Thursday, June 29, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three HARDMAN NEWS Hardman News Features Visitations By HARDMAN HIGH SCHOOL Max Buschke and family have been in town the past week, with annual leave, before going to the Tamarack lookout for the summer. Marion Saling and Max did not go to the fire school which was held at Tollgate June 20th to 24th. Jim Stevens is the only one who went from Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Robison was in Condon the middle of this week to see Mr. Robison's mother, Mrs. Andrew Neal, who is quite ill. There will be a dance in the I. O. O. F. hall, given by the Re bekahs, July 1, with Ivan H. Leath ers furnishing the music. Juanita Carmichael of Lexington was in town a short time Saturday, bringing her mother over to visit at the home of Owen Leathers. The 4-H club met Wednesday, the Stevens children being the only ones from out of town attending. Cecile McDaniel was a new member. Edwin Craber returned home from Ashland where he has been the past two weeks with his son. On Sunday George Casky, dis patcher on the Heppner district of the Umatilla National forest, moved to Tupper ranger station with his bride, where he will be stationed for the summer and fall. George was married in Washington June 24th. Ed Warren who has been working for Clyde Wright was taken sud denly ill on Thursday and brought to the home of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Adams. Darrel Farrens was a visitor in town Sunday. Miss Oleta Raimey and her sister, Mrs. Arnold Richmond of Condon visited in Hardman Thursday. Miss Raimey was in town looking for a place to board as she is the grade school teacher for the lower grades. Mrs. Roy Neill and son Guy came over for the birthday party for Mrs. Neil Knighten on Friday. Miss Ann O' Sanders has been visiting Mrs. Knighten the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Vester Hams and Darrel Hams spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Batty visited the Lewis Batty home Sunday. A party from Reed's mill went to Deep creek fishing over the week end. Those enjoying the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFerrin and Isa bel, Mr. and Mrs. Wallert and Fred Reed. Jim Stevens returned Sunday from Tollgate where he attended fire school this week. He thinks fire school is very educational, and met a lot of fine fellows there. They played baseball after their work was completed and Kenneth Bleak man had the misfortune to dislo cate his knee. Delsie Reid, Donald Robinson and Charlotte Cannon were the only ones from this district who took the drivers' test in Heppner Monday. W. T. Reynolds was in town Mon day to attend the high school annual meeting. Elsie Devore of Portland came to town Monday to see about removing her furniture from the residence of the late B. F. Devore. While here she visited at the home of B. H. Bleakman and later returned to Heppner with Miss Pat Bleakman and Delsie Reid. Victor' Johnson and family of Heppner, Alice Hastings and girls, and Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Reid visited at the sheep camp of Ray mond McDonald Sunday and en joyed a very nice picnic. Mary McDaniel, Owen Leathers, Buck Adams and W. T. Reynolds were taxpayers who were appoint ed to help float the budget at the high school meeting. The budget was posted the same day. Ray Hams and wife of Portland were in town the first of the week, and at the Jim Hams home. Mrs. Hams is the sister of Arthur Ashin hurst whose body was found in the house that had burned down in Sand Hollow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hastings, brother of Sabin Hastings and nephew of Charley Hastings, are visiting here from Topeka, Kan. Thev nlan to stay about two weeks. Guy Hastings is here this week from the Al Bergstrom place on Eight Mile where he has been working for a number of years. Alice Hastings, Elsa M. Leathers, Ella Bleakman and Ethel Knighten were appointed to act as the board while voting for a director to serve five years on the high school board. The polls were open from 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. Harriet G. Robison re ceived the majority of the votes and is the new director, taking the place of Geo. Hayden from Dist. 51. WILLIAM E. WOEST Heart disease proved fatal to William E. Woest, 66, who died at Boardman at 5:20 a. m. Tuesday. He had just returned to the home of his son-in-law from a short walk when stricken. Woest was a natjve of New York and had been a resi dent of San Diego for 29 years. He had been employed as a street car motorman in that city for 19 years and was laid off seven years ago. He had been with his relatives at Board man for a short time prior to his death. Y.. . . MDdDD Require proper handling to insure freshness and retention of full food value . . . Our facilities place us in the top rank of food venders our fresh foods are always the freshest. Place your orders early for your 4th of July LUNCH Everything to make a well-filled lunch basket or your home-prepared dinner Get the habit of shopping here and make your food budget go farther. W. O. DIX Howard Swick and family of Mon ument and Mrs. Anna Bayless re- turned from Portland Tuesday. How ard shipped some cattle to Portland last week, finding a good market. They were accompanied home from Portland by Miss Frances Wilkinson who had spent two weeks at the coast For that Picnic Lynch No 4th of July lunch plans will be complete without including a supply of PRIDE OF OREGON ICE CREAM Packaged for immediate use or packed in bulk for carrying to the mountains, or to celebrations at distant points ... A supply of ice will also be handy for keeping butter and milk fresh and for other uses on such occasions. Buy Only the Best Creamery Products the kind made and sold by Morrow County Creamery W. CLAUDE COX, Proprietor n,T.ttmtmtpitmtmm.n.ttiin,T.....nitm.....,mftiitMtt.nm.,iitm...r..mntt...T.. tiMmmimtmtiilrlt.niitiimfiniiimfrtiprMttMilitiiinfMti MASH1N PRE HOLIDAY GENUINE WORLD-FAMOUS $8.00 6-ply 4.7519 With Your Old Tire SPECIAL FOR TRUCK OWNERS $30.36 10-ply 32 x 6 T. T. As Low as $7-80 6-ply Tires With Your Old Tire Size Price . Size Price 4.5021 1 7.80 5.5017 9.84 4.7519 j 8.00 6.0016 10.92 5.0019 1 8.72 6.5016 13.68 Ferguson Motor Co Heppner, Oregon Phone 403