Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 20, 1939, Image 1

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P 0 R T L A r: T-
Volume 56, Number 19
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, July 20, 1939
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Loan, Insurance
Set-Up Ready for
1940 Program
Wheat Operators
May Make Applica
tion Now Under AAA
E. H. Miller, chairman of the Mor
row County Agricultural Conserva
tion association, announced today
that all necessary forms and instruc
tions have been received in the
county office for making the 1939
loans, and all that a producer need
do to secrue a loan is to bring his
wheat receipt and grade certificate
to the county office and make ap
plication. '
Wheat in commercial storage in
an approved warehouse is eligible
for a loan immediately. Mr. Miller
says, "I understand that most of the
public warehouses in Morrow coun
ty have already been approved and
that all others have made application
and will be approved in a few days.
"Wheat in farm storage must be
stored for 30 days before making
application," said Miller, "and all
loans will mature in 7 months from
date of loan or April 30, whichever
date is earlier."
The loan value for number 1 wheat
will net the grower approximately
60.4c per bushel.
Details of the 1940 Federal Crop
Insurance program have been an
nounced, according to Mr. Miller.
Basically it does not differ from the
1939 program which has proved to
be of so much benefit to several of
those farmers who had their 1939
crop insured. However, procedure
has been very much simplified. All
that a Morrow county wheat grower
need do to insure his 1940 crop is to
file an application with the county
ofifce and pay his premium.
Under the new plan the county
committee figures the insurable
yield and premium rate for each far
mer and notifies him of his yield
and rate. Then the farmer may apply
for insurance to cover the number
of acres of wheat he intends to plant.
Mr. Miller said that after the grow
er has applied for and paid his pre
mium, nothing further is required
of him except to report to his coun
ty committee the actual acreage
seeded and to notify the local com
mittee in case of damage. Another
point of interest is the fact that a
producer may obain an advance on
his coming allotment payment in
order to pay his premium.
In the near future public meetings
will be held in order that more far
mers may get better understanding
of the program. In the meantime any
farmers interested should feel free
to bring their questions to the coun
ty office where every effort will be
made to explain the program in de
tail. Bill Francis Resigns
As State Policeman
W. E. (Bill) Francis, state police
man in charge of game enforcement
in this district for several years,
handed in his resignation from the
post last Thursday, checking in his
equipment at Salem the same day.
His resignation took effect Friday.
No announcement has yet been
made of his successor.
Mr. Francis said that he has thor
oughly enjoyed his law enforcement
work among local people, but that
he found it difficult to keep two
jobs going. After a two-weeks' rest
he will devote his time entirely to
ranching interests.
h 4 ii'w.rii
Though first drouth, then last week's cyclone devastated a large acreage of this year's crop on the Ernest
Christopherson farm in the Dry Fork section, Mr. Christophcrson and family are counted among the favored
families of the section. Theirs was the only one of farms hardest hit that carried AAA crop insurance, cover
ing losses from both causes up to 75 percent of normal yield. Pictured above are, at top, field of drouth-stricken
spring grain on which is seen the season's only harvest, that taken by the grazing cattle; lower left, Mr. Chris
topherson looking things over; lower right, two of his boys examining a field of ruined wheat. (Engraving by
courtesy of Pendleton East Oregonian.)
Individual AAA
Allotment Quotas
Expected Soon
Farmers of Morrow county soon
will receive notices of individual
wheat acreage allotments under the
1940 AAA program, according to E.
H. Miller, chairman of the county
agricultural conservation committee.
Oregon's 1940 wheat allotment of
851,458 acres recently was announced.
Morrow county, in turn, was allot
ted 104,427 acres. The county com
mittee is now engaged in subdivid
ing this allotment among individual
farms on the basis of the wheat ac
reage grown during the years 1935
to 1938.
Mr. Miller pointed out that notices
of individual wheat allotments are
going out much earlier this year than
a year ago, aiding farmers greatly
in planning operations.
The allotments will be mailed from
the county office to all wheat far
mers who signed work sheets dur
ing any of the years 1936 to 1939.
Mr. Miller emphasized that there is
no compulsion in complying with al
lotments, and that only farmers who
intend to cooperate with the 1940
farm program need plant in accord
ance with them.
"Farmers may ask adjustment of
allotments, if they are dissatisfied,"
he said. "As soon as farmers have
received notice of their allotments,
they have 15 days in which to appeal
to their county committees for re
consideration, explaining reasons for
wanting a change."
Similarly, the 15-day period of
fers opportunity to request 1940 al
lotments for "new" wheat farms
those which grew no wheat for har
vest during 1937, 1938 or 1939. Ap-
Fierce Badger
Trees Harvest
Crew on Combine
By Katherine Griffith
lone Badgers are fierce in the
Morgan district.
On the A. F. Palmateer ranch
Tuesday a badger started in pur
suit of Ted and the bulldog, then
took on the hired man and finally
had three men treed on the com
bine. They admit it themselves.
Car Accident Cuts
Electrical Service
The electric clock in Gordon's
pharmacy indicated exactly 4 o'clock
as the time when the car driven by
Harry Van Kirk of Portland took
out a line pole just this side of Lex
ington and left the power lines
wrapped together. Van Kirk es
caped with an injured arm, accord
ing to reports.
The accident happened on the "S"
curve just before entering Lexing
ton. The car failed to negotiate the
curve, took out the power pole and
landed, in badly damaged condition,
some30 feet in the ditch beyond.
Repairs were rushed just as soon
as the local office became aware of
the service interference and the
juice was on again at 10:30 o'clock.
Work in the Gazette Times office
was delayed several hours by the
plications must be made to county
committees in writing. Three per
cent of each county's wheat allot
ment has been set aside for use in
establishing "new" wheat allotments,
it was explained.
1 l " !
Queen Selection
Due; Miss Howell
Honoree of Dance
Rodeo directors this week are se
lecting the young lady who will rule
as queen of the three-day show,
August 24-5-6, but her identity will
not be revealed until the evening
of August 19, the date of the ball in
her honor to be held at the Hepp
ner pavilion.
All the queen's attendants were
honored at the opening of the dance
series here last Saturday night, and
for the next four Saturdays each
will have a special dance in her
honor held in her own grange dis
trict. Miss Dorothy Howell is the hon
oree for next Saturday's event to
be held at Lexington by her spon
soring grange. Other dances are set
at Rhea creek, July 29; Lena, Aug
ust 5, and lone, August 12.
CCC's Battle Grass
Fire at Rhea Siding
A 600-acre grass fire burned north
of the highway at Rhea Siding Sun
day evening and caused a call to be
made for assistance from the local
CCC camp. Arriving on the scene
shortly after 4 o'clock the men
fought continuously until 8 o'clock.
Much of the area covered by the
blaze was on range of Hynd broth
ers. A barn and machine shed were
burned but machinery and livestock
were saved on a farm next to the
highway. Had it not been for the
wind changing direction to reverse
the fire's path, it would have burned
clear to the river, reported Will
Morgan who assisted the CCC
Water Assured;
Dips Tomorrow,
Saturday Gratis
Week's Delay by
Pipe Break Leaves
All in Readiness
"Hi, Skin-nee-e! Let's go swim
min'!" The cry of the old swimmin' hole
may be heard in Heppner tomor
row. Knocked out of the scheduled
opening last Saturday by the break
in the pipe line, Heppner's big new
plunge was half filled with water
last night, and assurance was given
this morning that filling will be
completed tonight and that it will
be ready for use at 10 o'clock tomor
row morning.
Swims tomorrow and Saturday
will be free, announced Harold Buh
man, manager.
Last finishing touches were given
the pool and accessories this week,
and everything will be in readiness,
Buhman said.
Tank hours will be from 10 to 12,
mornings, and from 1:30 to dark, af
ternoons. Beginning Sunday regular admis
sion will be charged for tank use.
Individual swims will be 25 cents
for adults and 15 cents for child
ren, including high school students.
Season tickets are available for $3,
individual; $5 for two persons in the
same family, and $6 for three or more
persons in the same family. Tickets
will be on sale at the pool beginning
Delameter Wheat
First to Come Here
First of the new crop wheat to
reach Heppner was delivered this
week by Joe Delameter, with Wal
ter Becket, Lester Doolittle and C.
N. Jones among those so far bring
ing wheat to local warehouses. Har
vest is just getting under way gen
erally in the Heppner district and
the hauling is expected to pick up
from now until the peak is reached.
Wheat so far delivered is of num
ber one quality, weighing in around
61 pounds, and yields are reported
as fair with pre-harvest expectations
being exceeded.
A change in the state trucking
law this year that permits one neigh
bor to haul for another is expected
to delay delivery at warehouses.
Mrs. McAfee Sells
Home to Millers
Sale of the home of Mrs. Lucille
McAtee to E. H. Miller of Lexing
ton was announced by Mrs. McAtee
this morning, as she was preparing
to leave the first of next week with
sons Arthur and Austin for the east.
They will go first to Illinois for an
extended visit before going to Vick
eryville, Mich, to reside. Mrs. Mc
Atee recently disposed of her pas
time interest to Wm. Bucknum.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family
expect to move to town in the fall
to place the children in school.
Andrew Baldwin started work
Monday remodeling the general hos
pital of Mrs. L. G. Rumble's. Quite
extensive renovation and modern
ization is contemplated by Mrs.
Rumble and Mr. Baldwin expected
to be occupied by the work for
some time.
W. O. Dix, Virginia and Jo Jean
returned the first of the week from
a visit to the coast. Mrs. Dix re
mained in Portland to attend sum
mer school.