Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 27, 1939, Image 1

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    M M Br
Volume 56, Number 7
Fund Raising for
Band Features
Week End Events
Hot Smoker Slated
by Firemen; Lex
Grange Cooperates
That Heppner's school band may
compete in the regional contest at
Portland, May 12-13, is the object
of a fund-raising campaign Satur
day to be featured by firemen
sponsored smoker at the city garage
ring and a big dance following at
the county dance pavilion.
Lexington grange joined forces
with local sponsors this week by
cancelling the dance slated at its
hall and will bring the Haynes lady
orchestra from Pendleton, slated to
play there, to the pavilion here, an
nounces the committee.
The band itself will participate in
activities of the day by giving con
certs at Lexington and lone and
playing contest numbers at the dance
in the evening. Appearance at lone
will be made at 2 o'clock in the af
ternoon and at Lexington at 3:15.
Those wishing to contribute to the
band's trip will have their contribu
tions received at Hotel Heppner
desk any time.
With Stanley Partlow, . favorite
fighter from Boardman, and Dean
Groth of Pendleton, who beat Part-
low in the last smoker here, both
matched against tough opposition
on the smoker card, more than or
dinary interest is centered in this
event, sponsors believe. Partlow
will meet Torpedo Cavalli of Walla
Walla in the semi-final event, and
Groth will mix it with Kid Thorn'
ley, a coming young fighter from
Portland. Local CCC boys will pre
sent four preliminaries as a gesture
of Camp Heppner's well wishes to
the band.
Smoker reserved seats are on sale
at Green's Hardware, and those who
may not be able to get there early
are advised that reservation is the
best means of being assured a seat.
High School Schedules
Year's Last Program
Friday, May 7, the Heppner high
school will present its last regularly
scheduled program of the year, pre
ceding graduation.
The two high school public speak
ing classes will present three one
act plays, "Sauce for the Gosling,"
"Jealousy Plays a Part" and "His
First Shave." Heppner's champion
band will give a short concert of
special numbers. The girls' chorus
will supplement the program with
several selections.
All in all, there is entertainment
for everyone and an invitation from
the high school to its last function
of the year.
The plays start promptly at 8
o'clock in the school gym-auditorium.
For casting in the plays see The
Hehisch, page 6.
One Sided Game
Goes to Heppner
Errors proved costly to the Ar
lington baseball nine, when the
Heppner Mustangs romped through
to an easy 12-2 victory at Rodeo field
Saturday afternoon. The Mustangs
went on a four-run splurge in the
second inning, and again in the fifth
they garnered three tallies.
Wilbur Worden held the river
boys scoreless until the fifth inning.
Batteries: For Heppner Worden,
Stone; for Arlington, Bowman, Nor
ris, Wetherell. Umpire, John Miller.
Heppner meets the strong Hermis
ton Bulldogs this afternoon in the
last home game of the season.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Swales at the maternity home of
Mrs. P. A. Mollahan in this city
yesterday, Clara Anne.
Resident Since 1908 Pinned
Under Cabin Being Loaded on
Truck; Was Native of Missouri
Harvey Coxen, resident of Morrow
county since 1908, died Saturday
from injuries received last Thurs
day when he was pinned beneath a
small cabin which slid from a truck
on which he was helping to load it
for moving at the Hugh Smith ranch.
The scene of the accident was at the
head of Quaid canyon some six miles
southeast of town.
Mr. Coxen, who was herding, had
just brought the sheep in for water
about 3 o'clock in the afternoon as
Mr. Smith and a helper were load
ing the cabin, 8 x 10 feet, on to the
truck. He volunteered his services,
coming up between the two men to
help hoist it up. As the cabin start
ed to slide back after they had lift
ed it almost on to the truck, Mr.
Coxen and the helper let go. Mr.
Smith held on to his end a little
longer causing the other end to kick
back. It settled back rather slowly,
but Mr. Coxen stumbled as he at
tempted to get out of the way, fall
ing on his side. The cabin landed
first on the lower inside corner then
settled back on its "bottom, pinning
Mr. Coxen beneath the outer edge as
it did so, the outer edge striking
him just at the top of , his pelvic
Being assisted into Mr. Smith's
car he was rushed to the ranch house
and given first aid while a doctor
was notified. No broken skin was
evident on the outside, and though
Mr. Coxen complained of his ab
domen hurting, neither he nor the
other men could detect signs of ser
ious injury. He was brought to the
hospital where examination also
failed to reveal the seriousness of
the injury, but Friday his pain in
creased as gas developed and he
succumbed the following day. Post
mortem examination showed that
an intestine had been completely
Funeral services were held from
Phelps Funeral home chapel Tues
day afternoon, with Martin B. Clark,
Christian minister, officiating. A
large concourse of friends and rel
atives attended. Interment followed
in Masonic cemetery.
Harvey Green Coxen was born at
Hartville, Mo., Nov. 5, 1887, to Ed
ward and Betty Coxen. He came to
Morrow county in 1908, and about
23 years ago married Miss Delia
Robertson here. Surviving are the
widow, two children, Mrs. Walter
Carlson and Emery Coxen; the
mother, Mrs. Betty Coxen of Hart
ville, Mo.; five brothers, Burl of this
city, Fred Coxen of Bend, Aulta
Coxen of Toledo, Roy Coxen of Her
miston, Dee Coxen of Westwood,
Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. Iva Farrell
and Mrs. Clella Yeager, both of
Hartville, Mo.
Residing here continuously since
March 19, 1908, Mr. Coxen followed
ranching most of the time, running
sheep on his own for several years.
The family home had been main
tained in Heppner for many years
while the children were sent to the
local schools, Emery being a high
school senior this year and espec
ially prominent in athletics. The
sudden demise came as a shock to
family and friends.
Rain of .05 inch fell at Heppner
Monday and Tuesday, reports Len L.
Gilliam, government weather ob
server. The rain was not general
over the county, missing much of
the north end while being slightly
heavier to the south. It was the first
precipitation in April and far from
being as much as desired on every
J. G. Barratt is making his first
shipment of sheep from the local
yards this evening, destined for sum
mer range in Montana near Glacier
National park. Mark Merrill, local
restauranteur, is accompanying Mr.
Barratt on the trip.
Oregon, Thursday, April
Tax Reappraisal
Continues; New
Base Effective, 1940
All Town Property
' Included in Survey
by State Tax Office
E. S. Woodford, appraiser from
the Oregon State Tax commission,
arrived in the county the first of
the week and is expected to remain
until work of reappraising town
property in the county is completed,
announces Thomas J. Wells, assess
or. A. A. Selander, chief appraiser,
accompanied Mr. Woodford to re
main a few days while the work
was being organized.
The present work is a continua
tion of that started a year ago when
Mr. Woodford spent considerable
time in the county.
The reappraisals will be used in
fixing assessed valuations for figur
ing the 1940 tax, soon to be extended
upont he rolls, said Mr. Wells. Exten
sion of new valuations upon the rolls
will not be made until after the
county board of equalization has act
ed upon them, and property holders
have been given an opportunity to
be heard. Mr. Wells was not pre
pared to say just how various types
of property would be affected, but
the general purpose of the reapprais
al is to equalize as nearly as possi
ble the basis for tax payments with
in the towns.
It is pointed out that valuations
shift considerably over a period of
years, some property becoming more
valuable while others become less
valuable, and as it has been many
years since a complete appraisal of
properties has been made, consider
able readjustment may be expected
Mr. Wells said he was entering a
request with the state commission
that Mr. Woodford's services be re
tained here over a longer period to
make a reappraisal of real estate
outside of towns as well. This needs
to be done, he said, and such ser
vice would be highly appreciated by
his office.
District Attorney
Bitten by Tick in
Spotted Fever Sector
Though no symptoms of spotted
fever had developed, Frank Alfred,
district attorney, was still not re
lieved of the menace of an attack
of the disease yesterday.
He was bitten by a tick while
in the spotted fever infested area
of Grant county last. Saturday.
Immediately upon discovering
the bite, he took a shot of anti
toxin at a local physician's office.
The shot was not promised to pre
vent the disease, should the var
mint which bit Alfred have been
playing host to the germs, but the
doctor gave as his belief that it
would lighten the effects of the
disease, should it occur.
Frances Lynn, 10 - months - old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt,
died about 4 o'clock this morning
following a hard fight against the
ravages of whooping cough followed
by an acute intestinal infection. The
child was born June 30, 1938. It had
apparently made a successful fight
against whooping cough when the
intestinal infection set in and its
temperature reached 106.
Mrs. Linda Becket, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of this
city, was united in marriage to Frank
Smith of Mt. Airy, N. C, at Van
couver Monday, with Rev. Hanna of
the Methodist church performing the
ceremony. The bride wore traveling
suit of apricot with white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their
home at Heppner for the present.
27, 1939
McNeill gang
leads softballers
Merrill Team Defeated, 10-6
in First Fray; Anglin First
Casualty in Tuesday Practice
Lt. Finley's home run, the longest
blow of the game, which drove Ralph
Beamer in ahead of him, failed to
stem the tide of opposing tallies and
Russell McNeill's twilight softballers
defeated Mark Merrill's aggregation,
10-6, in the first game played in the
scheduled series last evening.
Logie Richardson and Hubert
Gaily teams were to have opened
the series Monday evening, but the
game was postponed due to cold
weather. The two CCC teams will
clash in the next scheduled game
Friday evening.
Nearly a full turn-out of the two
competing squads was had last night
and a number of spectators were
given their free attendance's worth
of entertainment. Darrell Maynard,
CCC, held down the mound nicely
for McNeill, ' while Lt. Marius P.
Hanford showed plenty of speed for
Merrill. Clarence Bauman and Mer
rill were receivers, respectively.
In a warm-up practice Tuesday
evening, kitty ball had its first cas
ualy of the season when John Anglin
sustained a fractured little finger
as he attempted to stab a hot one.
The lower joint was fractured and
it was expected it might keep him
out of the fun for the season.
Corrected Schedule
Heppner Softball League
April 24 Richardson vs. Gaily
April 26 Merrill vs. McNeill
April 28 1st CCC vs. 2nd CCC
May 1 Richardson vs. Merrill
May 3 Gaily vs. 1st CCC
May 5 McNeill vs. 2nd CCC
May 8 McNeill vs. Richardson
May 10 Merrill vs. 1st CCC
May 15 Gaily vs. 2nd CCC
May 17 Merrill vs. Gaily
May 19 Richardson vs. 2nd CCC
May 22 McNeill vs. 1st CCC
May 24 Gaily vs. McNeill
May 26 Richardson vs. 1st CCC
May 28 Merrill vs. 2nd CCC
State Lions Heads
Make Visit Here
Clyde Marsh, district governor for
Oregon, and Frank Tate, district sec
retary, of Lions International, were
featured guests at the local Lions
luncheon Monday noon. Both
brought messages of the state con
vention to be held in Salem in June.
Governor Marsh brought an in
spiring message on citizenship and
the duties of Lions in helping edu
cate the public to use of the ballot
box in order to secure the principles
of democracy. Elections made by
a majority when only fifty per cent
of the electors participate is not
representative of the general will of
the people, he said.
The club voted to attend the school
picnic lunch in a body tomorrow and
M. L. Case and Clifford Conrad
were named on a committee to solicit
general cooperation from the town.
A. H. Cramer of Salem, repre
senting a credit agency, was a guest.
Hunters-Anglers Have
Fine Meet at lone
Morrow County Hunters and
Anglers club had a big utrn-out at a
meeting at I. O. O. F. hall in lone
last evening, with many attending
from Heppner. Two reels of mov
ing pictures from the state game
commission, and two reels of his
own pictures were shown by Ed
Parker, assistant forest ranger.
Judge Bert Johnson made an ap
pealing talk on community cooper
ation that was well received. Orville
Cutsforth defended large hawks as
helpful to farmers in destroying
mice and it was voted to take these
birds from the predator contest, now
being organized. Free sandwiches
and coffee were served by the club
to those attending.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
City's Hospitality
To be Given School
Visitors Tomorrow
Attendance at Pic
nic Planned; Salad
to be Contributed
Townspeople will join in extend
ing Heppner's hospitality to visit
ing school children and parents
who come tomorrow to participate
in the annual all-school track meet
and music festival. Main hospitality
feature will be attendance at the
communtiy picnic to be staged at the
school lunch room and serving of
fruit salad to augment the picnic
Inches. '
Lions at their Monday luncheon
voted to attend the picnic in a group,
and through their committee, headed
by M. L. Case, asked stores to co
operate by closing from 12:30 to 1:30
to make it possible for everyone to
attend. The festival organization is
sponsoring free hot chocolate and
coffee for those attending. So the
word is: Bring your lunch, cup and
spoon and get acquainted or re-acquainted
with your neighbors. Mr.
Case personally is contributing 400
paper plates for the occasion.
As inferred, the picnic lunch is
set for 12:30, or such time as the
track meet at the Rodeo grounds is
over. For, in the morning school
boys and girls will vie in track and
field events for ribbons to honor
their schools.
Beginning at 2:30 in the afternoon
everyone will assemble on the school
lawn for the music festival. Should
it rain (and everyone is hoping that
it will, but not for this reason), the
music fete of course will be moved
inside the gym-auditorium.
Assembled in choruses will be all
children in attendance. Some num
bers will be sung by the entire en
semble, while special choruses in
the several divisions will sing sep
arately. Different directors will lead
each division. The largest musical
assemblage of the year will be pre
sented. Adding color to this event will
be the winding of the Maypole by
grade children from Boardman, and
a Dutch dance by Heppner inter
mediate grades.
Featuring the festival will be ap
pearance of the Heppner school
band playing the numbers to be
played in the regional contest at
Portland, May 12-13. The day is
heralded in school circles as the
gala event of the school year. School
friends and patrons will receive
much pleasure from attendance.
Throughout the day, also, displays
of school work will be exhibited in
the school classrooms.
All stores in Heppner will close
between 12:30 and 1:30 p. m., to
morrow so that everyone may at
tend the picnic lunch at the school.
Arrangements for the closing
were made this morning by Clif
ford Conrad, Lions committeeman.
Beaver Investigator
To Make Research
Considerable damage is being done
by beavers in certain localities in the
county both to crops and trees. The
efforts of these beavers can be put
to good advantage if applied in the
right localities. This is the object of
the beaver trapping project in the
state of Oregon, and A. V. Meyer,
who is in charge of this project, will
be in Morrow county some time soon
to determine where damage is being
done by these animals.
Anyone whose property is being
damaged by beavers should leave
word at the county agent's office as
soon as possible.