Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 11, 1939, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, May 11, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Mrs. Paul Nichols arrived in the
county the first of the week from
her home in Corvallis, being ac
companied by her mother, Mrs.
Tempa E. Johnson of Lexington.
Mrs. Johnson expected to remain at
her Lexington home for the sum
mer, while Mrs. Nichols expected to
return to Corvallis today. She was
transacting business in Heppner
yesterday. Mrs. Nichols said her
son, Edward Burchell, who is serv
ing his third year as editor of Ore
gon State Barometer, will be grad
uated from the college this month,
while her second son, Billy Burchell,
will be graduated from Corvallis
high school. She also announced the
recent marriage of her daughter,
Miss Grace Burchell, to Mr. John
Graham of Corvallis.
Mrs. Vawter Parker and mother,
Mrs. Julia Barry, returned home
Monday evening from a month's trip
to their former home in Texas
where they had an enjoyable visit
with relatives and friends. Mrs. Par
ker found her uncle, Garfield Craw
ford, old-time resident here, lo
cated with his family at Dallas where
Mr. Crawford is connected with an
advertising agency that is handling
advertising for the state of Texas.
He left for New York before their
visit was completed to arrange ad-,
vertising for a Texas special train
slated to visit the world's fair at
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz mo
tored to Adams Sunday and spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Tetz and family. They were accom
panied as far as Pendleton by Mrs.
Cora Crawford who visited at the
home of her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooley. Mr.
Cooley is reportecf to be recovering
nicely from a recent severe illness.
Mrs. J. G. Thomson, Jr., returned
home the first of the week after at
tending funeral services at Salem
last Thursday for her father, the
late E. G. Coppock. She was accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Coppock,
of Long Beach, Cal., and brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Fuller and daughter, Shirley Ann,
of Woodland, Wash., who expected
to remain for a short visit.
Mrs. J. A. Anglin and daughter,
Miss Rachel, are visiting in Yakima
this week. Miss Anglin recently an
nounced her engagement to John
Bromley of Yakima, employed with
Signal Oil company. The wedding
will be an event of the summer.
Jame9 Farley, Jr., who has been
employed at Hood River for several
months visited with family and
friends here the first of the week
on the way to Condon where he had
accepted a position in the Lester
Wade men's clothing store.
For sale, 800 watt, 32 volt Delco
light plant with heavy duty batter
ies, A-l condition, price $175. Trade
in some milk cows. Also 9 cu. ft.
Flamo Electrolux refrigerator. F.
Leicht, Irrigon, Ore. ' 9-10.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Otis All
stott of Monument.at the Corda Sa
ling home in this city Monday, a
9-pound son. Mrs. Allstott was
formerly Miss Jane Simas of Kim
berley. Lawrence Slocum, in town yes
terday from the Rhea creek farm
the former Bayless place took time
off a day or two before to catch a
nice 16-inch trout.
Elmer Ellis, section hand at Wil
lows, is confined at Heppner hos
pital, undergoing treatment for an
abscess on the abdomen, the result
of an infection.
Bert Applegate, recently with Pat
terson & Son store here, visited his
family over the week end, coming
from Prineville where he is now
Sam Hall arrived this week from
his home at Eugene for a visit at
the home of his nephew, Norman
Florence, on upper Willow creek.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY, MAY 17th.
Helen Healy Shoots
Foot Accidentally
Miss Helen Healy had the mis
fortune to shoot through one of her
toes with a .22 rifle last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilkins left
last Wednesday for a two-weeks'
trip to Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wattenburger
spent Friday in Heppner.
Mrs. Roy Neill, Miss Anna O-San-dre,
Misses Cecelia and Helen Healy
and Mabel Rauch attended the plays
in Heppner last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Meyers and
family and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms vis
ited at the Harvey Ayers home Fri
day. A large crowd from Pine City at
tended the dance at Lena Saturday
Mrs. Barton Clark returned to
her home with Mr. Clark Monday.
She has been ill from, tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daly spent Sat
urday in Pendleton.
Miss Hazel Richey and Bill West
meyer spent Saturday night and
Sunday at the Clayton Ayers home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Neill spent Wed
nesday at theC. H. Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark were
dinner guests at the J. S. Moore
home Tuesday evening.
Miss Lilly Rauch, Miss Cecelia
Healy and Malcolm O'Brien at
tended the 4-H club meeting in
Boardman last Friday.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent, gave tests at the
Pine City school Monday.
C. H. Bartholomew left with his
sheep this week for the summer
range in the Spokane territory.
Mrs. Gladys Corrigall is ill in St.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foley spent
Monday evening at the Frank Helms
Mrs. Margaret McGreer and Shir
ley and Bob Gronvold were Pen
dleton callers Friday.
Fred Rauch was a Pendleton call
er last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Warner Presents
Irrigon Music Recital
Mrs. H. C. Warner held a music
recital at the home of Mrs. Sam
Smith Saturday, May 6. Those pre
sented were Alice Frederickson,
Jean Chaney, Vivian and Clara Lou
ise Caldwell, Delpha and Lavelle
Markham and Esther Louise War
ner. The mothers of the pupils were
present. Refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Rev. and Mrs. Harness and fam
ily motored to Camas, Wn., Wed
nesday, returning Saturday.
Mrs. Joyce Berry of Portland spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett McCoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand left for
Portland Sunday and brought home
a load of lumber Wednesday. Mr.
Rand is erecting a new garage on his
place east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Isom and little daugh
ter Donna spent Sunday at Pendle
ton with Earl Isom who is in the
hospital recovering from an opera
tion. Farm Loan Meeting
Called Tomorrow
The annual meeting of the Hard
man National Farm Loan associa
tion, a Morrow ocunty organization
which secures loans through the
Federal Land Bank of Spokane, will
be held tomorrow (Friday) after
noon at 2 o'clock in the club room
at the Elks' building in Heppner, it
was announced by John J. Wight-
man, association president.
' A complete report of the opera
tions of the association for the past
year will be made. A new director
will be elected to serve for the com
ing three years. Farmers who are
not members of the association, but
who wish to secure information re
garding long-term farm mortgage
loans are invited to attend the meet
ing. At present the local association
has in force loans totaling" $852,500.
A representative of the Federal
Land Bank of Spokane has been in
vited to attend the meeting, Mr.
Wightman said, and farmers attend
ing will thus have an opportunity
to obtain information they might
wish regarding the association or
or the bank. Every member is urged
to attend.
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the state of Oregon
that I have taken up the hereinafter
described animal at my place 2 miles
north of Lexington, Oregon, and that
I will sell said animal to the high
est bidder for cash in hand at public
sale commencing at 10:30 a. m., Sat
urday, May 27, 1939, subject to the
right of redemption of the owner
thereof. Said animal is described as
1 gray mare, 14 years old, no vis
ible brands.
9-11 Lexington, Oregon.
A crowd that comfortably filled
the Episcopal parish house last eve
ning was pleased with Heppner
Music club's program honoring na
tional music week.
. . . and with
costing so little too!
$335 $g60
4.90 21 4.75 I
$935 $965
(.0018 5.2517
$1100 $1195
5.5017 (.0016
It nrm and
rvns ana rnnsl
Pumping up eld, worn tires
by the roadside limply "Isn't
being dene" nowadays. Orlv
ing on "smoothies" Is far more
costly than the low priee of
brand-new MARATHON Tires.
MARATHONS are this
first-quality and facrory-frtsfc.
DRIVE IN, got cur liberal quota
tie on your sIm, Drlvt oat "sitting
your Money in the long run
Heppner, Ore.
Commander Peterson
Urges Poppy Support
World war veterans of Morrow
county were urged to remember and
pay tribute to their comrades who
died in the war by wearing a poppy
on Poppy Day, Saturday, May 27, in
an appeal issued today by Henry
Peterson, commander of Heppner
post of the American Legion.
"The poppy is the memorial flow
er of the World war dead," said
Commander Peterson, "and brings
back visions of the poppy-studded
fields of France and Belgium where
so many of our comrades gave their
lives in the nation's service. It is
very fitting that once each year we
should put on a poppy to show that
we still remember these dead and
still are devoted to the ideals for
which they gave their lives.
"Every World war veteran, of
course, will join with the other
patriotic citizens in wearing a poppy
on Poppy Day and contributing as
generously as his means will afford
to the welfare of those who are still
suffering from the war, the disabled
veterans, their families and the fam
ilies of the dead. The little red
flowers of remembrance will be of
fered to us by the women of the
American Legion auxiliary, our
wives, mothers, sisters, and daugh
ters, who will work through the day
as unpaid volunteers.
"We veterans should set an ex
ample by being among the first to
have a poppy on our coat in honor of
our fallen comrades."
lone Full Gospel Mission
Rev. Shelby Gravts
Sunday services:
Bible School, 9:45 a. m.
Communion, 11 a. m.
Evangelistic Services, 7:45.
Each evening Evangelist B. F.
Foos. Timely subjects, well presented.
with Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Noah Beery, Win. Farniun
Thrills, together with catchy western tunes, become a happy com
bination in this newest Autry film. PLUS
with Richard Greene, Wendy Barry, Lionel Atwill, John Carradine
A thriller-chiller with Basil Rathbone at Sherlock Holmes and
Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson.
Disney's "Goofy and Wilbur"
Take Mother to the Movies on the day set aside specially for her.
She will love "Sandy," the baby who steals
scenes from the word "goo" in
with Bing Crosby, Joan Blondell, MLscha Aucr, Irene Hervey, C.
Aubrey Smith, Jerome Cowan, Matty Malneck and his Orchestra.
Bing is in a made-to-order singing role with such grand songs
as "That Sly Old Gentleman from Lullaby Lane," "Hang Your Heart
on a Hickory Limb," "East Side of Heaven," "Sing a Song of Sun
beams" Joan and Mischa do a Russian Jitterbug and then, of
course, "Sandy" to steal your heart away!
with Preston Foster, Frank Jenks, Joyce Compton, E. E. Clive.
From Jonathan Latimer's novel, "The Dead Don't Care" but the
screen version isn't so sombre as that sounds. On the contrary, hu
mor is upperemost throughout. PLUS
Charles Ruggles, Marjorie Rambcau, Charley Grapewin, Billy Lee
The story of a dream of a lifetime ... a sweepstakes ticket . . .
and sudden money.
with Irene Dunne, Charles Boyere, Maria Ouspenskaya, Lee Bow
man, Astrid Allwyn, Maurice Moscovish
The year's great drama of hearts against life.
Disney's "Ugly Duckling" Musical News of the Day
PAL NIGHTS: 2 adults 35c, 2 children 10c
Heppner, Oregon
Words cannot express our heart
felt appreciation of the helpfulness,
words of sympathy, acts of kind
ness and beautiful floral gifts from
the kind neighbors and friends &t'.
the time of our bereavement We
extend our heartfelt thanks to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tamblyn
and Peggy.
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed.
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, May 16, 1929)
Seventeen graduates to receive
high school diplomas: Virginia Dix,
Vivian (Cason) Prock, Dorothy
Herren, Patricia Mahoney, Margaret
Notson, Velton Owens, Gertrude
Doherty, Terrel Benge, Clair Cox,
Harlan Devin, Maurice Edmondson,
James Hager, Clarence Hayes, Paul
Jones, Hadley Stewart, John Farley,
Harry Wells.
Eastern Oregon Churches of Christ
to convene here in 30th annual
meeting beginning Tuesday.
Milton Spurlock and Florence Ca
son, Vernon Prock and Vivian Ca
son wed in double ceremony.
Geo. D. Anderson, long employed
with Hynd Bros., passes.
4-H clubbers slated for summer
school: Donald and Raymond Drake,
Earling Thompsen, Fred Rauch,
James Neill, Kenneth Duggan.
New Sanitary bakery opens.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant