Page Six Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 22, 1939 LEXINGTON NEWS Mrs. Pointer Hostess To L. A. Society By MARGARET SCOTT Mrs. Maude Pointer entertained the Ladies Aid at her home last Wednesday afternoon. Refreshments of cookies and punch were served. Those present besides the hostess were Mrs. Kate Slocum and Mar jorie Slocum of Heppner, Cora Al lyn, Mary Edwards, Elva Ruhl, Sarah Thornburg, Getta Cox, Edna Mun kers, Nellie Palmer, La Verne Hen derson, Delpha Jones, Florence Mc Millan, Tempa Johnson, Anna Keene, Faye Ruhl, Mabel Gray, Nettie Da vis and Frances McMillan. i Charles Shinn returned to his home in Portland Wednesday morn ing after visiting his daughter, Mrs, J. F. McMillan. Ira Lewis was a Portland visitor last week. Billy Scott is visiting at the Neal Knighten home in Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Benge and daughter are visiting in Medford at the home of Mr. Benge's sister, Mrs, Hilding Bengston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall spent several days visiting in Portland last week. Rae Cowins visited at the George Allyn home last week from her Heppner home. Mrs. Wm. Schoonover and daugh ter are guests at the home of Mrs. Schoonover's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Way. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daughter Sally Lee were visiting here this week from Portland. At the school meeting held Mon day afternoon Adolph Majeske was reelected as a member of the school board and Ruth Lasich was re elected to fill the position of clerk. The budget was read and approved. A. M. Edwards and daughter Edith were business visitors in John Day Tuesday. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slocum has been named Frances Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Dougherty and son Gary are visiting relatives in Corvallis. Billy Burchell of Corvallis is vis iting at the home of his grandmoth er, Mrs. Tempa Johnson. Ralph Jackson was a Portland visitor over the week end. Carl Whillock and family visited relatives in Spray last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and son Larry and Grant Henderson motored to Stanfield Sunday to take Mr. Henderson's mother to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall were Pendleton visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Valentine mo tored to Portland this week where Mrs. Valentine will receive further medical treatment. Their daughter Kay and her grandmother, Mrs. Ed na Turner, were guests of Merle Carmichael Sunday. Mrs. Golda Leathers has returned home from La Grande where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs. Al Fetsch has returned to her home here after working in Hermiston for a week. Margaret Leach is staying at the Bill McMillan home in Corvallis while she is taking a summer col lege course in that city. Emil Marquardt is home from Portland where he has been receiv ing medical treatment. Doris Klinger was a guest of Helen Breshears Saturday. Edwina Breshears and June Stea gall are attending the Catholic church summer school in Heppner. Those attending the Christian church picnic at the Roy Neill ranch Sunday were Mrs. Ralph Scott and son Billy, Dona Barnett, Trina Parker, Louise Hunt, Marcella Jack son, Colleen McMillan and Edith and Jerrine Edwards. Mountain Region Receives Soaking More than an inch of rain fell in the Blue mountains south of Hard- man over the week end, according to W. H. French of the Blue Moun tain ranch who was in Heppner Monday. The showers have held up haying operations to some extent but have been of incalculable value to range lands and late grain. Mr. French stated that he had completed a contract for delivery of fuel to Camp Heppner, wherein 110 cords of four-foot wood had been cut and delivered in 18 days. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Salter of lone took time off from their hatchery to spend a few hours in the county seat Monday. OFF MAR STANDARD LIST PRICES ON THE FAMOUS ATHON TI 4th of July SALE JUNE 24th.. JULY 4th Not a little-known or off -brand tire but a real top-quality tire, made and guaranteed by the world's largest tire maker! Even at regular prices, this great tire is a real buy. And now we offer amazing reductions just in time for your Holiday trip. Marathons are in a class by them selves for downright value at these rock-bottom prices Buy now and save! 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.25-18 $g68 $g88 $g00 5.50-17 6.00-16 6.50-16 $g80 $056 .$jj60 NET PRICES INCLUDING YOUR OLD TIRE FERGUSON MOTOR CO. Heppner, Oregon Phone 403 Miss Coriea Bride of Ernest A. Dumond A wedding of interest to many Morrow county people was solem nized on Sunday, June 11, at the Catholic church in Hermiston when Miss Anna Louise Coriea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Coriea of Echo, became the bride of Mr. Ernest A. Dumond of Stanfield. Attended by Mrs. Mary Coriea, sister of the groom, as matron of honor, Miss Frances Coriea, who held the veil, Mrs. Reata Brown, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, and Mrs. Brown's little girl as flower girl, the bride approached the altar to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Pearson of Hermiston, where she was given in marriage by her father. Following a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, to which 35 guests were invited, the newlyweds left for Portland on their honeymoon. Outside guests attending the wed ding included Mrs. Antone Cunha and Mrs. Frank Coriea of Butter creek, Mrs. Lillie Aiken and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken of Heppner, Mrs. Charles Corder of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christian of Vancouver, Wash. JOE S. LIEUALLEN PASSES Funeral services for Joe S. Lieu allen, 69, were held at Weston Mon day afternoon. Mr. Lieuallen died at Weston Friday. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. M. Eubanks of lone, Mrs. Leatha Buschke of Pendleton and Mrs. William Hen derson of Portland; two brothers, J, A. Lieuallen of Walla Walla and Charles W. Lieuallen of California, and a sister, Mrs. J. H. Padberg of Lexington. Dr. Alfred E. Jones of Boise, Idaho, spent Friday here in the interest of his optical business. Accompanied by Mrs. Jones, he left Saturday morning for San Francisco to see the world fair. Professional Directory Heppner Blacksmith 6 Machine Shop Expert Welding and Repairing L. H. HARLOW, Mgr. GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 635 MEAD BUILDING Bth at Washington PORTLAND, OREGON A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . Trained Nurse Assiitant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in New Peters Building F. W. Turner & Co. rUBE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies Beal Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Just the serrloe wanted when you want it most" J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotql Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 823 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES SEASONABLE .Roberts Building Heppner, Ore. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENEBAL INSTJBANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing KERR, GIFFORD & CO., INC. on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 452 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 3-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson fir Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Fraotlce In State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Notary PubUo Phone 62 lone, Ore. FOB BEST MARKET FBICES for your new or old wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored in Heppner and Lexington, ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch Bepresenting Balfour, Guthrie ft Co.