Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 22, 1939 IONE NEWS returning from Portland where her PINE CITY NEWS Voters Disinterested In School Election By KATHERINE GRIFFITH The annual school election was 'held Monday at the school house with a very small attendince. J. P. O'Meara was elected director for a term of three years over his oppon ent, I. R. Robison, by a majority of one vote. Ralph Harris . was re elected clerk. In District No. 5 at Morgan the new director is A. C. Crowell. Mrs. Bert Palmateer was re-elected as clerk. In District No. 14 the new direct or is W. H. Zinter and J. O. Kincaid was re-elected clerk. Gilbert Haller, a Pacific univer sity graduate, has accepted the po sition as science teacher and ath letic coach left vacant by the resig nation of Homer Williams who has accepted a position in Grangeville Idaho. Jane Fitzpatrick went to Heppner Sunday to attend the Catholic sum mer school there for the next two weeks. ' Frank Richard Herman, Jr., of Eugene is visiting his cousin, Frank Holub. Irvin Ritchie departed from lone Tuesday for Athena. He had just . returned from Pendleton where he has been employed in the railroad station. He recently passed an ex amination to become a telegraph operator. Mrs. L. A. Hunting of Port An geles, Wash., is the buest of her sis ter, Mrs. E. J. Keller. She came to lone with her nieces, Miss Gwen dolyn Jones of Portland and Mrs, E. J. Blake and little daughter Jo anne of Heppner. She has been trav eling in California and had attend ed the world's fair. Mrs. Blake is little daughter underwent a minor operation.- Elmer Griffith and son George departed Thursday for Portland on business. When they returned Sat urday they were accompanied by Dorothy Couch of Eugene who is a grand-niece of Mrs. Griffith. Laxton McMurray and his guest, C. A. Franklin of Camas, Wash., at tended a meeting of Spanish-Amer ican War veterans at Pendleton on Saturday. They also attended a bar becue served by the auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake are en joying a visit from their grandsons, Robert and Billy Blake, sons of Merle Blake of Portland. Robert Goodall of Eugene spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Griffith of Morgan. He was return ing from a trip to La Grande, The cool weather is permitting the grain to develop in good condition, On Sunday morning a rain amount ing to .09 fell. A small grass fire west of the ele- vator was extinguished Tuesday morning by a group of men from town. Mrs. Alice Wiles is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr of Tygh Valley. Mr, Carr is suffering from septic sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ely entertained Mr. Ely's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely in honor of the latter's thirty-seventh wedding anniversary on Sunday. Correction: Mr .and Mrs. Algott Lundell celebrated their 25th (sil ver) wedding anniversary two weeks ago. The Omaha Woodmen's lodge is sponsoring a dance at the Legion hall Saturday, June 24, Pine City People n Week's News By BERNICK WATTENBURGER Lloyd Baldridge left Friday for Ellensbuig, Wash., to visit at the Charley Morehead home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew returned home Friday from Spo kane for the week end. They plan to return to Spokane Monday. A number attended the dance at Lena Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger received word Monday morning of the arrival of a new grandson. The young man weighed nine pounds and was named John Edward Bu- seick. He was born in Long Creek at the Reid Buseick home. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Ayers and daughter attended the show in Heppner Sunday and remained to see Mrs. Burl Coxen who has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughter and Ray Ayers called Sinr day at the CCC camp at Lena and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Hughes. Miss Carol and Eddie Doherty of Pendleton are visiting at the Jim Daly home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morgan of Hepp ner were Sunday dinner guests at the Jim Daly home. The Christian churches of Her- miston, Heppner and Lexington had a big picnic dinner and afternoon service at the Roy Neill home on Lewis Batty of Hardman was business visitor in Heppner Tues day. TheSTAR REPORTER Friday-Saturday WINGS OF THE NAVY with George Brent, Olivia de Havilland, John Payne, Frank McIIugh This feature was produced at the Naval air bases at Pensacola, Florida, and San Diego, California, with the Navy cooperating fully. One of the most timely aviation pictures ever to come off the line. plus MR. MOTO IN DANGER ISLAND with Peter Lorre, Jean Hcrsholt, Amanda Duff, Warren Hymer Deep, double dyed-in-the-wool mystery with all the necessary trimmings and hilarious comedy. Cartoon Sunday-Monday THE STORY OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL with Don Amcchc, Lorctta Young, Henry Fonda, Charles Coburn, Gene Lockhart, Spring Byington, Sally Blane, Polly Ann Young, Gcorjriana Young, Bobs Watson. Here is human interest entertainment as close to the heart as are one's own emotions. The appeal of the story is bounded by no limits. It might have been about any man and woman who lived and loved and dreamed great things ... it tells the story of the man who in vented the telephone and the woman who was his wife. Mystic Siam Movietone News Cartoon Tuesday PAL NIGHTS 2 adults 35c, 2 children 10c FAST AND LOOSE with Robert Montgomery, Rosaline Russell, Reginald Owen, Ralph Morgan, Alan Dinchart, Joan Marsh Not very often does a picture combine so completely so many different kinds of entertainment . . . comedy daubed with a tint of hokum. Cartoon Pete Smith Wednesday-Thursday, June 28-29 ICE FOLLIES OF 1939 with Joan Crawford, James Stewart, Lew Ayrcs, Lewis Stone, Lionel Slander, International Ice Follies. A double-barrelled attraction ... the sequence presenting the ice ballet in full color is outstanding . . . only the color camera could report accurately the artistry of these incredible skaters. News of the Day Crime Doesn't Pay Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall (Lexington) are invited to present this coupon at the boxoffice for complimentary admissions. To be used before June 30th. STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon Butter creek Sunday. The annual school meeting was held Monday,- June 19, at the Pine City school. Fay Finch was reelect ed clerk for a one-year term and Marion Finch was elected director for a three -year term. It was then discussed and voted upon whether the high school would be retained the coming year, and it was voted out. The students will attend any high school they wish for the com ing year. Mrs. Lois Kent of Rainier is to teach the grades the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knotts, Mrs, Walter Wagner, Mrs. Frank Done and Clyde Dickenson of Pilot Rock spent Friday visiting Earl Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison. Martin Main of Beaver creek spent Friday at the Boylen ranch. Mr. Main reported things cold and dry on Beaver creek. Six-weeks roosters 20c: smaller size 15c. Walter Jepson, lone. 6-22c Sunday School Groups Picnic at Neill's Sunday schools of the Heppner, Lexington and Hermiston Christian churches forsook the customary gathering in their respective church houses last Sunday and met at the L. D. Neill home on Butter creek for an all-day picnic. There was a light rainfall part of the day but not enough moisture to dampen the en thusiasm of the picnickers. Five cars bearing upwards of 30 people went from Heppner and Lex ington and Hermiston made up the balance of the 100 or more in at tendance. A cafeteria lunch was served un der the trees at the Neill home, fol lowed by services later in the after noon at which time Rev. Martin B. Clark, pastor of the Heppner church, preache.d. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER 1 AND WAY POINTS Arrive Mon., Weds., Fri. and Sat. Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent "PREVENT FOREST FIRES IT PAYS" It doesn't take long to acquire an ALL-ELECTRIC DREAM KITCHEN . . . Start yours now! You WANT a gleaming, efficient all-electric kitchen ... don't you? Here's the way to get it: Visit any dealer or your Pacific Power & Light Company office. Buy one piece of equipment todajr on convenient terms ...a 1939 model streamlined electric range, for instance. Then acquire other appliances as you can afford them. Soon your all-electric dream kitchen will be complete. At Pacific Power & Light Company's low electric rates, the operating cost will be only a few cents a day. See any dealer In electrical equipment or Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service