0 . Q 0 " HISTORICAL SOCir-v "vblic tor i :v vomme t4, JN umber 51 T 1 i . -w , , Civic Workers Plan Combined Dinner Meeting at Camp Near 200 Expected to Accept CCC and SCS Hospitality Civic organizations of Heppner will break the bread of good fellow ship Monday, March 20, when mem bers of the several groups with partners will assemble about the dinner table at Camp Heppner mess hall as special guests of the CCC and SCS personnel. Incentive for the occasion, a national Business and Professional Womens club project, was turned toward realization at the Monday Lions luncheon when B. P. W., Heppner Garden and Heppner Music club representatives joined the Lions in laying plans. With facilities at the camp an nounced by Lt, Marius P, Hanford as capable of accommodating 200 people, it was expected near that number would be in attendance. Of fers of cooperaton were given by Miss Rose Leibbrand, B. P. W.; Mrs. D. M. Ward, garden club, and Mrs. Ture Peterson, music club. Special invitation was extended Boy Scouts and Heppner Fire department to be guests. An invitation is being given a leading speaker of the state to give the main address. Thomas J. Wells, assessor, told the luncheon group how the property tax base for the county is 'arrived at and explained the work of ex tending the various tax levies upon the county rolls. Within towns, he said, valuations are first determined upon Main street property and oth er properties are then assessed ac cording to situation in relation to Main street. .While improvements affect the value of property gener ally, he said that the assessor's of office has maintained the position, of assessing vacant lots on Main street the same as if they were im proved, because of their potential earning power, and in fairness to businesses already established. He explained how property lying under different tax levying sub-di visions is broken up so that only the portion lying within a given dis trict bears the tax of that district. An improvement in the work of extending the tax upon the rolls was said to have been made this year by grouping all the tax levies whih all property bears and then adding only the special taxes to sep arate parcels. A girls' quartet from the school favored with a vocal number ac companied by Norbert Peavy. The girls were Jeanette Blakely, Helen Lundell, Dorothy Howell and Car olyn Vaughn. Gene Lear. Takes Post at The Dalles Gene Lear, who for more than a year filled the position of assistant secretary to the local AAA com pliance committee, has accepted the position of assistant county agent for Wasco county. With Mrs. Lear he departed last week to accept the new post. Merle Cummings, assistant in the local office since last September, has been named tentatively to the post vacated by Lear. NEW BUSINESS STARTS A second hand store was opened this week in the store building on Chase street, one block east of Heppner hotel, under the manage ment of Henry D. Howe, recently of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Howe have taken residence in the Reid apartments on Church street. START CANTATA PRACTICE Practice for the Easter cantata to be presented by combined choirs of churches of the city was announced to start next Thursday evening at Church of Christ. Russell McNeill is directing the presentation. Heppner, Site Funds Mounting, Right of Way Change Okehed for Factory Progress was made in bringing the Kraft cheese box factory to Heppner this week when the local site committee reported passing the $2000 mark in solicitation of the $3000 for procurement of site, and the county court yesterday gave its cooperation in obtaining change of public crossing of railroad tracks desired by the company at the site location. A railroad engineer con ferred with the court on the latter matter. H. L. Leash and Leonard Kraft, company officials, spent Friday night and Saturday here going over fur ther details with J. Logie Richard son, local agent, and reported that everything was progressing nicely. Further recordings of timberlands, including 1500 acres, were made at the clerk's office this week as prog ress was made in clearing title to lands being obtained by Bridal Veil Lumber and Box company, the Kraft supbsidiary. City Amateurs to Hare Hour Wednesday What has Heppner in the way of amateur entertainment talent? Business and Professional Wom ens club hope to give a fair answer to that question, and at the same time raise funds to assist in provid ing a swimming instructor for the city, when their amateur hour is presented at the gym-auditorium next Wednesday evening. The contest will be staged in two classes, the first including all peo ple 15 years and under and the sec ond from 15 to 19 years. Balloting by audience will determine the three winners who will be awarded $4, $2 and $1 respectively.. - . ; Scott McMurdo, senior registration chairman, and Miss Mary White, junior registration chairman, report lively interest and prospects for some startling revelations. Snow Flurry Visits; 1.03 Inches for Feb. Snow which fell to the depth of 1.6 inch at Heppner the first of the week was followed by rain to bring February moisture precipitation to 1.03 inch, says Len L. Gilliam, gov ernment weather observer. The first day of March yesterday contributed an additional .05 inch, helping to overcome the moisture shortage for the season, said by old-timers to be as low as they can remember. Over cast skies with intervals of sun shine, and snow all gone was the order this morning. With the new snow fall here, re ports of deeper snow to the south were given. Six inches was said to cover the ground at Hardman, and at the W. H. French ranch higher up, a ten-inch fall was reported. HURT IN BICYCLE FALL Raymond Johnson, son of Mrs. Phil Griffin, received what is be lieved to have been a slight con cussion of the brain when his bicycle went down on the icy pavement as he was rounding the corner at South Center and Court streets near his home Tuesday afternoon, causing him to land on his head. Workmen at the new Burkenbine house near by went to his assistance and he was taken to Heppner hospital for treatment. CO-OP MEETING SET Lexington Home Economics club will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Mankin, March 8 instead of March 9 as formerly planned. This is for the convenience of members. A pot-luck dinner will be served. The H. E. club will serve dinner at Lexington grange hall, March 18, the co-op meeting. HUNTERS-ANGLERS MEET A meeting of Morrow County Hunters and Anglers club is called for 7:30 next Tuesday evening at the Elks club by J. Logie Rich ardson, president. Oregon, Thursday, March Morrow-Umatilla Oddfellows Hold Convention Here Freewater Selected Host in 1940; Stan field Wins Contest A cold, blustery day welcomed Morrow-Umatilla county Odd Fel lows who met here Saturday for their annual convention, but the friendly atmosphere of town and visitors left little to worry from the weather man. George Ely of lone welcomed the visitors, and S. F. Bowman, past grand master of Pen dleton, gave the address which started off the convention program in the afternoon. Selection of Milton-Freewater for the 1940 conclave, and naming of of ficers climaxed the session. Officers named were Cal Houten of Free water, president; D. W. Davis, Pen dleton, secretary; E. - P. Pearson, Hermiston, treasurer, and W. T. Reeves, Stanfield, chaplain. At 6 o'clock attending Odd Fel lows surrounded the banquet ta ble set in the dining hall and par ticipated in the delicious dinner pre pared by San Souci Rebekah lodge. Orchestra numbers, piano duet, skit by five CCC boys, reading by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, number by girls' trio, and tap dance by Hewitt and Howe of Camp Heppner, filled out an enjoyable entertainment hour as a banquet feature. Regular lodge session in the eve ning was featured by initiatory de gree contest between Stanfield and Weston with the former lodge car rying off the honors. Lee Howell, vice president for the last year, presided at the business sessions due to illness of John J. Wightman, president. 'Purple Towers' Cast Set or Band Benefit "Purple Towers," musical comedy, is being prepared under Elks spon sorship to present in six weeks to assist in raising funds to send the school band to the state contest. Complete selection of cast was an nounced by Dr. R. C. Lawrence, committee chairman, this morning, Cast in character roles are Hank Huckleberry, Frank Alfred; Mike Murphy, Clarence Bauman; Red Nichols, Dr. R. C. Lawrence; Earl Parker, Hubert Gaily; Tillie, Jose phine Mahoney; Urseba Applegate, Virginia Dix; Helen Trumbull, Bet ty Lawrence; Mary Marble, Mrs. Russell McNeill; Phil Bradley, Rus sell McNeill; Snowball, Bob Run nion. Miss Rachel Forsythe is directing the music, Miss Marjorie Parker is piano accompanist, and Mrs. Harold Cohn is directing the dancing. A large supporting chorus started practice last Friday, and tri-weekly practices will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Anyone who desires to assist with the chorus is welcome to attend the next practice at the Elks hall, 7:30 tomorrow evening, Dr. Lawrence announces. AUDIT COUNTY BOOKS R. B. Morgan and Rolf Bodding, auditors from the auditing depart ment of the secretary of state's of fice, arrived in the city last Friday to begin the annual audit of county books. It is expected that they will also audit city books before leaving, as the council recently passed a resolution asking for the service. LAMBING STARTS While lambing is getting under full swing in the north end of the county, upper country sheepmen are just starting. Operations are be ginning to get under way at the J. G. Barratt and Frank Wilkinson farms near Heppner. No difficulty was reported from the snow storm the first of the week. 2, 1939 County's Right To Mack Smith Ditch Assured That Morrow county now seems assured of gaining legal right-of-way and water rights to the Mack Smith ditch and its waters is the result of passing the necessary bill by the house of representatives yes terday. The bill, prepared by Frank C. Alfred, district attorney, was in troduced in the senate by Senator Ellis and Representative French and had previously passed that body. As soonas it is signed by the gov ernor it will be ready for placement upon the statute books. The bill was prepared by Alfred at the request of the county court to enable the county to accept right-of-way from the forest service and to protect the public interest in the water rights for the diversion chan nel which carries waters from the head of Ditch creek into Willow creek, augmenting the supply avail able to lower Willowcreek farmers for irrigation- during the spring run-off each year. Guy Moore Wins U. P. Scholarship The annual $100 college scholar ship awarded to outstanding 4-H club boys and girls by the Union Pacific Railroad company in counties served by their railway has this year been awarded to Guy Moore of Butter creek for the showing he has made with his sheep club pro ject. Guy has been a club member for four years and has a good rec ord for showings made at the state fair and at the Pacific International Livestock exposition. Guy placed first at the Pacific International with his fine wool exhibit, he also placed first and second in the fine wool breed at the state fair in 1938, eighth in Hampshire class and second in sheep showmanship. Guy is a junior in Heppner high school this year. Leland Edmondson, Lexington, has been selected as alternate for the scholarship in case it is not used by Guy. Leland has been a sheep and calf club member for five years, standing well up with his exhibits and his judging work last year. K Pomeroy Couple Buy Local Variety Store Heppner Variety store, of which Mrs. Flora Dimick has been pro prietor since its inception several years ago, was this week purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dickson of Pomeroy, Wash. Mr. Dickson will be in the city during March, getting acquainted with Heppner people and assisting with rearrangement of stock. Walter Depuy accompanied Mr. Dickson and will remain as lo cal manager. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson have con ducted a variety store at Pomeroy for three years and will continue his store along with the one here. Neith er Dickson nor Depuy come to the city as total strangers. Dickson's mother, known . to old-time resi dents as Miss Hattie Corbin, at tended school in Heppner as a girl, staying at the Rasmus home, while Depuy's grandfather was a pioneer resident of the Hardman section. Flying Club Organized To Train Pilots at OSC Oregon State College An Oregon State Flying club, composed of 41 students taking actual flying train ing, has been formed here and of ficially recognized by the college. The students contract with the local flying service for training at group rates. Only registered students and those with written permission of parents or guardians are permitted to join the club, says Ben F. Ruffner, associate professor of aeronautical engineering, who is faculty adviser. It is believed that an active club of this sort will aid in having OSC designated next year as one of the college centers for the training of civilian, pilots by the federal government. Subscription $2.00 a Year $129,000 Received By Wheat Growers For '38 Compliance Total of $180,000 Expected; Value of AAA Work Cited Farmers of Morrow county re cently have received checks total ing $129,044.91 in payment of com pliance with the 1938 agricultural conservation program, today an nounced C. D. Conrad, secretary of the county conservation committee. Checks are continuing to come in regularly from the state AAA office at Corvallis in payment of 1938 compliance, h& stated. Payments to the wheat farmers in this county cooperating in the 1938 program are expected to total ap proximately $180,000, the secretary said. As soon as the checks are received by the county agricultural office the farmer is notified, eliminating need for inquiry at the local office. Although the cash payments for participating in the farm program are the immediate obvious benefits for farmers in this county, said Mr. Conrad, other gains of far-reaching value also result. "Conservation of the nation's soil resources is the first purpose of the AAA farm program," he declared. "In future years, we will see the effects of more careful farming practices which are being stimulat ed by the present program. "The second purpose of the pro gram is to reduce overproduction one of the largest causes of soil de struction. It wastes soil thru unused harvest, and through needless ex posure to erosion. A armer who grows more soil-depleting crops than he can sell at a fair price robs himself of his capital; he wastes his soil fertility and his labor." Mustangs to Fossil For District Tourney Heppner's division championship Mustang basketeers will try f their metal for the district championship at the tournament in Fossil this week end. Boardman will be their first opponent in the second game tomorrow afternoon. The winner of this game will meet the winners of Umatilla, Fossil, Condon and lone series in a cham pionship game. Coach Knox will have the allotted eight-man squad ' on hand and a number of local fans plan to accompany them. Game sessions are slated to start at 2:30 and 7, Friday afternoon and evening, and at 7 Saturday evening. Consolation winners will be decided in Saturday evening's first game, and the champions in the second game, beginning at 8 o'clock. FREDERICK W. GALLAGHER Frederick W. Gallagher passed away at his home below the depot in this city early Sunday morning from a heart attack. He had been active up to the last, carrying on a garbage disposal business. He was born July 3, 1880, in California, and the family came to this county sev eral years ago, locating at Hardman. Surviving are the widow, Anna, and five children, Mrs. William Lee of Sunny side, Wash.; Mrs. Charles Fraters of Heppner, Roland Galla gher of Bend, Harley and Wesley Gallagher of Heppner. Funeral ar rangements were placed in charge of Phelps Funeral home. FOUND GUILTY Charles Aired was found guilty on charge of assault and battery in justice court this morning and fin ed $50. The charge arose out of an attack he made on H. O. Bauman at the Lexington grange hall, Saturday, March 18. 92 hear! nurebred Hamnshire ewes, 50 early lambs, part now lam bing. Daisy Butler, Willows. ltp.