Hanks were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rains and family of Orville, Cal. Marvin Brannon of Hardman was a caller at the Robert Burnside home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of Heppner Flat were callers in town Tuesday. Ed Cummings motored to Pendle ton one day this week. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter Saturday morn Heppner ing in Corvallis to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes. Mrs. Hayes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl War ner of this city. Grant Henderson spent the week end here from his Stanfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and daughters attended a family reunion picnic at Spray Sunday. Guests at the Charles Breshears home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hynd of Sand Hollow. Mrs. Archie Padberg had the mis fortune to break her wrist while skating in the local hall Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Palmer and son were guests at the Lawrence Palmer home over the week end. S. G. McMillan has been con fined to his home by illness for the past several days. The H. E. C. meeting was held at the home of Laura Scott Thursday. Those present besides the hostess were Melissa Stonebraker, Frances McMillan, Trina Parker, Nellie Pal mer, Cecil and Carol Jackson, Lilian Turner, and Laura Rice. The after noon was spent in sewing and Mrs. Turner gave a talk on her trip to the San Francisco fair which was en joyed by all. Refreshments of cook ies and punch were served. Delpha Jones, assisted by Doris Scott, was hostess to a double party Friday in honor of Arleen Lovelace, who was leaving, and Anetta Calvin, who celebrated her fifteenth birth' day. Those present besides the host' ess and honoree were Colleen Me Millan, Louise Hunt, Wanda Pom eroy, Gerry Cutler Marcella Jack son, Earla Jean Underwood, Edwina Breshears, Aileen Scott and Melba Burnside. Anetta received many nice birthday gifts. The afternoon was spent in playing Chinese checkers and refreshments of pineapple salad and punch were served. BOARDMAN NEWS Nick Foler First to Market Melons By MRS. CLAUD COATS Harry Holden arrived from Ari zona last week to be on deck for the watermelon picking. Nick Faler is the first of the Boardman growers to have melons on the market. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Howell enter' tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Shull of Yuba City, Cal., Friday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Shull were formerly of Boardman. They called on other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Avery of Glen dale, Cal., visited at the Clyde Tan nehill home last week, going on to their home Monday. Mr. Avery and Mr. Tannehill are old friends, hav ing been employed together in the rural mail carrier department in Glendale. Friends are very glad to hear Mrs. Jack Gorham is slightly improved. Her condition is still serious. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and family spent the week end vis iting on the project. They brought Mrs. Nellie Sharpe, sister of Mr. Messenger, home. She had spent the past two weeks with them at Meacham. Mrs. Anna Jayne returned Friday from Spokane where she spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ber tie Seiber. Mrs. Seiber came home with her for an extended stay. Mrs. Claud Coats was pleasantly surprised Thursday evening by hav ing Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Perry of Portland call. Mrs. Coats and Mrs. Perry were telephone operators to gether in the Oregon City office sev eral years ago. Peter Farley and Essie Jones went to Portland Saturday on business and returned the same day. Rev. Thomas and daughter Mary etta were calling on the project Mon day, Mr. Thomas going on to synod at Corvallis and Maryette remain ing here to visit friends. Mr. Thomas was the community pastor here until last fall when he took over the pas torate at Halfway.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jess Calvert of Se attle and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ed mondson of Livingston, Cal., were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kunze. The ladies are sisters of Mr. Kunze. Alfred Turner of Morgan was call ing on the project this week end. Echo Coats arrived home Thursday from Seattle where she had spent Gazette Times, Heppner, two weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jay A. Cox, and family. Mrs. Alta Talbott arrived in Boardman to be with her mother, Mrs. Ella Blayden, also at the bed side of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Gor ham. Mrs. Talbott lives at Weiser, Idaho. ' New AAA Rule to Aid Maintenance Of Dryland Grass A new soil building practice, that of maintaining a vegetation cover such as grass on cropland, is one of the most important recommendations agreed upon at the recent national AAA conference in Washington, D. C, according to Will Steen, state chairman, and N. C. Donaldson, ex ecutive officer, who represented Or egon at the meeting. This new practice is designed to encourage longer rotation in dry land farming and is expected to be particularly valuable to eastern Or egon farmers who have established large acreages of crested wheat grass on former wheat acreage. Small farmers will also have a better opportunity to participate this next year, if recommendations are adopted as expected, as these call for setting a minimum soil building allowance of $20 per farm. State and local AAA committee men, will have more responsibility for the field administration of crop insurance and loans, in line with established AAA policy of decentral izing administration of the program wherever possible. The national conference was held a month earlier this year than last to give farmers in 1940 a better op. port unity than ever to know well in advance of the planting season what the program has to offer them. Recommendations adopted at the national conference will be used for drafting specific provisions of the 1940 program. In general, it will con tinue on the same lines as the 1939 program. Changes recommended are those which will simplify adminis tration of the program, or make it more effective from the standpoint of soil conservation, say the Oregon officials. The conservation program provides for establishment of national allot ments for soil-depleting crops and a national goal for soil-building crops and practices, which will be broken down to individual farms, The national wheat allotment of 62, 000,000 acres for 1940 has already been announced. New Headlight Law Cited for Motorists State laws regulating the use of spotlights and auxiliary lamps on automobiles in Oregon were amend ed at the last session of the legis lature and are now effective, Earl Snell, secretary of state, said today in reminding motorists that in the interest of safety and courtesy full compliance with these regulations should be forthcoming. Under the amended act motor vehicles may carry only one spot light while under the old law two such lamps were allowed, Snell said. The spotlight must be so adjusted that, upon approaching another ve hicle, no part of the high intensity portion of the beam will be directed to the left of the left side of the car upon which it is mounted at a point 100 feet ahead of the car. Three auxiliary driving lamps are now permitted whereas only two were allowed under the old law. These lamps may be mounted on the front of the vehicle at a height of not less than 12 inches nor more than 42 inches above the ground. Under the old law they were not to be mounted less than 18 inches above the ground. "Common sense and good manners dictate use of the headlights in such a manner as not to blind the driver of oncoming vehicles," Snell de clared. "The driver who refuses to dim his lights may cause an acci dent which will snuff out the life of someone in the oncoming car. "The law permits the use of lights of such intensity as to assure ade quate vision when used in compli ance with the act so there is no legitimate excuse in not observing these regulations." The danger of glaring headlights Oregon which impair drivers' vision tem porarily is shown in accident figures of the state, Snell says. During the year 1938 eight persons were killed and 128 injured in traffic accidents in which the drivers were tempor arily blinded by the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. In the first five months of 1939, two persons have been killed and 32 injured in acci dents of this type. "When a driver is faced by the full glare of powerufl headlights, the pupils of his eyes contract rap idly to reduce the amount of light entering the eye," Snell explained. "However, . the pupil opens much more slowly than it closes with the result that glaring lights leave the driver's vision seriously impaired after he has passed the car. In some cases, scientists say, it takes a full minute to recover normal vision af ter facing glaring lights. In this case, if the car were traveling 30 miles an hour, it would proceed half a mile before the driver's normal vis ion returned. "From these facts, it is obvious that when the driver of a car going at high speed is partially blinded by glaring headlights, the danger of a serious accident is great." Sept. 1 Deadline Mining Moratorium Washington, D. C, July 19 (Spec ial to the Gazette Times) A last minute effort by congress has ex tended the time for making assess ment work on mining claims. For several years a moratorium has been granted on assessment work, amount ing to not less than $100 a year, un til a moratorium became accepted as a habit. This year, however, con' gress decided to eliminate the mor atorium and took the position that if a claim holder wanted to retain his claim he must do the assessment work. It was so late when the congress clamped down that little time re mained before the July 1 deadline. This situation was so precarious for thousands of claims that congress rushed through an act extending the time for making the assessment work until September 1, at noon. That is now the deadline for per forming the work that should have been taken care of before noon on July 1. AND YOU ESTABLISH CREDIT FOR OTHER NEEDS ANY BRANCH IF0E2ST nnulBM BMI OF PORTinilD THI LEADER IN OREGON IN FINANCING THE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS OP TRADE, COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Page Three Feeding Wheat to Livestock Found Sound Procedure The Pacific Northwest produces 400,000 feeder lambs annually that are shipped to the middle-west to be fattened, according to extension figures at Oregon State college. If these lambs were fattened at home on local wheat, 1,000,000 bushels of the northwest's annual 40,000,000 bushel grain surplus could be util ized. Other types of livestock could use even more. Since world wheat prices hav dropped during late years as a re sult of over-production, the Oregon State college experiment station has attempted to find other channels through which Oregon wheat grow ers can market their grain. When properly handled, wheat has been found to be just as good as corn, or for that matter any other grain, for livestock fattening. A forthcoming bulletin, written by E. L. Potter, chief of the divis ion of agricultural economics, and H. A. Lindgren, extension animal husbandman at Oregon State col lege, discusses the possibilities of using wBeat as a livestock feed. From the results shown in the pub lication, wheat, as a fattener, can be used advantageously in livestock production in Oregon. Each year Oregon feeder lambs are shipped to the mid-west corn belt for several weeks of intensive feed ing before they are sent on to mar kets. The experiments were aimed at finding a way to .eliminate this step in the route to market and def initely favorable results have been obtained with wheat in feeding pro-' jects. , . '.. Thousands of cattle make the same trip each year to the corn belt states; for fattening, although wheat can be used successfully to fatten cat-" tie. The authors of the bulletin also ' have an eye on the probability of ' an increase in the swine population in the state, since the far west is an importing area from the mid-west The bulletin is not yet off the press but is expected to be ready for dis tribution later this summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomson, Jr., accompanied by Mrs. Daphna Simp so nof Pilot Rock motored to Port land Sunday.