mimm Volume 56, Number 16 Advertising of Rodeo to Be Given Broader Range Business Men Take Action In Promoting Annual Exhibition Heppner's annual western classic, the Rodeo, will receive wider pub licity throughout the northwest this year, due to the cooperation of the Rodeo association and business men in an advertising campaign. Addi tional circulation of information rel ative to the local show will be ob tained through the use of special envelopes which business houses have bought in generous quantities for use during July and August. Decision to try this method of sell ing the show at home and abroad was reached in the meeting of the association at Hotel Heppner last Friday evening. A special design gotten up in the Gazette Times printery met with the instant approval of business men and the response has been gratifying. The design is printed in two colors, with type matter in blue and the cut of a horse and rider in red. The wording is brief, merely stating "Heppner Rodeo, Heppner, Oregon, August 24, 25, 26, 1939," with the slogan, "She's Wild!" under the horse and rider. Several matters connected with the operation of the show were pre sented and discussed. C. D. Conrad, county agent, spoke briefly regard ' ing the 4-H club fair, which is an important feature of the Heppner event. It is his belief that the grain show should be stressed more than in the past, that being his chief suggestion at this time. He asked that the 4-H clubbers be given the same consideration as in the past relative to concessions at the queen dances and received assurance that there would be no change in that matter. Frank Alfred read and explained the terms of the underwriters' agreement, making it clear that signers will in no event be assess ed more than the $25 specified. A list of responsible guarantors has been made up by the committee and it is expected that 50 or more of these will sign up. An effort will be made to get more floats in this year's parade. To ac complish this it will be necessary to start work on the floats earlier than in the past and this is what the parade committee expects to do. Solicitation for funds will start right after the Fourth of July and classifications and prizes will be announced as quickly as possible. The parade is separate from the Rodeo, although the association has backed it at different times. All money solicited for the parade is spent on that feature alone. When there has not been money enough to pay out on the parade the as sociation has come to the rescue. Another advertising feature dis cussed and left for committee in' vestigation was that of selling Ro deo buttons. Other shows have been using this method with some sue cess and the local association is dis posed to try the plan here.' The but tons may be made redeemable at concessions and the Rodeo, or the committee may decide on offering prizes. Admissions will remain the same as last year, one dollar general ad mission, 50 cents for children and $1.25 for reserved seats. BLANKENSIIIPS IN EAST Word received from Superinten dent Aldon Blankenship of the Hepp ner schools this morning is to the effect that he and Mrs. Blankenship were headed for New York where he will take special summer work in the teachers' college of Columbia university. They will be in New York until the middle of August. Heppner, LUMBER PILING UP AT LOCAL PLANT Heppner Lumber Co. Swings Into Action With New Mill During Past Week. Lumber piles are growing at the plant of the Heppner Lumber com pany two miles north of Heppner. Sawing started last week and al ready there is evidence of a suc cessful season well under way. , An order for 200,000 feet of clear lumber for the Nicolai Sash & Door factory of Portland is now drying and the mill started on logs of the Bridal Veil Lumber company the first of this week. Some of this material will be planed by the lo cal plant, it was stated. A crew of 22 men is employed at the sawmill at this time and a daily cutting of 40,000 feet is being made. With the men in the timber getting out the logs and the truck ing crew hauling the timber to the mill the payroll of the new indus try approximates 50 men. Aside from the mill payroll, the Heppner Fuel company, Turner and Parker, has several men employed piling slabwood on a tract east of the highway near the millsite. One piece of machinery in use at the mill and new to this district is the carrier used in hauling the freshly cut lumber from the mill to the piling yard. Due to the rough terrain over which the carrier has to operate the one in use here is much smaller than those used in the big mills, yet it is capable of handling the output of a mtwh big ger mill. It has been the practice of the local operators to use a truck for the piling job in former locations. Additional trucks will be put in service to haul logs from the moun tains in order to keep the plant running at capacity. Beamer Team Will Eat Chicken Dinner Running up a total of 4552 points, the team captained by Ralph Beam er won the crow and magpie con test from the team captained by George Howard, final scores re vealed this week. Howard's team was a fair runner-up, netting 4147 points. Under the agreement made at the start of the contest several months ago, Beamer's team will eat chick en and Howard and his crew will eat crow maybe. The dinner for the winners will be served some time during July at which time it is expected that Frank B. Wire, state game supervisor, will be present. Winners in the egg-taking con test were Raymond Parrish. of Hepp ner, Robert Hoskins, lone and Bob by Wright, Rhea Creek. Each boy was awarded a .22 rifle, the guns being given by Gilliam & Bisbee, Geen Hardware and J. Logie Rich ardson. Kinzua Building Logging Highway A logging highway 32 feet wide is being built by the Kinzua Pine Mill company from Wineland lake to the W. H. French place, according to District Ranger F. F. Wehmeyer, who states that the road will be for private use. The company has a 100 foot right-of-way for 11 miles, the distance between the end of the logging railroad at Wineland lake and the French place. Upon completion of the highway huge diesel motored trucks with a capacity of 8,000 feet will be put in to operation hauling logs to the rail road. The road is so constructed as to permit a speed of 30 miles an hour by the trucks. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schwartz of Portland were in the county this week looking after property inter ests. While here they were regis tered at Hotel Heppner. Oregon, Thursday, June Grangers, Friends Join in Picnic And Farm Tour Phases of Farm Work Viewed at Heppner, Boardman Meets Sponsored by the granges of the county and the soil conservation service, two farm tours were con ducted the past week end. The first one was held Saturday at Board man for the farmers of the north end of the county and on Sunday farmers of the south half of the county gathered at Heppner for a picnic and farm tour of the Willow creek district. A short program was held at the Boardman high school at 11 o'clock. Charles W. Smith, assistant state county agent leader, Judge Bert Johnson and County Agent C. D. Conrad participated in the program. Mr. Smith emphasized the benefits derived from such meetings and discussed with the people the im provements that had been made in the last several years and the pos sibility of new agricultural trends. Judge Johnson discussed the tax situation, county roads and other items which come before the county court. Pot-hick dinner was served at the Greenfield grange hall. Following the dinner the crowd went to Paul Smith's where the county agent discussed and pointed out the important characteristics in dairy heifers and market hogs. Oth er places visited on the tour includ ed pasture crops at the M. L. Myers farm, corn and truck crops at John Preuter's, cossack alfalfa at Mr, Mil ler's, hybrid corn, beardless barley and smutless oats at W. N. Nicker son's, ladak alfalfa, sweet clover and electric fencing at Vic Myers, and general farmstead at Mr. Root's. Plans had been made for visiting the forage nursery and corn trial at Irrigon, but there were only two people from Irrigon attended the tour and as time was limited these trials were not visited. More than 250 people gathered at the Rodeo grounds in Heppner Sun day morning to witness a Softball game between the Rhea Creek grange and a team from Heppner. It looked like the grangers were going to ex trminate the town challengers but when the latter finally hit their stride the tables were turned and Heppner came out victorious. Following the ball game the crowd moved to the mess hall at Camp Heppner where a pot-luck dinner was enjoyed. Rhea Creek, Lexing ton and Willows granges each fur nished five gallons of ice cream for the picnic and the CCC furnished coffee and cookies. C. D. Conrad, county agent, acted as master of ceremonies, introducing as speakers Wesley Spencer, area conservation ist from Pendleton; Vida Heliker, Morrow county pomona lecturer; Mrs. Grace Turner, manager of the Lexington Oil Co-op, and Charles W. Smith. Following the lunch and program eighteen automobiles started on a tour which extended up Hinton creek to the Cleveland farm where gully control work was observed, and Mr. Kistner, camp superinten dent, explained such work; then to Wightman Bros, dairy for a short look at an old stand of bulbous bluegrass; then to Manuel Petteys' farm at Jordan where clean cul ture work on morning glories was observed; then to the Frank Holub farm at lone to observe an eradi cation trial on Russion knapweed, Both of these meetings were well attended and everyone appeared in terested in the agricultural work that is being done in Morrow coun ty by the various services and by the farmers themselves. It was suggested by Mr. Smith that as soon as results warrant on the 29, 1939 M. L. CASE ELECTED LION PRESIDENT Veteran Business Man Chosen At Monday Election to Head Civic Group Ensuing Year. M. L. Case, veteran business man and a charter member of the local chapter, was chosen president of the Lions club at the annual elec tion held Monday noon. Other of ficers elected at the meeting in cluded first vice president, B. C. Pinckney; second vice president, W. C. Rosewall; third vice presi dent, Tom Wells; secretary-treasurer, Lee Howell; Hon tamer, Lt. Marius Hanford; tail twister, George Howard, and two directors, Dr. A. D. McMurdo and Ray P. Kinne. Lion Lee Howell explained sec tions of the federal housing act, dwelling particularly upon section two which he felt comes nearer meeting the requirements of local financing conditions. There .will be no meeting next Monday, July 3, and on Monday, July 17, the Lions will have a dinner meeting at Camp Heppner as guests of the CCC. The clubbers will dine with the enrollees. Fire Hazard Great Fire season in the national forests opens July 1. That means camp fire permits, shovels, wa ter buckets and other tools spec ified by the forest service for all users of the forests. Due to the extremely dry con dition prevailing in the moun tains this year it is necessary that every possible precaution be taken to prevent the starting of fires. It is up to every indi vidual. Don't think "it can't happen to me." It can. So don't throw lighted matches down or out of the car' window; don't empty live ashes from your pipe directly onto the ground use your ash tray for that pur pose and for depositing cigar ette butts; and above all, don't leave a camp fire unattended and never abandon camp until the last spark is extinguished. Cooperation on the part of every individual using the for est areas is essential if the pres ent season is to pass without disastrous fires. Man has no control over the actions of na ture and timber destruction from that source is costly enough without adding the carelessness of mankind to the burden. Be a good woodsman, and thus a better citizen. Woodsaw and Wedge Figure in Accidents A woodsaw and a steel wedge figured in accidents which brought two men to Heppner for medical treatment Tuesday. Frank E. Parker, Heppner flat farmer, is at Heppner hospital re covering from the effects of losing one finger, part of another and se vere lacerations to a third finger on his left hand, the result of getting his hand tangled with a power wood saw. The little finger was entirely severed, part of the third finger was cut off and the middle finger was badly lacerated. Cecil Lutkins came in from his ranch seven miles south of Hard man to have a bad cut on his arm sewed up. Lutkins was piling wood while another man nearby was split ting blocks with the aid of a mallet and a wedge. A sliver from the steel wedge struck Lutkins arm, making an incision which required five stitches to close. He was certain the slug had lodged in his arm but an x-ray revealed that the sliver had passed through. For dressed fryers phone Mrs. H. O. Bauman. forage nurseries and corn trials at Irrigon a similar tour be held in that community which will proba bly be the latter part of July or the first of August. Subscription $2.00 a Year Murder, Suicide, Fire Figure in Week-end Tragedy Coroner Jury Blames Arthur Ashinhurst In Double Slaying "We find that Arlaine Harvey came to her death between the hours of 12 noon, June 22, and 5 a. m., June 23, at a place unknown but probably in the vicinity of Granite, Grant county, Oregon, by means of a blow struck with a sharp, instru ment in the right temple at the hands of and by said Arthur Ash inhurst." "Arthur Ashinhurst came to his death shortly before 5 a. m. June 23 as a result of a self-inflicted bul let wound from a revolver found at his side at the Ashinhurst ranch in Sand Hollow, Morrow county." Thus did the coroner's jury fix in brief the blame for the tragedy which apparently started with murder in Grant county and came to a finale in Sand Hollow, this county, when the Ashinhurst house burned to the ground leaving two charred bodies as grim evidence of the killer's de termination to accomplish certain death for himself after having de stroyed the girl he professed to love. Evidence obtained from witnesses at the coroner's inquest, which re quired most of two days, pointed to the slaying of the girl by Ashin hurst near Granite, a wild night drive to the house in Sand Hollow where, apparently about 5 o'clock in the morning, he carried her dead body into the house and placed it on a bed, returned to the car from which he drained the gasoline, re turned to the house with the gaso line, scattered it over bedding and furniture, ignited it and then re clining on the bed beside the dead girl, fired a bullet into his own brain. That, in brief, is the general recon struction of the story of what hap pened between noon on Thursday, June 22, and 5 a. m., June 23. Ashinhurst and Miss Harvey were at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Myers, near Granite Thursday morn ing. About 11 o'clock they decided to drive into Granite to get the mail. Myers asked Ashinhurst to bring out some nails. As the afternoon wore on and the pair did not re turn, the Myers' became a little worried and drove to Granite and found the pair had not been seen after 12 o'clock. In her testimony Mrs. Myers related that she heard a car in the afternoon that sounded like Ashinhurst's. It apparently was, climbing the hill nearby on an un used road. It is thought possible ' that Ashinhurst and the girl had , quarreled about leaving Granite and; returning to this county or going; elsewhere and that there might have been a struggle prior to his driving up the hill. No one saw or heard the car return down the hill and supposition is that if Miss Harvey had been slain before Ashinhurst drove up the hill he remained there until dark and then started for Sand ' Hollow. He possibly remained there until near midnight. $t requires five hours or more to cover the distance between Granite and Heppner un der normal driving conditions, aa proved by Norman Myers, who clocked his drive from there to Heppner when summoned by Sheriff Bauman and found by hard driving he had made it in five and one-half hours. Testimony submitted at the in quest revealed that Ashinhurst, who was more than 43 years of age but contended to the girl and her fam ily that he was only 30, was extreme ly jealous and that he had more than once stated that if he couldn't have her no other man would. He had been making love to her for about four years, it was stated, and Continued on Page Eight