Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 23, 1939, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, March 23, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins, Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Steers and Miss Effie
Wilhelm were visiting in the city
Monday from the Hardman section,
Miss Wilhelm being a guest at the
Steers home from her home at Spray.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins reported some
difficulty getting to the highway
from their home in Camas prairie
due to the heavy snow. While the
snow was leaving fast, there was a
coat of some eight inches of ice un
derneath on the prairie and they
expected it would last for some time.
Mrs. Collins, who was ordered to
her bed for six months in course of
treatment for illness, was forced to
get up after six weeks when Mr.
Collins became quite seriously ill.
Mr. Collins was feeling better when
in the city Monday, but was told by
his physician to take things pretty
easy. He made final proof on a piece
of homestead land while in town.
Mrs. W. V. Crawford came up from
Portland last Thursday with her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Jones, and visited until
today with relatives and friends. Mr.
Crawford was expected to leave
Portland last Friday for San Fran
cisco to spend a week attending a
meeting of representatives of the in
surance company with which he is
employed in the city.
Mrs. Chris Brown returned this
week from Corvallis where she
stayed through the fall and winter
terms, keeping house for her son
Paul and several other Oregon State
college students. Paul pledged Theta
Kappa Nu, and Kenneth Peck of
Lexington pledged Delta Tau Delta,
and these boys will move into the
respective fraternity houses at be
ginning of spring term.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Pease and
Dale Watkins were in the city Mon
day from Naches, Wash. Mr. Pease,
logging contractor, was here to con
tact representatives of the Kraft
B,ox company with view to contract
ing the logging for this concern
when it gets into operation here.
Mr. Watkins is a former resident,
having attended the Heppner schools
as a boy.
Mrs. Eddie Thorpe and son Carl
arrived home last evening from
Portland where Carl underwent
treatment for a leg infection with
which he has suffered for some time,
e was treated at the Doernbecher
hospital. It was expected that he
would return to the hospital in June
for further treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Parker who ar
rived last week to remain while Mr.
Parker assumes the duties as assist
ant at the local forest office have
taken residence in the house of Mrs.
Mattie Gentry on K street. Mrs.
Gentry recently assumed manage
ment of the Case hotel where she is
Spring weather, taking off of the
lamb crop and preparation for shear
ing are making activity lively in the
wool industry at the present time.
Among outside stockmen looking
over the situation here yesterday
were Joe Hayes of Long Creek and
Paul Webb of Walla Walla.
Mrs. Cecil Lieuallen'of Pendleton
was in the city Monday, visiting at
the home of her sister, Mrs. E. R.
Used Pick-Up Bargains
1937 STUDEBAKER Motor just re
conditioned in our shop, good
paint and 90 rubber. Pay down
1937 FORD PICK-UP, equipped
with hot water heater and new
Firestone tires. Pay down $165.00.
1936 FORD PICK-UP, reconditioned
motor and good paint. Pay down
Full Price $60.00
The large number of trade-ins on
the New 1939 Ford Car gives us the
choice of good used cars to sell
Heppner CO. Oregon
Miss Ilene Kenny visited over the
week end at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, in
Sand Hollow, coming from Ontario
where she has a nursing position.
She attended the St. 'Patrick's dance
Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bartholomew,
Butter creek pioneers, were trans
acting business in the city Monday,
and Mr. Bartholomew consulted a
physician for treatment, having just
gone through a severe case of in
fluenza. Laxton McMurray, in the city yes
terday from the Jordan Siding farm,
reported 4.32 inches of moisture
precipitation at his place since Sep
tember. The wheat is starting good,
but more moisture is needed, he re
ported. Commissioner L. D. Neill, in town
Tuesday from the Butter creek
ranch, reported lambing completed
at his place with an average in
crease of 115 per cent. The season
had been especially favorable, he
Mrs. Sarah Nichols White of Lex
ington was a business visitor in the
city yesterday. She reported the new
wheat crop on her place as coming
along quite well, though consider
ably spotted. It was sown in October.
Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence Hayes of
Corvallis were week-end visitors
here at the home of Mr. Hayes' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes.
Last chance to roller skate, lone
Legion hall, Friday, Saturday, Sun
day, March 24, 25, 26.
Baskets ......... 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c
Easter Egg Candy .... Per Lb. 20c
Easter Novelty Eggs 5c
Rabbits 10c, 25c, 50c
Chicks and Rabbits ...... lc to 10c
Easter Tally Cards 4 for 5c
Crochet Thread, Darning Cotton,
Embroidery Thread
New Shipment of All Items
Jelly Beans Lb. 10c
Chocolate Drops . Lb. 10c
Gum Drops Lb. 10c
- '
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, March 28, 1929)
Mayor W. G. McCarty proclaims
annual clean-up day for Monday,
April 15.
Fannie O. Rood bequeaths $500
to city library.
Legion doubtful about opening
swimming tank for coming summer.
Bert Bowker, L. Van Marter and
Charles Latourell compose team
scoring 73 in Oregonian shoot.
Wheatland baseball league to op
en April 7 with lone playing at
Miss Kate Francis Ede directing
Easter cantata to be given by com
bined choirs.
Born in this city, March 26, to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Moore, a
Considerable complaint is heard
from farmers over the county be
cause of the continued cold weather.
The Hardman jail was destroyed
by fire Saturday night.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Little Mary Andrews of Lexing
ton, whose hand was severely cut
by an axe last week, returned to
Heppner for treatment the first of
the week, and the injury is reported
to be healing rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett were
among those from Heppner accom
panying the grade basketball team
to Arlington for the tournament
Friday evening.
Among Pendleton folk in the city
Friday evening for the St Patrick's
ball were Misses Lois Oliver and
Patricia Griffith, William Anderson,
William Peebler and Miss Peggy
Mrs. W. E. Straight who under
went medical treatment in Port
land for two weeks returned home
last night, her condition improving
sufficiently for her to leave the hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stone were in
the city Sunday from their home at
Pendleton attending funeral rites
for their old-time friend and neigh
bor, the late E. E. Clark.
Mrs. J. O. Rasmus went to Port
land the end of the week to under
go further medical treatment in an
illness from which she has suffered
for some time.
A. C. Bechdolt was a business vis
itor in town yesterday from the
ranch near Hardman.
Roller skate, lone Legion hall, this
week end. Last opportunity.
I '"x . . . W of all ttr
troubles coim In tht tot
109. of fir' Iff. Don't
V gamble with DANGER!
1 1 Now you can buy
famous PATHFINDER Tiros
I almost at "Gvo-owoy"
I J lcos!
. . Here you have a tough,
rugged, reliable tire
made for long mileage,
sure center-traction safety,
"fine-car" beauty the
best tire Goodyear ever
made at these low prices.
. . . Buy today and be
SAFE tomorrow!
Jove at fio Sign of th Goodyear Diamond
C. W. Smith, assistant state coun
ty agent leader, made an official
visit to the city yesterday, calling
at the office of County Agent Clif
ford Conrad.
L. Van Marter came over from
Pendleton Saturday for a visit with
his son, La Verne, Jr., home on
spring vacation from University of
Oregon. '
George Carlyle, injured in an au
tomobile accident last week, is re
ported to be making good progress
toward recovery.
Elsie Ayers of Stanfleld was a
visitor in the city the first of the
Last Chance
Roller Skate
Friday - Saturday
March 24-25-26
7:30 to 10
Page Five
Millard Rodman, district super
visor with Soil Conservation service,
was a visitor over the week end from
Grant Olden was in town Tuesday
from the farm on Rhea creek, wear
ing a broad smile induced by spring's
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed.
It's Here
In Heppner for first time
Mystery Control
You must see it to believe it.
Special factory trade-in al
lowance for old radio
Limited Time Only
Phone 1382
Just a few more days left to get your
motor tuned up on our special offer at
Reglar Price $3.50
Rosewall-Gentry Motor Co.
Heppner, Ore. FORD DEALERS Phono 1092
with John Barrymore, Virginia Weidler, Peter Holden
Delightful, wholesome comedy with a touch of satire de luxe
entertainment for the entire family. Flawless performances by Bar
rymore and youngsters Holden and Weidler. Plus
Charlie Chan fans can sit back and relax for this first picture in
the venerable series with Sidney Toler as the Oriental Hawkshaw
measures up in every way to the excellent calibre maintained in the
Filming Thrills
(in technicolor)
Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Florence Rice, Mischa Auer,
Herman Bing
Victor Herbert's light opera, embellished with Hollywood stream
lining, but retaining his immortal music, and all wrapped up in the
most gorgeous technicolor yet achieved, ranks with the best of the
film musicals.
Our Gang Movietone News
with Pat O'Brien, Joan Blondcll, Bobby Jordan, Alan Baxter
Breezy comedy drama with a combination mobster-newspaper
background good solid entertainment.
Porky the Gob Sophomore Swing
Wednesday-Thursday, March 29-30
PAL NIGHTS 2 adults 35c, 2 children 10c PAL NIGHTS
with Claudctte Colbert, Herbert Marshall, Bert Lahr, Helen Westley,
Constance Collier, Genevieve Tobin, Walter Catlctt
One of the world's great plays, "Zaza," comes to the screen with
Claudette Colbert as the incomparable character of the title role,
who came out of the gutter to music hall fame.
Music Thru the Years News of the Day Playful Polar Bears
Heppner, Oregon