Page Eight Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, May 25, 1939 AAA Program for Wheat Announced For Next Season No Market Quotas,, More Acreage, New Signing in Set-Up Three important developments regarding Oregon production of wheat in the coming year have been announced recently by the state Ag ricultural Conservation program of fice in Corvallis. First of these was the decision by the secretary of agriculture, based on present and prospective supplies of wheat this year, that there will not be any market quotas proclaim ed for wheat. Latest estimates indi cate a total supply about 47 million bushels below the figure where the law requires that a marketing quota be proclaimed and referred to the farmers for a vote. The second announcement had to do with the fixing of an allotment of 62 million acres for wheat in the United States for the 1940 crop. This compares with 55 million acres for 1939, or an increase of approximately 13 per cent. The new quota of 62 million acres is about the normal planting needed for domestic use and moderate exports. This indi cates that the wheat surplus prob lem is more nearly in hand than it has been for some time, according to N. C. Donaldson, state executive officer. The new level means that Oregon's wheat allotment, which is 768,303 acres this year, will be increased at least 10 per cent next year and pos sibly more. With the national allot ment figure set, work on county and individual allotments will be under taken at once, making it possible to announce these by July 1. . The third announcement concerns farmers who have grown no wheat during the past three seasons but who would like to grow some in 1940 and desire a wheat allotment. The present farm act provides that up to 3 per cent of the total county wheat allotment may be allocated to such new wheat farms. This makes it possible to develop new farms or to change farming practices in ac cordance with best farm manage ment principles. Applications for such new wheat allotments are made in writing to the county committee and must be done not later than 15 days after an nouncements of all allotments for old wheat farms are made. ATTENDS CONFERENCE Mrs. Clara Beamer, county relief manager, attended a state confer ence at Salem Friday and Saturday. Many noted speakers were present and social workers from California and Washington attended as well. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Morrow County, admin istratrix of the estate of Eugene Mat tes, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to Dresent the same with proper vouch ers duly verified, to said adminis tratrix at the law office of P. W. Mahoney, at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 25th day of May, 1939. SARAH MATTESON, Administratrix. HimttmiHnmiiiiiHHtimttiitiiimnit At Heppner CHURCHES PENNEY'S EXPOSITION DAYS REPRICED Women's LADIES' COATS AND SUITS Panne Satin $4.98 SLIPS Women's Rayon II LADIES' RAYON 44:C PANTIES TAFFETA SLIPS a Greatest Values JLUC dfC we have ever had 46" OILCLOTH FLOUR SACK GIRLS' PANNE SQUARES SATIN SLIPS i9Cr"- 5Ceach 49C BOYS' WASH TUFTED LADIES' SLACKS BATH MAT and Lid Cover HATS 69C I set REDUCED MEN'S Bl BLESS Closing Out One MEN'S WORK OVERALLS Group Men's Dress SHIRTS PANTS 79C $1.00 ea 49c Men's Leather Faced Gauntlet MEN'S AND BOYS' MEN'S GLOVES POLO SHIRTS UNDERWEAR Short Sleeves and Long Legs 25c 49c 49c PANNEL II SMALL BOYS' MEN'S WORK CURTAINS POLO SHIRTS SOX 10c 25c 1 3 fo, 25c Closing Out One Group Men's MEN'S PRINT Closing Out All Men's Regular BETTER SHIRTS PAJAMAS OXHIDE 50c 98c 4oT Sizes 16, 16, 17 only Boys' Sizes at 79c jLt ea. ClftJRCH OF CHRIST MARTIN B. GLARK. Pastor 9::45 Bible School 11:00 Communion and Preaching 7:00 Christian Endeavor 8:00 Evening Church Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Choir Practice 7:3:0 P. M. Thursday Prayer Meeting THE ASSMBLY OF GOD Rev. E. D. Greeley Special services each evening ex cept Monday and every afternoon at 2:30 with Evangelists Mr. and Mrs. Bert Foos in charge. Thes? meetings are for all, so come with the others and get your portion. Good lively singing and scriptural messages. METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor Sunday: Bible School 9:45 A. M Worship Service 11 :00 A. M. Ep worth League 7 :00 P. M. Evening Worship 8:00 P. M Tuesday: Boys' Club 7:00 P. M. 2nd Tuesday, Missionary Meet ing 2 :30 P. M Wednesday : Choir Practice . 7 :30 P. M. 1st Wednesday, Ladies Aid Business and Social Meeting 2:30 P. M. All other Wednesdays: Sewing Group meets. Thursday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. The subject for the morning ser vice will be "The Gift of the Holy Spirit." The Holy Community will be observed during this service. The evening union service will be in the Christian church. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. Bishop Remington will conduct communion and morning service at 11 o'clock. lone United Church Rev. C. F. Trimble, Pastor Sunday school 10:00. Christian Endeavor 7:00. The pastor will not return until next week. There will be no preaching services Sunday. f II V Wj -1 ri. 4 I f ' o Stores Closed Tuesday, Memorial Day Shortening PEARL, White and Flaky 43c 4 LB. CTN. PICNICS Fancy Shoulders for frying or baking Lb. . . 19c LARD Armour's Texturated 4lbctn 48c 8 lb pail 95c Prices Effective FRI.-SAT.-MON. TOMATO JUICE, Pierce's No. 1 tins .... 4 for 25c Flavorade .. 3 pkgs. 10c Salted Peanuts .. Lb. 15c CHEESE full cream Lb. 19c Shefford's y2 Lb. asst. Bricks Pkg. 15c Crackers, Glenco salted or Graham, 2 lb. box 20c COFFEE Airway 3 lbs. 39c Nob Hill 2 lbs. 39c Edwards 2 lbs. 45c 4 lb. handy tin 89c FLOUR Harvest Blossom 49 LB. SK. $1.15 Kitchen Craft 49 LB. SK. $1.29 SUGAR PURE CANE in Cloth Bags 10 lbs. 57c 25 lbs 1.39 PORK & BEANS, Phillips No. 2i2 tin Spec. 10c OLIVES, Ripe No. 1 tall 2 Tins 25c PICKLES, Col. Dills 2 No. 22 Tins 25c SALAD DRESSING, Cascade Qt. 25c MAYONNAISE, Nu-Made or Piedmont, Qt. 35c MILK Tall Federal or Mt. Vernon 1598 Pancake FLOUR Maximum 2y2 Lb. Pkg. 15c No. 10 Bag .... 49c Fly Spray "BULK" Bring your con tainer Quart 25c Gallon 95c BAKING POWDER, Calumet 10 lb. tin $1.49 CORN PEAS, No. 303 tins 3 for 25c TOMATOES, Solid Pack No. 2 6 Tins 55c STRING BEANS, No 2 tins 6 for 55c SOAP, Supurb granulated 2 Lge. Pkgs. 39c PirdDddQC VaiDaoes FRIDAY-SATURDAY LETTUCE solid heads CABBAGE, firm and crisp. RADISHES, GR. ONIONS 4 ASPARAGUS What about some to can? RHUBARB forearming NEW POTATOES, Shaffer s . CARROTS, crisp and tender STRAWBERRIES Place Your Orders NOW ONLY 4 for 15c . Pound SVic Bunches 09c . 2 Lbs. 13c 6 Lbs. 10c .. 8 Lbs. 25c ... 3 Bu. 17c Crate $1.75