Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 22, 1939, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00
Three Years 5.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months . .75
Single Copies 05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Visit the Fair
TO ADVISE the spending of
money for pleasure when it is
difficult for many of us to pay for
the necessities of life is perhaps a
bit out of order, yet if the money is
spent for worthwhile pleasures the
advice may not be too far wrong.
Witlj that thought in mind it is sug
gested that if you are in good stand
ing with the butcher, the baker, the
tax collector and kindred agencies,
and if you have at least all but 23
of the installments on your car paid
up and can obtain a credit card for
your, gas and oil bills, you should
plan to see one or the other of the
world fairs now in progress. More
than likely you will have the San
Francisco fair in mind, that being
closer and more within your reach.
Local people returning from the
great exposition on Treasure Island
attempt to describe what they have
seen and usually wind up by tell
ing their auditors they should see
the fair as no one person can take
it all in and come home and tell
about it. The builders had in mind
something that could not be seen
in a day. That would hardly be
worth while and few people would
travel far to see such a fair. As a
world exposition it is beyond the
grasp of the average citizen and to
see it in its entirety, that is, a
thorough coverage of buildings and
exhibits, would require weeks. What
one gets out of it depends upon
what one is interested in. If it is
amusements, there are plenty, of
them, but the average visitor travel
ing from as far as eastern Oregon
has not much time to spare for the
lighter variety such as is reported
to be found on the Gayway. For the
serious minded there is a wealth of
exhibits gathered from all sections
of the world and to this division of
the fair we would direct all whose
good fortune it is to visit Treasure
Aside from the fair, the trip to
and from it is worthy of considera
tion. A choice of several routes is
yours, affording an opportunity to
see a vast territory with scarcely
O Ten Years Ago
doubling a single mile over the same
road. As to the expense, that is up
to the individual. It depends on your
ability to buy a lot for your money.
Returning visitors are of the opin
ion that the San Francisco fair is not
paying out as its builders figured it
should. This is not an appeal in
behalf of the fair, although increased
attendance would help the directors
solve their problem, but rather is
prompted by the thought that a show
of such magnitude may not again be
available in our time, especially on
this coast. So, if you find it possible
to bridge the ifs mentioned in the
opening paragraph and can make
the trip without having a feeling
that the sheriff will be waiting for
you when you get home, why not
go if you want to.
State Grange at
OSC Passes Upon
Many Proposals
Described by many state officers
as one of the most constructive and
harmonious sessions in years, the
sixty-sixth annual convention of
the Oregon State grange concluded
a five-day session on the campus
of Oregon State college by reaffirm
ing much of the traditional grange
policy on state and national affairs
and taking action for or against va
rious current issues.
For the first time in history the
grange shared the campus with more
than 2000 4-H club summer session
students and their leaders, which
added to the interest of both events,
according to those in charge.
Benton county host granges, in
addition to providing what was de
scribed as the. best convention facil
ities ever enjoyed, were able to win
one of the high convention honors
when the Willamette grange drill
team took first prize in the state
drill competition. Silverton Hills
grange was second, and Harding
grange in Clackamas county third.
Folowing is a highly condensed
summary of official action on sev
eral, of the major issues considered:
Farm Program Favored principles
of so-called cost-of-production bill
(S. B. 570) but urged continuation
of present plan pending adoption of
such legislation. Approved passage
of ending agricultural appropriation
bill, including funds for surplus pur
chases and parity payments.
Public Power Condemned most
changes in PUD law made by last
legislature and authorized executive
committee to consider amendments
before next grange session or pos
sible special session of the legisla
ture. Favored election rather than
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Uregon
vivM i m y -f Kff v
lO ' ft -f J
(Thursday, June 27, 1929)
American Legion pool ready for
opening July 3.
Old Slocum mill to be reopened
by Heppner Pine Lumber company
A. G. Reschke, president.
Heppner drops out of pennant
race in Wheatland league. Wasco
out in front.
John T. Kirk and family preparing
to move to Vernonia.
Two double-deck cars of sheep
left local yards for Omaha. Frank
Oxman, shipper.
Richard Dix in "Redskin," Star
theater, Sunday and Monday, all
in natural colors.
American Legion auxiliary sold
660 Donpies on Memorial day, send
ing in $69.10 to state department,
report on Poppy Day sales shows.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
3 Sizes to Suit Everybody
Central Market
Ture Peterson, Mgr.
Slab Wood
$4 Cord for Green
$5 Cord for Dry
-delivered anywhere
within three miles . .
anywhere in county
3 at Mill
Good Wood
Good Measure
Heppner Fuel Co.
Phones: Office 152; Res. 1122
Here, Ture Peterson, manager of Central Market, proudly dis
plays two fine FFA calves that were raised by James Moyer and John
Lane, Jr., and butchered by Mr. Peterson himself.xWhen the fine meat
went on the block Saturday it met with popular reception. Elkhorn
restaurant and Hotel Heppner were purchasers of the first quarters
appointment of state utilities commissioner.
Seed Laws Favored adding seed
grain to the state pure seed law and
urged adoption of proposed federal
seed law (HR 5625) with amendments.
Taxation Authorized county and
state studies of complete tax plan,
including possibility of taxing both
public and private power on kilo
watt hour basis.
Transportation and Highways
Favored including water transpor
tation' in ICC, mixed carlot freight
privileges, and compulsory testing
of automobiles to be financed by
highway funds. Opposed so-called
long and short haul bills.
Grange Organization Changed
name of Young Grangers' auxiliary
to Young Grangers of America, and
gave this more official standing. Re
fused to change state grange elec
tion procedure. Required that local
and countv grange resolutions be
Thursday, June 22, 1939
harmonized with state and national
policy before being made public.
U. of O. Students
Print Fine Book
University of Oregon, Eugene,
June 22. A beautifully printed vol
ume on the Life of William Caxton,
which John Henry Nash, nationally
famed printer, describes as one of
the finest specimens of book-making
art of recent years, was com
pleted during the term just past by
the typography class of the Univer
sity of Oregon.
The type itself was cut in Eng
land, an exact duplicate of a favor
ite of the early day printer to whom
the art owes so much and the text
is a paper read by George Parker
Winship before the Odd Volumes
Club of Boston in 1908.
The volume is printed on attract
ive paper, quaintly watermarked
with a unicorn, and is bound in In
dia board covers. It contains 21
pages of text.
The project was suggested by Dr.
Nash, who last year moved his shop
to the university from San Fran
cisco. The work was done under the
direction of Robert C. Hall, associate
professor of journalism and head of
the University Press.
Students who took part in the set
ting and printing were Edward
Hearn, William Pengra, Glen Pown
der, all of Portland; Robert Pen
land, Eugene, and Homer Graham,
The Dalles.
Fossil, Ore.,
July 3 RODEO July 4
Broncho Busting, Bareback Riding, Steer Roping, Etc.
20 Rounds-July 3 OUTDOOR STADIUM 20 Rounds-July 4
JULY 2, 3, k
JULY 3-4 Featuring
Babe Novak and Her All-Girl Swing Band
Blues Singers