Page Six THE Hehisch Published by the Students of Heppner High School Senior Activities JOE AIKEN Freshman: Class secretary, baseball, band H club; Sophomore: Yell leader, H club, Pep club, baseball, winner of mascot naming contest; Junior: Advertis ing mgr. Pep club, manager for an nual, chairman junior-senior prom committee, basketball, junior class play, baseball; Senior: Band, H club, president of Pep club, football, bas ketball. BILL B A RR ATT Freshman: Class treasurer, Hehisch committee, athletic manager, band, operetta; Sophomore: Class president, student council, secretary F. F. A., Pep club, basketball, operetta, band; Junior: Clas play, yell duke, annual staff, football, basketball captain, H club, Pep club, Benzine Ring, class vice president, band; Senior: Secretary treasurer H club, president of stu dent body, reporter F. F. A., basket ball captain, H club Pep club, annual staff, band. BETHAL BLAKE Freshman: Girls' league, chorus; Sophomore: Secretary of Girls' league, Girls' league council, vice-president of class, Benzine Ring; Junior, presi dent of class, vice-president Girls' league, Hehisch committee, Pep club, Benzine Ring, annual staff, junior play, student council; Senior, Presi dent Girls' league, vice-president Pep club, annual staff operetta. ALVINA CASEBEER Freshman: Operetta, Girls' league, class pro gram; Sophomore: Operetta, Girls' league, class assembly program, Girls' league council; Junior: Oper etta, Girls' league, class assembly, typing contest, public speaking play; Senior: Girls' league, Home Ec. club, Home Ec. club assembly, dec oration committee for banquet, Girls' league Christmas donations. EMERY COXEN Freshman: Op eretta; Sophomore: basketball; Ju nior: basketball, football, baseball; Senior: Football, basketball, H club. JOHN CRAWFORD Freshman: Class treasurer, band; Sophomore: Class treasurer, H club, basketball, baseball, Benzine Ring, band; Ju nior, Class president, vice-president Benzine Ring, Hehisch committee, H club, football, basketball, baseball, band; Senior: Vice-president stu dent body, H club, football, basket' ball, baseball, band. LELAND EDMONDSON Fresh man: Chorus; Sophomore, Operetta, chorus, judging team FFA; Junior: Class play, FFA boxing team, alter nate for P. I. judging team, FFA; Senior: Vice-president of class, treasurer FFA, FFA boxing team, judging team to P. I, public speak ing representative at sectional meet. HELEN EGAN (Condon): School paper staff, Booster club president, member Reading club, member Glee club, president sophomore class; Se nior: (Heppner) Home Ec. club president, Girls' league. DON FREDERICKSON Fresh man: Football, band; Sophomore Football, track, band; Junior: Foot ball, public speaking play, band; Senior: Football, H club, band. THOMAS G O NT Y Freshman: Band; Sophomore, Public speaking plays, band; Junior: Vice-president class, band; Senior: Secretary-treas rer of class, band. BETTY HAPPOLD Freshman: Boys' and girls quartet, band, op eretta; Sophomore: Treasurer class, operetta, secretary of class, Hehisch member, band; Junior: Public speak ing plays, Home Ec. club, band; Se nior: Vice-president band organ! zation, Girls' league, band. RUFUS HILL Freshman, oper ptta. chorus: Junior: Boxing team FFA; Senior: Boxing team FFA. SIBYL HOWELL (lone) Fresh man: Basketball, secretary-treasurer class; Sophomore: Basketball, volley ball; (Heppner) Junior: Class play, Girls' league; Senior: Band, secretary-treasurer of class, operetta tennis team, Girls' league. EDNA HUGHES Freshman: Cho Heppner rus, Girls' league; Sophomore: Girls' league, Home Ec. club; Ju nior: Girls' league, Home Ec. club, decoration committee for junior-senior banquet; Senior: Girls' league, Home Ec. club, public speaking play. HELEN LUNDELL (lone) Fresh man: Class president, carnival queen, basketball, tennis, Girls' league, chorus; Sophomore, Official dele gate to Girls' league convention, bas ketball, tennis, volleyball, student body yell leader, zhorus, Girls' lea gue; Junior: Student body yell lead er, basketball, tennis, volleyball, Girls' league, Girls' league presi dent, official delegate for Girls' lea gue convention, chorus, junior play; Senior: (Heppner) Operetta, basket ball, volleyball, Girls' league, cho rus, girls' quartet. ARTHUR McATEE Freshman: President of class, freshman assem bly program, football; Sophomore: Football, H club, soph class pro gram; Junior, Electrician junior class play, public speaking play, football, class program; Senior, Vice-presi dent of class, H club, football, class program. . FRANCES McCARTY Freshman Hehisch committee; Sophomore, Treasurer Girls' league, Girls' lea gue council, Benzine Ring, yell lead er, Pep club, operetta, class treas urer; Junior: Annual staff, yell lead er, junior play, advertising commit' tee, tennis team, Pep club, Benzine Ring, captain volleyball team; Se nior: Annual editor, secretary stu dent body, student council, tennis team, Pep club, Girls league, vale dictorian. HOWARD PATTON Sophomore: FFA boxing team, track, first place in plane sharpening at Corvallis meet; Junior: FFA boxing team, sergeant-at-arms of class, first in plane sharpening at Corvallis, first in rafters at regional contest; Se nior: President of class, H club, FFA judging team to P. I. L. E., football FFA basketball, boxing, track, He hisch committee. BETTY ROBINSON Freshman: Class president, operetta, Girls' quartet, chorus; Sophomore: Oper etta, Girls' league, girls' chorus; Junior: Treasurer of the annual, public speaking plays, candidate for studentbody president, advertising of athletic games, Girls' league report er; Senior: Class president, assist ant editor of annual, secretary of H. E. club, Home Ec. club. ROBERT SCRIVNER Sophomore: Class president, Pep club; Junior: Class play, advertising committee, Benzine Ring, vice-president of Pep club, operetta; Senior: Business manager of annual, transportation committee, FFA and H club, Pep club, athletic manager. DICK WILKINSON Freshman Chorus, operetta; Sophomore: Re porter FFA, boxing team FFA, judg ing team at Corvallis; Senior: Sec retary FFA, judging team at P. I. FLOYD WILLIAMS Sophomore: H club, FFA boxing, baseball; Ju nior: H club, FFA boxing, public speaking play, athletic chairman of FFA, baseball; Senior: H club, FFA boxing, FFA basketball captain. JOAN WRIGHT-Freshman: Girls' league; Sophomore: Secretary-treas urer of class, Girls' league; Junior Part in public speaking play, treas urer of junior class, Girls' league; Senior: Treasurer of student body, Hehisch staff, Home Ec. club, Girls' league, served at three banquets. LEE PETTYJOHN Transfer from lone, Sept., 1938: Football fall of '38. LLOYD BURKENBINE Track third and fourth year. HARDMAN NEWS Adams Family Has Reunion at Hardman By HARDMAN HIGH SCHOOL A happy group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams last Sunday and had a reunion din ner together in honor of Mrs. Ad ams' birthday. All of their children and grandchildren were present, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs, Duff McKitrick and small son, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Rogers and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Moore, all of Kin- zua; also Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burn- side and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams and four child ren, Forest and Vonnie Adams. Hardman en masse went up to the Tyndal Robison mountain home Gazette Times, Heppner, Thursday for the regular school and community picnic. Upon arrival a game of Softball was played with mixed teams, followed by the pot luck dinner which is always the main attraction at a picnic. After wards softball, pitching horse shoes and gathering wild flowers were the main pastimes. All had a very good time. Bill Greener made a business trip to Portland Friday of last week, re turning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and Delmar, Carol and Joyce had din ner at the Claude Buschke home on Sunday. On Monday Max and his family moved out to the Long prairie station where they will spend the summer. On Monday of last week Mrs. J. E. Craber and son Gordon went to Hermiston, where they plan to stay for some time while Gordon is re ceiving medical care from a Her miston doctor. On Wednesday of last week the Birthday club met at the high school for the birthday party for Mrs. G, I. Clary who received many lovely gifts. One of the special guests was Mrs. Mary Coats who has been away part of the winter and spring, vis iting in Boardman at the home of her son, Claud Coats. Miss Aline Inskeep went Monday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harshman where she plans to visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and son Lewis, formerly of here but who have been living for the past three years in Boardman, were here Fri day for the commencement party. On Saturday they went on to Porter creek, near the Roy Robinson ranch, where they will camp for the sum mer while Mr. McDonald and Lewis make posts and cut wood. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman have moved out to the Tupper rang er station for the summer. George McDonald, who has been sick for some time, it with them and hopes that a summer spent in the moun tains will improve his health. On Saturday Mrs. Marvin Bran- non entertained the eighth grade class, consisting of Jean Leathers, Vera McDaniel and Nona Inskeep, at her home. On Saturday a number of Hard- man rolJcs went to the show in Heppner. They were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers, Mrs. Owen Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrens, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Saling and children, Miss Rita Robinson, Miss Vera McDaniel, Creston Robinson and Marvin Sad dler. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Henderson call ed at the C. E. McDaniel home Mon day. Mr. Henderson is a government trapper from Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reid went to Pendleton Saturday and returned with a very good looking Plymouth coupe. Mrs. Bud Fisk of Arlington ar rived on Thursday for a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charlie McDaniel. Her daughter Marlene has been here for several weeks. Last week Miss Alta Stevens went over to Condon to work. John Stev ens and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stev ens and small son took her over and visited there for the day. Marvin Brannon for the past two weeks has been busy papering the Fred Kruger home. Mrs. Wm. Greener and her moth er, Mrs. Hector of Ritter, left on Thursday for San Francisco where they will visit the fair. The many friends of Gene Matte- son in the Hardman community were sorry to hear of his death. We all wish to express our sympathy for the immediate family, and es pecially for his sister, Mrs. George Kirk, who lived here for years. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyle and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Feh merling, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buschke and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans were dinner guests at the Max Buschke home. Mrs. Hyle, Mrs. Fehmerling and Mrs. Evans are all sisters of Max's. On Saturday the Roy Robinsons moved out to their mountain home. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers gave examin ations at the grade school Tuesday, after which she visited at the high school. The owner of the lucky number on the crocheted table cloth made by Oregon Mrs. Roy Robinson was Mrs. Maude Robison. The money raised by the event was used to complete the pay ments on the Christian Endeavor piano. Owen Leathers and Junior went out to the Red Hill station Friday afternoon in response to a call that there was a fire on Gilman Flat, also known as Watkins Flat. When they got there they found that the fire was on Wall creek, and it is now under control. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene are the happy parents of a son, born on May 11, which is also the birthday of the baby's grandmother, Mrs. Loy McFerrin. It is needless to say that Mr. and Mrs. McFerrin are very proud of their first grandchild. The biggest item of interest this week was the commencement party at the high school "in honor of the lone senior, Creston Robinson. The party started at about nine o'clock with dancing, followed by a supper, during which Mrs. Lucy Rodgers gave a short talk and presented the diploma. The musicians were Jim Stevens, Donald Robinson, Irl Clary and Miss Vera McDaniel. Creston received many lovely gifts, and the whole evening was a happy, infor mal one, marking the close of Cres ton's formal education, as he does not plan on going on to college. Miss Frances Inskeep left Wed nesday to visit indefinitely at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Wack en of Salem. Mrs. Wacken and small son, Larry Lee, who have been vis iting at the Inskeep home for several weeks, returned with Frances. Posters are out for a dance to be held here in the hall on Saturday, May 20. The Rebekahs are giving it, and good music has been secured. Last week the carnival was post poned because the dance had been called off, but it will take place on next Saturday. So come early and have a little fun upstairs in the Mil ler building before you go to the dance. The carnival will start at 8 o'clock. Professional Directory Heppner Blacksmith & Machine Shop Expert Welding and Repairing L. H. HARLOW, Mgr. GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 535 MEAD BUILDING 5th at Washington PORTLAND, OREGON A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nnrse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OT TITLE TITLE INSUBANCB Office In New Peters Building; F. W. Turner fir Co. FIBS, AUTO AJTD UFB INSURANCE Old Uni Oogamies Heppner, Onfm Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW m Feters Baildlmf, WUtow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Just the eenrlee wasted wheat yom want It mosf Thursday, May 18, 1939 J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building ' HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 823 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Ore. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks . Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Boll ding Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing KERR, GEFFORD & CO, INC. on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. . Phone 452 MAKE SATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 8-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U S. National Bank Building PKNDIJBTON, ORBGON Praotloe in State and Federal Oonrta Real Estate General Liae of Insurance and Braes) W. M. EUBANKS Notary FwMte Phone 62 lone. Ore. FOB BEST MABXBT PBI0B8 for your new or old wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored in Heppner and Lexington. ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch Bepreaenting Balfou, Quthrle ft Oo,