Page Eight PINE CITY NEWS Surprise Dinner Honors Birthday A surprise birthday dinner was given Sunday in honor of Mr. Wat tenburger's birthday. Those present were Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Neva; Mrs. Dale Acres and daugh ter Glenna; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Loyd Ballridge, Jim Ayers, Mrs. Frank Helms and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strain, Mr. and Mrs. Jim La Marr, Charley McKen zie, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenbur ger and children, Miss Donna Bu seick, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison and son Johnny and Earl Abbot spent Wednesday in Walla Walla. Burl Wattenburger and son Burl Jr., spent from Wednesday until Saturday in Mt. Vernon looking af ter Mr. Wattenburger's bees. Mrs. Helen Currin and son Ron ald of Lena spent Tuesday after noon with her sister, Mrs. John Harrison. Miss Mabel Rauch and Malcolm O'Brien have been given a two weeks' summer course in Corvallis under the 4-H club work. Pendleton callers Saturday and Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison.'' Mrs. Phillis Hamlin of Walla Walla is spending a few days visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison and Earl Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strain of Pen dleton spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger. Lena grange held a picnic Sunday at the Pleasant Point schoolhouse and the men worked on the grounds and fence at the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Finch and family of Pine City attended, as did Mr. and Mrs. Jas Twr Mvers. LT 4 I Mr nnH Mrs. Vlovd Van Orsdall spent Memorial day with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger. Miss Donna Buseick is spending a week or two with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Watten burger. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill and Miss Ann O'Saunders spent Saturday in the Wallowa country. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and children spent Sunday evening at the E. B. Wattenburger home. Miss Marie Healy is home for a two weeks vacation. Miss Healy works in the First National bank in Portland. She is spending her va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy.. Billy Healy spent Monday night and Tuesday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healy. (Last Weeks News) Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and family spent Saturday in Pendleton on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart of Seattle returned to their home Sun day after visiting with Mrs. Stew art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore. John Harrison has purchased a new pick-up. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger were Sunday morning visitors at the Pete Wilkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGreer and Bobby Groundvold and Ronald Mc Donald spent Sunday at Sunset Inn. Earl Abbott who has been in the veterans' hospital the past three years returned to the Boylen ranch Monday. Black Disease of Sheep Described The first Oregon publication deal ing extensively with Black disease of sheep has just been issued by the OSC experiment station, describing the work done by Doctors J. N. Shaw, O. H. Muth and L. Seghetti. Black disease is one of four sheep diseases of which causative agents were isolated by workers at the Oregon experiment station for the first time in Oregon, in the last two years. Black disease is about the only common name given for infectious Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon iiiHinnnmiiiiiiiiimmiiiiHiiiiimnn At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST MARTIN B. GLARK, Pastor 9::45 Bible School 11:00 Communion and Preaching 7:00 Christian Endeavor 8:00 Evening Church Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Choir Practice 7:3:0 P. M. Thursday Prayer Meeting METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG. Pastor Sunday: Bible School 9:45 A. M. Worship Service 11 :00 A. M. Epworth League 7 :00 P. M. Evening Worship 8:00 P. M Tuesday : Boys' Club 7 :00 P. M. 2nd Tuesday, Missionary Meet ing 2:30 P. M. Wednesday: Choir Practice 7:30 P. M. 1st Wednesday, Ladies Aid Business and Social Meeting . 2:30 P. M. AH other Wednesdays: Sewing Group meets. Thursday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Necrotic hepatitis of Oregon sheep. This is not a new disease in Ore on but one for which the cause has not heretofore been known. An anaerobic bacterium identical with one found by Montana workers and also appearing in England has been definitely established as the cause of this disease, which is definitely associated with fluke infestation. No satisfactory methods of treat ment have been found, although considerable success has been achieved in protecting sheep against it by use of anti-toxin or toxoid. The new publication is station bul letin No. 360. VAC5JcV ' Thursday, June 1, 1939 NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION STATE OF OREON, COUNTY OF ....MORROW, City of Heppner, ss: NOTICE hereby is given that an election of the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, will be held at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, on the 10th day of June, 1939, between the, hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 5:00 o'clock P. M. to submit to the legal voters of the City of Heppner the question of issuing bonds of the City of Heppner in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), for the purpose of providing funds with which to complete construc tion of the swimming pool now un der construction for said city, said bonds, both as to principal and in terest, to be payable from taxes lev' ied by the City of Heppner. The vote will be by ballot, upon which shall be the words "Bonds Yes" and "Bonds No," and the voter shall place a cross (x) between the word "Bonds" and the word "Yes," or between the word "Bonds" and the word "No," which indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the mea sure will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and remain open until the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of the same day, when the same shall be closed. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, this 31st day of May, 1939. E. R. HUSTON, Recorder of the City of Heppner. ',. SilHV U f III ''.II I V ". V,s x. l Waiting For a Sail The Modern Merchant Doesn't wait for SALES HE ADVERTISES I PRICES THESIS IKE May Soon Be History ! ! ! Sensational Savings! Stock Up! FLASH! Here is the year's most sensational news in groceries. Every item marked down to the limit to give your budget the greatest saving on record. But you'll have to hurry! Such values cannot last long! Read over these tremendous bargains and you'll agree when we say "Prices Like These May Soon Be History!" 5 days June 2-7 Tall Federal MILK COFF FLOUR Per tin 6c lL. 37c Fresh Airway Kitchen Harvest Kraft Blossom Sk. $1.29 Sk. LARD Armour's Textu rated 8-lb. Pail 1.09 .89c Shortening Swiffs Pearl 41b. Ctn. 39c r Toilet Tissue Silk Quality 3 Rolls 10c r. Jellwell The Nation's Favorite Dessert Per Package 4c WHEATIES, Reg. Pkg., .... .2 for 23c COFFEE Nob Hill: 2 lbs. 39c CORN FLAKES Giant Pkg. 9c Post or Kelloggs PINEAPPLE 8-oz. tidbits 2 for 15c PORK and BEANS, V.C., giant tin 9c KERR LIDS, Reg. 1-pc 3 Doz. 25c JELLS RITE ......2 large bottles 25c JAR RUBBERS, Ringleader, 3 Pk 10c PARAWAX, . Reg. Mb. Pkg. 10c SPRY SHORTENING, 6-lb. tin $1.09 BROWN SUGAR 8 lbs. 49c PEANUT BUTTER 2-lb. jar 27c Schoolday SUPURB SOAP, 2 large pkgs. 37c CLABBER GIRL 2 lb. tin 20c CORN, 303 fancy cream style 2tins 15c PEAS, No. 2 Inland Valley 3 tins 25c SALMON, tall pink 3 tins 35c TUNA FLAKES 3 tins 35c Large 7 -ounce tin SHRIMP, ready to eat, 5-oz. 3 tins 35c CORN BEEF 2 for 35c Libby's 12-ounce tin CRACKERS, Krispies salted 2 lbs. 25c MUSTARD Jar 9c 6-oz. French's with fancy ladle PANCAKE FLOUR Lge. Pkg. 15c Salad Dressing CASCADE A Real Tasty Quality Quart 25C SYRUP KARO Light or Dark 5-lb. tin 39c 104b. tin 75c JUICES SPECIAL Libby's Tomato Texsun Grapefruit 46-oz. tin 19c COFFEE EDWARDS 4-lb. tin 89c 2" 45c Maximum FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY New Spuds 9 Lbs. 25c New Peas - 4 lbs. 23s Lettuce - 3 heads 10c Rhubarb -.6 lbs. 10c Strawberries Market price Beets, Carrots 3 Bu. 10c Bananas. .3 lbs. 25c Lemons Doz. 29c Cabbage per lb. 2y2c Radishes, Gr. Onions .4 Bu. 9c Old Spuds, No. 1 Des,,... 50 lbs. 85c MM